Educational program is approved set of modules or course units required to award a specific degree/diploma. The development of educational programs usually takes into account the results to be achieved, as well as a structured set of training procedures and situations that will lead to the achievement of given results.
Students are persons studying in undergraduate, Master's, PhD programs: undergraduates, Master’s and PhD program students.
Core Subjects are the list of educational disciplines and corresponding minimum amounts of credits established by the standard (basic) curriculum of the specialty and studied by students in a mandatory manner.
Orientation week is a week prior to the beginning of the school year to learn the basic rules of the credit training system for students of 1 year of study.
Major is an educational program defined by the student for mastering in order to form key competencies.
Pedagogical internship is a type of professional practice aimed at consolidating the theoretical knowledge obtained by students in the process of studying at a higher educational institution, at acquiring pedagogical skills and mastering the best practices of professional and organizational work on the profile of a future pedagogical specialty in an institution of the educational system.