Chapter linguistic and pragmatic aspects of english phraseological units with emotive component

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Phraseology is the greatest treasury and the enduring value of any language. It, like a mirror, reflects the history and centuries-old experience of the labor and spiritual activities of the people and their moral values. Phraseology reflects the world of feelings, images, assessments of this or that people, it is most directly connected with the culture of speech production. English-language communication is not devoid of emotive lexis which emerges in the in company interaction practices for various reasons. The emotive lexis is represented primarily by adjectives, intensifying adverbs, phrasal verbs and metaphors (including natural hazard, health and zoomorphic
metaphors), which use in positive or negative connotations is determined by the current state of economic, political and in-company affairs. The way emotions are being reflected in a language is a very interesting field for analysis: using a single word, one can express different emotional states and at the same time, the
same feelings are displayed differently. In a certain conversation setting, even neutral vocabulary may acquire an emotional colouring. This direction of research gets all the more challenging and promising if
considered within the realm of corporate communication, which is not so replete with emotionally charged vocabulary, but still leaves the room for emotion in one form or another. Besides, the study of emotive lexis
of corporate communication is quite consistent with the modern direction and focus of linguistics. Research findings enabled the course paper to highlight the emotive lexis registered in corporate communication and represented mainly by adjectives, intensifying adverbs, phrasal verbs and metaphors (including natural hazard, health and zoomorphic metaphors), which use in positive or negative connotations is determined by the current state of economic, political and in-company affairs. The study concludes that English-language corporate communication is not devoid of emotive lexis which emerges in the in-company interaction practices for various reasons: being a complex two-way process, corporate communication is determined by a variety of situational factors, and whether these are considered or ignored will directly affect the effectiveness of the
interaction In emotiology, it is customary to distinguish between language units that objectify emotions through:  designations or naming – all lexemes that name emotional concepts, meaning their emotive potential (slang, affectives, words with expressive coloring or having emotional connotation);
 expressions in speech – lexemes and phraseological units that describe
various accompanying sensations and manifestations of emotions.
In this article, we will consider the use of lexical units of these groups in speech
using the example of dialogues from the TV series “Crown”. It should be noted that the emotive component of the statement is not a single language unit (word), which causes certain difficulties with the classification of some examples. As well as in linguistics, in psychology and philosophy there have been a large number of attempts to form a classification of feelings, but none of these systematizations has gained popularity and has not been used as a universal tool for subsequent research.
The difficulty of forming such a classification lies in the fact that often the same feeling is marked by different words, and one or another language definition can only be an indication of the level of saturation of a feeling that previously had its own name in the language (for example, joy-delight-euphoria). Here, in addition, it should be noted the ongoing controversy regarding the universality / non- universality of emotions.
With a huge degree of certainty, it is possible to note that the so-called basic feelings (psychological processes based in the perception of society by a person, for example, fear) are considered universal. But there are also socialized (in a different terminology – moral or aesthetic) feelings, which are a culturally conditioned product. Likewise, both Uzbek and foreign adherents of the discrete model of the emotional sphere of a person name a different number of basic feelings – from two to ten, but almost without exception they rank fear, joy, anger and sadness among them. When translating the euphemisms of characters’ emotions, the translator can use various transformations and their combinations, including partial replacement of the image while maintaining the emotional connotation (No sooner does someone in the family pop their clogs ...; With him gone, there is a great danger that Eisenhower will take it upon himself to run the show. – Agar u buni qilmasa, Eyzenxauer shouni o'zi boshqarishga qaror qilishi xavfi bor;
Let the younger generation have a go now. Yosh avlod ega bo'lsin;
But don't go mad [about the coronation]. – Lekin uzoqqa bormang;
There's just been a slight wrinkle. – Kichkina janjal bor edi;
Nobody gives a fig about my happiness. – Hech kim mening baxtimga qiziqmaydi),
as well as a direct message of the euphemistic concept (He felt I had enough on my plate as it was. – U menda allaqachon muammo bor deb o‘yladi;
People of no consequence. – To‘liq bo‘sh odamlar;
But you deserve to put your feet up. – Lekin siz dam olishga loyiqsiz;
But also something closer to home. – Lekin shaxsiy narsalar ham).
There are also rare cases of complete coincidence of euphemisms:
That turns sister against sister and splits the Royal house down the middle. – Keyin opa opaga qarshi chiqadi va bu qirollik uyini ikkiga bo‘ladi.
In this translation, the majority of euphemized and metaphorized emotional
concepts should be translated, first of all, with the preservation of the connotative
meaning, which implies the replacement of the realities and forms of expression of
this information while maintaining the tone and register of speech. This is explained by the universality of many metaphorical concepts as a mechanism for the formation of emotional and evaluative nominations, but by the difference in the realities that accompany them. Often the origin of euphemisms in another language is not clear to us, since we are not familiar with the language environment and culture that led to the emergence of this idiom or euphemism. However, often in different languages the same concepts are euphemized using different means and have different cultural histories. In translation, there are also neologisms used by characters to show their emotions. For example: “Sit around and wait for you while you’re Queening? – Bu yerda o‘tirib, shoh bo‘lganingizni kutayapsizmi?" In this case, the translator used the formation of a similar form of a word from an already existing one using suffixes that imply the speaker's arrogance.
“Translation is intended to guarantee such mediated bilingual communication,
which, according to its own potential, would be as close as possible to ordinary,
monolingual communication”. For the subtitle translator, this task is complicated by the lack of artistry as such: all metaphors, comparisons, and forms of artistic
expression of thought are reduced to a minimum, leaving the pure speech of the
characters, which requires special attention, taking into account their social and
emotional status, the effect of cinema, speech register and a significant number of
nuances, forms of expression of emotions, the realities of the person in them and
other things.

Hozirgi kunda ko‘pchilik tilshunoslar tillarning frazeologik tizimlari milliy – madaniy o‘ziga xosligini o‘rganishmoqda. Frazeologiya o‘zini “noma’lum madaniyat vakillari, madaniy – etnik koloritga oid boy axborot tashuvchisi" sifatida namoyon etgan ekan, milliy – madaniy o‘ziga xoslik atrof muhitdan: tabiat, koreyslarning turmushi va fe’l-atvorilaridan olingan obrazlarda ayniqsa yorqin aks etadi, desak adashmagan bo‘lamiz.
Uyro‘zg’or buyumlari, uy hayvonlari, hayvonlar, qushlar, o‘simliklar va h.z. – bularning barchasi frazeologizmlardan o‘rin olgan va obrazlarning o‘ziga xos galereyasini tashkil etadi. Barcha tillarning frazeologik fondida emotsiya bilan bog’liq bo‘lgan frazeologik birliklar alohida o‘rin tutadi. Ushbu tadqiqot ingliz tilidagi frazeologik birikmalar kategoriyasining tillar va yaruslararo ifodalanish usullarini yoritishga bag’ishlanib, unda asosan erkin birikmalar, turg’un birikmalar, frazeologik chatishmalar hamda iboralarning leksik-semantik xususiyatlari yordamida ifoda etilishi, frazeologik birikmalarning kelib chiqish yo’llarini o’rganish va bunga tarixiy jihatdan yondashishni o’z ichiga oladi.
Frazeologiya atamasi orqali, bir tomondan, so’z birikmalarini o’rganuvchi tilshunoslik bo’limi, boshqa tomondan esa, ma’lum tilning barcha barqaror birikmalari majmui tushuniladi. Tilning lug’at tarkibini nafaqat boshqa so’zlar, balki barqaror so’z birikmalari ham tashkil qiladi. Barqaror so’z birikmalari boshqa so’zlar bilan ibora tushunchasi vositasi vazifasida xizmat qiladi. Barqaror so’z birikmalari o’zida tobe munosabatda birikkan so’zlarni namoyon etadi.
Inson his-tuyg'ularini har tomonlama mukammal tarzda ifodalashning eng samarali vositasi tildir. U shunday xususiyatga ega bo'lganligi uchun ham inson histuyg'ularini "boshqara oladi", ya‘ni uning qalbida turli kechinmalar va hissiyotlar paydo qilish xususiyatiga ega. Binobarin, tilning har bir sohasi - fonetika, morfologiya, leksika va semantika ortida psixologiya yashiringandir. Shu sababli lingvistika va psixologiya o’zaro aloqador sohalar hisoblanadi. So’nggi vaqtlarda tilshunoslikda rang va uning turli xil jilosi hamda ularga xos ekspressiv-emotsional xususiyatlarning og’zaki va yozma nutqda aks etishiga doir masalalar tadqiqotchilar e‘tiborini tortmoqda. Shunday ekan, tilda his tuyg’ularning qo’llanishi va ular bilan bog’liq ekspressiv-emotsional xususiyatlarning aynan frazeologiya sohasida ham tadqiq etish inson ichki kechinmalari va ruhiyatini ifodalashda muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Xususan, frazeologik iboralarda emotivlarning qo’llanilishi ichki ruhiyatni tashqi ruhiyatda aks ettirish jarayonini ancha osonlashtiradi, ya‘ni boshqacha qilib aytganda, ruhiyat olamidagi ichki histuyg’uning manzarasini «ko’ra olish»ga yordam beradi.

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