Chemistry and catalysis advances in organometallic chemistry and catalysis
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- Cr-2-thi and of Cr-3-thi
- Cr-3-thi
- Figure 48.11
Cr-2-thi Cr-2-fur Cr-2-pyr Cr-3-thi Cr-3-fur Cr-3-pyr Figure 48.9 Structures of studied hetaryl chromium(0) aminocarbene complexes. TABLE 48.4 Oxidation and Reduction Potentials of Investigated Hetaryl Chromium(0) Aminocarbenes Binding Site 2 Binding Site 3 Heterocycle Compound E ox E red
Compound E ox E red
Furan Cr-2-fur
0.897 −1.591
Cr-3-fur 0.874
−1.909 Thiophene Cr-2-thi 0.856
−1.601 Cr-3-thi
0.832 −1.915
1-Methylpyrrol Cr-2-pyr
0.826 −1.894
Cr-3-pyr 0.823
a −2.036
E ox represents the medium value between oxidation and reduction peak potential of the reversible couple, taken at 0 ◦ c using cyclic voltammetry. E red
is a polarographic half-wave potential E 1/2
. a Owing to absence of reversibility, potential of the anodic peak is presented. of electron delocalization and intramolecular communication between the aryl and carbene moieties. In the next series of compounds [25], instead of a para-substituted phenyl ring (cf., Table 48.1), three five-membered heteroaromatic cycles were attached to the carbene carbon by their positions 2 and 3, respectively (Fig. 48.9). Analyzing their electrochemical oxidation and reduction behavior, the role of the nature of the aromatic system and the influence of the binding position were followed (Table 48.4) and the interpretation was correlated with quantum chemical calculations. The first reduction represents a two-electron irreversible process similar to that in the previous series. The oxidation pattern of these compounds is analogous to that of I c, however, the reversibility at room temperature is partially lost and the cathodic counterpeak is clearly observable only at decreased temperature and higher potential scan rate. From the Table 48.4 one can follow and distinguish the inductive and the mesomeric effects. Comparing the influence of the heterocycle itself, the oxidation potentials differ only slightly and follow the sequence of increasing donor ability: E ox (fur) > E
ox (thi)
> E ox (pyr). The reduction potentials of furane and thiophene derivatives follow the same principle. The situation is different in both methylpyrrol derivatives, where the additional electron-donating effect of the methyl group shifts the potential to significantly more negative values, for example, in the case of Cr-2-pyr. (In the latter case, mesomeric effect also plays a role—see below). These results illustrate the inductive effects caused by electron-withdrawing or electron-pushing nature of the studied groups. In this series, however, the difference in inductive effects is rather small. Comparing the influence of the binding site, E ox
slightly ( <25 mV). This is in accordance with the above general conclusion that the structural changes in the ligand have a negligible effect on oxidation potential. A significant mesomeric effect, however, manifests itself when comparing the reduction potentials. The 2-hetaryl derivatives are reduced at much less negative potentials than the 3-hetaryl analogs. The difference is caused by the fact that the heterocycle attached in the position 2 can be involved in full conjugation with the carbene double bond, making this part of the molecule planar. Therefore, formation of an enlarged π-system is possible, which makes the reduction much easier by stabilizing the reduction intermediate. The mesomeric effect plays a significant role here as the delocalized system is extended to the heterocycle. A similar effect of an extended π-system on the reduction potential was mentioned above in the case of p-carbonyl substituted derivatives. MECHANISTIC INVESTIGATIONS 663 (a)
(b) (c)
(d) Figure 48.10 Visualization of HOMO Cr-2-thi (a), HOMO Cr-3-thi (b), LUMO Cr-2-thi (c), and LUMO Cr-3-thi (d). This conclusion is consistent with the generally known ability of thiophene and pyrrol to form large, linear, delocalized systems (conducting polymers) where the heterocycles are interconnected through the positions 2 and 5. The correlation of these results with quantum chemical calculations confirms the presented interpretation. As an example, thiophene derivatives were selected, nevertheless, the other heterocycles exhibit a similar behavior. While the HOMOs of Cr-2-thi and of Cr-3-thi are very similar and are totally localized at the chromium atom and CO ligands (Fig. 48.10a and b), the shapes of their LUMOs differ substantially: The thiophene ring attached to the rest of the molecule Cr-2-thi through its position 2 (Fig. 48.10c) forms a nearly planar delocalized system with the carbene grouping, where the heterocycle participates in LUMO substantially (by about 40%). In contrast to this, the LUMO of Cr-3-thi (Fig. 48.10d) is localized prevalently on the C–N moiety with only small participation (about 15%) of the heterocycle.
Generally, during electrochemical oxidation of aminocarbene complexes the central metal atom is oxidized by one electron. The limited CV reversibility of the oxidation process, for example, of hetaryl-substituted aminocarbenes, however, points to a relatively slow follow-up reaction occurring after the primary oxidative electron transfer. During preparative electrolysis at potentials of oxidative limiting current, small bubbles were observed at the surface of the platinum electrode. The IR spectroelectrochemical experiment showed that in the course of electrochemical oxidation, the bands at ≈1930 cm −1 belonging to the CO vibration disappear (Fig. 48.11). The electrochemical oxidation is thus followed by a decomposition, which is accompanied by release of CO gas. The process is faster in heterocyclic derivatives. The electrochemical reduction proceeds at the carbene ligand as a two-electron irreversible process. Since a single reduction wave is observed, the first reduction step must be followed by a very fast chemical reaction yielding the intermediate (probably of radicalic nature), which is reduced even more easily than the starting compound to a final product (the so-called electron transfer, chemical reaction, electron transfer (ECE) mechanism). To understand the mechanism more deeply, the products of electrochemical reduction were separated during the preparative electrolysis from the solution using a continuous extraction to hexane, isolated, and analyzed. The mass spectra of the Cr-2-thi reduction products revealed the presence of N,N-dimethyl(thiophen-2-yl)methanamine. The most probable interpretation begins with the reductive splitting of the carbene bond (Cr = C). The organic intermediate is then protonated by traces of protons from the solvent and reduced to the hydrogenated product. As for the fate of the split-off metal part, the simultaneous IR spectroelectrochemical experiment during the electrolysis confirmed that the vibration bands of the CO groups were present even after the electrolysis, but their energy and number were changed. The chromium carbonyl complexes were thus preserved, but rearranged to lower 664 ELECTROCHEMISTRY OF FISCHER AMINOCARBENE COMPLEXES 2200 2150 2100 2050 2000 1950 1900 1850 1800 0.0
0.1 0.2
0.3 0.4
0.5 0.6
0.7 0.8
a.u. ν/cm
−1 a c b d e Figure 48.11 Oxidative electrolysis of Cr-2-fur, followed by IR spectra. Time of electrolysis: 0 min—before electrolysis (curve a); 3 min (curve b); 6 min (curve c); 9 min (curve d); 12 min (curve e). symmetry, yielding most probably dimeric products. This mechanism is consistent with the synthetic use of Fischer aminocarbenes.
Electrochemical measurements permit also a quantitative comparison of two types of Fischer carbene complexes with different stabilizing heteroatom: the aminocarbene complexes of Cr and W (data from Fig. 48.1; Table 48.1) and some analogous alkoxycarbene complexes of Cr and W (data published in Reference 26), whose reduction potentials were measured by cyclic voltammetry under similar conditions (in nonaqueous acetonitrile vs SCE). Replacement of the dimethylamino group by the methoxy group facilitates reduction of the compounds very strongly—the reduction potentials are shifted positively by about 600 mV as the carbene carbon atom becomes more positively charged when bonded to a more electronegative atom of oxygen. This difference is the most important one. Coming from chromium methoxycarbenes to tungsten ones, reduction becomes easier by several tens of millivolts, as in the case of aminocarbenes. Similarly, the influence of the substituent in para-position of the phenyl ring attached to the carbene carbon on reduction potentials is comparable: For [(CO) 5 Cr =C(OCH 3 )(C 6 H 5 )] complex I*c (analogous to I c), E 1/2
= −1.34 V was found, for [(CO)
5 Cr =C(OCH 3 )(C
6 H 4 -p-CH 3 )] complex I*b (analogous to I b), E 1/2 = −1.37 V. This difference of 30 mV corresponds well with the 45 mV difference between I c and I b reduction potentials. Oxidation potentials of chromium alkoxycarbene complexes, published in [27], are shifted by about 150 mV toward higher E
values comparing with their aminocarbene analogs. The sense of the shift reflects electronegativity of the oxygen heteroatom and its small size (comparing with the shift of E red
mentioned above) gives evidence that oxidation is less sensitive to changes in the carbene ligand structure. 48.8 SUMMARY An overview of systematic fundamental electrochemical investigation of about 40 compounds was presented and discussed. The interpretation of experimental data offered a more detailed insight into electronic and redox properties of the title compounds, their reactivity, and reaction mechanisms. As a result, important structural parameters influencing reduction and/or oxidation potentials and stability of intermediates were described and discussed. The electrochemically acquired E ox
E red
values were treated by the LFER approach in order to find the extent of electron intramolecular communication, to localize redox centers and to reveal and explain eventual abnormalities. Simultaneously, the role of sterical hindrance and molecular geometry in intramolecular electronic communication was evaluated. REFERENCES 665 Potential of oxidation depends on the central metal nature and on the presence of π-accepting ligands. E ox of the Cr complexes reflects only the number of CO ligands. Behavior of the Fe compounds, with lower coordination number and shorter M–L bonds, shows that the η 2
π-acceptors. Owing to the fact that aminocarbenes are “non-innocent” ligands, E red
is governed mainly by substitution of the carbene carbon atom and it is sensitive to the presence of a π-conjugated electron system. The conclusions have been supported by other experimental and theoretical methods (NMR, IR, and UV–vis spectrometry; mass spectra; MO calculations). The presented conclusions can be used in targeted design of next “generations” of aminocarbene complexes with specific redox requirements for application as, for example, catalysts. Electrochemistry is a strong experimental tool for fundamental investigation and understanding of electronic properties of molecules (intramolecular interactions, extent of delocalization, relationship between structure and redox properties). Suitable electrochemical treatment reveals even very subtle features and “irregularities,” provokes questions, and suggests the answers. For their proof, combination with spectrometry and correlation with quantum chemistry is necessary.
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[Ir(C 5 Me 5 )(Q
′)] + [Ir(H 2 )(C
5 Me 5 )(Q ′)]
+ −e − +e − −H 2 +H 2 +B / −BH
+ −B / +BH
+ [IrH(C
5 Me 5 )(Q')] [IrH(C
5 Me 5 )(Q ′)]
+ [Ir(C
5 Me 5 )(Q ′)]
+ −e − +e − +B / −BH + −B / +BH + (Q ′)° = 4,6-Di-tert-butyl-(2-trifluoromethylphenylimino)-o-benzoquinone (49.1) Unconnected to the recent developments [1–7] around noninnocent ligand behavior, it has long been recognized that hemilabile ligands (Eq. 49.2) [9, 10] in coordination compounds can be valuable constituents of active homogeneous catalysts through the reversible creation of vacant coordination sites for substrates [11]. The control of hemilability has Advances in Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis: The Silver/Gold Jubilee International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry Celebratory Book, First Edition. Edited by Armando J. L. Pombeiro. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
668 ELECTRON TRANSFER-INDUCED COORDINATION CHANGES IN ORGANOMETALLIC COMPLEXES been competently discussed; however, the involvement of redox-active ligands capable of influencing hemilability through fractional charge transfer remained an area essentially unexplored. [M] X
[M] X Y (49.2) Within the reviewed research field of noninnocent ligand chemistry [3, 12, 13], our own attempts have focused on the scope and consequences of electron transfer. An additional aspect is the recognition of noninnocent ligands in the bioinorganic context [13] where the metal-ligand interplay often facilitates the catalysis of multielectron processes [13, 14]. Among the noninnocent ligands, the 1,2-dioxolene (o-quinone/catecholate) redox system has been favored because of its stability (via chelate binding) and variability (via substitution of O by NR functions and of H by substituents). While the aromatic catecholate forms are σ - and π-electron rich, the semiquinones and especially the quinones are π-electron accepting. Equation 49.3 shows the redox system that is based on modified o-quinones, propagated by Wieghardt, Chaudhuri, Neese and coworkers [2, 15], reviewed in 2009 [16], and structurally categorized by Brown [17] in 2012. It combines 1. steric protection of the sensitive O donor atom, 2. good basicity through the N function, 3. widely variable tuning potential through the N substituent. OH NH
N O N O N −2H + +2H
+ −e +e −e +e R R R R o-Aminophenol o-Amidophenolate o-Iminosemiquinone o-Iminoquinone (49.3)
The N-aryl groups in (Eq. 49.3) can include R = H (the parent system without additional coordination function and steric hindrance), R = o-CF 3 (the Ringenberg/Rauchfuss example [7] without additional coordination function but steric bulk), R = o-OMe (containing a weakly coordinating ether function in strategic ortho position for potential coordination), R = o-SMe (having a potentially coordinating [18, 19] thioether group in strategic ortho position), R = m-SMe (having the electronic effect of the thioether in meta position without the chelate coordination capability). The potentially coordinating neutral O or S functions constitute the labile part (2: Y) of the hemilabile chelate ligands, which can thus adopt either a bidentate or a meridional tridentate function (see Q y • − and Fig. 49.1 [20]). O N SCH 3 Q y • − O N OCH 3 Q
• −
• −
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