Composition: Introduction Teaching pronunciation skills in foreign languages in preschool and primary school students
Chapter II. Methods of teaching English in primary classes basis of psycholinguistics
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Exercises to improve pronunciation in elementary education
Chapter II. Methods of teaching English in primary classes basis of psycholinguistics
2.1.Methods of preventing interlinguistic interference in foreign language teaching to primary school students Speech is a complex mental process that controls the functioning of the human brain, and its sound and harphic aspects are called external (material), speech, which is expressed in symbols of hearing, sight and handsfree. Both constitute a speech dynamic steriotype. I.P.From Pavlov's research it is known that a dynamic stereotype is understood as a coordinated and stabilized system of signs consisting of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes. This is the reason why the system is called a dynamic, that is, a system in motion, it is also possible to destroy it and restore it again. Each steriotype serves to express a certain meaning and characterizes response reactions in relation to excipients of different degrees. In turn, the functioning of the steriotype generates a speech mechanism as language tools. In the native language, the steriotypes of signs and speech mechanisms are formed involuntarily during thinking and speech formation and operate without the participation of consciousness (or rather, almost without the participation of consciousness). In the study of a foreign language, similar elementals (sound, word, sentence structure) are created on the basis of previously studied languages \ u200b \ u200bthat are nerve connections, and foreign elements – due to the emergence of new connections, are created using a secondary character system. In this, the flexibility of the speech apparatus to both languages increases, the sensory correction facilitates the formation of nerve connections and reduces the power spent on the appearance of steriotypes (Demyanenko. M.Ya., Lazarenka. K.A., Kisleya.S.V. – 1976: 38-39). The native language plays an important role in learning a foreign language. That is, any foreign language is learned through the prism of the native language. Skills and abilities in a foreign language are acquired through skills and competencies mastered in the native language. The transfer (transition) of skills is an urgent problem in teaching a foreign language to a teenager and, especially, an adult. It is known from studies in spiritualism and Linguistics that the language experiences of Primary School students will not have developed at the level of differentiation of tawophuts between the native language and the foreign language being studied. Also, the brain of small-age language learners will be physiologically not fully adapted to the grammatical laws governing the formation of a word in the native language and the structure of a sentence. Based on the analysis of neurolinguistic studies, it was found that under the age of 9, foreign language learning differs from foreign language learning at an older age, under the age of 10, there is little observation of native language interference in the process of learning a foreign language [87; 168-b.]. When a foreign language is studied at a small school age, Special points on the bark of the left hemisphere of the brain (P.Braga (1861 y.) a certain part of the cerebral cortex (the posterior part of the folds on the lower side of the forehead of the left hemisphere of the brain), K.Vernige (1874 y.) physiological mechanism of the type of elementary "stimulus-reaction", in which "sensory images of words" are located on the top side of the frontal part of the cerebral hemispheres and are much simpler in providing the speech process, for higher forms of speech activity, special mechanisms are involved that have a characteristic hierarchical structure for the mechanisms of internal programming of the statement of thought by means of speech. Adults analyze linguistic differences due to the fact that they have a certain knowledge of the native language and the foreign language being studied. This leads to hesitation and braking in the process of speech activity. And in the process of learning a foreign language, the reader gets a certain level of perception of the subjects of the Being surrounding him and their functions. In a situation where a strong connection with the English equivalent of a word in reader's thinking is established, the effectiveness of learning English is ensured. I.A.In Zimnyaya's interpretation, it is this situation that prevents the consolidation of a new word in the reader's memory and, on the other hand, creates the need to make the most of the student's language experience in the learning process. In the native language, the word is learned randomly and almost without the participation of the mind, while the meaning hidden under it is interpreted independently in different contexts. In the process of learning a foreign language, a lexical minimum methodology is prepared (selected, distributed, classified) and presented to students with the aim of instilling speech competencies. At the stage of acquaintance, work is carried out on the form, meaning and application of the word. Determining the meaning range of a word (semantilization) is a traditional method and is carried out by recalling a similar monand word in the native language. The semantic meanings of the word are revealed at the initiative of the teacher using various examples. Due to the fact that languages are of a national nature, they go through the process of independent development, in a number of cases, one or another linguistic tool in the native language is suitable, and not a specific linguistic unit in a foreign language, but several, in a number of cases, linguistic means that differ from each other in the Teaching the meaning of a word is a complex process, and for this the teacher spends a lot of time. In modern methods of teaching a foreign language, more importance is attached to the independent interpretation of the meaning of a word without the intervention of a teacher. Lexical units with an internal possibility of independent interpretation due to their commonality to the formal-semantic side of the native language are called potential vocabulary. The dictionary of words with internal capabilities includes: International words (tennis – tennis, computer - computer); conversion (words that are the same in shape but belong to different word categories: color – paint; paint; water – water; irrigate); compound words formed from familiar words (compunds: book+shop, pencil+box, milk+man, police+man, spider+man, post+man), pair words (binominals: record player, second-hand), collocations: set the table, give a hand); word – forming elements familiar words (teach, play, READ-Teacher, player, reader). The disclosure of the content of the word that should be taught in different contexts and speech situations is called "semantic and syntactic bootstrapping" in foreign methodology.Goals of primary foreign language education in foreign literature: a) pragmatic or practical purpose communicative (linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic) competencies; b) it is recommended that the general objective consists in the acquisition of cultural competencies (cultural heritage of the owner of the studied foreign language). E.I.Passov believes that the practical goal should be the acquisition of competencies (knowledge, skills and abilities), and the educational goal should be the assimilation of culture. N.D.Galskova and Z.N.Nikitenko describes communicative competence as the ability to effectively and successfully use a foreign language in order to understand and present information, and refers to a pragmatic component, when referring to a practical goal. Discourse competence in pragmatic competence refers to the expression of thoughts in oral or written speech through appropriate language means. Discourse competence refers to the skills of understanding and interpreting linguistic signals in ensuring coherence in oral or written speech. In subsequent years, the pragmatic aspect of language communication has attracted more attention from researchers. That is, the words (L.S.The issue of teaching the use of (in barkhudarov's words, language signs)for practical purposes is widely discussed. The pragmatic relationship between language signs and individuals who use them is that these signs, or rather, their meanings, should be sympathetic and understandable to the same individuals, to some extent influencing them.3 As stated in DTS, discourse competence: a) refers to the expression of thoughts in oral or written speech through appropriate language means; b) refers to the skills of understanding and interpreting linguistic signals in ensuring coherence in oral or written speech. Discourse refers to different meanings in the literature, that is, the basic unity of language means or language, mainly the language of live communication, which refers to a certain context or topic of conversation. Discourse competence was originally interpreted as a separate component of comunicative competence, which relied on the concepts of cohession and coherence.Psycholinguistics is a separate branch of science that studies a person's speech activity. The psycholinguistic aspect of methodology studies the peculiarities of the speech development of Primary School students in the process of learning a foreign language. In contrast to the sociolinguistic aspek, which methodically organizes language material suitable for topics based on the content of education, the psycholinguistic aspect is of particular importance for a modern foreign language teacher. Because in this area, it helps to realize the special features of the modern student in the study of a foreign language, the stages and dynamics of the development of speech activity. From such features, an informed teacher will be able to understand issues related to the interaction of language, speech and speech activity. The term” teaching a foreign language " (termini), as noted earlier, means teaching speech in a foreign language. Language is understood as the sum of the means of code (signs)and the rules for their application, which are contained in the consciousness of a particular team. The main function of language is a means of communication in a personality society, which is composed of a system of signs. Language is also a means of developing thinking, transmitting cultural and historical heritage that is passed down from generation to generation. Without language, there is no speech communication, without communication, it is clear that there is no society, and, consequently, a person. Speech is the direct reality of language. Language is a social, and speech is an individual phenomenon. Language, in simple terms, is a system of units and their communication, while speech is an oral and written matinee. Language can only be learned through speech. The language has linguistic signs, from letter/sound to morpheme, word, word combinations, sentence and text, and in speech there is an opportunity to convey information thanks to the use of these signs. Speech always manifests itself either as a product or as a process. Textual linguistics is the branch of so-called linguistics that recognizes text (macro and microtext), and not a sentence as a unit of speech. If, knowledge of the sociolinguistic field of methodology helps the reader to methodically prepare foreign language material, Psycholinguistics helps to master the conceptual framework for creating optimal situations for the development of students ' speech activities. When clarifying the knowledge, qualifications and skills that will be required to be acquired based on the requirements of the program, students ' speech activities in a foreign language are developed. The methodology of foreign language reading connects psychology with two sides – speech psychology and pedagogical psychology. Human speech is scientifically investigated in speech physiology (linguophysiology)and psycholinguistics of the occurrence and perception of speech. Speech in all languages occurs through language material and speech mechanisms. Speech is a complex mental process that is controlled by the activity of the human brain. On the basis of the brain's ability to analyse-synthesize, the first and second signals system operates. The first alarm system allows you to feel and know the outside world with the help of hearing, sight, smell and taste cognition and other sensations. And the second alarm system sees work on the basis of generalizing reality through language signs. The first alarm system also applies to the animal world. The second alarm system, on the other hand, is the signal of the first signals and is expressed in words. When a person, unlike an animal, perceives speech, he pays attention to its content. The sound and Harpy aspects of speech are called its external (material) side. And the inner side is expressed in the symbols of speech, hearing, sight and handedness. Both constitute a speech dynamic steriotype. The functioning of the steriotype forms a speech mechanism as language tools. In the native language, the steriotypes of signs and speech mechanisms are formed involuntarily during the formation of thinking and speech and operate without the participation of consciousness (or rather, almost without the participation of consciousness). In the study of a foreign language, similar elementals (sound, word, sentence structure) are created on the basis of previously studied languages \ u200b \ u200bthat are nerve connections, and foreign elements – due to the emergence of new connections, are created using a secondary character system. At the initial stage of teaching a foreign language, the auditory and speech-sound symbols of sounds, words and sentences are created, soniyan vision and hand-to-hand symbols are formed. Against this background, verbal and written forms of language units are achieved by isolating and assimilating them later in time and space to prevent negative influence. Intuition and perception operate through analyzers in the form of perception of objective reality. (Analyzers and sensations are referred to by common names.) The visual analyzer synthesizes graphic (see-through written) symbols and links to content, that is, the corresponding zaruru psychic means for reading. The hand-movement Analyzer is involved in linking content with graphic (written) symbols. As you know, people are distinguished by the feature of speaking and the greater work of the right hand. 30% of the inhabitants of the globe write with the left hand. The mesh of auditory analyzers is of great importance in the study of a foreign language, since it plays a leading role in distinguishing phonemes and phenomena of rhythm-melody (melody) in the flow of speech. Hearing analyzers are in close contact with the speech-motion analyzer. With artculation, hearing is interconnected, both analyzers control the work of each other. When committing types of speech activity, the interaction of analyzers is observed in the following order: the leader in speaking – speech – action, additional – hearing, in reading – sight, additional-speech-action analyzer serves. When learning a foreign language, mental processes are taken into account – attention, perception, memory, thinking. Information about them is studied in the psychology course. Chunonchi, attention is a form of psychic activity that states that consciousness is directed to a particular object.To date, the subject of psycholinguistics is, on the one hand, the relationship of a person with a speech structure (sturcture) and function (function), and on the other hand, with language as a personification of the human world. The interaction of the individual and Speech-Movement has become a research object of modern Psycholinguistics. Knowledge of the psycholinguistic aspect of methodology helps the teacher to distinguish educational units for a concrete lesson or stage, to organize the development of students ' speech disorders. Targeted orientation of the lesson: language teaching – a means of developing speech activity; speech development – a method of developing speech activity; complex development of students ' speech activity in a foreign language lesson. Speech activity is committed using the language code as a language, or rather, a means of its implementation. For adult speech activity, the language is understood as the means of code(signs), which are contained in the mind, and their totality, and due to it, communication and perception take place. Language, so to speak, is a system of units and their communication. The language, which is the basis of speech activity for students of younger school age, is a system of orientations, a system of images and symbols, and the child constantly interprets them as symbols. Language begins to be formed in a child at the age of 5-6 years as a system of units and their communication, and during this period the child begins to understand the rules of the soda language, the meanings of words such as “sound”, “letter”, “word”, can perform tasks such as “sentence salt in the presence of the following words...” When teaching a foreign language, students ' speech activity is carried out by means of a foreign language, which is presented in the form of language, speech, communicative and other materials. The language material is attributed to the units of phonetics, lexicon, grammar, graphics and orthography. For example, we imagine a 45-minute lesson aimed only at the goal of developing pronunciation skills. Usually, almost all teachers believe that this is not advisable and ineffective. This may be the case from the point of view of the traditional approach. But, when viewed from the psycholinguistic side, it is not only possible but also necessary. Since language is a means of developing speech activity, the process of formation of pronunciation skills should be understood as teaching language as a tool. If the purpose of the lesson is to develop pronunciation skills, then only assignments and exercises on phonetics are used. In the lesson, work can be performed from lexical or grammatical, dialogical speech or monologue speech, or other types of speech activity. But all this goes into the goal, that is, the means of shaping the skills of waste. This means that various methods, means, forms of work can be used that are optimally found in achieving the set goal, but only pronunciation skills are taken into account when evaluating. Lexicon or other grammar skills in the lesson are not evaluated. Thus, pronunciation skills are assessed based on specific parameters and sermons familiar to students. In this approach, the assessment is objective, and this increases the cognitive activity of students, encouraging them to achieve even higher results. Language as a means of developing speech activity depends on the conditions in which it occurs. For example, the pronunciation of students in a foreign language depends primarily on the quality of the teacher's pronunciation. Teaching language as a means of developing speech development is considered as teaching various aspects of language. Download 26.49 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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