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Marketingning asosiy tamoyillari
Market value
of potential customers. The first thing to do is to see if the figure is Estimating the market value is often more difficult than assessing the numb publicly available as either published by a consultancy firm or by a state body. It is very likely that you will find at least a number on a national level. If Bozor bahosi Bozor qiymatini baholash potentsial mijozlar sonini baholashdan ko'ra odatda qiyinlashadi. Eng avvalo, bu raqam konsalting firmasi yoki davlat organi tomonidan chop etilganmi yoki yo'qligini bilishdir. Sizningcha, milliy darajada kamida bitta raqam topa olasiz. 7? . da siz bozor tadqiqotlarini sotib olishingiz yoki uni o'zingiz taxmin qilishingiz mumkin. Aks Target Market The target market is the type of customers you target within the market. For example if you are selling jewellery you can either be a generalist or decide to focus on the high end or the lower end of the market. This section is relevant when your market has clear segments with different drivers of demand. In my example of jewels, value for money would be one of the drivers of the lower end market whereas exclusivity and prestige would drive the high end. Now it is time to focus on the more qualitative side of the market analysis by king at what drives the demand. ( Nishon bozori Maqsad bozor - bozorda maqsadli bo'lgan mijozlarning turidir. Misol uchun, siz zargarlik buyumlarini sotayotgan bo'lsangiz, siz ham umumiyist bo'lishingiz yoki bozorning yuqori qismiga yoki pastki qismiga e'tibor qaratishingiz mumkin. Ushbu bo'lim bozorda talabning turli xil haydovchilariga ega bo'lgan aniq segmentlarga ega bo'lsa, dolzarbdir. Misol zargarlik misolida pulning qiymati pastki bozorning haydovchilaridan biri bo'lishi mumkin edi, holbuki, eksklyuzivlik Ushbu uchun, va obro'-e'tibor yuqori pog'onani egallaydi. Keling, IP , bozor tahlilining yanada sifatli tomoniga e'tiborni qaratib, talabni qidirib toping. Competition he aim of this section is to give a fair view of who you are competing against. You eed to explain your competitors' positioning and describe their strengths and eaknesses. You should write this part in parallel with the Competitive Edge part of the Strategy section. he idea here is to analyse your competitors angle to the market in order to find a weakness that your company will be able to use in its own market positioning. One way to carry the analysis is to benchmark your competitor against each of the key of demand for your market (price, quality, add-on services, etc.) and present the j. BBL Ushbu bol _ qismiga parallel k 0 \ /P , , Bu erda sizning kompaniyangiz o'z bozorining joylashuvida foydalanishi mumkin bo'lgan zaiflikni topish uchun sizning raqobatchilaringiz bozoriga nuqtai nazarini tahlil qilishdir. r RAQOBAT bobning maqsadi siz kim bilan raqobatlashayotganingizni yaxshi ko'rishdir. Raqobatchilaringizning joylashuvini tushuntirib, ularning kuchli va zaif tomonlarini tavsiflashingiz kerak. Ushbu qismni Strategiya bo'limining raqobatbardosh el ravishda yozishingiz kerak. ¿Tahlilni o'tkazishning bir usuli sizning raqobatchingizni bozordagi talabning asosiy omillariga (na Download 35.35 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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