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Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died. - Motsart o'lishidan biroz oldin o'zining so'nggi operasini yozgan.
S Composition - bayon
Please give me your compositions on Thursday. - Iltimos, bayonlaringizni payshanba kuni menga beringlar.
S Composer - bastakor
Mozart is my favourite composer. - Mozart mening sevimli bastakorim.
S Exhibit - namoyish qilmoq, ko'rgazma o'tkazmoq
He exhibits regularly in local art galleries. - U muntazam ravishda mahalliy san 'at galareyalarida ko'rgazma o'tkazib turadi.
S Exhibition - ko'rgazma, namoyish
Have you seen the Egyptian exhibition at the museum? - Muzeydagi Misr ko'rgazmasini ko'rdingizmi?
S Free - erkin, ozod
They declared the slaves free. - Ular qullarni ozod deb e'lon qilishdi.
S Freedom - erkinlik, ozodlik
People often have to fight for their freedom. - Insonlar ko'pincha o'z ozodliklari uchun kurashishlariga to'g'ri keladi.
S Hand - qo'l
Put your hand up if you know the answer. - Agar javobni bilsangiz, qo'lingizni yuqoriga ko'taring.
S Handful - bir hovuch, bir siqim
I asked my dad for some money and he gave me a handful of coins. - Men dadamdan biroz pul so'ragandim va u menga bir hovuch tanga berdi.
S Handle - tutqich
Put the money in, pull the handle and your chocolate bar comes out here. - Pulni tiqing, tutqichni torting va sizning shokoladingiz bu yerga chiqadi.
S Imagine - tasavvur qilmoq
I can't imagine life without the children now. - Hozir hayotni bolalarsiz tasavvur qilolmayman.
S Imagination - tasavvur
Theresa has got a lot of imagination. - Tereza juda ko'p tasavvurga ega.
S Imaginative - tasavvurga boy, kreativ, o'zgacha
Your story was really imaginative. - Hikoyangiz juda kreativ edi.
S Intelligent - aqlli, idrokli
Elephants are intelligent creatures and enjoy interacting with humans. - Fillar idrokli jonzotlar va insonlar bilan muloqot qilishdan rohatlanishadi.
S Intelligence - aql-idrok, zukkolik

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