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Britain has been having a heatwave for the last three weeks. - Britaniyada oxirgi 3 haftadan beri jazirama kuzatilyapti.
S Insect - hashorat
Flies and mosquitoes are insects. - Pashshalar va chivinlar hashoratlardir.
S Lightning - chaqmoq
The ship was struck by lightning soon after it left the port. - Kema bandargohni tark etgandan ko'p o'tmay, uni chaqmoq urdi.
S Litter - axlat tashlamoq
The sign said 'No littering!’ - Belgida 'Axlat tashlanmasin!’ deb yozilgandi.
S Litter - axlat
Pick up that litter and put it in the bin. - Bu axlatni yerdan oling va qutiga tashlang.
S Local - mahalliy
Ask for the book in your local library. - Kitobni mahalliy kutubxonangizdan so'rang.
S Locate - joylashgan manzilini topmoq; to be located - joylashmoq
The hotel is located in Wolverhampton town centre. - Mehmonxona Vulverhempten shahri markazida joylashgan.
S Mammal - sut emizuvchi hayvon
Humans and monkeys are mammals. - Insonlar va maymunlar sut emizuvchilardir.
S Mild - iliq
It was a mild winter. - Qish iliq bo'ldi.
S Name - nomlamoq
How many world capitals can you name? - Nechta dunyo poytaxtlarini nomlab bera olasiz?
S Name - ism, nom
What's the name of this flower? - Bu gulning nomi nima?
S Origin - kelib chiqish
Meteorites may hold clues about the origin of life on Earth. - Meteoritlar Yerda hayotning kelib chiqishiga oid ma'lumotlarni o'zida saqlayotgan bo'lishi mumkin.
S Planet - sayyora
Mars is sometimes known as the red planet. - Mars ba'zida qizil sayyora sifatida mashhur.
S Preserve - saqlamoq, muhofaza qilmoq
We work hard to preserve historic buildings. - Biz tarixiy ahamiyatga ega binolarni muhofaza qilish uchun qattiq harakat qilamiz.
S Recycle - qayta ishlab chiqarmoq
Let's recycle those old bottles. - Keling bu eski shishalarni qayta ishlaymiz (= ulardan yangi narsalar ishlab chiqarish uchun topshiramiz).
S Reptile - sudralib yuruvchi hayvon

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