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Crocodiles are reptiles. - Timsohlar sudralib yuruvchi hayvonlardir.
S Rescue - qutqarmoq
The crew of the ship were rescued just before it sank. - Kema ekipaji shundoqqina kema cho'kishidan avval qutqarib qolindi.
S Rescue - qutqaruv
Firefighters carried out the dangerous rescue. - O't o'chiruvchilar xavfli qutqaruv ishlari o'tkazishdi.
S Satellite - sun'iy yo'ldosh; tabiiy yo'ldosh
There are lots of satellites above the Earth. - Yerning ustida ko'plab sun'iy yo'ldoshlar bor.
S Shower - selday tez yog'gan yomg'ir
Tonight there's a 50 per cent chance of showers. - Bugun kechqurun 50% sel quyish ehtimoli bor.
S Solar system - quyosh sistemasi
How many planets are there in our solar system? - Quyosh sistemamizda nechta sayyora bor?
S Species - tur
Over 120 species of birds have been recorded in this national park. - Bu milliy parkda 120 dan ziyod qush turlari qayd etilgan.
S Thunder - momaqaldiroq
Listen to that thunder! - Momaqaldiroqni tinglang!
S Wild - yovvoyi
This behaviour is common in both domestic and wild dogs. - Bu xulq-atvor xonaki itlarda ham yovvoyi itlarda ham uchraydi.
S Wildlife - yovvoyi tabiat: hayvonlar, qushlar va o'simliklar
A lot of the local wildlife is in danger. - Ko'plab yovvoyi tabiat vakillari xavf ostida.
Phrasal verbs
S Blow up - portlamoq
Luckily, the bomb didn't blow up. - Yaxshiyamki, bomba portlagani yo'q.
S Build up - ko'paytirmoq, o'stirmoq
These exercises are good for building up leg strength. - Bu mashqlar oyoqda kuch-quvvatni ko'paytirish uchun foydali.
S Clear up - tozalamoq, yig'ishtirmoq
I'll clear up if you want to go to bed. - Agar uyquga yotishni istasangiz, men yig'ishtirib olaman.
S Go out - (olovga nisbatan) o'chib qolmoq
The fire must have gone out during the night. - Olov tun davomida o'chib qolgan bo'lsa kerak.
S Keep out - kirishmaslik

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