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It's not easy to measure the intelligence of chimpanzees. - Shimpanzelarning aql-idrokini o'lchash oson emas.
S Perfect - a'lo, mukammal
Well I'm sorry—but nobody's perfect. - Yaxshi, afsusdaman-ammo hech kim mukammal emas.
S Perfection - mukammallik
You can make your painting better and better, but perfection is impossible. - Chizgan suratingizni tobora yaxshiroq qilishingiz mumkin, ammo mukammallikning iloji yo'q.
S Imperfect - nuqsonli
Don't feel too bad about what you did. We're all imperfect. - Qilgan ishingizdan juda xafa bo'lmang. Hammamiz ham nuqsonlimiz (= hech kim mukammal emas).
S Prepare - tayyorlanmoq
I had no time to prepare. - Tayyorlanishimga hech qanday vaqt yo'q edi.
S Preparation - tayyorgarlik
The key to a good performance is a lot of preparation. - Yaxshi chiqish qilishning kaliti juda ko'p tayyorgarlikdir.
Word patterns adjectives
S Amazed at/by - biror narsadan hayratda/ajabda
We were all amazed at/by the tricks the magician did. - Hammamiz sehrgar qilgan fokuslardan hayratda qoldik.
S Disappointed with - biror narsadan ko'ngli qolgan, hafsalasi pir bo'lgan
I like that actor, but I was disappointed with his last film. - Bu aktyor menga yoqadi, lekin uning oxirgi filmidan hafsalam pir bo'ldi.
S Familiar with - bilan tanish
We might need a map because I'm not very familiar with the area. - Bizga xarita kerak bo'lib qolishi mumkin, chunki hudud bilan uncha tanish emasman.
S Involved in - da qatnashgan, ishtirok etgan
When did he first become involved in crime? - Qachon u birinchi marta jinoyatda ishtirok etgan?
S Similar to - ga o'xshash
Horse meat tastes a little similar to beef, or lamb. - Ot go'shtining ta'mi mol go'shti yoki
qo'zichoq go'shtiga biroz o'xshaydi.
S Change sth (from sth) into - nimanidir biron holatdan boshqacha holatga o'tkazmoq In the story, the witch changes the prince from a man into a frog. - Hikoyada, jodugar shahzodani odam qiyofasidan baqa qiyofasiga o'tqazib qo'yadi.
S Describe sth as - deb tasvirlamoq
'Would you describe him as tall?’ the police officer asked. - 'Uni bo'yi baland deb tasvirlagan bo'larmidingiz?’ so'radi politsiya ofitseri.
S Explain sth to - biron narsani kimgadir tushuntirmoq, izohlamoq

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