Determinants of non-performing loans in North Macedonia
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Determinants of non performing loans in North Macedonia
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- Descriptive Statistics of dNPL, dUN, dLGL, dLGDP, dINT (in first differences) DNPL
- 4. Methodology: The bounds testing co-integration approach. An ARDL
Page 8 of 40 Table 1. Descriptive Statistics NPL, UN, LGL, LGDP, INT (in level) NPL UNEMPLOYMENT LGROSS_LOANS LGDP INTEREST Mean 8.614000 27.15429 12.24755 11.72997 7.546714 Median 9.300000 28.65000 12.33131 11.71979 7.460,000 Maximum 16.10000 38.60000 12.93018 12.24417 11.04000 Minimum 2.980000 14.70000 11.00777 11.04219 4.600000 Std. Dev. 3.367931 7.126063 0.506922 0.282783 1.912628 Skewness 0.027600 −0.355073 −0.899559 −0.306561 0.144364 Kurtosis 2.066099 1.820548 3.031769 2.340022 1.775840 Jarque-Bera 2.552717 5.528290 9.443677 2.366847 4.613966 Probability 0.279052 0.063030 0.008899 0.306229 0.099561 Sum 602.9800 1900.800 857.3287 821.0980 528.2700 Sum Sq. Dev. 782.6643 3503.874 17.73093 5.517661 252.4119 Observations 70 70 70 70 70 Descriptive Statistics of dNPL, dUN, dLGL, dLGDP, dINT (in first differences) DNPL DUNEMPLOYMENT DLGROSS LOANS DLGDP DINTEREST Mean −0.190145 −0.346377 0.027861 0.016882 −0.092029 Median −0.100000 −0.300000 0.019571 0.039183 −0.100000 Maximum 1.400000 1.100000 0.096301 0.209005 0.470,000 Minimum −3.400000 −1.600000 −0.016765 −0.195558 −0.400000 Std. Dev. 0.735016 0.497813 0.025834 0.102661 0.119946 Skewness −1.225025 0.008340 1.184244 −0.544334 1.538134 Kurtosis 6.992691 3.770606 3.844841 2.308133 10.34149 Jarque-Bera 63.08993 1.708072 18.18003 4.783645 182.1625 Probability 0.000000 0.425693 0.000113 0.091463 0.000000 Sum −13.12000 −23.90000 1.922411 1.164847 −6.350000 Sum Sq. Dev. 36.73690 16.85159 0.045383 0.716668 0.978316 Observations 69 69 69 69 69 (Continued ) Golitsis et al., Cogent Business & Management (2022), 9: 2140488 Page 9 of 40 Table 1. (Continued ) Correlation Matrix of NPL, UN, LGL, LGDP, INT NPL UNEMPLOYMENT LGROSS_LOANS LGDP INTEREST NPL 1 0.8039 −0.7432 −0.7713 0.7514 UNEMPLOYMENT 0.8039 1 −0.9036 −0.9391 0.9692 LGROSS_LOANS −0.7432 −0.9036 1 0.9489 −0.9518 LGDP −0.7713 −0.9391 0.9489 1 −0.9608 INTEREST 0.7514 0.9692 −0.9518 −0.9608 1 Golitsis et al., Cogent Business & Management (2022), 9: 2140488 Page 10 of 40 employed also dropped by 102 thousand to 691.4 thousand. Meanwhile, the labour force partici- pation rate edged down to 55.3% from 56% a year ago (State Statistical Office of the Republic of North Macedonia, 2022). Also, there is value to add that the minimum value of NPLs is the most recent one, and it is equal to 2.98%, while all variables, excluding gross loans, according to the Jarque–Bera statistics, are normally distributed at a 0.05 level of significance. Finally, the dummy variable was constructed in an attempt to mainly capture the influences of increasing migration to EU countries. According to Gujarati ( 2009 ), and as known, dummy variables are generally used for quantifying certain qualitative factors. In terms of our research, the dummy variable essentially divides the data sample into migration, not present (0) and migration present (1). Following different time periods and various tests, the dummy, assigned with value 1, even- tually starts from 2007(Q1) and onwards denoting, for example, the entrance of Bulgaria in the EU, which, as stated, provided to RNM citizens the ability to use Bulgarian passports. Subsequently, the Bulgaria EU entry led to a relatively massive outward migration wave which was further boosted by or could be attributed to, the crisis and post-crisis effects within the country. Additionally, the dummy variable could be responsible for capturing the overall political changes and the broader dissatisfaction of the citizens of the country which further impact factors related to the migration decision-making processes. 4 4. Methodology: The bounds testing co-integration approach. An ARDL Provided that all variables are integrated either of order zero or one (i.e. two and not three levels of integration are present, and no variable is I 2 ð Þ ), and once the co-integrating relations are detected within the bounds testing (ARDL) approach, we can examine the long-run impact of the selected macroeconomic and financial variables to NPLs. This approach is perceived as a better fit to the data set when the sample size is rather small, which is in our case (our data span is from 2005 to 2022). The ARDL on the bounds testing co-integration form, introduced, as stated, by Pesaran et al. ( 2001 ), can be written as such: Δ y t ¼ β 0 þ ∑ β i Δ y t i þ ∑ γ j Δ x 1t j þ ∑ δ k Δ x 2t k þ θ 0 y t 1 þ θ 1 x 1t 1 þ θ 2 x 2t 1 þ e t (1) where, θ i are the long-run multipliers, β 0 is the drift, and e t is the white noise error. This form is called by Pesaran et al. ( 2001 ) as a “conditional Error Correction Model (ECM)” and in practice is an “unrestricted ECM”, or an “unconstrained ECM”. An F-test will be used to test the following hypothesis, i.e., H 0 : θ 0 ¼ θ 1 ¼ θ 2 ¼ 0; against the alternative that H 0 is not true. A rejection of H 0 implies that a long-run relationship. On top of that, and apart from the fact that the primary focus of our investigation is to detect the various country-specific key factors that NPLs are dependent on, thus allowing us to focus on one equation only, the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) co-integration approach is chosen for the following additional reasons. First, it is a rather simple technique as opposed, for example, to multivariate co-integration procedures including the Johansen and Juselius ( 1990 ) technique, given that co-integrating equations can be estimated by OLS once the lag order is identified. Second, no pretesting is needed, including the stationarity tests, given that the level of integration of the variables could be of any order provided, for the given though bound testing nature of the test (i.e., the procedure cannot be performed in the presence of I 2 ð Þ series; see Ouattara, 2004 ). Download 1,78 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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