Trainer’s Guide
Activity: The Four Framework Approach
Activity: The Four Framework
This is an individual activity.
the questionnaire and the
scoring sheet in the Participant Guide,
pages 17&18, and we’ll
discuss your
Show OH 24 (Activity: The Four Framework Approach).
Refer participants to the worksheet for this activity on Page 17 of the
Participant Guide.
Facilitate activity according to instructions on the slide.
Debrief activity: Lead large group discussion.
¾ Ask how many of each
style of leader we have
(“raise your hand if
you are a structural leader,” “raise your
hand if you are a human
resource leader,” …a political leader, a symbolic leader)
¾ Ask in what type of situations each style of leader might excel.
¾ Ask in what type of situations you might need to change from your
preferred style of doing things?
¾ How compatible are these styles with principle-centered leadership?
Workshop 1 for New County Directors
Rev/Dec., 2006