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Prevalence of malaria infection among people living with HIV
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Prevalence of malaria infection among people living with HIV in Kinshasa E .N . Kamangu, H .M . Muhindo, C .W . Wapa-Kamangu, H .N .-T . Situakibanza (Kinshasa, CD) PS1 .009 Comparison of the effectiveness and adverse event profile of tenofovir/lamivudine-verses zidovudine/lamivudine-based HAART regimen in Zaria, Nigeria J .O . Ovosi, B .O . Bello-ovosi, M . Iyanda (Zaria, NG) PS1 .010 Quality of life in persons living with HIV: a longitudinal study over 12 months in Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso F . Bakiono, P .W .L . Guiguimdé, M . Sanou, L . Ouédraogo, A . Robert (Brussels, BE; Ouagadougou, BF; Ouidah, BJ) PS1 .011 Effectiveness of a prevention mother-to-child transmission of HIV program in a rural area of Angola C . Bocanegra, J . Mendioroz, R . Mateus Filipe, S . Gallego, F . Samba, I . Molina, V . Falcó, T . López, M . Moreno (Barcelona, ES; Cubal, AO) 123 Pos ter s POSTER SESSION I Monday, 7 September 2015 PS1 .012 Urinary schistosomiasis: ultrasound changes and reinfections in a highly endemic area C . Bocanegra, J . Mendioroz, Z . Pintar, M .L . Aznar, S . Gallego, M . Moreno, I . Molina, X . Serres (Barcelona, ES; Cubal, AO) PS1 .013 An assessment of TB-HIV collaborative activities in Alwar district of Rajasthan J .S . Rathore (Alwar, IN) PS1 .014 The structure and health programs of Chreso Ministries, Lusaka, Zambia: an important backbone for successful HIV infection reduction J . Haloka, F . Neuhann, C . Kayumba, B . Shiyengi, M . Nsofwa, C . Beiersmann, A . Deckert, H . Reutter, M . Zeier (Lusaka, ZM; Heidelberg, DE) PS1 .015 How many chronic renal diseases remain unnoticed? A retrospective analysis in a large urban anti-retroviral therapy clinic in Lusaka, Zambia J . Haloka, F . Neuhann, C . Kayumba, B . Shiyengi, M . Nsofwa, C . Klose, T . Bruckner, C . Beiersmann, A . Deckert, M . Brune, H . Reutter, M . Zeier (Lusaka, ZM; Heidelberg, Lusaka, DE) PS1 .016 The probability of acute malaria illness following Plasmodium vivax primary infection and relapse in a cohort of children in Papua New Guinea A . Ross, C . Koepfli, P . Siba, I . Felger, I . Mueller, M . Tanner (Basel, CH; Melbourne, Parkville, AU; Goroka, PG; Barcelona, ES) PS1 .017 Rise of Plasmodium vivax malaria diagnosis in 2014 in a referral university hospital of Northern Italy R . Grande, A . Di Gregorio, M .R . Gismondo, M . Galli, S . Antinori (Milan, IT) PS1 .018 Assessing micro-heterogeneity of malaria transmission in Papua New Guinean villages using molecular indicators N .E . Hofmann, R . Wampfler, L .J . Robinson, S . Karl, I . Mueller, I . Felger (Basel, CH; Madang, PG; Parkville, Victoria, AU; Barcelona, ES) PS1 .019 Occurrence of asymptomatic malaria and malaria prevention practices in selected rural communities in Ibadan, Nigeria C . Afonne, I .O . Ajayi, C .O . Falade (Ibadan, NG) PS1 .020 Transmission blocking effects of Azadirachta indica limonoids on early sporogonic development of Plasmodium: activity and bioavailability of seed fractions and isolated compounds N . Dahiya, S . Tapanelli, G . Chianese, S .M . Abay, O . Taglialatela- Scafati, F . Esposito, G . Lupidi, G . Christophides, L . Lucantoni, S .R . Yerbanga, A . Habluetzel (Camerino, Naples, IT; Addis Ababa, ET; London, GB; Queensland, AU; Bobo-Dioulasso, BF) PS1 .021 Mapping fever aetiologies in malaria-endemic areas: an interactive, open-access, on-line map H . Hopkins, N .V . Thomas, J .A . Crump, I .J . González, P .J . Guérin, P .N . Newton, D . Schellenberg, D . Bell, H . Reyburn (London, Oxford, GB; Dunedin, NZ; Geneva, CH; Vientiane, LA; Seattle, US) 124 POSTER SESSION I Monday, 7 September 2015 PS1 .022 Disseminating research findings to inform malaria policy: examples from the ACT Consortium D . Miranda (London, GB) PS1 .023 Efficacy and safety of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) and SP- piperaquine in schoolchildren in Kinshasa, The Democratic Republic of the Congo (RDC) J . Matangila, R .I . da Luz, P . Lutumba, J .-P . Van Geertruyden (Kinshasa, CD; Antwerp, BE) PS1 .024 Malaria, schistosomiasis and soil transmitted helminth burden and their correlation with anemia in children attending primary schools in Kinshasa, The Democratic Republic of the Congo J . Matangila, J .Y . Doua, S . Linsuke, J . Madinga, R .I . da Luz, J .-P . Van Geertruyden, P . Lutumba (Kinshasa, CD; Antwerp, BE) PS1 .025 Explaining wide variation in malaria rapid diagnostic test uptake and adherence to test results: a multi-project analysis H .E . Burchett, C .I . Chandler, B . Cundill, B . Leurent (Leeds, London, GB) PS1 .026 Prototype positive control wells for malaria rapid diagnostic tests: training effectiveness, impact on RDT use and health worker perceptions in Lao PDR and Uganda D .J . Kyabayinze, H . Hopkins, M . Mayxay, K . Phommasone, E . Streat, J .B . Bwanika, R . Umlauf, S .P . Kibira, B . Ndawula, I .J . González, P .N . Newton, D . Bell, J . Cunningham (Kampala, UG; London, GB; Vientiane, LA; Bayreuth, DE; Geneva, SZ; Seattle, US; Geneva, CH) PS1 .027 Trimethyl chitosan microparticles as drug delivery strategy for anti-folate drugs in the treatment of malaria A . Kotze, J . Steenekamp, J . van Heerden, L . du Plessis (Potchefstroom, ZA) PS1 .028 Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of intravenous artemisinin derivatives in P. coatneyi/rhesus monkey model for severe malaria P . Teja-Isavadharm, D . Siriyanonda, M . Rasameesoraj, A . Limsalakpeth, N . Chanarat, N . Komchareon, D .L . Saunders, M . Gettayakamin, R .S . Miller (Bangkok, TH) PS1 .029 Optimal population-level deployment of artemisinin combination therapies T .D . Nguyen, P . Olliaro, A . Dondorp, J .K . Baird, H .M . Lam, J . Farrar, G .E . Thwaites, N .J . White, M .F . Boni (Ho Chi Minh City, VN; Geneva, CH; London, Oxford, GB; Bangkok, TH; Jakarta, ID) PS1 .030 In vitro metabolic profile of the antimalarial compound cryptolepine in humans and rats A .D . Forkuo, C . Rynn, D . Pearson (Kumasi, GH; Basel, CH) PS1 .031 Mode of action of antimalarial peroxides J . Jourdan, H . Matile, J .L . Vennerstrom, P . Mäser, S . Wittlin (Basel, CH; Nebraska, US) 125 Pos ter s POSTER SESSION I Monday, 7 September 2015 PS1 .032 High level Plasmodium falciparum sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance with the concomitant occurrence of the septuple haplotype in Tanzania V . Baraka, D .S . Ishengoma, F . Fransis, D .T .R . Minja, R . Madebe, D . Ngatunga, J .-P . Van Geertruyden (Dar es Salaam, Tanga, TZ; Antwerp, BE) PS1 .033 Efficacy and safety of retreatment with the same artemisinin- based combination compared to the recommended rescue treatments (QUINACT study) H .M . Mavoko, C . Nabasumba, R .I . da Luz, M .P . Grobusch, H . Tinto, U . D‘Alessandro, A . Kambugu, P . Lutumba, J .-P . Van Geertruyden (Antwerp, BE; Kinshasa, CD; Kampala, Mbarara, UG; Amsterdam, NL; Bobo Dioulasso, BF) PS1 .034 Uncomplicated malaria features and efficacy of artesunate- amodiaquine after 42 days of passive follow up in the Democratic Republic of Congo H .M . Mavoko, M . Kalabuanga, R . Mukele, V . Maketa, B . Fungula, C . Delgado, R .I . da Luz, P . Lutumba, J .-P . Van Geertruyden (Antwerp, BE; Kinshasa, CD) PS1 .035 Estimating of the amount of artemether and lumefantrine excreted through breast milk J .P . Jain, S . Ganesan, G . Lefèvre, G . Sunkara (Hyderabad, IN; Basel, CH; East Hanover, US) PS1 .036 Selective sweeps and genetic lineages of Plasmodium falciparum multi-drug resistance (pfmdr1) gene in Kenya P .M . Muiruri, D .W . Juma, E . Kamau (Kisumu, Nairobi, KE) PS1 .037 Safety of artesunate-amodiaquine, artemether-lumefantrine and quinine+clindamycin as rescue treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria: an open-label, randomized trial in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo Y . Lula, H .M . Mavoko, M . Kalabuanga, B . Fungula, N .N . Yumva, T . Lutete, R .I . da Luz, J .-P . Van Geertruyden, P . Lutumba (Kinshasa, CD; Antwerp, BE) PS1 .038 How is Plasmodium falciparum parasite in vitro growth fitness affected by drug resistance associated Pfcrt mutations? B . Aydin Schmidt, A . Björkman, G . Fröberg (Stockholm, SE) PS1 .039 Therapeutic efficacy of a piperaquine-containing ACT during malaria recrudescence period in Ampandriakilandy (Madagascar) M . Randrianarivelojosia, L . Ravolanjarasoa, J .-L . Maody, V . Andrianaranjaka, J . Ravelonarivo, J .-P . Waibel (Antananarivo, Antsohihy, MG) 126 POSTER SESSION I Monday, 7 September 2015 PS1 .040 Ex vivo anti-malarial drug susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum isolates from pregnant women in an area of highly seasonal transmission in Burkina Faso M .C . Tahita, H . Tinto, S . Yarga, A . Kazienga, M . Traore Coulibaly, I . Valea, C . VanOvermeir, A . Rosanas-Urgell, J .-B . Ouedraogo, R .T . Guiguemde, J .-P . Van Geertruyden, A . Erhart, U . D‘Alessandro (Antwerp, BE; Bobo-Dioulasso, Nanoro, BF; Fajara, GM; London, GB) PS1 .041 No SVMNT haplotype found in the Democratic Republic of Congo D .M . Mvumbi, J .-M .N . Kayembe, H .N .-T . Situakibanza, G .L . Mvumbi, T .L . Bobanga, C .N . Nsibu, P . Melin, P . De Mol, M .-P . Hayette (Kinshasa, CD; Liège, BE) PS1 .042 The effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Nigella sativa on infected mice with Plasmodium berghei: evaluation of immune deviation and the serum level of IFN-γ and IL-4 K . Hazrati Tappeh, S . Seyedy, M . Ghaderi, P . Mikaili (Urmia, IR) PS1 .043 Mapping sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance markers in Nigeria between 2002 – 2014 M .C . Oguike, G .I . Enato, E . Shu, D . Chandramohan, C .O . Falade, C .J . Sutherland (London, GB; Benin City, Enugu, Ibadan, NG) PS1 .044 Distribution of target site resistance to pyrethroids in field populations of Aedes aegypti in Thailand U . Chansang, C . Chansang, M .S . Mulla, S . Sangkitporn, P . Kittayapong (Nakhon Pathom, NonthaburiI, TH; Riverside, US) PS1 .045 Is implementing full coverage of long-lasting insecticidal nets a good alternative strategy after indoor residual spraying with bendiocarb withdrawal in pyrethroid resistance areas? R .A . Osse, M . Akogbeto (Cotonou, BJ) PS1 .046 Operationalization of insecticide resistance monitoring on malaria and dengue vectors in the republic of the Philippines F .V . Salazar, R .P . Malijan, M . Torno, J . Angeles, A .M . Aguila, M .A . Ammugauan, A . Ebol, L . Lee-Suy, M . Baquilod (Davao, Manila, Muntinlupa, PH) PS1 .047 Epidemiology and clinical significance of non-tuberculous mycobacteria in presumptive tuberculosis patients in Bagamoyo, Tanzania S .E . Mswata (Dar es Salaam, TZ) PS1 .048 Prevalence and clinical relevance of respiratory viral co- infections among tuberculosis patients in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania F .A . Mhimbira, J . Hella, H . Hiza, T . Maroa, M . Sasamalo, M . Chiryamkubi, S . Gagneux, L . Fenner (Bagamoyo, Dar es Salaam, TZ; Basel, CH) PS1 .049 Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by EasyNATTM diagnostic kit in sputum samples from Tanzania F .A . Mhimbira, M . Bholla, M . Sasamalo, W . Mukurasi, J . Hella, L . Jugheli, K . Reither (Bagamoyo, TZ; Basel, CH) 127 Pos ter s POSTER SESSION I Monday, 7 September 2015 PS1 .050 Global genomic diversity and clinical consequences of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a high-burden setting L . Rutaihwa, M . Sasamalo, J . Hella, S . Borrell, J . Feldmann, M . Coscolla, L . Fenner, S . Gagneux (Basel, CH; Bagamoyo, TZ) PS1 .051 Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in extrapulmonary biopsy samples using PCR targeting IS6110, rpoB and nested- rpoB PCR cloning A .D . Khosravi, H . Meghdadi, A .A . Ghadiri, A .H . Sina, A . Alami (Ahvaz, IR) PS1 .052 Molecular methods for identification of Acinetobacter species by sequencing of the partial rpoB and 16S rDNA genes and flanking spacers A .D . Khosravi, A . Hashemi, P . Sadeghi, P . Heidarieh, N . Sheikhi (Ahvaz, Karaj, Tehran, IR) PS1 .053 Predictive statistical modelling to inform TB prevalence estimations S . Alba, E . Rood, M . Straetemans, M . Bakker, C . Sismanidis (Amsterdam, NL; Geneva, CH) PS1 .054 Diagnosis of tuberculous spondylitis through Xpert MTB/RIF assay in urine in rural Africa G . Sikalengo, A . Ramírez, M . Battegay, H . Furrer, M . Tanner, C . Hatz, K . Reither, E . Letang (Ifakara, TZ; Palma de Mallorca, ES; Basel, Berne, CH) PS1 .055 Implementation of tuberculosis directly observed treatment in a resource-limited urban setting: a case of Rubaga division, Kampala, Uganda H . Sempeera, A . Kawooya (Kampala, UG) PS1 .056 TBscore and suPAR – applicable methods to simplify and improve case finding and monitoring of tuberculosis patients in low resource settings F . Rudolf, A .-J . Wagner, V .F . Gomes, P . Aaby, L . Østergaard, J . Eugen-Olsen, C . Wejse (Bissau, GW; Aarhus, Hvidovre, DK) PS1 .057 Is the national TB detection program missing cases in Bangladesh? S .M .A . Hanifi, S .S . Mahmood, S . Hoque, A . Bhuiya (Dhaka, BD) PS1 .058 Review of 72 cases of tuberculous meningitis in adults in Antananarivo, Madagascar M . Raberahona, R .A . Rakotoarivelo, T . Razafinambinintsoa, R .L . Andrianasolo, M .J .D . Randria (Antananarivo, MG) PS1 .059 Epidemiology of tuberculosis in the Indian Ocean Islands M . Tanguy, B . Tanguy (Saint-Denis, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, FR) PS1 .060 Incidence and predictors of recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis among successfully treated cohort under DOTS program in Bangladesh T . Ishaque, M . Banu, S . Islam, M .A . Islam, A .H . Khan, A .M .R . Chowdhury, M . Rahman (Dhaka, BD) 128 POSTER SESSION I Monday, 7 September 2015 PS1 .061 Clinical and laboratory markers of developing active tuberculosis in contacts of TB patients with latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection – a prospective cohort study N . Rakotosamimanana, V . Richard, V . Raharimanga, B . Gicquel, M . Doherty, A . Zumla, V . Rasolofo (Antananarivo, MG; Dakar, SN; Paris, FR; Copenhagen, DK; London, GB) PS1 .062 Protocol: exploring the efficacy of filter paper based Gene Xpert MTB/RIF in diagnosing smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis cases M .G . Hasnain, M .S . Shomik, M .M . Huda, D . Mondal (Dhaka, BD) PS1 .063 Post kala azar dermal leishmaniais without history of visceral leishmaniasis: treatment with miltefosine and its outcome M .G . Hasnain, M .S . Shomik, P . Ghosh, D . Ghosh, M .S . Hossain, D . Mondal (Dhaka, BD) PS1 .064 Treatment of visceral leishmaniasis relapse cases with non liposomal amphotericin B: a retrospective hospital based data analysis M .G . Hasnain, A . Bashar, P . Nath, D .G . Mondal (Dhaka, BD) PS1 .065 Cytokine levels during antituberculous treatment in children with HIV-infection and microbiologically proven tuberculosis in South-West Tanzania I . Kroidl, L . Hasper, M . Chachage, A . Bauer, C . Geldmacher, P . Clowes, A . Rachow, E .N . Ntinginya, L . Maboko, M . Hoelscher, T . Löscher (Munich, DE; Mbeya, TZ) PS1 .066 Survival of the resistant: rapid acquisition of multidrug resistance in longitudinal clinical M.tuberculosis isolates in Mumbai N .F . Mistry, A . Chatterjee, D . Saranath, P . Bhatter (Mumbai, IN) PS1 .067 Treatment outcomes for multidrug resistant tuberculosis patients under DOTS-Plus: systematic review and meta-analysis Y .M . Mesfin (Harar, ET) PS1 .068 Practice and intention to use long acting and permanent contraceptive methods among married women in Ethiopia: systemic review and meta-analysis Y .M . Mesfin, K .T . Kibret (Harar, Nekemte, ET) PS1 .069 Genetic diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and mutation profiles in drug resistance associated genes in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania E . Mbuba, V .A . Makene, H . Masanja, M . Sasamalo, G . Mwangoka, L . Munuo, F .A . Mhimbira, K . Reither, V . Dartois, K .E . Mugittu (Arusha, Bagamoyo, Dar es Salaam, TZ; Basel, CH; Singapore, SG) PS1 .070 Outbreak investigation of tuberculosis and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in the central prison of Mbuji-Mayi the diamond capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo M .K . Kaswa, G .N . Bakaswa, M . Boelaert (Kinshasa, CD; Antwerp, BE) 129 Pos ter s POSTER SESSION I Monday, 7 September 2015 PS1 .071 Ethno-botanical survey in Sahel region of Burkina Faso: plants against malaria and mosquitoes L .N . Bonkian, R .S . Yerbanga, T . Lefevre, K .R . Dabiré, T .R . Guiguemdé, J .B . Ouédraogo, T . Ouédraogo, M . Traoré (Bobo Dioulasso, Dori, BF) PS1 .072 Possession, use and maintenance of mosquito nets in a rural area of Equatorial Guinea N . Boj, A . Sánchez-Montalvá, F . Salvador, I . Molina (Barcelona, ES) PS1 .073 Characterizing and interpreting malarial persistence, re- emergence and resistance of malaria in Colombia from 1960 to 2014, a comparative analysis: evidence for control and elimination strategies M .V . Valero-Bernal, M . Tanner (Bogota, CO; Basel, CH; Basel, SZ) PS1 .074 Household ownership and use of insecticide-treated nets among school children in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria J .U . Onwuka, J .O . Akinyemi, I .O . Ajayi (Ibadan, NG) PS1 .075 Data for decision making – experiences of the Red Cross movement in managing safe and dignified burials in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone A . McClelland, L . Bateman, V . Cozema (Geneva, CH; Freetown, SL) PS1 .076 From dead body management to safe and dignified burials. Experiences of the Red Cross movement in managing safe and dignified burials in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone Ebola response A . McClelland, J . Flemming, V . Atchia, R . Nugba-Ballah (Genava, CH; Freetown, SL; Monrovia, LR) PS1 .077 Factors associated with mortality of health workers with Ebola virus disease in Kenema district, Sierra Leone M . Senga, K . Pringle, D . Brett-Major, R .A . Fowler, I . French, M . Vandi, A . Ramsay, J . Sellu, C . Pratt, J . Sidu, F . Jacquerioz, N . Shindo, D .G . Bausch (Geneva, CH; Atlanta, US; Toronto, CA; Kenema, SL) PS1 .078 An analysis of suspect case definitions utilized in Guinea during the 2014 Ebola epidemic C .H . Hsu, S .W . Champaloux, P . Bilivogui, B . Knust, A .M . Mccollum (Atlanta, US; Conakry, GN) PS1 .079 The indirect effects of Ebola to the health system in Sierra Leone A .J . van Duinen, A . Errikson, A .M . Ekström, K . Brolin, H .A . Bolkan (Trondheim, NO; Stockholm, SE) PS1 .080 Using community based surveillance for outbreak detection – Ebola Zaire in Guéckédou, Guinea A . Tiffany, T . Guilavogui, E . Sterk, M . Serafini, M . Hailie (Geneva, CH; Conakry, Conkary, GN) PS1 .081 Evolution of Ebola treatment centre layout during the current West African Ebola outbreak: an example from a Médecins sans Frontières run centre in Sierra Leone C . Dorion, E . Sterk, P . Maury, I . Ciglenecki (Geneva, CH) 130 POSTER SESSION I Monday, 7 September 2015 PS1 .082 Humanitarian nursing in a viral haemorrhagic fever outbreak: before, during and after deployment S . Paillard-Borg, P . Saaristo, E . von Strauss (Stockholm, SE; Geneva, CH) PS1 .083 From Ebola emergency to health systems restoration: temporary infectious disease units in the Ebola campaign in Liberia G . Froeschl (Berlin, München, DE) PS1 .084 Accelerating innovation in diagnostics in response to the Ebola outbreak A .C . Chua, E . Piriou, S . Wong, C . Kosack, M . Balasegaram (Geneva, CH; Singapore, SG; Amsterdam, NL) PS1 .085 Ebola virus disease – clinical manifestations and management C . Kleine, D .S . Chertow, J .K . Edwards, A . Sprecher, R . Scaini, R . Guilliani (Frankfurt, DE; Brussels, BE; Bethesda, US) PS1 .086 Download 23,86 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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