Driving the Best Science to Meet Global Health Challenge s
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O. Seeing beyond 2020: cost-effectiveness analysis of contem- 11 .15 porary and emerging strategies for human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) Trypanosoma brucei (T.b.) gambiense for elimination C .S . Sutherland, C .M . Stone, F . Tediosi (Basel, CH; Milano, IT) O. Budget impact analysis of using dihydroartemisinin- 11 .30 piperaquine to treat uncomplicated malaria in children in Tanzania A .T . Mori, O .F . Norheim, B . Robberstad (Dar es Salaam, TZ; Bergen, NO) O. Feasibility, costs and benefits of the Global Technical 11 .45 Strategy 2016-2030 for accelerating global progress towards malaria elimination E . Patouillard, J . Griffin, A . Bah, P . Gething, E . Shutes, S . Bhatt, H . Prytherch, P . Alonso, F . Tediosi, A . Ghani, R . Cibulskis (Basel, Geneva, CH; London, Oxford, GB) 109 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, 10 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 10 .30 – 12 .00 Society Session 11 Kairo 2 Be-cause Health (Belgian Platform for International Health): integrated mental health care: finally a different perspective towards a more human health care? Chair: Karel Gyselinck (Brussels, BE) SS11.001 Welcome Address 10 .30 Karel Gyselinck (Brussels, BE) SS11.002 Introductory note on mental health (Integrated mental 10 .35 health care: finally a different perspective towards a more human health care?) Paul Bossyns (Brussels, BE) SS11.003 The set-up of a national mental health program in Rwanda 10 .45 Yvonne Kayiteshonga (Kigali, RW) OSS11.004 Fostering mental health services development in rural 11 .00 Cambodia: an NGO perspective T . Khem (Phnom Penh, KH) SS11.005 Mental health and psychosical support in first line health 11 .15 services in Conakry, Guinea Abdoulaye Sow (Conakry, GN) 11 .30 Panel Debate 10 .30 – 12 .00 Parallel Session 3.2.12. Samarkand (Disease systems) Mycetoma: addressing the unbearable treatment gap Convener: Susan Wells (Geneva, CH) Chair: Michael Everson (Woodcliff Lake, US) Chair: Nathalie Strub-Wourgaft (Geneva, CH) 10 .30 Introduction INV. Global overview of mycetoma and treatment gaps 10 .35 E . Zijlstra (Rotterdam, NL; Geneva, CH) INV. Clinical aspects, diagnosis, and treatment of mycetoma 10 .55 A . Fahal (Khartoum, SD) INV. New concepts in diagnosis for eumycetoma 11 .15 W .W . van de Sande, S . Abdallah Ahmed, A . Fahal, G .S . de Hoog (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, NL; Khartoum, SD) INV. Potential R&D pathways for new treatment of Eumycetoma 11 .35 N . Strub-Wourgaft (Geneva, CH) 11 .55 Discussion 110 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, 10 September 2015 13 .00 – 14 .30 Plenary Session 13 San Francisco Closing Session PL13.001 Roundtable – Challenges in Global health – the way 13 .00 forward Marcel Tanner (Basel, CH) PL13.002 The outlook – a synthesis by the Chairman of the Scientific 14 .05 Committee Marcel Tanner (Basel, CH) PL13.003 Presentation by the organizers ECTMIH 2017 14 .15 PL13.004 Closing words by Congress Co-Chairs 14 .20 Christoph Hatz (Basel, CH) Christian Lengeler (Basel, CH) 14 .30 Official closing International Transdisciplinarity Conference (ITD) 112 ITD CONFERENCE Tuesday, 8 September 2015 13 .15 – 15 .30 Plenary Session 1 San Francisco Welcome & Opening ITD-PL1.1 Welcome 13 .15 Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello (Berne, CH) ITD-PL1.2 Introduction 13 .40 Marcel Tanner (Basel, CH) ITD-PL1.3 Opening keynotes: critically reviewing a decade of rapidly 14 .10 advancing transdisciplinary research Merritt Polk (Gothenburg, SE) Julie Thompson Klein (Detroit, US) 16 .00 – 17 .30 Session 1 Hotel Pullman Galerie 1 Ways of stakeholder engagement and knowledge integration Chair: Gabriele Bammer (Canberra, AU) ITD-WS1.1 Methods and procedures of knowledge integration: insights from the National Research Programme (NRP 61) on Sustainable Water Management S . Hoffmann, J . Hering, C . Pohl (Dübendorf, Zurich, CH) ITD-WS1.2 Transdisciplinary research with digital natives – creative ways of data production and data presentation A . Sieber (Wien, AT) ITD-WS1.3 Citizen Science beyond disciplinary boundaries: theses on the relation between citizen science, participation and transdisciplinarity A . Lux, L . Pettibone (Berlin, Frankfurt, DE) ITD-WS1.4 Building the interdisciplinary bioeconomy: using action research to facilitate inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge creation D .S . Olsen (Oslo, NO) 16 .00 – 17 .30 Session 2 Hotel Pullman Galerie 2 Reflecting on transdisciplinary sustainability research Chair: Rick Szostack (Edmonton, CA) ITD-WS2.1 Modes and impacts of sustainability research J . Newig, M . Bergmann, S . Jahn, J . Kahle, D .J . Lang (Frankfurt/M ., Lüneburg, DE) ITD-WS2.2 Current progress in transdisciplinary water research T . Krueger (Berlin, DE) ITD-WS2.3 Reflections upon inter- and transdisciplinary issues related to the study of flood risk in Southern California J . Forbat (Irvine, US) ITD-WS2.4 Sustainability wheel, a tool for facilitating transdisciplinary sustainability assessments Flurina Schneider (Berne, CH) 113 ITD Conf er ence ITD CONFERENCE Tuesday, 8 September 2015 16 .00 – 17 .30 Session 3 Hotel Pullman Estrade 1-2 Workshop: CIENS – Oslo Centre for Inter- disciplinary Environmental and Social Research: transdisciplinarity for urban sustainability ITD-WS3.1 CIENS – Oslo Centre for Interdisciplinary Environmental and Social Research: transdisciplinarity for urban sustainability V . Nenseth, L . Tarrason, H . Westskog, R . Skogheim, I . Seifert, H . Thaulow, E . Farstad (Oslo, NO) 16 .00 – 17 .30 Joint Session 4 Hotel Pullman Arcade Higher education for, as, and through transdisciplinary research ITD-WS4.1 Higher education for, as, and through transdisciplinary research J .C . Schmidt, R . Beecroft (Darmstadt, Karlsruhe, DE) 114 ITD CONFERENCE Wednesday, 9 September 2015 08 .30 – 10 .00 Session 5 Hotel Pullman Galerie 1 Health, sustainability and transdisciplinarity 1 Chair: Stephen Fiore (Orlando, US) ITD-WS5.1 Linking sustainable development and health: a socio- ecological perspective U . Weisz, W . Haas, K . Wegleitner (Vienna, AT) ITD-WS5.2 Bringing health co-benefits of changes in urban mobility into the debate: scenarios as intersection between science and policy W . Haas (Vienna, AT) ITD-WS5.3 Sustainable care models at the interface of health and social services. A case study in social work C . Michel, C . Gehrlach (Berne, CH) ITD-WS5.4 A food education programme for children with and without special needs – a multidisciplinary action research project A .-C . Luisier, M . Bensafi, C . Rouby, A . Giboreau, A . Clerc Bérod, R . Caldara, G . Petitpierre (Fribourg, Sion, CH; Ecully, Lyon, FR) 08 .30 – 10 .00 Session 6 Hotel Pullman Galerie 2 Learning in and through transdisciplinary processes Chair: Catherine Lyall (Edinburgh, GB) ITD-WS6.1 Transdisciplinarity in science education through the European Engage project I . Monge, F . Pellaud (Fribourg, CH) ITD-WS6.2 Doctoral studies in cross-disciplinary research environments: societal demand, Academia response, and doctoral learning progression – mutual processes? C . Berglund, M . Johansson, M . Dahlström, L . Nyberg, M . Granberg, M . Mobjörk, J . Moen, M . Evers (Karlstad, Stockholm, Umeå, SE; Bonn, DE) ITD-WS6.3 Can transdisciplinarity in teaching and learning contribute to regional sustainable development? Scaling up experiences from a EU project in Albania and Kosovo M . Mader, J . Meyer (Lüneburg, DE; Graz, AT) ITD-WS6.4 Providing transdisciplinary learning opportunities in a regular master course K . Herweg, S . Rist (Berne, CH) 115 ITD CONFERENCE Wednesday, 9 September 2015 ITD Conf er ence 08 .30 – 10 .00 Session 7 Hotel Pullman Estrade 1-2 Transdisciplinary institutions Chair: Theres Paulsen (Berne, CH) ITD-WS7.1 Creating impact through transdisciplinary research: the example of the Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL) L . Marquardt (Hannover, DE) ITD-WS7.2 Starting up a viable transdisciplinary customer driven innovation capability in a tertiary educational institution – the journey, some milestones and lessons learned M . van der Walt (Hamilton, NZ) ITD-WS7.3 Cross-cutting issues in transdisciplinarity at the Uruguayan University: an analytical approach to four academic centres B . Vienni Baptista (Montevideo, UY) ITD-WS7.4 Epistemological interdisciplinarity: a case study A . Heijnen (Aarhus, DK) 08 .30 – 10 .00 Session 8 Hotel Pullman Arcade Workshop: Significance and relevance of theory and theory building in transdisciplinary research. A discoursive, praxeological approach ITD-WS8.1 Significance and relevance of theory and theory building in transdisciplinary research. A discoursive, praxeological approach M . Ukowitz, U . Vilsmaier, C . Pohl (Klagenfurt, AT; Lüneburg, DE; Zurich, CH) 10 .30 – 11 .45 Plenary Session 2 San Francisco Keynotes ITD-PL2.1 Keynotes on learning from synergies across sustainability, health, and transdisciplinarity Sarah Gehlert (St . Louis, US) Jakob Zinstag (Basel, CH) 11 .45 – 13 .15 Plenary Session 3 San Francisco td-award ceremony and lunch ITD-PL3.1 td-award ceremony and lunch 116 ITD CONFERENCE Wednesday, 9 September 2015 13 .15 – 14 .45 Joint plenary session with the ECTMIH San Francisco Conference Societal foundations of global health Chair: Thomas Junghanss (Heidelberg, DE) PL10.001 State of emergency: reporting from areas of conflict 13 .15 and war Navid Kermani (Cologne, DE) PL10.002 Healthy living – challenges for urban planing 13 .45 Manuel Herz (Basel, CH) PL10.003 Talk across disciplines 14 .15 117 ITD CONFERENCE Thursday, 10 September 2015 ITD Conf er ence 08 .30 – 10 .00 Session 9 Hotel Pullman Galerie 1 Designing coherent transdisciplinary research and having a close look at transdiciplinary practice Chair: Jan C. Schmidt (Darmstadt, DE) ITD-WS9.1 And what does reality look like? Findings on transdisciplinary collaborations gained from qualitative interviews with researchers and their non-academic partners A . Di Giulio, R . Defila (Basel, CH) ITD-WS9.2 A sociocultural exploration of situated learning in transdisciplinary research M . Polk, L . Westberg (Gothenburg, Uppsala, SE) ITD-WS9.3 Designing transdisciplinary research for preferred outcomes: the ‘outcome spaces framework’ C .A . Mitchell, D . Cordell, D .M . Fam (Ultimo, AU) ITD-WS9.4 Guiding questions to help design sustainability research projects at the science–policy interface T . Buser, F . Schneider (Berne, CH) 08 .30 – 10 .00 Session 10 Hotel Pullman Galerie 2 Health, sustainability and transdisciplinarity 2 Chair: Sarah Gehlert (St. Louis, US) ITD-WS10.1 Interactive-knowledge-to action: how to promote cooperation among researchers, policymakers, professionals and end-users in a consortium to increase capabilities for active lifestyles in different health promotion settings A . Frahsa, P . Gelius, A . Rütten (Erlangen, DE) ITD-WS10.2 Towards eHealth support for care of multimorbidity: the case of polypharmacy T . Mønsted, J . Reiche (Copenhagen, DK) ITD-WS10.3 Transdisciplinary dimensions of science and society interaction in biomedicine E . Grebenshchikova (Moscow, RU) ITD-WS10.4 Ebolang: the lasting challenge of an epidemic in multilingual Africa. The case of Western Ivory Coast T . Bearth (Spreitenbach, CH) 08 .30 – 10 .00 Session 11 Hotel Pullman Estrade 1-2 Workshop: Interdisciplinarity in universities of applied sciences’ master studies & RDI projects: case Finland ITD-WS11.1 Interdisciplinarity in universities of applied sciences’ master studies & RDI projects: case Finland A .P . Lindeman, M . Veistilä, T . Ahvenainen, P . Sandell (Kotka, Pori, FI) 118 ITD CONFERENCE Thursday, 10 September 2015 08 .30 – 10 .00 Session 12 Hotel Pullman Arcade Workshop: Stakeholder engagement in sustainability assessment – transdisciplinary challenges in theory and practice – collectively testing the Sustainability Profile Matrix along practical examples ITD-WS12.1 Stakeholder engagement in sustainability assessment – transdisciplinary challenges in theory and practice – collectively testing the Sustainability Profile Matrix along practical examples C . Mader (Zurich, CH; Lüneburg, DE) 10 .45 – 12 .15 Plenary Session 4 Hotel Pullman Galerie 1 ESF-Panel on online tools to support transdisciplinary research Chair: Julie Thompson Klein (Detroit, US) ITD-PL4.1 Online tools to support transdisciplinary research Gabriele Bammer (Canberra, AU) ITD-PL4.2 Team science toolkit Kara Hall (Washington, US) ITD-PL4.3 Short guides Catherine Lyall (Edinburgh, GB) ITD-PL4.4 Interdisciplinarity Rick Szostak (Edmonton, CA) ITD-PL4.5 td-net’s toolbox Christian Pohl (Berne, CH) 13 .30 – 15 .00 Session 13 Boston 1 Evaluating transdiciplinary collaborations Chair: Merritt Polk (Gothenburg, SE) ITD-WS13.1 Evaluating co-design of knowledge: about quality and success of transdisciplinary research S . Schuck-Zoeller, J . Cortekar, I . Fischer-Bruns, J .-T . Huang- Lachmann, E . Keup-Thiel, D . Rechid (Dresden, Geesthacht, DE) ITD-WS13.2 Evaluation of a multi-case participatory action research project: the case of SOLINSA R . Home, N . Rump (Frick, Lausanne, CH) ITD-WS13.3 Evaluating the benefit of transdisciplinary case study research S . Tobias, M .F . Ströbele, T . Buser (Birmensdorf, CH) ITD-WS13.4 Finding the balance between the idiographic and nomothetic: what is the new knowledge produced by transdisciplinary art science research in a development context? J . Schlaepfer (Zurich, CH), E . Tisselli (Plymouth, UK), A Hilbeck (Zurich, CH), Flora Ismail (Dar es Salaam, TZA) 119 ITD CONFERENCE Thursday, 10 September 2015 ITD Conf er ence 13 .30 – 15 .00 Session 14 Boston 2 Inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to include the vulnerable, build resilience and catch criminals Chair: Kara Hall (Washington, US) ITD-WS14.2 Studying childhood and children’s rights: the challenge of inter- and transdisciplinarity Z . Moody, F . Darbellay (Sion, St-Maurice, CH) ITD-WS14.3 “Intergenerational action research for social resilience” A . Guevara Alvarez (Querétaro, MX) ITD-WS14.4 Application of an inter- and trans-disciplinary style of thinking to forensic science A . Scoundrianos, D .-O . Jaquet-Chiffelle (Lausanne, CH) 13 .30 – 15 .00 Session 15 Shanghai 1 Workshop: Designing transdisciplinary research and projects for preferred outcomes. The outcome spaces framework as a starting point ITD-WS15.1 Designing transdisciplinary research and projects for preferred outcomes. The outcome spaces framework as a starting point C .A . Mitchell, D .M . Fam (Ultimo, AU) 13 .30 – 15 .00 Session 16 Shanghai 2 Workshop: Complexity or control? Exploring the landscape of sustainability science ITD-WS16.1 Complexity or control? Exploring the landscape of sustainability science U . Vilsmaier (Lüneburg, DE) 15 .30 – 17 .15 Plenary Session 5 Boston 1 Keynotes and closing ITD-PL5.1 Keynotes on new developments in theory, methods, and 15 .30 practice of transdisciplinary research Stephen Fiore (Orlando, US) Roderick Lawrence (Geneva, CH) ITD-PL5.2 Closing the conference 16 .50 120 Notes Posters 122 POSTER SESSION I Monday, 7 September 2015 12 .00 – 13 .30 Poster Session I Hall 4.1 PS1 .001 Predictors of late diagnosis of HIV among HIV positive adults coming for initial CD4 T-cell count to public health facilities, Northern Ethiopia M .B . Beyene, H .B . Beyene (Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, ET) PS1 .002 Asymptomatic malaria and associated factors among school children in Pawe District, Northwest Ethiopia H .B . Beyene, N .F . Telele (Addis Ababa, ET) PS1 .003 Prevalence and clinical features of cutaneous leishmanisis in western Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study H .B . Beyene, M .D . Degifie (Addis Ababa, Nekemete, ET) PS1 .004 Efficacy of first and second-line antiretroviral therapies in HIV-1 infected children, a case-control study in Cambodia H . Barennes, V . Kang, F . Rouet, Y . Buisson, U . Vibol (Phnom Penh, KH; Phnom Penh, Vientiane, LA) PS1 .005 Body fat maldistribution among human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients attending care and treatment clinics in Dar Es Salaam municipal hospitals M .A . Njelekela, R . Mpembeni, N . Ulenga, E . Aris, F . Mugusi (Dar es Salaam, TZ; Boston, US) PS1 .006 Genetic diversity and antiretroviral drug resistance among drug-naïve HIV type 1 infected patients attending clinics in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo E .N . Kamangu, A . Chatté, F . Susin, R . Boreux, R .L . Kalala, G .L . Mvumbi, P . De Mol, D . Vaira, M .-P . Hayette (Kinshasa, CD; Abéché, TD; Liège, BE) PS1 .007 Virological profile of patients infected with HIV starting antiretroviral treatment in Kinshasa E .N . Kamangu, B .I . Bulanda, B .I . Bongenia, H .T . Botomwito, G .L . Mvumbi, P . De Mol, D . Vaira, M .-P . Hayette (Kinshasa, CD; Liège, BE) PS1 .008 Download 23.86 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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