Education, upbringing and application of innovative technologies in the field of physical education and sport: problems and solutions

Yessirkepov Zh.M., Kurmanbayev B.I., Bitabarov E.A., International University of Tourism and Hospitality, Turkestan, Kazakhstan

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Yessirkepov Zh.M., Kurmanbayev B.I., Bitabarov E.A., International University of Tourism and Hospitality, Turkestan, Kazakhstan
Abstract. This article highlights the economic aspects of physical culture and sports in modern conditions. In addition, the ways of providing this activity with conditions of a logistical, organizational and personnel nature, production and provision of services satisfying various needs of the population are being considered. In particular: the development of a network of physical culture and sports facilities and the organization of services for their visitors during training sessions, sports competitions and entertainment events.Professional training is the conduct of research, production and sale of sporting goods, repair and rental of sports equipment, etc. In the article, these issues are comprehensively provided and differentiated.
Keywords. Economics, physical education, sports, pandemic, management, COVID-
Аннотацция. В данной статье освещены экономические аспекты физической культуры и спорта в современных условиях. Кроме того, рассматриваются способы обеспечения этой деятельности условиями материально-технического, организационного и кадрового характера, производства и предоставления услуг удовлетворяющих различные потребности населения. В частности: развитие сети физкультурно-спортивных сооружений и организация обслуживания их посетителей во время тренировочных занятий, спортивных соревнований и развлекательных мероприятий. Профессиональное обучение это проведение научно-исследовательских работ, производство и продажа спортивных товаров, ремонт и аренда спортивного инвентаря и т.д. В статье данные вопросы всесторонне предоставляются и дифференцируются.
Ключевые слова. Экономика, физическая культура, спорт, пандемия, менеджмент, COVID-19.
In economics, management as a science emerged in the West more than 70 years ago. Its progenitors are the American f.Taylor, Frenchman A. Fayol. For example, F. Taylor saw management as the art of knowing exactly what needs to be done and how to do it in the best and cheapest way. In order to achieve this, according to F. There are four management functions to be performed: planning, selecting funds, preparing funds, and monitoring results. Based on the generalization of rich practical experience, Fayol came to the conclusion: "To manage is to lead an enterprise to a goal, trying to make the best use of its resources" [1].
According to the classification of A. Fayol, management is to:

  • anticipate (study the future and set a program of action);

  • organize (create the material base and labor collective of the enterprise, firm);

  • manage (activate the personnel of the enterprise); - coordinate (combine actions and efforts);

  • control (to observe that everything happens in accordance with the established norms and given orders).

Due to the spread of the coronavirus infection, which is recognized as a pandemic, in March and April 2020, individual starts and major competitions were postponed or canceled. The whole world has suffered - and sports in particular. Euro 2020 and the 2020 Olympics have been postponed to 2021. Losses are recorded by individual sports clubs and associations. The decline in income from the sale of broadcast rights, commercial activities and matches has a negative impact on the situation of athletes (loss of work, reduced wages).
The spread of the coronavirus in Kazakhstan has declined, and it is time to address the issues that the epidemic has left behind. First of all, this is a question of the growth of the economy of the whole country and the level of income of each individual. For this purpose, the government has developed a national action plan, and although not all of its parameters are final, it is already clear what the main areas of work will be carried out in the next year and a half.
But the pandemic has forced not only the suspension of construction of facilities and the postponement of sporting events. The main question was how to do sports in general today, while the risks of the spread of the coronavirus still persist.
Special recommendations on the work of fitness clubs have been developed. Now, before the opening of sports facilities, sports and recreation complexes, fitness clubs and swimming pools, it will be necessary to carry out general cleaning with disinfectants, and before the start of the working shift, check the temperature of employees. Hand sanitizers will appear at the entrance and in the common areas.
Sports equipment will be located in such a way as to maintain a social distance of 1.5 meters between visitors. In general, the hall can accommodate no more than one person per 4 square meters. meters. All employees will be required to wear gloves, as well as a mask and change it every three hours.
At the training bases, the rules are even stricter. For example, athletes will have their temperature checked before and after training, and a medical examination will be conducted daily by a doctor. In addition, they will, like the staff, wear masks during the entire time they are on the territory of the training complex, with the exception of the training itself. At least once a week, staff and athletes will be tested for COVID-19.
Modern management has changed significantly. Especially in the last two decades. This is due to the information explosion and the human factor. In fact, there was a change of the old management system (rationalistic) to a new one (marketing, situational). Rationalistic management proceeded from the fact that the firm is a "closed system" and its success in the market depends, first of all, on internal reserves (rationalization of production, labor efficiency). Crucial importance was given to the control of senior
managers over all types of personnel activities and the strict implementation of instructions from above [2].
Marketing and situational management is based on new approaches. In particular, the firm is considered an "open system". Its success is associated not so much with internal resources (material, human, financial), but with the ability to fit into the external environment and adapt to it. The situational approach for the company means that all extraneous control systems are based on a response to various environmental influences. The firm adapts to the identification of new problems and the development of new solutions.
Management (management) today - constant changes and continuous improvement. Experts believe that there is no ideal and unified management model. Management is unique for each company. There are only general patterns and elements that are used, as a rule, by everyone. In modern conditions, the company's management system must be simple and flexible in order to be competitive.
According to experts, it should have the following characteristics: - a small number of management levels; - small units staffed by fewer, but more qualified specialists; - a labor collective based on small groups (teams) of specialists; - production of goods and organization of work, focused on the consumer.
For the practice in the field of management today, the following tasks are particularly important:

  1. Introduction of theoretical developments of domestic and foreign science after the necessary adaptation to our conditions.

  2. Creating a special approach to management, taking into account and based on the peculiarities of the country's history, business conditions and mentality.

From an economic point of view, physical culture and sports can be considered as a kind of socially useful activity for the provision of various services, related to the non­productive sphere and therefore not directly involved in the creation of a material product.
The production and provision of services that meet the various needs of the population involves providing this activity with a number of conditions of a material, technical, organizational and personnel nature, namely: the development of a network of sports and sports facilities and the organization of services for their visitors during training sessions, sports competitions and entertainment events; professional training; conducting research work; production and sale of sports goods; repair and rental of sports equipment, etc.
These types of activities are provided by enterprises (organizations) that differ in their belonging to different spheres of the national economy, the focus of their main activities, but their integrated functioning as a single economic complex with a single coordinating management body is objectively justified by the fact that they together, on the basis of interdependence, meet the same needs of people in physical exercises and sports. This is one of the most important reasons to assert that physical culture and sports have formed a branch of the national economy.
In the economic literature, there are a number of definitions of the branch of the national economy as an economic concept, one of the most common among which is the following. An industry is a set of enterprises and organizations characterized by common products, production technology, fixed assets, professional skills of employees and satisfied needs.
The above definition applies, first of all, to the branches of the production sphere, however, it is legitimate to transfer it to any branch of the national economy, since it contains the main features underlying, on the one hand, the unification of various economic units into an industry, and, on the other hand, the differences between one industry and another. The association of various economic units in the industry is based primarily on:

  1. the characteristics of the work of employees of enterprises (organizations) that perform specific functions in the system of social division of labor;

  2. features of the means of labor used;

  3. the specific form of the result of labor [3].

The industry involves the unification of enterprises (organizations) operating in it and their sectoral separation on the basis of a single management body. However, the branch may or may not coincide with the boundaries of the line ministries (departments). The situation of "mismatch" is very typical for the "physical culture and sports" industry.
The single state management body of the industry is currently the Committee for Sports and Physical Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators of physical culture and sports across the country indicates the presence of a number of trends in the development of the industry, which have acquired a positive character in recent years. The main of these trends include:

  • progressive, in contrast to the previous period, the development of the network of physical culture and sports facilities, the growth of the number of physical culture groups and sports clubs, as well as the number of people engaged in physical culture and sports;

  • a systematic increase in the number of sports personnel, as well as the number of sports and recreation centers of enterprises and organizations.

At the same time, the development of physical culture and sports in recent years is characterized by negative trends. First of all, this is budget financing of the industry on a residual basis, non-compliance with legislative acts in terms of approved standards for financing physical culture and sports, as well as non-compliance with planned indicators of budget financing, etc.
No branch of the national economy can develop successfully without relying on the conscious use of economic laws. The economic laws that exist in social production also apply in the field of physical culture and sports. Sports economics is a specific industry discipline. It has its own subject of study, solves its own specific tasks.
Sports economics studies the specific mechanism of the manifestation of economic laws. It is distinguished by the peculiarity of the exploitation of the material and technical base, the peculiarities of economic relations and, above all, the relations of ownership of the means of production, the means of physical culture and sports activities, the peculiarities of labor and its results.
The objectives of the sports economy are not only to study the economic relations and laws that are developing in this industry, but also to constantly improve the economic mechanism of the activities of sports and sports organizations, to make economically sound management decisions, and to make the most rational use of all the resources of the industry - monetary, material, and labor [4].
Practice shows that only economically sound solutions allow us to successfully achieve the general and specific goals set by physical culture and sports organizations for the development of mass physical culture and recreation work and sports of the highest achievements. Often, the achievement of such goals is unrealistic due to economic miscalculations or irrational, inept use of available funds.
Thus, work is underway to resume the competition, special regulations on medicine, judging and inspection have been developed. All this is coordinated with the clubs and regions where the matches will be held.

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  3. Скобкин С. С. Менеджмент в туризме: Учебное пособие / С.С. Скобкин. - М.: Магистр: НИЦ ИНФРА-М, 2013.

  4. Теория и методика физической культуры и спорта [Электронный ресурс] : учеб.-метод. пособие для студентов фак. физ. культуры / Гос. образоват. учреждение высш. проф. образования "Саратовский государственный университет имени Н. Г. Чернышевского", Пед. ин-т ; сост.: Л. В. Казацкая, И. Б. Габедава, О. В. Ларина. - Саратов : [б. и.], 2011. - 63 с.


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