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The Aral Ocean, being one of a kind, wonderful and one of the biggest inland water bodies within the world, has nearly vanished inside one genera¬tion's life, brought about in exceptional fiasco and unsalvageable harm to the life of more than 60 million inhabitants, the environment and biodiversity of the Aral Ocean locale and adjoining regions.
The Aral Ocean with its critical water surface (over 69,790 km2) and water volume of almost 1080 km3, worked until the mid-1960s as a climate control store and mitigated acute climate variances within the Central Asian locale. Coming to the locale, primarily from the west, the discuss masses warmed up in winter, and cooled in summer over the water aquatory of the Aral Ocean. Due to this temperature administration, the dampness carried by discuss streams accelerated over the mountains of Tien Shan and Pamir in autumn-winter period, renewing the snow cover and icy masses.
The normal yearly water adjust of the Aral Ocean calculated by A.E.Asarin for the period 1926-1969 (until emotional level drop) is as takes after:







Surface inflow



Sea level fluctuations




Water evaporation



Since 1960, due to seriously water system and hydropower advancement within the Aral Ocean bowl, the overall water utilization within the Amudarya and Syrdarya bowls has been quickly expanding due to direction and non- returnable admissions of surface stream:

7.7 km3/year in 1961-1965; 17 km3/year in 1966-1970; 30 km3/year in 1971-1975 and up to 50 km3/year or more at the conclusion of the 80s. Hence, since 1960, the negative ocean water adjust has ended up the standard and, in 1970-1990, the annual adjust shortage surpassed 30 km3. The arrangement of such enormous sea balance shortage is additionally to a great extent caused by climatologi¬cal factors — in 1970s water accessibility within the Amudarya and Syrdarya waterways was 20-25% lower than typical values, and the whole renewable water assets of the Aral Ocean were less by 20-25 km3/year than some time recently. 
Water Balance of the Aral Sea, km3/year

Time period

Water inflow

Losses for Evaporation


Rivers flow
































* Estimations of the Founded of Geology of Institute of Sciences of Kazakhstan; ** influx to the Little Ocean

In 1989 the Aral Ocean was part into the North and South as a result of water level drop and drying out of the Berg Strait. By late 1990s, the Awesome (South¬ern) Aral Ocean turned into a hypersaline water body. Saltiness in 1997 was 57 %o (ppm). In 1997, Barsakelmes island blended to arrive, in 2001 — Vozrojdenie island.

In 2003, the South Aral Ocean was spilled into eastern and western parts associated by a contract strait Uzun-Aral, found at 29 m asl. Such area does not permit water blending from two water bodies. In 2004, the little lake Tuschibas, which was already the eponymous of Inlet of the Aral Ocean, was isolated from the Eastern portion. In 2005, the Little Aral Ocean was isolated from the Extraordinary Ocean by the Kokaral dam in Kazakhstan. Both water bodies were at long last isolated.
The Kokaral dam, crossing Berg Strait between the North Aral Ocean (Little Ocean) and the South Aral Ocean (Huge Ocean), was outlined to control water level within the Little Ocean. The dam length is 13,034 m, width is 100-150 m. The tallness of the dam peak is 6 m (45.5 m asl), impoundment of the Little Ocean is anticipated up to 42.2 m asl. Weir with nine spillways of 600 m3/s was built on the dam to discharge overabundance Syrdarya water to the South Aral.
Kokaral dam with directing structure (see from the south)
Nowadays, the surface zone of the remaining parts of the Aral Ocean is less than 10% of the range in 1960. It is disseminated between three water bodies — the Western Ocean with range of 3,270 km2, the Eastern Ocean with range of 0.960 km2, and the Little (Northern) Aral with range of 3,400 km2. In like manner, the sum of water has diminished by nearly 15 times.
For the total rebuilding of the Aral Ocean, 1080 km3 of water (ocean level in 1950s) furthermore almost 50 km3 yearly will be required to compensate dissipation misfortunes. The entire yearly stream of the Amudarya and Syrdarya streams is around 120 km3. Thus, to fill the ocean until the starting level, all financial activities within the bowl must be ended for at slightest 30-40 a long time that's really improbable!

At the time of the global climate alter, the vanishing of the Aral Ocean has brought about in reality that since 1980s the warming rate within the basin locale surpasses the rate of worldwide warming by more than twice. In common, it can be unequivocally said that climate alter within the locale has come about in:

 expanded escalated of the dry hot period, in turn, come about in expanded vanishing in fields and foothills;

 tall changeability of precipitation with an expanded number of days with overwhelming precipitation.
 expanded recurrence of extraordinary occasions, dry spells and water insufficiency.
Due to changes within the temperature administration, the structure of barometrical dampness exchange over the region of Central Asia has moreover changed. At the same time, precipitation has happened basically amid the warm period of the year, come about in a decreased region of mountain icy masses of the Pamir and Tien Shan (the rate is 0.2%-l% per year). Snow cover within the mountain waterway bowls of the locale patterns to be diminished, resulting in weakened accessible of water for horticulture.
The comes about of Uzhydromet's figures appear that by 2050 the volume of waterway runoff within the Amudarya and Syrdarya stream bowls will be diminished by 10- 15% and 2-5%, respectively. The number of dry a long time and the number of a long time with dry spell will develop with the misfortune of runoff as moo as 25-40%. This will cause a extreme increment in water request and exasperate water shortfall. In the mean time, This will require an increment of the water system rates by 5% in 2030, 7-10 % in 2050 and 12-16% in 2080. On the off chance that water request isn't met, this could cause trim misfortunes, which, considering the populace development, will speak to a genuine hazard to nourishment security and limit maintainable advancement.
Drying of the Aral started desertification process in the center of the belt of extraordinary Kyzylkum and Karakum deserts, where modern Aralkum leave was shaped. The threat of this new desert incorporates the reality that the seabed, which in its normal state was a kind of desalination plant, presently is acting as an manufactured «anthropogenic volcano», emitting huge salt and fine clean masses o into the climate. The contamination impact is improved by the truth that the Aral Ocean is found, as it was as of now specified, on the course of a strong wind current from west to east. This contributes to the emanation of pressurized canned products into the tall layers and their fast dispersion within the environment.
Bed of the dried Aral Ocean
Field studies of the dried seabed appear that the foremost created soil is dried out mirabilite (effectively weathered by wind) which shaped as a result of drying out of the previous bed. Such soil covers around 250km2 of the dried zone (i.e. more than 50%). The perceptions appeared that 1.5-2 cm of this soil is flattened each year. At the same time rather than the blown hydrated lime unused one is shaped which is blown absent by wind into the environment.
The Aral Ocean Locale was recognized by interesting assortment of vegetation and fauna; the number of the as it were saiga come to 1 million heads, the floristic composi¬tion was 638 species of higher plants. In any case presently, due to the disappear¬ance of the ocean and the corruption of its environments, the number of plants developing here and the natural life populace are quickly diminishing. 12 species of well evolved creatures, 26 species of birdsand 11 plant species are nearly vanished.

Until the 1960s, the Aral Ocean was the biggest fishery bowl in Central Asia with an yearly capture of up to 40,000 tons of angle (basically carps, but too sturgeons). For comparison:
all water bodies in Uzbekistan (barring angle lakes) yearly delivered in add up to around 8,000 tons of angle. Since 1980, the Awesome Aral has totally misplaced its commercial angling significance.
Due to misfortune of the transportation significance of the ocean, rot of angling, animals and other sorts of economy, decrease of pastures and decrease of arrive efficiency, handfuls of thousands individuals have misplaced their conventional vocation sources.

Contamination of water and a huge sum of salt and clean radiated from the dried ocean bed contribute to the development of a few genuine maladies watched among the populace of the Aral Ocean Locale such as frailty, kidney, blood, gastrointestinal, respiratory, cardiovascular, gallstone and other maladies. Children are intensely influenced by a especially negative affect of unsafe natural circumstances. The dioxin substance within the blood of pregnant ladies and drain of nursing moms in Karakalpakstan is 5 times higher than in Europe.
Concurring to WHO specialists, approximately 23% of all maladies and 25% of all can¬cers are caused by natural variables. The free worldwide helpful organization Medecins Sans Frontieres studied 2001-2002 and found a tall prevalence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis within the Republic of Karakalpakstan (13% unused and 40% of repetitive cases).
ISS image of the Aral Sea taken in July 2018
Photo: Alexander Gerst, USA
Since the 1990s, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, as the foremost influenced nations encountering the deplorable results of the Aral Ocean fiasco, employing a tribune of the Joined together Countries and other universal and territorial organizations have continually pulled in consideration of the world community to the Aral Ocean issue and its near relationship with territorial and worldwide security issues.
In 1992, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev tended to to the pioneers of Central Asian nations:
«The natural catastrophe caused by the passing of the Aral Ocean is of a planetary nature, subsequently Kazakhstan has come forward with the activity to hold a respective conference of the Heads of State inquisitive about dispensing with the disasters»
On Admirable 28,1992, the Worldwide Logical and Viable Conference on the issues ofthe Aral Ocean Locale was held in Nukus, at which an offer was made to the Presidents, parliaments and the open of Central Asian states and other CIS nations on the have to be build up the Universal Support for the Aral Ocean issues and sign an assention on the Aral Ocean bowl, legitimate and administrative records on water assets administration.
At a assembly of the Heads of State of Central Asia in Kyzylorda on Walk 26, 1993, «Agreement on joint actions to resolve the issues within the Aral Ocean region, environmental restoration and guaranteeing the socio¬economic improvement of the Aral region» was embraced, and the Direction on the Worldwide Support for Sparing the Aral Ocean (IFAS) was marked, which was the date of IFASformation.
On July 13, 1993, at the primary IFAS assembly in Tashkent, the «Concept of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan on settling the prob¬lems of the Aral ocean locale taking under consideration the socio-economic advancement of the locale (primary provisions)» was embraced. This document argued that «the full rebuilding of the ocean up to water level of 53 m requires the annual supply of 65 km3 of water to the Aral Ocean without taking into consideration the requirements of the delta. It is clearly troublesome proposition to implement. But the reclamation of the ocean isn't minimization of all inconveniences that have as of now influenced the environment, and the desertification prepare is goal going on, moving the ocean more away from the settlements, subsequently more influencing the economy and disturbing the troublesome living conditions ofthe populace ».
Presently, the foremost vital errand is to diminish the dangerous affect of the Aral Ocean emergency on the environment and the vocations of millions of individuals living within the Aral Ocean locale, counting through the execution of care¬fully expounded, focused on and enough financed ventures.
At the 48th session of the UN Common Get together in Unused York on September 28,1993, the primary President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, had a discourse. In specific, he said:
«Considering the really worldwide scale of the fiasco, Uzbekistan would welcome the creation of uncommon UN Commission on the Aral Ocean issued, which, in understanding with the governments of the locale and through the capabilities of the UN, would pull in universal strengths and assets to resolve this environmental tragedy».
Upon the activity of the primary President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov the Program of measures to kill the conse¬quences of drying up the Aral Ocean and anticipate the catastrophe of environments in the Aral Ocean locale was disseminated as an official report of the 68th session of the UN Common Gathering in September 2013, which included execution of the taking after vital measures:

1. Creating conditions for living, propagation, and conservation of the gen affectionate in the Aral Ocean

2. Progressed administration and levelheaded utilize of water assets. Support of the framework of normal bodies in the Aral Sea;
3. Execution of large-scale measures for woodland manors on the dried foot of the Aral Ocean and the avoidance of desertification within the locale;
4. Biodiversity conservation, restoration of natural assets, protec¬tion of greenery and fauna;
5. Encourage enhancement of the regulation system and reinforcing of participation of the nations of the locale inside the IFAS.
UN Secretary-General Boycott Ki-moon, went with by the Prime Serve of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at a assembly with inhabitants of Muynak (2010)
In April 2010, UN Secretary-General Boycott Ki-moon, went with by the Prime Serve of the Republic of Uzbekistan, got familiar with the envi¬ronmental circumstance within the Aral Ocean locale.
UN Secretary-General Boycott Ki-moon (April 4, 2010):

«Having seen the results of the natural emergency within the locale, I by and by convinced of the complexity of the environmental situation within the Aral Ocean Locale. This is often a genuine caution for all mankind. This worldwide issue must be illuminated mutually by all states of the region».

In September 2015, at the 70th session of the UN Common Get together on the selection of the improvement motivation, the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, said:

«The issues of vanishing of the Aral Ocean posture a risk not as it were to our locale but to the complete world. As a result of its drying, the wind yearly raises to 75 million tons of clean and noxious salt, which are as of now found in Europe and Antarctica. With the bolster of the World Bank, we were able to reestablish the northern portion of the Aral Ocean. We are effectively participating with the UN and the worldwide community within the recovery of the previous Semipalatinsk atomic test location. Central Asian nations are anticipating help to tackle these natural issues within the region».
UN Secretary-General Boycott Ki-moon (April 4, 2010):

«Having seen the results of the natural emergency within the region, I by and by persuaded of the complexity of the environmental circumstance within the Aral Ocean Locale. This is often a genuine caution for all mankind. This worldwide issue must be fathomed mutually by all states of the region».

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, went with by the Prime Serve of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdullah Aripov at a assembly with inhabitants of Muynak (2017)
Antonio Guterres, the Joined together Countries Secretary-General (June 10 2017):

«Let the Aral Ocean be a image ofthe annihilation of the planet by humankind, and let this be a lesson for all of us to mobilize the whole worldwide community within the usage of the Paris assention on climate… that the tragedies, comparative to that I saw in Uzbekistan, haven'trepeated».

On September 19, 2017, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev talked at the 72nd session of the UN Common Get together, talking around the key zones of household and remote arrangement of Uzbekistan. Touching upon the complex and worldwide theme of water assets, Shavkat Mirziyoyev once once more emphasized the require for a compromise approach to this problem beneath the sponsorship of the UN, taking into consideration the interface of all nations within the locale.
The President of Uzbekistan particularly drew the consideration of the world community to the catastrophe of the Aral Ocean, illustrating a outline of the dried ocean for clarity. He called for proceeding the program of help to inhabitants of the locale influenced by this characteristic catastrophe, and together settling the natural issue that emerged.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyev on 19 September 2017 tended to the 72nd session ofthe Joined together Countries Common Gathering:

«I have a outline of the Aral Ocean catastrophe in my hands. I think it talks for itself. Medicinal activities for avoiding the ocean drying reguire an dynamic solidification of worldwide efforts»

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