Fill the gap with the appropriate word

~The granting of account ~

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~The granting of account
~The granting of hotel services
~The granting of deposits

What kind of things does profitability indicate?
=the effectiveness of a bank's performance
~statutory requirements
~Substantial reserves
~granting of deposits

Which information do Published figures not provide?
=Responsibility for appraisal
~essential data on the liquidity
~income of a bank

Which of these meanings is not suitable for deposits?
=a type of insurance that protects government organizations, companies, etc. from losing money;
~to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks
~a payment, especially into a bank account;
~an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

Which of these meanings is suitable for bonds?
= an amount of money that an organization or government borrows and promises to pay back on an agreed date with an agreed amount of interest.
~ to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks
~ a payment, especially into a bank account;
~ an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

Which of these meanings is suitable for fixed assets?
= buildings, equipment, and land owned by a company;
~ to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks
~ a payment, especially into a bank account;
~ an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

Which of these meanings is suitable for liability?
= the amount of money that a person or organization owes;
~ to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks
~ a payment, especially into a bank account;
~ an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

What kind of functions do commercial banks have?

=deposits , payments , credits
~deposits ,payments, allowance
~deposits ,payments, spending spree
~deposits ,payments, monetary policy

What kind of principles are the accounting systems normally based on?

=double entry
~Triply entry
~Diversified entry
~Unic entry

What is the strategic planning ?

=fundamental decisions
~Data reporting
~Common goals

Which items below do balance sheets usually include?

=Investments , Loans , Deposits , Taxes
~Investments, Loans, Deposits, financial planning
~Investments, taxes, Deposits, financial planning
~loans, taxes, Deposits, financial planning

What provides the largest single source of bank income in Uzbekistan.

= The granting of credit
~The granting of account
~The granting of hotel services
~The granting of deposits

What kind of things does profitability indicate?

=The effectiveness of a bank's performance
~statutory requirements
~substantial reserves
~granting of deposits

Which information do Published figures not provide?

=Responsibility for appraisal
~essential data on the liquidity
~income of a bank

Which of these meanings is not suitable for deposits?

=a type of insurance that protects government organizations, companies, etc. from losing money:
~to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks;
~a payment, especially into a bank account;
~an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

Which of these meanings is suitable for bonds?

= an amount of money that an organization or government borrows and promises to pay back on an agreed date with an agreed amount of interest.
~ to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks;
~ a payment, especially into a bank account;
~ an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

Which of these meanings is suitable for fixed assets?

= buildings, equipment, and land owned by a company:
~ to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks;
~ a payment, especially into a bank account;
~ an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

Which of these meanings is suitable for liability?

= the amount of money that a person or organization owes:
~ to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks;
~ a payment, especially into a bank account;
~ an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

Which of these meanings is suitable for vaults?

= a room with thick walls and a strong door, which is used to safely store money, valuable things, etc:
~ to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks;
~ one of the parts that results when something is divided between several people, groups, etc., or a number representing that part;
~ an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

What does foreign exchange dealing mean?

= the exchange of the currency of one country for the currency of another.
~ foreign currencies to pay producers in other countries
~ an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something
~ to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks

What is forward market?

= the buying and selling of currencies, goods, etc. in which the price is fixed now for delivery on a particular date in the future:
~ the date on which an investment or insurance product becomes ready to be paid;
~ the system by which the type of money used in one country is exchanged for another country's money, making international trade easier;
~ the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time;

What is currency?

~ the buying and selling of currencies, goods, etc. in which the price is fixed now for delivery on a particular date in the future.
~ the date on which an investment or insurance product becomes ready to be paid;
~ the system by which the type of money used in one country is exchanged for another country's money, making international trade easier;
= the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time

What is maturity date?

~ the buying and selling of currencies, goods, etc. in which the price is fixed now for delivery on a particular date in the future:
= the date on which an investment or insurance product becomes ready to be paid;
~ the system by which the type of money used in one country is exchanged for another country's money, making international trade easier;
~ the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time;

What is foreign exchange?

~ the buying and selling of currencies, goods, etc. in which the price is fixed now for delivery on a particular date in the future.
~ the date on which an investment or insurance product becomes ready to be paid
= the system by which the type of money used in one country is exchanged for another country's money, making international trade easier;
~ the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time

What is a deposit ?

=to held money at a bank
~ Safekeeper from risk
~ As credit
~ Cash

What is the transaction deposit ?

=full liquidity with no delays
~ Synonym of checkable deposits
~ Transferring money for purchase goods
~ Airoplane

What type of deposit do brokerage firms require traders to enter into a new futures contract ?

=margin deposit
~ Require just money
~ Minimum deposit
~ Agreement

Which category of demand deposit is main type

=saving accounts
~ Fixed rate
~ Time deposit
~ Income

To whom do active operations lend ?

~ Investors
~ Economist
~ Financer

How does a bank lend money to its debtor accounts is a direct loan ?

=through bank contract
~ With a witness
~ Removes any document
~ Do not give

How does a bank provide loans to customers indirectly ?

=enters into an agreement with a third party
~ It's based on a accredit application
~ There have classical rules
~ Through transaction

What do you understand by collateral loans ?

=receiving party's assets
~ It takes effect when there is low credit
~ Guarantee
~ Money

When will houser prices climb ?

=more homes for sale than buyers
~ It's linked to inflation
~ Related to fundament of the house
~ Never

When will house prices climb ?

=fewer houses on the market than buyers
~ Depending on the loan received
~ Related to fundament of the house
~ Never

What is a balanced market ?

=homes on the market is equal to the buyers
~ There are more potential buyers
~ The demand for the housing
~ Customers

Why is it essential to understand market conditions ?

=for understanding customers and competitors
~ To buy more product
~ To get more income
~ Marketing
How many are types of commodity buyers ?
=two ~ transactions and speculators
~ One ~ future contracts
~ One ~ financial product
~ Two ¬ buy and sell

When handling our money, which kinds of risks take banks?

=Credit risks, market risks, operational risks
~ insurance, credit risks, exchange risks
~ safety, savings risk, market risks
~ financial risks, operational risks, budget risks

If you can't pay back your secured loan, the lender will seize an asset such as your house or car as what ?

~ condition
~ capacity
~ debt

Which word corresponds to the following definition ?

________ refers to your ability to repay a loan by looking at your job stability and your debt compared to your income, known as the debt to-income ratio?
~ credit history
~ capital
~ сollateral

How many C's use banks for reduce risks ?

= 5
~ 6
~ 2
~ 3

What determine interactions between investors and borrowers in the bond market ?

=interest rates
~ huge budget
~ size of expenditure
~ capacity

How many key components comprise financial markets ?

~ Four
~ Six
~ Ten

Where are traded equity instruments?

=stock market
~ capital market
~ financial budget
~ retail market

What is the common type of mortgage-backend security?

=a mortgage pass-through
~ a mortgage market
~ investors
~ customers

With the growth of nonlocal trade, the development of payment media became linked to what?

=The financing of trade
~ seaborne trade
~ borrowing
~ budget

In preindustrial economies, finance was largely concerned with development of what?

=a medium of exchange
~ a lack of exchange
~ a large scale of industrialization
~ a huge amount of expenditure

Apart from financing of the governments and seaborne which things were informal and on a small scale?

= borrowing and lending
~ credit cards and savings
~ banks and business accounts

What is financial evolution ?

=Financial evaluation is the process of comparing the financial benefits of a project or a project component as indicated by the financial internal rate of return (FIRR) with the financial cost as indicated by the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).
~ Fundamentally, financial evolution is about overcoming "costs" incurred in the financial system
~ Financial evolution is the process of evaluating businesses, projects, budgets, and other finance-related transactions to determine their performance and suitability
~ Financial evolution is the process of evaluating businesses, projects, budgets, and other finance-related transactions to determine their performance and suitability

What kind of situation financial crisis include from the options given below?

= bursting of a speculative financial bubble
~ a stock market progress
~ cash flow
~ income and outcomes

What definition is true about financial crisis from the options given below ?

=financial crisis, asset prices see a steep decline in value, businesses and consumers are unable to pay their debts, and financial institutions experience liquidity shortages.
~ A financial crisis is an economic arrangement wherein financial institutions facilitate the transfer of funds and assets between borrowers, lenders, and investors
~ Financial crisis is the process of evaluating businesses, projects, budgets, and other finance-related transactions to determine their performance and suitability
~ Fundamentally, financial evolution is about overcoming "costs" incurred in the financial system

By what factor can be caused financial crisis ?

= overvalued assets , systemic and regulatory failures.
~ rapid liberalisation of the financial sector, inadequate economic policy,
~ noncredible exchange rate mechanism, inefficient resource allocation;
~ regulatory failures, and resulting consumer panic

What are the stages of a financial crisis?

=launch of the crisis , breakdown of the financial system and assets decrease in value.
~ regulatory failures, and resulting consumer panic,
~ systemic failures, unanticipated or uncontrollable human behavior;
~ overvalued assets, systemic and regulatory failures;

When financial markets around the world were showing signs that the reckoning was overdue for a years-long binge on cheap credit ?

= by the summer of 2007
~ by the autumn of 2008
~ by the winter of 2007
~ by the 23 th of July of 2004

Why is financial literacy important ?

= it equips us with the knowledge and skills we need to manage money effectively:
~ it enables you to assess your financial needs and the resources required to support and meet your objectives and to fulfill your organisations' overarching objective, as well as plan for continued growth to enable business success and sustainability;
~ it intends to help people secure financial services and products at economical prices such as deposits, fund transfer services, loans, insurance, payment services, etc;
~ overvalued assets, systemic and regulatory failures;

What is the financial literacy ?

= it is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. Financial literacy is the foundation of your relationship with money, and it is a lifelong journey of learning.
~ it means planning, organizing, directing and controlling the financial activities such as procurement and utilization of funds of the enterprise,
~ it refers to the funding of long-term projects, such as public infrastructure or services, industrial projects, and others through a specific financial structure,
~ overvalued assets, systemic and regulatory failures;

What is financial planning ?

= it is the process of estimating the capital required and determining it's competition:
~ the outcome is a functional roadmap that assesses current resources, costs and budget and aligns them with the company's mission and goals;
~ this includes decisions about raising capital, borrowing money and budgeting;
~ systemic failures, unanticipated or uncontrollable human behavior;

Which is one of the five components of financial literacy given from options below ?

= The basics of the budgeting
~ the deposits and credit cards
~ saving money
~ insurance and income

Who sings the ______ in your class?

= most happily
~ happy
~ more happily
~ happily

Which student in the class works ______ ?

= the most carefully
~ more careful
~ less careful
~ the least careful

It was a ______.

=thirty-minute show
~ TV show thirty minute
~ Thirty minutes TV show
~ TV show of thirty minute

We saw ______ last week.

= an award winning French film
~ award winning French film
~ a French film award winning
~ a film of French winning award

The nurse is very ______. She spoke ______.

= polite / politely
~ politely / politely
~ politely / polite
~ polite / polite

Anna likes Joanna, but Maria doesn't like _____.

~ them
~ your
~ their

Kate is ______ than any other actress on TV.

~ as pretty
~ not pretty
~ the prettiest

The weather changed ______. There was an ______ change in the

= unexpectedly / unexpected
~ unexpected / unexpectedly
~ unexpectancy / unexpected
~ unexpectedly / unexpectation

I always _____ _____ credit card.

=pay / by
~ am paying / with
~ 'm paying / by
~ pay / with

A: What _____ you _____?

B: I'm a lecturer.
=do / do
~ are / do
~ is / do
~ do / doing

Is my English _____ better.

~ gets
~ get
~ to get

My uncle died________the war.

~ while
~ during
~ for

The phone rang ________I was having supper.

= while
~ during
~ for
~ in

____I was in Paris. I made a lot of friens.


I_________work very hard because I have an exam next week.

=have to
~had to
~has to
~am having

The police______find the man who had stolen my car. He was sent to prison.

=managed to

If there _____ some nice fish in the supermarket, _____ you _____ some for supper tonight?

=had been / would / buy
~ were / would / buy
~ is / will / buy
~are /will / buy

The series of TV programs that has just finished ______ very useful.

= wasn't
~ weren't
~ were

Neither of the footballers ______ well.

= played
~ play
~ didn't play
~ do play

Neither of us ______ hungry.

= is
~ aren't
~ wasn't
~ weren't

All that glitters ______ not gold.

~ are

Measles ______ an infectious disease.


We saw ______ last week.

= an award winning French film
~award winning of French film
~A French film award winning
~ a film of French winning award

A: What is the characteristic of people who live alone?

B: Some of them have tendency to talk to ______
= themselves
~ himself
~ oneself
~ itself

This used to be the home ______

=of my old friend Terry
~ my old friend Terry
~ my old friend of Terry
~ my old friend Terry's

They always give the available seats to ______ comes first.

= whoever
~ whom
~ whichever
~ whomeve

She heard a sound ______ brought her heart into her mouth.

= which
~ whenever

A: Why are you sitting there?

B: Frankly, there is ______ interesting to do.
= nothing
~ anything
~ something
~ nothing else

A: What do you think of politics?

B: Oh, I find politics really ______.
= depressing
~ depress
~ depressed
~ be depress

I'm going to ______ next term, because the exams are getting closer.

= study hard
~ hardly study
~ study hardly
~ studying hard

Fleming discovered penicillin ______.

~ accidental
~ accident
~ on accident

I don't know _______ to telephone.

= who Tom was going
~ whom did Tom want
~ why was Tom going
~ when is Tom

"Why don't we go out for dinner?" His wife suggested that _______

= they should go out for dinner
~ they would go out for dinner
~ we will go out for dinner
~ we'd like to go out for dinner

Teachers have found the overhead projector to be invaluable as a teaching aid. Teachers have found that the overhead projector _____

=is invaluable as a teaching aid
~ to be invaluable as a teaching aid
~ was invaluable as a teaching aid
~ invaluable as a teaching aid

The law requires that all cars _______ regularly tested for safety and efficiency

= should be
~to be
~ were to be
~ have to be

He began to realize that he _______ mistake.

= had made
~is making
~ has made
~ will make

The Prime minister warned that higher wages _____ higher prices.

= would mean
~will mean
~to mean

No one doubted _______ sincere in his beliefs.

=that he was
~ what he was
~why was he
~that he is

He didn't even apologize. This made her really angry. _______ he didn't even apologize made her really angry.

=the fact that
~ Why
~The reason

_______ made her angry was the fact that her husband had forgotten her birthday.

= What
~ The fact that
~ The thing

Everybody said, "We're glad the danger is over." Everybody said that _______.

=they were glad the danger was over
~he was glad the danger was over
~they are glad the danger is over
~ he is glad the danger is over

_______ was to have dinner after the meeting.

= What I wanted to do
~What we are to do
~Which we needed
~Why he comes

I recommended that the patient _______ on as soon as possible.

=be operated
~ is operated
~ would be operated

George told me that _______ with his roommate next semester.

=he'd rather not live
~ he wouldn't have lived
~ he won't live
~ he hadn't lived

I'll hit you!" _______ to hit me.

=He threatened
~ He suggested
~ He promised
~ He offered

"Would you like to come to my party?" He invited her _______.

=to come to his party
~ she'd like to come to his party
~ she'd like to come to my party
~ if she'd come to his party

I didn't hear _______ because there was so much noise where I was sitting.

=what he said
~what was he saying
~what he has said
~ what did he say
~ what he said

I had hoped _______ my letter.

=that she would answer
~that she answer
~ she answers
~ she will answer

I have no idea _______.

=why he has left
~ what does this word mean
~ when will he arrive
~ how was he killed

"Let's go to the cinema this evening," she said. She suggested that they _______ to the cinema that evening.

= should go
~ would go
~ will go
~ had gone

What kind of functions do commercial banks have?

=deposits , payments , credits
~deposits, payments, allowance
~deposits, payments, spending spree
~deposits, payments, monetary policy

What kind of principles are the accounting systems normally based on?

=double entry
~Triply entry
~Diversified entry
~Unic entry

What is the strategic planning ?

=fundamental decisions
~Data reporting
~Common goals

Which items below do balance sheets usually include?

=Investments , Loans , Deposits , Taxes
~Investments, Loans, Deposits, financial planning
~Investments, taxes, Deposits, financial planning
~loans, taxes, Deposits, financial planning

What provides the largest single source of bank income in Uzbekistan.

= The granting of credit
~The granting of account
~The granting of hotel services
~The granting of deposits

What kind of things does profitability indicate?

=The effectiveness of a bank's performance
~statutory requirements
~substantial reserves
~granting of deposits

Which information do Published figures not provide?

=Responsibility for appraisal
~essential data on the liquidity
~income of a bank

Which of these meanings is not suitable for deposits?

=a type of insurance that protects government organizations, companies, etc. from losing money:
~to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks;
~a payment, especially into a bank account;
~an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

Which of these meanings is suitable for bonds?

= an amount of money that an organization or government borrows and promises to pay back on an agreed date with an agreed amount of interest.
~ to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks;
~ a payment, especially into a bank account;
~ an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

Which of these meanings is suitable for fixed assets?

= buildings, equipment, and land owned by a company:
~ to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks;
~ a payment, especially into a bank account;
~ an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

Which of these meanings is suitable for liability?

= the amount of money that a person or organization owes:
~ to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks;
~ a payment, especially into a bank account;
~ an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

Which of these meanings is suitable for vaults?

= a room with thick walls and a strong door, which is used to safely store money, valuable things, etc:
~ to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks;
~ one of the parts that results when something is divided between several people, groups, etc., or a number representing that part;
~ an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;

What does foreign exchange dealing mean?

= the exchange of the currency of one country for the currency of another.
~ foreign currencies to pay producers in other countries
~ an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something;
~ to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks;

What is forward market?

= the buying and selling of currencies, goods, etc. in which the price is fixed now for delivery on a particular date in the future:
~ the date on which an investment or insurance product becomes ready to be paid;
~ the system by which the type of money used in one country is exchanged for another country's money, making international trade easier;
~ the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time;

What is currency?

~ the buying and selling of currencies, goods, etc. in which the price is fixed now for delivery on a particular date in the future:
~ the date on which an investment or insurance product becomes ready to be paid;
~ the system by which the type of money used in one country is exchanged for another country's money, making international trade easier;
= the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time;

What is maturity date?

~ the buying and selling of currencies, goods, etc. in which the price is fixed now for delivery on a particular date in the future:
= the date on which an investment or insurance product becomes ready to be paid;
~ the system by which the type of money used in one country is exchanged for another country's money, making international trade easier;
~ the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time;

What is foreign exchange?

~ the buying and selling of currencies, goods, etc. in which the price is fixed now for delivery on a particular date in the future:
~ the date on which an investment or insurance product becomes ready to be paid;
= the system by which the type of money used in one country is exchanged for another country's money, making international trade easier;
~ the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time;

Who sings the ______ in your class?

= most happily
~ happy
~ more happily
~ happily

Which student in the class works ______ ?

= the most carefully
~ more careful
~ less careful
~ the least careful

It was a ______.

=thirty-minute show
~ TV show thirty minute
~ Thirty minutes TV show
~ TV show of thirty minute

We saw ______ last week.

= an award winning French film
~ award winning French film
~ a French film award winning
~ a film of French winning award

The nurse is very ______. She spoke ______.

= polite / politely
~ politely / politely
~ politely / polite
~ polite / polite

Anna likes Joanna, but Maria doesn't like _____.

~ them
~ your
~ their

Kate is ______ than any other actress on TV.

~ as pretty
~ not pretty
~ the prettiest

The weather changed ______. There was an ______ change in the weather.

= unexpectedly / unexpected
~ unexpected / unexpectedly
~ unexpectancy / unexpected
~ unexpectedly / unexpectation

I always _____ _____ credit card.

=pay / by
~ am paying / with
~ 'm paying / by
~ pay / with

A: What _____ you _____?

B: I'm a lecturer.
=do / do
~ are / do
~ is / do
~ do / doing

Is my English _____ better.

~ gets
~ get
~ to get

My uncle died________the war.

~ while
~ during
~ for

The phone rang ________I was having supper.

= while
~ during
~ for
~ in

____I was in Paris. I made a lot of friens.


I_________work very hard because I have an exam next week.

=have to
~had to
~has to
~am having

The police______find the man who had stolen my car. He was sent to prison.

=managed to

If there _____ some nice fish in the supermarket, _____ you _____ some for supper tonight?

=had been / would / buy
~ were / would / buy
~ is / will / buy
~are /will / buy

The series of TV programs that has just finished ______ very useful.

= wasn't
~ weren't
~ were

Neither of the footballers ______ well.

= played
~ play
~ didn't play
~ do play

Neither of us ______ hungry.

= is
~ aren't
~ wasn't
~ weren't

All that glitters ______ not gold.

~ are

Measles ______ an infectious disease.


We saw ______ last week.

= an award winning French film
~award winning of French film
~a French film award winning
~ a film of French winning award

A: What is the characteristic of people who live alone?

B: Some of them have tendency to talk to ______
= themselves
~ himself
~ oneself
~ itself

This used to be the home ______

=of my old friend Terry
~ my old friend Terry
~ my old friend of Terry
~ my old friend Terry's

They always give the available seats to ______ comes first.

= whoever
~ whom
~ whichever
~ whomeve

She heard a sound ______ brought her heart into her mouth.

= which
~ whenever

A: Why are you sitting there?

B: Frankly, there is ______ interesting to do.
= nothing
~ anything
~ something
~ nothing else

A: What do you think of politics?

B: Oh, I find politics really ______.
= depressing
~ depress
~ depressed
~ be depress

I'm going to ______ next term, because the exams are getting closer.

= study hard
~ hardly study
~ study hardly
~ studying hard

Fleming discovered penicillin ______.

~ accidental
~ accident
~ on accident

I don't know _______ to telephone.

= who Tom was going
~ whom did Tom want
~ why was Tom going
~ when is Tom

"Why don't we go out for dinner?" His wife suggested that _______

= they should go out for dinner
~ they would go out for dinner
~ we will go out for dinner
~ we'd like to go out for dinner

Teachers have found the overhead projector to be invaluable as a teaching aid. Teachers have found that the overhead projector _____

=is invaluable as a teaching aid
~ to be invaluable as a teaching aid
~ was invaluable as a teaching aid
~ invaluable as a teaching aid

The law requires that all cars _______ regularly tested for safety and efficiency

= should be
~to be
~ were to be
~ have to be

He began to realize that he _______ mistake.

= had made
~is making
~ has made
~ will make

The Prime minister warned that higher wages _____ higher prices.

= would mean
~will mean
~to mean

No one doubted _______ sincere in his beliefs.

=that he was
~ what he was
~why was he
~that he is
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