Freedom, freedom! He was free from that spell, that sorcery, that confusion and that obsession!

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Uning har doimgiday quyuq moylangan siyrak, oq oralagan malla sochlari sichqonning dumidek qilib o’rib qo’yilgan edi ( Jinoyat va jazo 101-bet)

In this sentence simile is used The phrase ( sichqonning dumiday) expressing a likeness between hair and the tail of rat. Additionally the writer used the formal element of the simile (-dek)

Her thin, light hair, streaked with grey, thickly smeared with grease, was plaited as a rat’s tail


Dahliz qop-qorongu va bo’m-bo’sh edi, hech kim yo’q go’yo bu yerdan hamma narsa olib chiqib tashlanganga o’xshardi; u oyog’ining uchida yurib sekingina ichkari xonaga o’tdi, xona ichi oyning yorqin nurlariga g’arq bo’lgan edi. ( Jinoyat va jazo 357-bet)

In a metaphor an ideas is expressed by word used in a figurative meaning . There the word ( oyning nurlariga g’arq bo’lmoq) is used in a second meaning as a fulled with moonlights

It was very dark and empty in the passage, as though everything had been removed; he crept on tiptoe into the parlour which was flooded with moonlight


Erkinlik ,erkinlik! Mana endi u bu afsun, bu sehr, bu avroq, bu jodu va bu dovdirashdan xalos bo’ldi, erkinlikka chiqdi. ( Jinoyat va jazo 79 bet)

There the writer used climax through emphasizing every successive phrase. Each word of the structural unit coming one after the other ( afsun, sehr, avroq, jodu, dovdirash) is understood to be more convincing in the revealing the author’s idea

Freedom, freedom! He was free from that spell, that sorcery, that confusion and that obsession!


Men siz bilan hech qachon baxtsiz bo’lmasligimni tushunib yetdim (Jinoyat va jazo 467-bet)

Litota is used here. To describe positive feelings writer used negative form of phrase. Instead of “ baxtli bo’lishimni” he used “ baxtsiz bo’lmaslik”

I realized that I will never be unhappy with you.


Ishonmayman! Aqlim bovar qilmaydi! deya takrorlardi boshi qotib qolgan Razumuhin butun kuchi bilan dalillarni chippakka chiqarishga urinarkan.( Jinoyat va jazo 374-bet)

“ Aqlim bovar qilmaydi” means “ it is very difficult to understand smth” or to express something in a big amount. In this case here hyperbole is used to deliberate overstatement or exaggeration

“I don’t believe it. I can’t believe it” repeated Razumihin trying in perplexity to refute Raskolnikov’s argument.


Bu dunyodan kimlar hayron bo’lib o’tdi,
Kimlar yig’lab, yana kimlar kulib o’tdi.
Kimning qo’yni puch yong’oqqa to’lib o’tdi,
Men shunchaki o’lish uchun tug’ilmadim. ( Iftixor Xonxo’jayev)

In this poem antithesis is based on following oppositions “ kulmoq-yig’lamoq” and “o’lmoq-yig’lamoq”


Bu Nizomiy Ganjaviyning “Maxzan ul-asrori”ga ishlangan rasm. Moybo’yoqda ishlayapman.(Voris «Senga ishonaman» 7-bet)

Trite metonymy is used we can find those are based on very close , common relations of contiguity between objects. Here the author used the name of the book for expressing the relations between the creator and his creation.

This is painting for “Maxzan ul-asror” by Nizami Ganjavi. I am working on watercolor.


Men rassomman, o’rtoq,- dedi Qunduz – Zamonaviy impressionism oqimining bugungi davomchisiman.(Senga ishonaman 10-bet)

Antonomasia is used in this sentence. The author stressed the prominent features of a person like “ rassom” and “impressionism oqimining davomchisi”. To point out the word “rassom” he used this phrase

I am an artist, said Kunduz,- today’s successor of modern impressionism.


O, “buyuk” rassomimizga yana telefon kerak bo’ldimi?(Senga ishonaman 5-bet)

In oral speech the main role in recognition of irony belongs to intonation. Sometimes it is only the situation that can prompt the use of irony. Here to mark ironically used word “buyuk” writer used inverted commas.

Oh, did our great artist need a phone again?!


Keyin suratni goh yaqindan, goh uzoqdan tomosha qila boshladi. “Ming bir kecha”dan olingan rasmlarmi ?

Trite metonymy is used we can find those are based on very close , common relations of contiguity between objects. Here the author used the name of the book for expressing

Then he began to look at the picture, sometimes from a distance, sometimes up close. Are these pictures given from “Ming bir kecha”?
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