Kasbiy tayyorgarlik
ta’lim oluvchilarning muayyan ish yoki ishlar majmuini bajarish uchun zarur
malakalarni jadal egallash maqsadini nazarda tutadigan pedagogik jarayon
Development of the concrete work or work necessary for end of a set of skills which provides
accelerated occupy educational process
fikrlash, o‘z-o‘zini nazorat qilish
thinking, self-checking
Pedagogik jarayon
Aniq maqsadga yo‘naltirilgan,
mazmunan boy, tarkibi jihatidan qat’iy shakllangan o‘quv vaziyatida o‘qituvchi va o‘quvchilar orasidagi o‘zaro hamkorlik
target, substantial, from the
point of view of structure of
an event it was strongly approved educational interaction between teachers and students
u yoki bu soha bo‘yicha bilimdonlik
in this or that sphere of competence
shaxsning mustaqil fikrlash
independent thinking
Pedagogik tizim
1) ma’lum pedagogik konsyepsiya,
nazariya va yondashuvlarning mualliflar tomonidan pedagogik amaliyotga joriy
etishdagi izchillik; 2) o‘quvchi shaxsining shakllanishiga ta’sir ko‘rsatadigan pedagogik pritsip, vosita, usul va metodlar yig‘indisi
1) concrete educational concepts, theories and approaches to gradual introduction of student
teaching by authors; 2) influence the identity of the reader of the pedagogical principle, the engine has a set of methods and receptions