Abdulla Qahhor
When one of the speaker who “guess to widely listeners` public” came from work, his wife hang on his neck and cried:
You don`t love me… You aren`t happy with our life… I have been waiting for a long time… You didn`t say anything about our wedding anniversary.
The speaker really forgot it, but he brought up:
Really! Is it anniversary of our wedding today? Did a year go through from our such a pleasure and fine life? Oh my God!
His wife smiled and showed the banquet which is decorated with fruits and bounties Husband and wife sat together.
Woman poured wine for her husband:
Well ! – she said – Let`s hear you.
Do you want it?
Oh! Do you drink without saying anysing?
Speaker stood up with drinking glass on his hand. His brows knot, he turned white. At first he looked at the drinking glass and began his speech looking at the corner of the room:
Comrade wife ! We have been going on our sheerful life with honour and doing our family duty exemplary for a year. Let me congratulate you directly with this anniversary.
Woman thought that this forward was a joke. So she cried and clapped. Speaker continued speeking louderly:
365 day before we made turning in our life and took steps directly to condition of good tests. As you know in the past family was under the leadership of only man, now it is under the leadership of both man and woman. That is way I don`t find necessary to widely sutter to this.
In this period the woman yawned twice and put her drinking glass on the table. Speaker continued:
In this a year-family-activity what kind of success we had reached? First of all we became solvers who solve different principal problems our own power by discussing and without attracting any power. Secondly, comrade wife, we reinforced matchless our family from organizational and economic side. I am not going to speak about facts in this concerning. Because your mother mentioned deeply in every historical visiting of her.
As there is no water, speaker drunk from wine and continued:
Well, covering our defects are these success contentedness for us? We will have mistaken, if we are unconcerned directly and we are in a long liveness mood. Have we got deficiency? Yes, we have. Not little. For example we can say our mistake with foods according to their keeping on the first half of June. As a result of our criminal approach to this problem a number of rottings, distructions, growings happened. Didn`t it? It`s fact! With what to defend it? With nothing!
Speaker got hot and burn:
Secondary, the problem of using inner opportunities. As you know we have got a high quality copper teapot. These days cover of this teapot not available. Have we ever given a signal about this? No! Finishing to indefferens If we give it stright to daily schedule and support this teapot with necessary cover, it would have been conclusive thing while our samovar was broken. Unfortunately we did not pay attention to this problem. Nowadays the teapot has not cover, absolutely hasnot!
The woman said “Ugh” . Noticing it, speaker thought that “suddenly I criticized harder apparently” and he lost his word. So he began to try to soften his word in the end of his speech:
But without looking these deficiencies, it can be considered there are not any doubt we contenue our life in a high degree. So let me completing my speech and wishing believe that our family will cover with honour in future! Before drinking this shot glass, I make a request give permission me to display effectively my love.
The woman understood from his action the mean “give me a kiss” and:
A kiss? At least you have told this correctly!, - she said.
What kind ? - said the speaker being amazed. I can`t break my speech for a kiss.
Speaker sat dawn. When he sat dawn, he returned to his original form. The woman was being delighted and was smiling from every word of him.
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