Handbook of psychology volume 7 educational psychology

Implementing a Randomized Classroom Trials Study

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Implementing a Randomized Classroom Trials Study

Is there a need for either smaller or larger scale randomized

intervention studies? Have any instructional interventions

Enhancing the Credibility of Intervention Research


advanced to the point where they are ready to be evaluated in

well-controlled classroom trials? Or, as was alluded to ear-

lier, are such implementation-and-evaluation efforts the sole

property of medical research’s clinical trials? Yes, yes, and

no, respectively, and the time is ripe to demonstrate it.

A similar research sequence could be followed in moving

beyond classroom description, laboratory research, and one-

unit-per-intervention studies to help settle the whole-language

versus phonemic-awareness training wars in reading instruc-

tion (e.g., Pressley & Allington, 1999), to prescribe the most ef-

fective classroom-based reading-comprehension techniques

(e.g., Pressley et al., 1992), to investigate issues related to opti-

mal instructional media and technologies (e.g., Salomon &

Almog, 1998), and the like—the list goes on and on. That is,

there is no shortage of randomized classroom-intervention re-

search leads to be explored, in virtually all content domains that

promote cognitive or behavioral interventions. (Beyond the

classroom, school and institutional trials experiments can help

to bolster claims about intervention efforts at those levels.) In

addition to a perusal of the usual scholarly syntheses of re-

search, all one needs do is to take a look at something such as

What Works (U.S. Department of Education, 1986) for re-

search-based candidates with the potential to have a dramatic

positive impact on instructional outcomes, classroom behav-

ior, and general cognitive development. Randomized class-

room trials research can provide the necessary credible and

creditable evidence for that potential.

Commitment of Federal Funds to Randomized

Classroom Trials Research

The notions we have been advancing are quite compatible

with Stanovich’s (1998, pp. 54 –55, 133–135) discussions of

the importance of research progressing from early to later

stages, producing, respectively, weaker and stronger forms of

causal evidence (see also Table 22.3). The notions are also in

synchrony with the final evaluative phase of Slavin’s (1997)

recommended design competitions, in which an agency iden-

tifies educational problems and research bidders submit their

plans to solve them. With respect to that evaluative phase

(which roughly corresponds to our randomized classroom

trials stage), Slavin (1997) wrote,

Ideally, schools for the third-party evaluations would be chosen

at random from among schools that volunteered to use the pro-

gram being evaluated. For example, schools in a given district

might be asked to volunteer to implement a new middle school

model. This offer might be made in 5 to 10 districts around the

country: some urban, some suburban, some rural, some with

language-minority students, some large schools, some small

ones, and so on. Fifty schools might be identified. Twenty-five

might be randomly assigned to use the program and 25 to serve

as controls (and to implement their current programs for a few

more years). Control schools would receive extra resources,

partly to balance those given to the experimental schools and

partly to maintain a level of motivation to serve as control

groups. (p. 26)

The random assignment of volunteering schools to the

program and control conditions, along with the allocation of

additional resources to the control schools, exhibits a concern

for the research’s internal validity (see, e.g., Levin & Levin,

1993). Additionally, the random sampling of schools exhibits

a concern for the research’s external validity and also permits

an investigation of program effectiveness as a function of

specific school characteristics. Multiple high-quality ran-

domized school or classroom trials studies of this kind would

do much to improve both public and professional perceptions

of the low-quality standards that accompany educational re-

search today (e.g., McGuire, 1999; Sabelli & Kelly, 1998;

Sroufe, 1997). Incorporating and extending the knowledge

base provided by smaller scale Stage 2 empirical studies

(e.g., Hedges & Stock, 1983), the decade-long Tennessee

Project STAR randomized classroom experiment investigat-

ing the effects of class size on student achievement (e.g., Nye

et al., 1999) is a prominent example of scientifically credible

research that has already begun to influence educational

policy nationwide (“Research finds advantages,” 1999). The

same can be said of the Success for All randomized schools

experiments investigating the effects of systemic reform on

student academic outcomes in schools serving traditionally

low-achieving student populations (e.g., Slavin, Madden,

Dolan, & Wasik, 1996). Of less recent vintage, an illustration

of a scientifically credible intervention with educational cred-

itability is Harvard Project Physics, a randomized schools ex-

periment based on a national random sample, in which an

innovative high school physics curriculum was carefully im-

plemented and evaluated (e.g., Walberg & Welch, 1972).

Are federal funding agencies willing to support random-

ized classroom trials ventures? Such ventures appear to be

exactly what at least some agencies want, if not demand:

At one end of the continuum, research is defined by researcher

questions that push the boundaries of knowledge. At the other end

of the continuum, research is defined by large-scale and contex-

tual experiments, defined by implementation questions that frame

robust applications. . . . What is needed now, and what NSF is ac-

tively exploring, is to move ahead simultaneously at both ex-

tremes of the continuum. Basic learning about the process of

learning itself—innovative R&D in tackling increasingly

complex content and in the tools of science and mathematics


Educational / Psychological Intervention Research

education—informs and must be informed by applied, robust,

large-scale testbed implementation research. (Sabelli & Kelly,

1998, p. 46)

Thus, in contrast to detractors’ periodic assertions that the

medical research model does not map well onto the educa-

tional research landscape, we assert that randomized class-

room trials studies have much to recommend themselves.

Additional Comments

We conclude this section with five comments. First, we do

not mean to imply that randomized classroom trials studies

are appropriate for all areas of intervention research inquiry,

for they most certainly are not (see, e.g., Eisner, 1999).

Systematic observation, rich description, and relationship

documentation, with no randomized classroom component,

may well suffice for characterizing many classroom pro-

cesses and behaviors of both practical and theoretical conse-

quence. For the prescription of instructional interventions

(e.g., alternative teaching methods, learning strategies, cur-

ricular materials) and other school- or other system–based in-

novations, however, randomized classroom trials studies

could go a long way toward responding to former Assistant

Secretary of Education McGuire’s (1999) call for rigorous

educational research that “readily inform[s] our understand-

ing of a number of enduring problems of practice” (p. 1).

Second, randomized classroom trials studies can be carried

out on both smaller and larger scales, depending on one’s

intended purposes and resources. The critical issues here are

(a) realistic classroom-based interventions that are (b) admin-

istered to multiple randomized classrooms. Scientifically

credible classroom-based intervention research does not in-

variably require an inordinate number of classrooms per inter-

vention condition, such as the 50 schools alluded to by Slavin

(1997) in the final stage of his aforementioned design compe-

tition scenario. Initially, an intervention’s potential might be

evaluated with, say, three or four classrooms randomly as-

signed to each intervention condition. Even with that number

of multiple classrooms (and especially when combined with

classroom stratification, statistical control, and the specifica-

tion of relevant within-classroom characteristics), classroom-

based statistical analyses can be sensibly and sensitively

applied to detect intervention main effects and interactions of

reasonable magnitudes (e.g., Barcikowski, 1991; Bryk &

Raudenbush, 1992; Levin, 1992; Levin & O’Donnell, 1999a;

Levin & Serlin, 1993). This statement may come as surprise to

those who are used to conducting research based on individu-

als as the units of treatment administration and analysis. With

classrooms as the units, the ability to detect intervention

effects is a function of several factors, including the number of

classrooms per intervention condition, the number of students

per classroom, and the degree of within-classroom homo-

geneity (both apart from and produced by the intervention;

see, e.g., Barcikowski, 1981). Each of these factors serves to

affect the statistical power of classroom-based analyses. After

an intervention’s potential has been documented through

small, controlled, classroom-based experiments (and replica-

tions) of the kind alluded to here, more ambitious, larger scale,

randomized trials studies based on randomly selected class-

rooms or schools, consistent with Slavin’s (1997) design

competition notions, would then be in order.

Third, if we are to understand the strengths, weaknesses,

and potential roles of various modes of empirical inquiry

(e.g., observational studies, surveys, controlled laboratory

experiments, design experiments), we need an overall model

to represent the relationships among them. For Figure 22.1 to

be such a model, one must believe that it is possible to have a

generalized instructional intervention that can work in a vari-

ety of contexts. Testing the comparative efficacy of such an

intervention would be the subject of a Stage 3 randomized

classroom trials investigation. A substantive example that

readily comes to mind is tutoring, an instructional strategy

that has been shown to be effective in a variety of student

populations and situations and across time (see, e.g., Cohen,

Kulik, & Kulik, 1982; O’Donnell, 1998). For those who be-

lieve that interventions can only be population and situation

specific, a unifying view of the reciprocal contributions of

various research methodologies is difficult to promote.

Fourth, along with acknowledging that the classroom is

typically a nest of “blooming, buzzing confusion” (Brown,

1992, p. 141), it should also be acknowledged that in the

absence of Figure 22.1’s Stage 3 research, the confusion will

be in a researcher’s interpreting which classroom procedures

or features produced which instructional outcomes (if,

indeed, any were produced at all). In that regard, we reiterate

that randomized classroom trials research is equally applica-

ble and appropriate for evaluating the effects of single-

component, multiple-component, and systemic intervention

efforts alike. With the randomized classroom trials stage, at

least a researcher will be able to attribute outcomes to the

intervention (however tightly or loosely defined) rather than

to other unintended or unwanted characteristics (e.g., teacher,

classroom, or student effects).

Finally, and also in reference to Brown’s (1992, p. 141)

“blooming, buzzing confusion” comments directed at class-

room-based research, we note that not all research on teach-

ing and learning is, or needs to be, concerned with issues of

teaching and learning in classrooms. Consider, for example,

the question of whether musical knowledge and spatial



ability foster the development of students’ mathematical

skills. Answering that question does not require any class-

room-based intervention or investigation. In fact, addressing

the question in classroom contexts, and certainly in the man-

ner in which the research has been conducted to date (e.g.,

Graziano et al., 1999; Rauscher et al., 1997), may serve to ob-

fuscate the issue more than resolve it. Alternatively, one need

not travel very far afield to investigate the potential of indi-

vidually based interventions for ameliorating children’s

psychological and conduct disorders. Controlled large-scale

assessments of the comparative effectiveness of various drug

or behavioral therapies could be credibly managed within the

randomized classroom (or community) trials stage of the

Figure 22.1 model (see, e.g., COMMIT Research Group,

1995; Goode, 1999; Peterson, Mann, Kealey, & Marek, 2000;

Wampold et al., 1997). Adapting Scriven’s (1997, p. 21)

aspirin question here, is the individual administration of

therapeutic interventions applicable only for treating med-

ical, and not educational, problems?

Closing Trials Arguments

So, educational intervention research, whither goest thou? By

the year 2025, will educational researchers still regard such

methodologies as the ESP investigation, the demonstration

study, and the design experiment as credible evidence pro-

ducers and regard the information derived from them as “sat-

isficing” (Simon, 1955)? Or are there enough among us who

will fight for credible evidence-producing methodologies,

contesting incredible claims in venues in which recommen-

dations based on intervention “research” are being served up

for either public or professional consumption? 

A similar kind of soul searching related to research pur-

poses, tools, and standards of evidence has been taking place

in other social sciences academic disciplines as well (e.g.,

Azar, 1999; Thu, 1999; Weisz & Hawley, 2001). Grinder

(1989) described a literal fallout observed in the field of edu-

cational psychology as a result of researchers’ perceived dif-

ferences in purposes: In the 1970s and 1980s many

researchers chose to withdraw from educational psychology

and head in other disciplinary directions. In the last decade or

so we have seen that sort of retreat in at least two kindred

professional organizations to the AERA. Perceiving the

American Psychological Association as becoming more and

more concerned with clinical and applied issues, researchers

aligned with the scientific side of psychology helped to form

the American Psychological Society (APS). Similarly, Inter-

national Reading Association researchers and others who

wished to focus on the scientific study of reading rather than

on reading practitioners’ problems founded a professional

organization to represent that focus, the Society for the

Scientific Study of Reading. Will history repeat itself, once

again, in educational research?

Our message is a simple one: When it comes to recom-

mending or prescribing educational, clinical, and social inter-

ventions based on research, standards of evidence credibility

must occupy a position of preeminence. The core of the

investigative framework we propose here is not new. Many

educational researchers and methodologists concerned with

the credibility of research-derived evidence and prescriptions

have offered similar suggestions for years, if not decades:

Harken back to Bereiter’s (1965) trenchant analysis of the

situation. Why, then, do we believe it important, if not imper-

ative, for us to restate the case for scientifically credible

intervention research at this time? Perhaps it is best summa-

rized in a personal communication received from the educa-

tional researcher Herbert Walberg (May 11, 1999): “Live

long enough and, like wide ties, you come back in style—this

in a day when anecdotalism is the AERA research method of

choice.” A frightening state of affairs currently exists within

the general domain of educational research and within its

individual subdomains. It is time to convince the public, the

press, and policy makers alike of the importance of credible

evidence derived from CAREfully conducted research, delin-

eating the characteristics critical to both its production and

recognition. In this chapter we have taken a step toward that

end by first attempting to convince educational/psychologi-

cal intervention researchers of the same.


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