Hba-73 talabasi Azizjon Erkinov First Impressions

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HBA-73 talabasi Azizjon Erkinov

First Impressions

  • Impression – taassurot
  • Prospective – istiqbolli
  • Potential – salohiyat
  • Guarantee – kafolat
  • Reputation - obro’si
  • Researcher – tadqiqotchi
  • Opportunity –imkoniyat
  • Freelancer - yollanib ishlamaydigan odam
  • Wary – ehtiyotkor
  • Ostentatious - dabdabali
  • My first impression of this person was good
  • We have had three sets of prospective buyers looking round the house
  • You have the potential to reach the top of your profession
  • He gave me a guaranteee that it would never happen again
  • The hotel has a bad reputation
  • European researchers say olive oil could help prevent cancer
  • They intend to close the school at the earliest opportunity
  • The firm employs several freelances
  • Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride
  • They criticized the ostentatious lifestyle of their leaders


  • The goverment have set up a commission to investigate the problem.
  • Working in the centre of London has its compensations
  • Alcohol is a contributory factor in 10% of all road accidents
  • Winning the championship was the fulfillment of a childhood dream
  • Demonstrators demanded immediate autonomy for their region
  • She didn’t acknowledge receiving my letter
  • Commission-kommisiya
  • Compensation -o’nini qoplash,ariza to’ldiriw
  • Contributory-sabab bo’luvchi
  • Fulfilment -bajarish,ro’yobga chiqarish
  • Autonomy-erkinlik,o’zini-o’zi boshqarish
  • Acknowledge-tan olmoq,qabul qilmoq

On Schedule

  • Now, an expanded campaign was part of the upfront planning.
  •  The household maximizes its utility subject to a budget constraint.
  • A day can be planned right from first thing with an accurate forecast of the weather.
  • We're going to run into problems.
  • I missed the deadline to affiliate – so many of my friends missed the deadline.
  • It took steely determination and focus to stay on track.
  • The director always goes over budget on his films.
  • He didn't want to fall behind in his studies
  • Upfront planning - oldindan rejalashtirish
  • Budget constraints — byudjet cheklovlari
  • Accurete forecast — aniq prognoz
  • Run into problems — muammolarga duch kelmoq
  • Miss the deadline — belgilangan muddatni o'tkazib yuborish
  • Stay on track – maqsad sari yolida qolmoq
  • Go over budget – budgetdan oshib ketmoq
  • Fall behind scheldue — jadvaldan orqada qolish

New Ideas

  • Carried out-Amalga oshirildi
  • Take up-qabul qilish
  • Take-olish
  • Forward-oldinga
  • Come up with-bilan keling
  • Pay off-to’lash
  • Bring down-pastga tushiring
  • Bring about-haqida keltiring
  • Get round-dumaloq qiling
  • Set up –sozlash
  • Free newspapers: please take one
  • He took some keys out of his pocket
  • He saw the assignment as a way to forward his career
  • She comes to work by bus
  • I’ll pay for the tickets
  • The scandal may bring down the government

Ethical business

  • His actions were motivated by greed
  • He was found guilty of bribery and corruption
  • The legislation would out law discrimination in employment ,housing and education
  • She has a strong sense of justice and fairness
  • He was known for his generosity to his colleagues
  • Bribery—poraxorlik
  • Ethics-ahloq
  • Deception-aldash
  • Responsibility-javobgar
  • Fairness-adolat
  • Generosity-saxiylik
  • Value-qadr qiymat
  • Prejudice-tasir etmoq
  • Credibility—ishonch
  • Greed-ochkozlik
  • Discrimination-tahqirlash


  • Our unit will not take action till our mole has pinned down the delivery location.
  • Pop Up at the Offshore this Saturday.
  • Collab Group works to raise the profile and prestige of further education colleges and demonstrate the critical role they play in creating a more skilled and prosperous society.
  • The term 'disability states the existence of one or more restrictions either in any core activities including self - care, mobility and communication, or in employment.
  • And you burned over a thousand calories walking home, and this branch just got a little bit closer to winning the contest.

Locatsions -joylashuvlar
Offshore -dengiz qirg’og’i
Skilled works - Malakali ishlar
Core activities-asosiy faoliyat
Export growth-eksport o’sishi
Closer to home -uyga yaqinroq
Training facilities-o’quv jihozlari
Outside expertise - Tashqi ekapertiza
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