Thesis Author: Hinhalagoda Lekamalage Pulsi Kavindya Sandeepani Ariyarathna
scientific supervisor
: Mg.oec. Assistant
Professor Inga Erina
Title of thesis: Assessment of the Impact of External
Factors on Small and Medium
in Sri Lanka
Thesis written is written in English language, it consists of introduction, Theoretical
and practical parts, conclusions, and recommendations, list of references and appendix.
Amount of work is 58 pages., it includes 16 figures and 7 tables.
The most important results: The Goal of this Thesis is to find the necessary path for
the future well-being of the small and medium enterprises in Sri Lanka, in the face of
the External Factors The study concluded that SME's have been largely overlooked in
the country due to a variety of issues, the most significant of which being political and
government influence. Until recently, this sector did not receive adequate recognition.
The author uses the study's practical part to analyse survey results and compare them to
existing market data to determine SME business owners' impressions of present external
factors and their influence on their businesses.
Bibliographic description of the thesis: Ariyarathna P.K.S. (2021)
Assessment of the
impact of External Factors on Small and Medium Enterprises in Sri Lanka, Bachelor
Thesis. Riga: RTU, IBEM DIBM, Bachelor’s
Academic Study Program
“Entrepreneurship and Management”. 58 pages.