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What is a strategy as a general idea?

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What is a strategy as a general idea?

A strategy is a set of plans and rules that are formulated and acted upon in order to achieve a certain goal

Unless you have your own strategy, you will not be able to make consistent profits in Forex
Every high profit trader has his own strategy
A strategy is a way of trading
Not everyone trades the same

Strategies are always different because there are many different regions and the market is always different so it is always recommended to use different strategies.

New traders should first learn about different strategies and develop their own strategy based on their knowledge.
It may take 1 year or more to have his own strategy, but he still has to find it himself.
It cannot be taught
He has to find it himself. When he finds his way, then he will have permanent benefits.
What is the strategy:
A strategy is planning to solve a problem. A strategy consists of a series of planned actions that help decision-making to achieve the best results. A strategy is aimed at achieving a goal by following a course of action.

Strategy includes tactics, more specific measures to achieve one or more goals.

Military strategy
The original meaning of strategy is the art or method of directing military operations. In this sense, military strategy refers to plans of action designed to achieve victory in a war conflict, taking into account various variables. The Art of War is a book written by the Chinese Sun Tzu, in which examples of military strategies can be found.


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Business strategy
At the company level, the term business strategy is a discussion of a series of steps or guidelines that a company should follow in order to obtain the greatest profit. An example of a business strategy is to buy identical companies to eliminate competition.

See also prospective.

Teaching and learning strategies

In the field of education, we are talking about teaching and learning strategies, referring to a set of techniques that help improve the educational process. For example, one can talk about a strategy for organizing content, talking about how to approach a task using different techniques such as summarizing or outlining.

Strategy games

In the world of free time, it seems to talk about the term Strategy games. In this case, it is a type of game activity based on intelligence and technical skills, in which victory is sought through planning. In this section we can find different methods such as card games or some video games. A classic and universal example of a strategy game is chess.

What are the consequences of life without computers in your opinion?

It is impossible to imagine today's life without computers, they have become an integral part of it.
• But the first computer appeared in the United States half a century ago. This event was connected with the achievements in the field of electronics on the one hand, and on the other - with the needs of mathematicians, physicists and other specialists in the automation of calculations. Early computer models were called electronic computing machines (PCs). High cost and the need for special training limit their widespread use. For many years, computers were only tools for scientific calculations.
• A computer is just a human activity and like any other device, it is used by society to solve problems and achieve goals, due to its social, economic and ideological characteristics.
• In the early stages of the development of civilization, the number of "Business" articles - all kinds of certificates, reports, applications, etc. increased dramatically. Several thousand correspondence workers worked in a large number of offices. But the further development of civilization made human labor easier. The use of desktop and then pocket calculators simplified calculation techniques and greatly aided accountants, engineers and other professionals. We also confiscate the computing equipment and its activities in bill payment, salary, wages, ticket payment.
• No one is surprised by the enormous speed of computers, their small size and excellent memory. And you can be sure that these smart cars will continue to improve.
• 1. computers as learning tools
• The wide range of processing capabilities of computers makes them suitable for a variety of educational uses. They can facilitate the teaching and learning of preschoolers who learn new diagnostic methods from preschoolers, the alphabet. Computers are suitable for use in areas such as linguistics and mathematics, history and natural sciences, vocational education, music and visual arts. Computers open up new ways to develop thinking skills and problem-solving skills, creating new opportunities for active learning. With the help of computers, you can make lessons, exercises, management work, as well as academic activities more effective. It removes teachers and allows them to spend more time on individual lessons. Computers can make many lessons more interesting and reliable, and vast amounts of information are easily accessible. Computers create different images, they create different images, they play music, calculations are performed, they are placed as opened machines in typewriters. The examined text is measured verbatim, the student's reaction time is measured, tape recorders and video players are taken, and the situation is usually created for creative and interesting learning.
• 1.1. The computer is a teacher
• Computers have many advantages and ignore the disadvantages of books and movies. Good programs show the computer in the process of communication with the teacher and are completely absent in teaching with books and films. The computer can assess the knowledge of the student before starting the study and closely monitor the assimilation of the material during the lesson. On the computer, it is possible to adjust the level of materials for each child individually, the amount of his feeding course. A computer, like a book, gives every student the opportunity to work at the most suitable pace and gives the opportunity to know experts in any field in any area. Computers allow you to use pictures, images and sounds. Although these pictures and sounds are not perfect, as in the movies, they help bring new concepts to the attention of the state and students. Recently, the combination of computers on video discs has made it possible to use pictures in computerized classes, no less than in the quality of films.

Education system in Uzbekistan

In Uzbekistan, everyone is guaranteed equal rights to education, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, belief, personal and social status. The education system is uniform and continuous and consists of the following types of education:

preschool education and upbringing;

general secondary and secondary special education;
professional education;
higher education;
post-secondary education;
personnel retraining and improving their qualifications;
extracurricular education.
Pre-school education and upbringing
The procedure for organizing pre-school education and training is determined by the Law "On Education" and the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Pre-school Education and Training".

Preschool education and training is a type of education aimed at teaching and educating children, developing them intellectually, morally, ethically, aesthetically and physically, as well as preparing children for general secondary education. Preschool education and upbringing also includes one-year compulsory preparation of children aged six to seven years for primary education.

General secondary and secondary special education
General secondary and secondary special education is aimed at mastering general educational programs, necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

The stages of general secondary education (grades I-XI) are as follows:

primary education (grades I-IV);
basic secondary education (grades V - IX);
secondary education (X - XI grades).
Children are admitted to the first grade of the general secondary education organization in the year when they turn seven years old.

Primary education is aimed at forming the foundations of literacy, knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for students to continue general secondary education.

In accordance with the basic secondary education curriculum, it provides students with the necessary amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, and develops the ability to think and analyze independently.

In the framework of basic secondary education (after grade VII), measures are taken for professional diagnosis and vocational guidance in order to form primary knowledge and skills in the professions.

According to the curriculum of secondary education, it ensures that students acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as choose the next type of education and acquire professions that do not require high qualifications.

The procedure for professional diagnosis and career guidance, as well as training students for professions that do not require high qualifications, is determined by legislation [1].

Professional education
Professional education includes the following levels in the profession and specialty:

primary professional education;

secondary professional education;
secondary special professional education.
Primary professional education is carried out in vocational schools on the basis of IX grade graduates on a free basis on the basis of two-year integrated programs of general education subjects and specialized subjects in the form of full-time education.

Secondary professional education is provided in colleges on the basis of a state order or a payment contract, based on the complexity of professions and specialties. rta is implemented on the basis of special education and primary professional education.

Secondary specialized professional education in technical schools on the basis of general secondary, secondary specialized, primary professional and secondary professional education based on a state order or payment contract, depending on the complexity of professions and specialties, duration at least two years of full-time, evening and part-time education [2].

Higher education

Higher education ensures the training of highly qualified personnel in the areas of bachelor's education and master's degrees.

Training of highly educated personnel is carried out in higher education organizations (universities, academies, institutes, higher schools). General secondary (eleven years of education), secondary special (nine years of basic secondary and two years of secondary special education), primary professional education (full persons who received nine-year basic secondary and two-year primary professional education), as well as secondary special, vocational education (nine-year general secondary and three-year vocational education) before this Law came into force Persons who have received secondary special, vocational education) have the right to receive higher education.

Higher education has two stages - bachelor's and master's.

Tashkent Financial Institute and Tashkent International Westminster University are the most highly rated institutions of higher education at the local level. The first was established in 1991 at the initiative of the First President of Uzbekistan. Later, in 2002, the University of Westminster (Great Britain) and the "HOPE" group of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

What is a life strategy and how it affects our behaviour?

Life strategy as a way to achieve social status. life strategy

A person living in society is constantly faced with many demands placed on him by his parents, teachers, friends, strangers and others. Each person, in turn, has their own needs, desires, and interests that they seek to realize. In real life conditions, there is often a conflict between the objective requirements of reality and the needs of the individual, which causes various life contradictions. The degree of integration of life requirements with the needs, interests, and values of a person leads to the formation of various life strategies.

The number of works devoted to the review of life strategy and its types in foreign and domestic psychology is limited. This aspect K.A. studied in detail by Abulkhanova-Slavskaya and R. Pehunen within the framework of the study of the life path personality.

IN broad sense K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya gives the following definition of life strategy - it is "the main ability of a person to harmonize his individuality with life conditions, to increase and develop it, which is carried out in various life conditions, conditions." In a narrow sense, it is the development of a certain life solution to overcome the contradictions in life.

R. Pehunen emphasizes in his works that the life strategy is developed by the individual. In this regard, a person is divided into three sub-systems according to the life function performed - control systems, actions and feedback. Each of the subsystems is responsible for different aspects of the life strategy.

The control system regulates the goal-setting features of the life strategy:

Ø have a vision of your future;

Ø avoid or desire it;

Ø the level of the hierarchy of life goals;

Ø external/internal control of one's life;

Ø existence of time perspective (connecting past, present and future);

Ø scope of vital interests;

Ø external / internal direction of goals.

The motor system is responsible for achieving vital goals.

Ø level of planning actions to achieve the set goals;

Ø hardness/plasticity in the use of tools;

Ø establishment of social relations and specific features of activity in general.

A feedback system describes the degree of openness in expressing feelings of success or failure.

As a basis for the classification of life strategies, R. Pehunen proposes to consider the ways of solving life conflicts that arise between the demands and opportunities of the social environment of the person and the usual way of life of the person. Based on the above, Pehunen distinguishes two general types of life strategies: in the stage of identifying conflicts and in the stage of resolving them.

At the stage of identifying conflicts, a person, according to the author, is able to show two subtypes of defense strategies: conservatism and avoidance. The essence of the conservative strategy is a person's desire to maintain the usual way of life, regardless of the changed external conditions. A conservative life strategy has a reluctance and inability to change in new conditions of life, a clear and strict hierarchy of life goals, accuracy in performing daily tasks, and limited life interests.

Avoidance strategy is manifested in fewer areas of conflict (active avoidance) or increased activity of the individual (passive avoidance). For a person with such a strategy, it is characteristic to perceive the future as a threat and uncertainty, which leads to inconsistency of life goals that do not take into account the real possibilities of the individual. In terms of time, the present tense, focused on satisfying one's own needs, dominates. The emotional sphere is characterized by the predominance of depression and anxiety.

After a person has identified a life conflict, according to Pehunen, he can demonstrate one of three subtypes of life strategies that characterize the behavior of a person in a difficult life situation:

Ø Failure strategy;

Ø Adaptation strategy;

Ø Development strategy.

The strategy of failure manifests itself when the difficulties of life are perceived as unsolvable by a person, which leads to the cessation of struggle with them. At the subjective level, this strategy is manifested in the presence of a feeling of helplessness, which is manifested in the picture of the whole life path in the form of a narrowing of a person's social relations and spheres of activity. A person who shows a life strategy of rejection is characterized by a perception of life in the form of many life failures, a negative perception of the future, which leads to a lack of planning. In terms of life, the predominance of the present, survival
To what extent computer development has influenced recent achievements.

Today, a device called a computer is deeply embedded in all aspects of our life, and many things are done with its help. Taking into account that in the developed countries of the world, the achievements made with the help of computers are increasingly bearing fruit, and even if they require a lot of money, the interest in the most powerful computers - supercomputers - is increasing day by day.

Supercomputers are computers with the highest simultaneous processing speed for scientific and engineering tasks. Currently, supercomputers, which belong to the most powerful class, are valued for having a very large speed and size. In addition, the large number of microprocessors of supercomputers also serves to increase its productivity. A supercomputer can easily solve complex problems that ordinary computers are unable to do. Therefore, supercomputers are used to solve complex problems, such as pre-compilation of weather data, control of spacecraft movement, and large-scale scientific computing.

From the statistical analysis, it is possible to observe the high contribution of the Linux operating system among the operating systems used in supercomputers. Today, 85.20 percent of the listed supercomputers are running on the Linux operating system (426 — Linux, 34 — Mixed, 30 — Unix, 6 — Windows, 2 — BSD, 2 — Mac OS).

The supercomputer "K Computer" developed by the Japanese company Fujitsu was recognized as the most powerful computer in the world. Thus, the first place holder in the world Top-500 supercomputers ranking has changed. Since November 2010, this rating has been managed by the supercomputer "Tianhe-1A" installed at the National Institute of Defense Technologies of China. This was reported by CNET.

According to the test results, the performance of the K Computer supercomputer was 8.16 petaflops per second (1 petaflop = 1,000,000,000,000,000 floating-point operations per second). This is equivalent to the sum of the power of a million ordinary personal computers. The Chinese supercomputer showed a result of 2.6 petaflops.

The five most powerful supercomputers in the world include the American Jaguar computer system (1.75 petaflops), China's Nebulae (1.27 petaflops) and Japan's Tsubame 2.0 supercomputers (1.19 petaflops). In the Top-500 supercomputer ranking, the largest number of computers installed in the United States (256). China is in second place (62), Germany is in third place (30), Great Britain is in fourth place (27), and Japan is in fifth place (26).

It should be noted that the Top-500 supercomputers ranking is updated twice a year - in November and June. K Computer, which recently topped the list, is installed in the building of the Physical and Chemical Research Institute (RIKEN) in Kobe, Japan. This computer system consists of 80,000 processors with 8 cores each. It was produced by the Japanese company Fujitsu.


"K Computer" supercomputer

According to Fujitsu's press release, the K Computer supercomputer has been used since 2012 to model climate change earthquakes, meteorology, and nuclear power.

It should be noted that the information presented above is typical for today. Because information technologies are rapidly developing day by day. In the future, it is expected that the most powerful supercomputer will be installed at the National Physics Laboratory of America. In this regard, an agreement was signed with the Cray company to create a supercomputer eight times faster than Tianhe-1A (China), which is considered the world leader at the moment, with a performance of 20 petaflops/second. The new computer was named Titan, and its installation will begin in 2012. The cost of the project has not been disclosed, but according to the calculations of some experts, it will not be less than 100 million dollars.

The ability of newly invented supercomputers to predict future weather is critical to disaster prevention and other issues. But since the production of such supercomputers requires a lot of money, skills and time, not every organization can afford to produce and use them. Effective use of it in the implementation of noble goals is sure to serve as one of the bold steps towards the well-being of our life. Because the speed and capacity of supercomputers are extremely high.

What is Responsibility?

Responsibility is about following through on commitments and being careful when making decisions or doing something. Responsibility is also the fact of being responsible for someone or something.

In other words, responsibility means taking care of yourself and others in response to people's trust in each other. When we respond responsibly, we express our community and commitment to others.

Responsibility is a value and ethical practice as it affects family, academic, work and civic life. A responsible person performs his duties in a timely and efficient manner. For example, a person responsible for his work, who performs tasks and tasks as best as possible, is responsible.

Also, someone is said to be responsible when they take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. For example, if a person accidentally damages a foreign object and prepares to repair it or replace it with a new one.

In law, liability is defined as the legal obligation to answer for the harm caused by an act to others, always within the time limits prescribed by law for each case.

Responsibility is used in many areas of social life. Therefore, we will talk about different types of liability, such as civil, social, fiscal, joint and limited liability, etc.

The word responsibility is derived from the Latin reaction, from the verb I respond, which in turn is formed by the prefix re, which indicates repetition, return and feedback on the verb. sponge means "promise", "binding" or "obligation".
What are your social responsibilities as a student?
The student period consists of the second stage of adolescence, includes 17-22-25 years of age, and has a number of unique characteristics and contrasts.
characterized by resistance. Therefore, the period of adolescence begins with the realization of a person's social and professional status. At this stage, adolescence experiences a kind of mental crisis or stress. In particular, he tries to quickly perform the roles of adults in various forms (regardless of whether they are pleasant or unpleasant for him), and he begins to get used to new aspects of life. The process of transitioning to the lifestyles of adults causes internal contradictions related to the characteristics of a person's maturation.
It is known from the science of pedagogy-psychology that it prepares high school students for higher education in all aspects (biological, physiological, pedagogical, psychological) and they show qualities that can be seen in generalization, abstraction, programming. At the same time, mental, moral, aesthetic and ideological-political aspects of a teenager grow to a certain extent. Nevertheless, new tasks related to acquiring a specialty at a higher educational institution appear before them. The current development of science and technology, on the one hand, increases information and data, and on the other hand, it leads to the loss of students' interest in specialized knowledge. Because determination, creative search, willful effort are replaced by apathy and inactivity. In other words, they become "slaves of ready information". Because computer, display, EHM, calculators ease human mental work, make them free from mental effort. For these reasons, an important task for higher education is to provide students with the knowledge set in the program.
Bu manba matni haqida batafsilQoʻshimcha axborot olish uchun manba matnini kiriting
Yon panellar
Who is the author of this quote “Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving? «Explain the meaning.

Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein; pronunciation (help info)) (March 14, 1879 – April 18, 1955) was a German-Jewish theoretical physicist. Albert Einstein is Jewish. The myth that Einstein failed math exams at school and came second is not true. In fact, he studied mathematics in school until the age of 12, after which his parents gave him other, more difficult books.[1] At the age of 15, Einstein was well versed in differential and integral algebra.[2] His alleged failure in mathematics was fabricated by Robert Ripley for a 1935 newspaper article.[1] Einstein Albert (1879.14.3, Ulm, Germany - 1955. 18.4, Princeton, USA) is a Jew, a theoretical physicist, the founder of the theory of relativity, one of the founders of field quantum theory and statistical physics. Graduated from Zurich Polytechnic. Director of the University of Zurich (1909) and the Institute of Physics of the University of Berlin, Bavarian FA (1914-33). From 1933 to the end of his life, he worked at the Princeton Institute (USA).

National holiday of Uzbekistan
January 1 - New Year

It is the first day of the new year. The New Year holiday is widely celebrated in all countries of the world at different times of the year. The symbol of the New Year is Santa Claus and Snow Maiden and a Christmas tree. The New Year begins on the night between December 31 and January 1, when the clocks traditionally strike 12 o'clock. At this time, people celebrate this holiday with their loved ones around a decorated table. They also please each other with various gifts.

January 14 - Defender of the Fatherland Day

In independent Uzbekistan, this holiday is dedicated to the organization of armed forces. On January 14, 1992, the parliament of the country passed a decision to transfer all parts and associations of military schools and other military formations in the territory of the country to the jurisdiction of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In this way, private armed forces were established. On December 29, 1993, January 14 was declared as the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.

March 8 - International Women's Day

International Women's Day is a celebration of beauty, grace and elegance. March 8 is also known as "mother's day". People celebrate this holiday as a holiday of love, kindness and beauty. We are once again convinced and deeply understand that the concepts of Spring and Woman are connected to each other. It is not without reason that the holiday of women of nature falls on the first days of spring, and the beauty of women is compared to elegant flowers. On this holiday, men give gifts to their mothers, wives and daughters with flowers and the most sincere wishes.

March 21 - Nowruz

The ancient national holiday of Nowruz ("Navruz holiday") means "new day" when translated from Persian. Nowruz is celebrated on March 21 and marks the beginning of the new year. This day is the equinox. The earth enters the period of the global astronomical equinox. Also, during this period, the seasons of the year change according to the hemisphere, if autumn comes in the southern hemisphere, and spring in the northern hemisphere. This holiday is celebrated when all the plants and trees are in bloom and when spring comes in. With the arrival of this holiday, many Uzbek families prepare various national dishes: Sumalak, Halim, Kok somsa, Osh and others. These foods are rich in many vitamins useful for the human body. After the independence of our country, the ancient customs and traditions of our people came into force, including the celebration of Navruz holiday, which acquired a special character. This holiday is a national holiday that is a symbol of friendship and unity of all peoples.

May 9 - Day of Remembrance and Appreciation

On May 9, 1999, Khatira Square was opened in the capital of Uzbekistan, and since then, May 9 has been celebrated as the Day of Remembrance and Appreciation. This holiday is dedicated to the memory of the compatriots who heroically defended our country in independent Uzbekistan for centuries, fought for its freedom, independence and peace of its people. The concept of memory and appreciation has a deep meaning. On this day, heroes such as Tomaris, Shiroq, Spitamen, Jalaluddin Manguberdi, Nadjmiddin Kubro, who participated in the fight against fascism and sacrificed their lives in defense of their homeland, and fought for the freedom that the people dreamed of for centuries, Kadiri, Behbudi, Munavvar-Kori, Cho It is both a duty and a duty to celebrate the spirit of our national heroes such as 'Ilpon, Avloni, Fitrat, Usman Nasir. Humanity will never forget the memory of those who participated in the Second World War, who died heroically in this fierce battle.

September 1 - Independence Day

The main national holiday of the Republic of Uzbekistan is Independence Day. This holiday is celebrated on September 1 in a ceremonial and colorful way. This national holiday is a holiday that manifests all the dreams of our people, who rely on friendship, charity and all-round respect. Representatives of different nationalities living in Uzbekistan, regardless of nationality, religion and race, actively celebrate in all regions of Uzbekistan. Artists perform various shows in parks and squares of the city. Many foreign guests and tourists take part in traditional performances that remain in the resort.

October 1 - Day of teachers and coaches

Every year, October 1 - Day of teachers and coaches is widely celebrated. From ancient times, deep respect and objection to the teacher has been preserved. Words such as "Domla", "Teacher", "Ustoz" have been addressed to their teachers for centuries with gratitude and honor by students who have not only knowledge, but also respect for the population and love for the Motherland. Pupils of schools and educational institutions deeply respect the teachers who gave them the first knowledge of life. On this day, students receive flowers and gifts in gratitude

Who is the author of this quote “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing”
Looking for inspiration to start your next phase on a positive note? No matter what your goals are, these progress quotes from some famous authors, scientists, philosophers, politicians, business professionals, and athletes are sure to resonate.

Bookmark these 100 best quotes to use in the coming months.

We all want to make progress. But sometimes, staying the course can be difficult. Progress can be slow, not to mention the setbacks you may encounter.
The main thing is not to give up and keep. But slowly.
If you've been feeling like giving up lately, or if you've ever felt like giving up, here are 31 inspirational quotes. be inspired keep going.

100 quotes to inspire your success

Why has a service management become a vital business issues?
Business administration (English: Business administration) is the science of managing business activities. The state of the management sector affects the production efficiency, the level of technique and technology, and the quality of the labor force. The content of the science of management is the interaction between the management system and the management object, and its main task is to study modern methods of management, the secrets of the art of leadership. What is management? Management is the process of selection, decision-making and monitoring of its implementation. Its main goal is to train highly qualified managers who can work at all levels in the conditions of market relations. Management is related to socio-economic, socio-legal, cybernetics and other disciplines. First of all, management is closely related to the science of economic theory. The principles of management were developed by Henri Fayol, a contemporary of Taylor. He divides all operations carried out in the enterprise into six groups (technical, commercial, financial, protection of property and persons, accounting, administration), and includes management in the 6th group. The object of management or management is the activity of the enterprise, and its subject is the management agencies and their employees. Management is handled by qualified specialists who have received special training and are well versed in the rules of management - hired managers - managers. They form a separate social stratum of the population. There are upper (developing the company's strategy), middle (production, sales, pricing, labor organization), and lower (organization of work within the workshop, department, managing the execution of daily, weekly, monthly tasks) links of management. Accordingly, managers are divided into senior, middle and junior managers.

Some researchers consider the field of management to be the art of getting the best out of people.

Human resources management (Human Resources Management - HRM, or simply HR) is an internal policy or internal complex function of the organization aimed at recruiting, managing and supporting people working here, and all processes and programs affecting human activity are part of HR. is a part of

Human resource management functions include:

A person with primary responsibility for human resources.
Determining staffing requirements.
Analysis of the problem: is it worth using the services of independent contractors or should you hire your own workers?
Selection and training of employees.
The best employees who provide a competitive advantage for the organization.
The best employees are the carriers of the personal brand and the brand of the organization.
Customized activities for employee benefits.
Educate all employees on standards and personnel policies.
Creation and maintenance of HRM policy in the organization.
The main strategic functions of HR are balancing enterprise and business strategy; reengineering of organizational processes; communication with employees of the organization, change management. The HR manager is responsible for monitoring organizational leadership and management culture. HR ensures compliance with employment and labor laws, which may vary by location.

Human resource management has four tactical functions:

Training and development of employees.
Management of motivation.
Technical services.

Recruiting involves recruiting and recruiting potential employees through interviews, applications, networks, and more.

Training and development is the next step in the process of continuous development of qualified employees. Motivation is the key to high employee productivity. This function may include employee benefits, performance evaluations, and rewards. The last function - service - involves maintaining their loyalty and commitment to the organization.

HRM enables human resource professionals to effectively train new employees. HRM, which emerged as a technology, is now a scientific field that requires the use of ontological descriptions.

Human resources are qualified professionals working in the organization. Human resource management is actually personnel management and focuses on the employees who are the assets of the enterprise. In this regard, such employees are sometimes called human capital.

The analysis shows that if the mechanisms of formation of general and private human potential are sufficiently developed, the level of human capital and resources will increase, and the competitiveness of the organization will increase.

What is the Service management?

Service management is a management discipline that focuses on providing quality services that customers value, buy and use.

Service management as a professional field has evolved over decades. Today, service providers can rely on a wealth of knowledge, including various frameworks and standards that describe service management principles, best practices, and processes.

Service Management FAQ: Objectives/Benefits, Best Practices, Core Processes/Methodologies, Service Management Platforms, and Process Model.

Rice. 1: What is Service Management?
Service Management Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

1 Why service management is becoming more important

2 What is good service management?
3 What are the main processes or methods of service management?
4 What are Service Management Platforms?
4.1 IT Service Management (ITSM) and Enterprise Service Management (ESM)
4.2 What are the differences between different service management platforms?
4.3 ISO 20000, international standard for service management
5 How does a Service Management System differ from a Service Management System?
6 What are the benefits of managing services?
7 similar topics
8 Note

Why service management is becoming more important

Services help organizations build long-term relationships with their customers.

Most companies strive to develop innovative and unique products to maintain a competitive edge. However, services allow businesses to communicate with their customers. In this way, businesses can keep abreast of the changing preferences and concerns of their customers and tailor their product and service offerings accordingly.

The goal of quality service is satisfied and loyal customers.

Video: What is Service Management? How service management can help organizations build a loyal customer base.

In this video, Stefan Kempter explains how service management can help organizations build a loyal customer base and why this topic is gaining so much attention today.

Video: What is Service Management? (10:33 min.)

What is good service management?

Service management should always start with the service consumer: service providers need to understand their consumers in order to design and offer an attractive set of services (or "portfolio").

This is usually done by service providers

identify the path of the customer,
describing how their services create value, and
determine the characteristics of the service according to the customer's requirements.
Other key elements of service management

continuous improvement and

term of service.
These insights allow organizations to quickly adapt to market changes. Consumer needs change over time, new technologies become available and new ideas appear, so the portfolio of services provided to clients is very dynamic.

Thus, service providers use customer feedback, market research and other data to continuously adapt and improve their services, which encourages customer loyalty and business growth.

The customer is king. - Part 1 of our video series on "Simple Principles of Good Service Management".
Undefined services cannot be managed. - Simple Principles of Good Service Management, Part 2.
What are the main processes or methods of service management?
All service management systems describe the core activities of good service management as processes or practices. For example, ITIL® provides guidance on 34 service management methods.

The main principle behind the framework is the concept of service life cycle. This life cycle is a variant of the Plan-Do-Check-Action or PDCA cycle, a well-established management method for continuous improvement.

YaSM Service Management Reference Processes for Enterprise Service Management (ESM)/Business Service Management (BSM), IT Service Management (ITSM) and ISO 20000 initiatives.
Rice. 2: Service Management Processes
Service life and supporting processes in the YASM model (➜ more)
Service life consists of five phases, which broadly correspond to the following service management processes or methods:

Service strategy

Service design
Transition to service
Service activities, including incident management, service request management and problem management
Service improvement.
Other service management methods include

Manage the portfolio of services, including manage the catalog of services Everyone has their own idea of success. Someone wants to succeed in public, someone in business or career. According to Pareto's law, only 20 out of 100 people will succeed, but everyone who wanted to succeed had an equal chance. Why do some people achieve their goals and others fail?

How can I success in my life?

Because the formula for success = 1% luck + 99% hard work everyday! It is not enough to lie on the couch and dream of success; you have to work hard to make your dream of success come true.

What is success in life?

Health care.

Hard work.
Human skills and abilities.
The work.
Personal characteristics that contribute to success in life:


self development.
How to succeed in life: the simplest tips


Now on the Internet you can easily find a suitable "recipe", there are many good books with step-by-step instructions on how to achieve it. A sea of information. The main thing is to decide what you want.
You need to set a goal. The road to success begins with understanding what your success will be. A successful person has a clear vision of the desired end goal. Losers do things without imagining the end result.

A successful person is patient, ready to go to his goal for a long time, and a defeated person wants everything at once. It is a great happiness when a person does what he loves. Therefore, determine for yourself: what you like to do and what is good.

You can sew beautiful things or bake delicious bread. Happiness is mastering what you love.

Make a plan for the year, month, week, day. Definitely write it down! Not in the clouds, but on paper. With a plan, you can separate the important from the unnecessary. Your time should be spent only on important things. And move forward! Don't stop, don't go halfway.

Most people stop moving forward after a few mistakes. When faced with difficulties, instead of an emotional experience, learn to analyze and draw conclusions about the reasons for failure, find positive aspects in any situation.
Try many times until you get the desired result. Patience, hard work, endurance. All this is difficult and not for the faint of heart! But only in this way you can achieve your goal.

Remember to have a sense of humor and smile a little more. Do not forget how easy it is to communicate with a person who has these qualities.



lack of assembly;
not doing things according to plan.
There are things that take up precious time. This is television and communication with negative people (their endless complaints about life, apathy, useless conversations).

How to succeed in life: the simplest tips

Hang out more with positive, happy people.
The biggest obstacle to success can be self-doubt and early disappointment. But overcoming these feelings, a person can be more successful in his business than others.


We set a goal.
Planning: What to do? How long does it take?
Stick to what you plan.
Inspection and analysis: effective? Is it effective?
Correct: How to do better next time?
Action - action - action - result!
Smile more because you have already succeeded! Good luck! 😉
Read articles and literature on self-development.

How to succeed in life: the simplest tips

What affects career advancement? You're the best in your field, but you've been promoted to someone else? Stop leaning on fate!

Friends, leave your comments, give advice from your personal experience on the topic "How to be successful in life". 😉 Share this information on social networks.

What essential qualities should an employer have?

Employers are legal entities or individuals who have the right to employ an employee. According to the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan: enterprises, including their separate structural units, in the form of their managers; private enterprises where the owners themselves are also managers; Some persons who have reached the age of 18, in the cases stipulated by the law, I.b. it can. The rights and duties, obligations, and conditions of concluding an employment contract with employees of the I.B. are defined in the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on labor and employment. According to the law, I.b.: to manage the enterprise and make independent decisions within its powers; concluding and canceling individual labor contracts in accordance with the law; require the employee to perform the work specified in the employment contract; to protect their interests, other I.b. together with has the right to form public associations and to be a member of such associations. I.b. employees must respect the rights of representative bodies (trade unions and their elected bodies or other bodies elected by employees) and support their activities. In the enterprise I.b. representatives of the administration on behalf of labor laws, etc. implements within the scope of powers granted on the basis of regulatory documents, their charters or regulations. The law states that I.b. cannot be allowed to refuse employment illegally (Labor Code of the Republic of

Uzbekistan, Article 78). [1][2]

What are the main ways of getting new information in our fast developing world?

The 21st century is the century when the theoretical and practical creativity of information has reached its peak.
That is why today they call the 21st century the age of information.
It is known from the world experience that the development of the state information infrastructure is the society
and all aspects of the state, including people's worldview and their
society by changing the conditions for participation in labor, social and political life
accelerates development. Various information technologies, automated
systems and databases of state structures, economy and the country
remains an integral part of defense management. More so today
Internet journalism, which is developing and acquiring new directions
It is distinguished by its wide coverage and the limitlessness of its audience.
Internet journalism, which is considered a type of modern mass media, is the development of mass media, its
expansion of tasks, sharp changes in the field of production and technology,
the complication of relations between journalism and society, journalists
is setting new tasks before him. Can write news at the same time,
mastered the skills of interviewing, photography and videography, for the Internet
Cultivating universal journalists who can prepare materials is now
important. At the same time, this traditional journalistic qualification is now more technical
skills in fields such as mathematics and engineering, and
it is necessary to form skills. This is especially true of internet users
very necessary for journalists. Thus, the convergence of different fields
requires both universalization and specialization from journalists. At the same time
universalization, correctness, transprofessionalization, first of all, exactly one field
requires full mastery. A universal journalist covers a specific field
It also means an expert. That's exactly what it is
allows you to quickly learn related specialties.
Superficial approach, doing everything just to perform a professional task
not enough to increase. Convergence of media
journalistic work is multifaceted, information is short, based on facts,
it is characterized by fast transmission in accordance with modern requirements.
Media and information in the context of the convergence of digital technologies
creative activity of literate journalists to the quality stage
will rise. Also, the process of universalization allows journalists to do the following
created conditions for them to receive:
creation of current, social information;
• to be able to analyze existing social processes from a critical point of view;
• the extent and level of influence of the media on social processes, in it
understand the forms of information presentation;
• from him in demonstrating their active citizenship position
use and understand creatively;
ISSN: 2181-1601
Uzbekistan Page 1364
• making careful and independent decisions on all sides;
• getting new information about the environment;
• helping to form a sense of community;
• public debates and dialogues on current issues of society's development
provision and support;
• support of lifelong learning;
• ensuring their own safety and feeling social responsibility
media use;
• supporting the formation and development of civil society and the global information network1
All of the above are active on the site
appearing in journalists. The website "Uzbekistan news", "World
news", "Economic news", "Society news", "Science and technology
news", materials provided under the column "Sport news".
according to the events taking place in our republic and abroad
As a result of the approach, it is very readable. Activity in the Internet system
journalist working in radio, television, press
definitely different. The Internet journalist is all of the above-mentioned journalists
should carry out its activities while embodying its characteristics.
The skill of an Internet journalist is known in his ability to evaluate news. This
is one of the main things required of a journalist. Selection of news
and evaluating them is one of the most difficult tasks in the daily work of an Internet journalist
is one. This also shows the experience of the journalist. For example, ""
journalists of the site, when evaluating the news, follow the information policy of this site,
they pay attention to the social significance and relevance of the event. Given on the site
"Supervisory agencies should be independent. State management
About one of the problems" 13,804 posts in 2 hours
read once

About Computers

A computer (English: computer - "I calculate") is an automatic device that works according to a predetermined program. The same term as electronic calculator (EHM). However, in addition to performing computer calculations, its function is much wider. Several generations of computers can be shown in the development of EHMs. These generations differ from each other in terms of types of elements, constructive-technological features, logical structure, software support, technical details, ease of use of equipment. In the first generation of computers (Ural-1, Minsk-2, BSEM-2), the main element was an electronic lamp, so it occupied a very large space. Then a computer using transistors instead of a lamp (Razdan-2, M-220, Minsk-22, etc.), a computer using integrated circuits (IBM-360, 1BM-370, (USA), YESEVM (Russia), etc.), with a high degree of integration personal computers with built-in integrated circuits appeared. The concept of a personal computer (micro and -micro EHM) began to spread widely from the end of the 70s of the 20th century. In the next generations of personal computers, microelectronics and biocircuits were used; their size is reduced to the size of a book, and their mass is 3 .5 kg. In 1981, IBM began to develop more advanced models of the personal computer. Later, other companies created the PC with IBM, and Apple created the Macintosh (pronounced "Mackintosh") or simply "maki". At the beginning of the 21st century, tens of millions of personal computers, about 1 million EHM (including several dozen superEVMs) in the world was Computers differ from each other in the composition and description of the components used to solve problems. A computer with powerful devices is used to solve complex problems, and a computer with a typewriter is used to print documents. Any computer consists of a system unit, a monitor and a keyboard. Other devices are connected as needed. The system block contains the important parts necessary for the operation of the computer (disk drive, Winchester - hard disk, microcircuits that perform logical operations), and the rest of the devices are connected to it. The monitor (display) displays information on the screen in the form of text and various images. The keyboard enters commands and various information into the computer. Often, a computer includes a "mouse" manipulator and a printer. A "mouse" is a device with two or three knobs (buttons) that facilitate computer work. The printer serves to print information on paper. Modern computers mainly consist of four devices: control, processor, memory and input-output devices. The controller coordinates and controls the operation of all the computer's devices. The processor is the main device of the computer, which processes information, that is, performs arithmetic and logical operations such as calculation operations, comparison and transfer. The actions performed by this device are determined by programs. A memory device serves to store information during processing. The used programs are stored in the internal memory, and long-term information is stored in the external memory (diskettes). Information exchange in internal and external memories is carried out using input - output devices.

Computer games are also popular. There are more than a thousand of them; they can be used to learn a lot and gain hands-on experience (see: Computer games). The universality of the computer makes it possible to process information for a specific purpose, to radically change production in various areas of human activity, and to facilitate people's work. Weather forecasting involves gathering and analyzing data from meteors and satellites, performing enormous computational tasks, and presenting it in a human-friendly form (see: Intranet, Internet, Computer Network).

What are the key components of budjeting?

Financial planning is an activity of an economically active entity (enterprise, state body, bank, NPO) related to the distribution of funds according to its real needs. Financial planning includes the creation of an algorithm for spending current financial resources, as well as funds transferred to the disposal of an economically active subject in accordance with analytical calculations (or based on current contracts, allocations, investments and other reliable sources).

Financial planning has the following main features:

determining the exact period during which the necessary capital operations are expected to be carried out;

determining the target items of expenses and income, as well as the schedule of their implementation;
determining the calculated indicators reflecting the amount of income and expenses (currencies, units of measurement, quantity).
On the other hand, financial forecasting is the activity of an economically active entity, which is also related to the distribution of funds according to its needs, but the appropriate algorithm for spending capital in forecasting is built on the basis of estimated income. not supported by reliable sources. This can be, for example, an increase in income due to expected currency fluctuations or an increase in exchange prices for a certain product exported by the organization.

The main features of financial forecasting are significantly different from the features that we mentioned above and describe planning, because the uncertainty in the sources of income does not allow to determine the target items of expenses. In this case, making a table of income and expenses is also problematic. However, as in financial planning, forecasting is usually applied to the specific period of proposed capital operations, and also allows the use of calculated indicators.

What is budgeting as a financial planning tool?
In some cases, the concept of financial budgeting is used along with the term "financial planning" in economic theory, as well as in management practice. This is very understandable. The fact is that budgeting, according to one of the interpretations of this term, can legally be considered as one of the components of financial planning. Its main criterion is to identify and confirm various items of income and expenses of the enterprise by an economically active subject, to determine the sequence, structure or schedule of their implementation. The corresponding schedule can be made in the form of a budget or, for example, an estimate.

Budgeting can also be understood as a technology or a financial planning tool, with the help of which the analysis of estimated and actual financial indicators is carried out. This technology involves working in several directions at the same time. Exactly:

in the field of development of financial plan items;
in the field of their implementation;
in the field of monitoring the implementation of financial plan clauses.
This interpretation of the concept of budgeting allows economists to collect, analyze and interpret scenarios of financial data reflecting the dynamics of capital movement in the enterprise, spending and replenishment of resources, as well as statistical data on the most expenses and income. used in development. This information can be requested by owners, investors, banks.

Does financial management require any special skills?

Every manager should know that financial management is a set of specific techniques and tools that companies use to increase profitability and reduce solvency risk. Its main task is to get the greatest benefit from the activity of the object for the benefit of the owners. It is customary to refer to the main functions of capital management:

internal money planning;

assessment of financial situation;
control of current assets, liquidity;
management of investment portfolios, capital structure;
concluding contracts with banking institutions, funds and exchanges.
Strategic financial management
Knowing that the basics of starting a business are not enough. Details play an important role here. You can get the maximum result only if you have thought through all the details and created a clear plan for future actions. Controlling the whole process is important in every business plan. Investment management is a financial management strategy that involves:
selection of criteria for making investment decisions;
material evaluation of the project;
choosing the best option for investments;
credibility with investment sources;
Evaluate investments according to various criteria. In general, funds are accepted if they are useful:

additional costs;

return on investment has exceeded the rate of inflation;
the profitability of a particular project is greater than the rest.
Factors such as time are important to consider, as the value of money decreases over time and the longer the investment period, the greater the risk. Therefore, such methods are often used:

capitalization of income;

capital discounting;
ways to reduce possible material risk.

Service and Quality

Service quality assessment is one of the most important elements of quality management service today. not only control the quality of services, but also provides a basis for management analysis and important management decisions cannot be made due to evaluation. In addition, it allows to provide feedback, which in turn contributes to the development of the evaluation system.

the quality of service is regulated by the international standard "Elements of Quality Management and Quality System". To understand the essence of the concept of good and its necessity, the concept of "service" must be defined.


Thus, the service is called the result of mutual cooperation between customers and the supplier, as well as internal activities of the supplier, in order to satisfy customer needs. Do not forget that the requirements for order services must be specified in order to clarify and further evaluate their specific characteristics. The process of providing this service should be described as well as some of its features and performance implications. All features are usually evaluated according to the standards established by the organization.

It creates an opportunity to expand the market of service and control quality, reduce the costs of increasing efficiency, and improve the performance of services. Usually, the process of providing service and distribution services is controlled by the control. Process control to help achieve the characteristics in a short time and maintain the required quality level. It should be kept in mind that medical or legal service, for example, the service may be purely mechanical (dialing while the phone is ringing), as well as one customized.

Senior management is responsible for developing policies and procedures in the area of quality control such as:

- quality of services;

- image service organization;

- the purpose of quality services;

- choosing an approach to achieve the goal;

- The position of company employees responsible for the implementation of this policy.

One of the main tasks of management is to ensure the availability of a quality policy. It is possible and should be easy to understand and solve certain problems. The quality of service and its assessment should be aimed at:

- meeting the requirements of all customers;

- continuous quality improvement;

- review of the company's affairs;

- efficiency of services.

Quality indicators should provide services on the basis of the mandatory life cycle of services, improve the quality of services, the quality of the characteristics of foreign experience.

according to the national standard, all indicators are divided into several groups.

The first guru is the indicators of joy. This includes customization options, applications, and businesses (eg, customer service, average wait time for logistics).

The second guru is security. For example, radiation safety, security, human life and environment, explosion, etc

The third guru is reliability indicators. This is the result of reliability, external factors reliability, safety, durability, resistance.

And finally, the fourth group includes indicators of employees' professional level, education, knowledge and skills of responding to the standards set by documents, sincerity and vigilance to customers and others.


All these and other factors can be classified differently according to other conditions: by the word method, on the characteristics, on the detection scene.

Who is the author of this quote “Never spend your money before you have it”

Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 [a] – July 4, 1826) was an American statesman, diplomat, jurist, architect, philosopher, and founding father who served as the third President of the United States from 1801 to 1809. [13] Among the members of the Committee of Five commissioned by the Second Continental Congress to draft the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration, writing it from June 11-28, 1776 in a three-story mansion. at 700 Market Street in Philadelphia. [14] After the American Revolutionary War and before becoming the country's third president in 1801, Jefferson served as the United States' first secretary of state under George Washington and then second vice president under John Adams.

Among the nation's founding fathers, Jefferson is unmatched for his intellectual depth and breadth. [15] His passionate writings and defense of human rights, including freedom of thought, speech, and religion, were a major inspiration for the American Revolution, which eventually led to the American Revolutionary War, American independence, and the United States Constitution. Globally, Jefferson's ideas were influential in shaping and inspiring the Age of Enlightenment, which changed globally in the late 17th and 18th centuries. [16] He was a leading proponent of democracy, republicanism, and individual rights, and drafted formative documents and resolutions at the state, national, and international levels.

During the American Revolution, Jefferson represented Virginia in the Second Continental Congress, which adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. As a Virginia legislator, he drafted the state's religious freedom law. He served as the second governor of Virginia during the Revolutionary War from 1779 to 1781. In 1785, Jefferson was appointed US ambassador to France, and then from 1790 to 1793, the country's first secretary of state under President George Washington. In the first party system. With Madison, he anonymously wrote the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798 and 1799, which sought to strengthen states' rights by repealing federal alien and sedition laws.

What is Risk management?

What is risk management?

In a simple sense, risk management means dividing risks. Risk management In this sense, these people are being carried out from the date of existence. The primitive people lived in groups to protect against the uncertainties of life, to protect food stocks, and to share their responsibilities, and in this way they insecured the danger unconsciously. But in the second half of the twentieth century, risk management was introduced. Before the 1960s, when it comes to risk management, only insurance was accepted. Risks of managers in large organizations They received the insurance policy from various risks for their production facilities and machines, and it was considered enough.

However, insurance purchases were further complicated due to growing commercial organizations and their businesses are becoming more complex. In some cases, it is impossible to buy an insurance policy, the insurance began not sufficient.

For these reasons, along with the insurance business, there was a development of development of strategies to avoid some risks. When the researchers began to interest in this topic, there were cases managing risk management methods such as new industries and system security and reliability engineering. There are some hazards that strive threaten an organization such as theft, fire, various accidents, but the largest risk is not to know what you are.

Today, the first step in risk management will receive the case. Insurance for risk managers is the first basis. However, there are other important tasks to be responsible for Risk managers. For example,

First, threatening risks should be disclosed.
To prevent losses caused by risk, preventive and control programs should be performed.
All agreements and documents related to the activities of the organization must be revised depending on the risk.
The necessary training programs related to the operational safety must be made.
To describe the risk management, the above-mentioned tasks reveal which type of self-risk management method. Risk management is a way that will develop a style and strategy to protect the risks of the risks in the organization, which can cause these risks to cause the organization and can protect the organization.

Risk Management This Definition indicates that only one insurance is not working on a single insurance. The uncertainties always cause great costs to the organization. Incorrect decisions, incorrectly defined resources, unnecessary high capital is always an economic factor.

Business management depends on three main functions: RAM control, strategic governance and risk management. The operating management organization includes a number of research, which plan to plan and manage organizational plans and definitions of the organization, determine human resources. Strategic management is all the goals and objectives of this organization, including the way to achieve these goals and the research in this direction. In this context, on the other hand, in other direction, not directly access the obstacles, facing an obstacle, to get rid of the minimal damage to the barrier gets.

Life is full of uncertainty to organizations and people and can always face unexpected situation. To this, it remains an integral function to manage the risks.

For example, in the fact that the project is being implemented, the risk management will have this view. Consumers need this product during market learning? Is there a risk of an organization's mistake in this regard? In the process of production of the product, what is the threatening to the company and consumer? Does the price identified during pricing pose a competitive risk? Does the budget allocated during advertising make the company financially difficult?

This is the first step, but it is not enough to managing the risks insurance. If you want to learn more about your organization's risk management Website, refer to managers and staff.

The main components of job description

Many people do not know the difference between work description and description of the work. Full information about work description and work description here. Read carefully.

The difference between work description and work description

The description of the case and the description of the work is an integral part of the employment process, every position of the organization, whether it is a business analyst, a manager or other position like a manufacturing manager or cashier. required for.

Work description and work description are two main documents used in each other, but they differ significantly from each other.

These two documents are prepared during the work analysis process, and both explain the tasks of the work and the optimal skills to optimally have the worker to optimize the optimal skills.

See also

• Jobs for students

• Half-day work for students

• Workplaces in Abuja

• Workplaces in Lagos

• Follow the work outside campus

In this article we will consider the main differences between business descriptions and work descriptions. We will determine these two terms before switching to differences.

What is a work description?

The description of the work is a detailed information about vacancies, works, place of work, tasks, jobs, and others are shown in writing. .

HR manager creates this document to invite applications from future candidates.

Components of the work description
Position - the name of the open role
Location of work - a place where the selected candidate works.
The job is the amount of work set by the Company.
Responsibility and responsibilities involves the various affairs activities that the candidate must and responsible.
The salary is the money compensation to make a specific job to the candidate. May or may not be agree.
Commission and salary commission invites employees after performing their duties to employees.
Privileges - Privileges and costs paid on behalf of the Company.
Advantages of work description
The work description syncs the process and selection process and thus simplifies the work department.
It makes companies easier looking for worthy candidates.
This creates the basis for creating a work specification.
The position of description of the company explains what the company is about and what to offer to candidates.
It provides the general view of an open position and determines the company's expectations.
This will help the candidate to get acquainted with the atmosphere at the workplace momentarily.
Disadvantages of work description
The work description does not remain constant; changes with the growth of time and company.
This determines only the positive aspects of the work. Negative aspects are not entirely focused.
What is the work specificity?
The work specification means the candidate of the qualities, skills, knowledge, educational qualifications and experience necessary to complete a specific work.

The manager makes a job description after preparing a job description. When making a work specification, the manager identifies the skills and features necessary to complete the task.

Components of work specificity
History of education - academic knowledge, including school education, postgraduate, postgraduate and similar other qualifications.
Special skills required to perform skills.
Employment information of the experience of the Company, in the past and current employers, including the name, position, salary, business and other.
Advantages of work specificification
The work specification defines the candidate selection criteria. This makes it easier to check the candidates' resumes.
This serves as a criteria for directing and teaching staff.
This will help the candidates find a job that best suits their qualifications and skills.
This will help analyze and evaluate the activities of candidates.

What essential responsibilities does a job (career) in your field require?

The specificity of the professional activity of social pedagogical. The structure of vocational activity. Social Pedagogue as a subject of professional activity: personal features and professional competence.

Vocational activity of social pedagogical.

The specifics of social pedagogical professional are derived from the word "social pedagogue" and is primarily related to the teacher. Therefore, no surprise after access

This position contains the first social teachers teachers, including large part of all forms of retraining courses for certification certificate in this specialty. It is not surprising that the professional production of social teachers is carried out mainly in pedagogical educational institutions. Indeed in the professional activity of teacher and social pedagog

Many commonities. First of all, these two professions are related to the fact that they are a child of the object of attention (human rights among the 18 years of age ", its development and social development. formation.

At the same time, the professional activities of these specialists have a number of important differences that allow to determine the specifics of two related professionals. The teacher fulfills its main educational function and gives knowledge and socio-collected knowledge and socio-collected knowledge, in which the child is developed and raised in this process. The focus of the social pedagogy is to socialize the child, be "falling on the isolation, as alternatives, normal social relations.

These occupations differ from the point of view of activity. If the teacher is aimed at work in a specific type of institution in the institution process, that is, in a general education institution, the social pedagogical can operate in various institutions.

From this point of view, the activities of the social teacher is also much closer to the professional activities of the social work specialist. It is very difficult to distinguish between the social and pedagogical industry and social work, as both are justifiable. At the same time, at least one important difference that determines the uniqueness of these two areas of professional activities can be noted. This is that unlike a social teacher in the process of developing and social formation of the child in their professional activity, the object of social work may be people who have known social problems or difficulties. year old..

Normative documents related to the professional activities of social teachers are described only general characteristics: general requirements for functions, functions, functions, knowledge and competencies. At the same time, the specific type of activity (adaptation, rehabilitation, correction, etc.), is not taken into account (schools, asylose, children's hospital, rehabilitation center, etc.). .) The properties of a child's society (city or rural environment, large industrial city, criminogenic territory, etc.).

Therefore, it seems necessary to specify the professional activity of the social teacher, its functions and functions, taking specific types of activity, types of institutions and assistance institutions. can be given to the child.

The structure of vocational activity

Any activity has a unique structure that determines the interdependence and interdependence of the elements of activity. The structure of social pedagoges, as other vocational activity implies the existence of the following components: the entity (implementation), objects (it is specially organized, to whom. Refreshed), objective), goals (what it strives) , Functions (what functions are performed simultaneously), tools (how and its purpose are achieved through what methods and technologies).

Schematically can be expressed as follows:

Any activity is carried out from the subject in the direction of the object, although the object is key to determine the content of the activity. Let's let each element of the scheme to analyze - in a series from the object starting from the object.

The object of the social teacher is children and young people in need of assistance in the process of socialization. There are many in intellectual, pedagogical, psychological, psychological, social devastating social devices as a result of this category, as well as the norms of norms, as well as physical, mental or intellectual development Children include (blind, deaf and dumb, brain semi-paralyzed patients - brain paralysis, mental poor, etc.). These children's barc

What are risk management concepts?

Risk management is described as the risk of all the work done to take the necessary measures to identify and prevent these projects to detect and avoid the necessary conditions for the future. The work on risk management is aimed at identifying the measures taken to reduce unwanted cases.

The threats under the project may be expressed as follows: The risk of project failure is the risk of the project, the risk of the project is flawed at the end of the project or the risk of the need for the project.

During the project research, it is important to classify risks to facilitate the consequences of the threats to the company. For example, due to the establishment of a project, due to the technical characteristics of the project, risks associated with strategic decisions may occur because customer requirements have changed or planned and control.

The risks should be listed depending on their level of importance, taking into account the level of risks identified and their impact on the project. This study, called a risk assessment, should be done on a regular basis. This study reviews the current situation and studies the dependence of risk factors on time.

In short, the future can have a positive or negative effect on the implementation of the goals and objectives of enterprises, which can occur in the future. In fact, the danger not only does not mean to be harmful. The positive aspects of the risk and the income arising from them can create opportunities. The negative aspects of the risk and the damage they occur is a threat.

Risk Management is a cycle. The risks were identified, evaluated, the necessary measures were taken, risks were considered and reported. There are constant monitoring among these steps, and this cycle is repeated without a steady period. Risk management activities include purposeful implementation, decision-making, management standards, eliminating effective resources, elimination of legal requirements and improving legal requirements.

Türkert Term Inspection and Certification LLC at the project of the project will carry out all regular work and conduct risk assessment works at the beginning of the project.

By serving buyers with a threat management approach, turret creates differences in the sector with this approach.

The Historical Places of Uzbekistan

Samarkand is one of the oldest cities in the world, the peer of Rome, Athens, Wavviles. Poets and historians of the past are beautiful as a true "Earth Pearl Parden", "The decentral of the world", "Rome of the East", etc. were not in vain.

Natural abundance of the Zarafshan River Valley, where Samarkand was formed, was praised in the sacred poems of Avesto. In the middle of the 1st millennium BC, Greek sources mentioned the name of Samarkand in the form of Samarkand, and during the Middle Ages, the ruins of ancient Samarkand became Afrosiab. The first written opinion on the city of Samarkand has occupied the Greco-Macedonian army, which led by Alexander Zortnay, at the time. In the first centuries century, the city was dominated by the powerful Kangyu.

In the VI-VII centuries, Ishhi rulers, who worked in Samarkand in close contact with the Turkish heel, was throne. At the end of the seventh century - in the early VIII century, the armies of Arab invaders appeared.
Going to Bukhara and seeing this ancient city must notice attention to the strange-looking "hates" on the tops of the towers. These are stork slots. These white birds, the image of hope, can also become a symbol of the city, its stability and loyalty. Many times the rich beautiful city was many times, the goal of the Mongol-Tatar's invasion was the heaviest, land. But every time Bukhara would be rebuilt in the same place and remained loyal to its own land and myzana

The establishment of Bukhara dates back to ancient times. Under the 1997 UNESCO's decision, the entire cultural world celebrated its 2,500th anniversary. Legends connect the emergence of the historic person - one of the Sardonic Gods of the historic person - politicism. Bukhara's oldest partner is his fort, Ark, where archaeologists have found that there are some findings in the IV-III centuries BC. It was a large hill with a height of 20 meters, where the palace of Bukhara was former, its harem, treasure, dungeon for the most dangerous criminals. They are currently being recovered.

One of the oldest monuments of Bukhara is the mausoleum of Ismail Somoni, built by the founder of the Samanid dynasty. The mausoleum is a cube-shaped building with a half-sphere-shaped dome. The mausoleum of the Samanids is the first building of the baked brick, which came to us in the architecture of Central Asia, where the bricks were used to decorate and decorate.

The main and highest half of the city is the Kingon Tower, built in 1127. This is a large minory building, a complete adhesive structure, a great minaret of 47 meters from the level of Bukhara. This tower in Uzbekistan is the tallest of the tower, and the rings surrounding its round circle are decorated with glazed bricks in different colors. At the same time, the diversity and repetition of patterns in the mineon enrich the simple and perfect architectural forms.

Khiva - Museum-city, but as a city like Rome. Like many cities of the East, Khiva was built near the Laidage of the Amudarya and developed in the irrigated lands of the Khorezm oasis.

Archaeological research shows that the city is at least 2,500 years old. All this provided the foundation to declare Khiva as a city of reserve, and the internal part of the city is the interior of the city as the internal importance. The Avesto book provides historical information about Khorezm. Herodotus, numbered as the "father of history," was talking about Khorezm and the Khorezm. Beruni, meanwhile, told the story of the ancient farming in Khorezm.

Khiva is one of the world's cities in the world where there is a historically historical state of the whole city in the practical condition. In late the 19th century - the monumental facilities of the XIVI century, the monumental facilities of Khiva, and it will amaze us with the speed of construction of us throughout the lives of the two-three generations. But cases of catastrophic situations in other conditions - random buildings in small areas, here led to the importance, elegance and diversity of architectural structures here. This is the form of the most and uncompressible facilities, this Ichan-casta has become a museum of architecture, and its monuments will show us the most beautiful works of folk masters.

Traditionally, the spiritual center of the city was its large, or Friday mosque. The planning of the mosque is believed that the structures created in the X-XII centuries are laid. The Friday Mosque in Ichan-Kala was also rebuilt, but it has preserved a number of features of the classic structures of the Eastern. This unique building has no front entrance portals, domes, and circular arches, is a flat roofing hall based on 21. 213 wooden embroidered columns created in XVII centuries. Their size, shapes and jewelry are different, which shows high artistic value of the mosque. According to scientists, all of these features bring this mosque closer to the ancient mosques in Arabia.

How can a student identify and reduce the risk?

Any activity of students and educational institutions can be dangerous.Shu, along with, can protect any activities, it can reduce the risk of its dangerous effects and consequences.

These rules form the theory of the theory and methods of ensuring human security in all types of its activities.

There are security problems in OS and it will always be. They affect many aspects of students and pedagogical communities, who are multifaceted and multifaceted. Practice shows the closeness of dangerous situations and the closest connection between different types of events. However, the following feature of this comes from this: Any measures to strengthen the protection of OS or the protection against man-terrorist threats, as well as the protection of the OS to protect protection from social, biological, natural, information and other forms.

Legal documents used to determine the students and staff of educational institutions in different years: children, schoolchildren, students, teachers, workers, workers, workers, workers, etc. . This term means all categories of students, students, teachers and educational institutions.

1.2. Basic concepts

Students and employees of the security institution, their lives, health, rights and freedoms, incidents, events, other external and internal factors (fatal) the effect or threat of the secret.

A hazardous factor is a threat to the life and health of students, its property, their own property, surroundings, rights and interests.

A dangerous manufacturer is a negative factor in the course of the study or educational institution in the process of teaching or educational institution that can cause damage or disease. This is a distinctive incident of a dangerous factor.

A dangerous situation is any inconvenient environment that affects human life and health, its rights and freedoms, property and environmental, or environmental factors. With the right behavior, it can be secured safely without serious consequences and will be an emergency.

Destruction - People local man-made emergencies that people are sacrificed and that objects cannot irritate the irreparable elimination.

The disaster is a man-made, social or natural character, a large accident that leads to the victims of people and irreversible crashes.

Emergency term used in the documents - a formal term used in people, their habitat, especially the influence of special forces, measures, measures and plans that are associated with the introduction, measures and plans. . Emergency epidemics, floods, earthquakes, various disasters, armed clashes, people include terrorist movements.

The term general speaking that indicates an emergency (emergency) - a dangerous phenomenon, the situation, unpleasant consequences. A large emergency is often an emergency.

An extreme situation is a real dangerous situation that requires maximum (extreme) stress to save all the physical and ethical powers of a person to be saved and survive.

Production is characterized by a combination of injuries.

Damage (wound) is to harm the integrity of the tissue or organs of the body under the influence of some environmental factors. Difference, household farms.

The accident is a hazardous work, as a result of the fact that it has been injured in the workplace or route, causing other harm to the health, or death or mortality (time in the field of labor).

Professional illness is a chronic or acute or acute illness caused by harmful production factors and, sparsely diseases, eye disease, skin diseases, etc.).

OPM AMP security is the education, health and free time in the field of education, health, health and freedoms, property, environmental and legitimacy interests of students and employees of educational institutions. The state of protection from any risk (threat) during the conduct of the conduct. The security definition, "No danger" is wrong: It is difficult to find a situation that does not pose no risk in real life. Unfortunately, both in the house and mother, both in the wombs and tables, can damage man's health, morals, or property

What special opportunities for Professional Development are there in your specialty?

On the procedure for establishing a system of continuous professional development of public educators

Chapter 1. General rules
1. This Regulation determines the procedure for establishing a system of continuous professional development of leaders, teachers and specialists in the field of public education.
2. High level of employees on the basis of the establishment of the necessary conditions for the organization of public education personnel, the introduction of effective mechanisms for the development of professionalism and the development of qualification and regular development It is aimed at ensuring continuous professional training.
3. The following basic concepts are used in this Regulation:
The Customer is the Ministry of Public Education and its territorial divisions, departments, departments and other organizations in the system, as well as non-governmental organizations;
Specialized Education Organization - A. Territorial Centers of Research Institute of Public Education named after Avloni, retraining and advanced training of public educators of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent non-governmental educational organizations, pedagogical personnel engaged in increasing activities;
See following editing.
Loan - a training for the listener, expressed in points, performed on points, and passed the appropriate control form after successfully passed the appropriate control form download;
Qualification requirements - Requirements for the general knowledge and professional training of the graduate of the professional development (training module);
Experts are individuals, defectist, logophed, psychologists, librarian and specialist positions in public education organizations;
Pedagog staff - teachers and educators carrying out educational activities in public education organizations;
Supervisors are personsecutive functions and responsibilities of public education organizations and their deputies, as well as specialists of regional administration in public education;
student - a public educator who is admitted to a specialized educational organization to retraining or advanced training organization;
Continuous professional development of public educators (hereinafterefly - uninterrupted professional development) - the process of growth of the professional capacity according to the needs of the professional and society in accordance with the needs of the community;
Retraining course - a system of training developed on the basis of approved curricula and programs of retraining (advanced training);
The training module is a relatively independent, meaningful content learning course or minimum structure of education technology;
Special electronic platform "continuous vocational education" - the creation of content of training modules to the creation, storage and training of classes, as well as registration of students and students 'A special electronic software system that allows the chief modules to be developed online;
Register of non-Governmental Education Organizations (hereinafter - in the following - in the following places - in the following places) - MAC ON NGO Electronic information system that includes a database.
Chapter 2. The purpose and main tasks of continuing professional development
4. The purpose of continuing professional development is to constantly grow in occupational and pedagogical skills in occupying positions, specialty or pedagogical skills, as well as interactive methods of teaching Ensuring the regular updating of professional knowledge, skills, and their legislative standards, legislation in the field of state education and the law.
5. The main tasks of continuous professional development:
Creating a learning environment for its permanent professional development of employees;
Improving independent thinking skills and developing independent work and creative thinking skills by developing employees and giving new knowledge;
increase the competence and improvement of their professional skills on the basis of an individual professional development staff of employees;
On work with advanced pedagogical and information technologies
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