Ielts line Graph Model Answer

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IELTS Line Graph Model Answer

Tips for Line Graphs
1. Paraphrase the line graph information for your
2. Add axis information to your introduction if
needed, such as categories.
3. Put main trends and any other key features in
an overall statement. The overview is the most
important statement in your writing task 1.
4. Make sure each body paragraph sentence has
numbers and dates to support it. This is vital.
Ensure all data is accurate.
5. Use a range of linking words. Try not to repeat
6. Aim for around 180 words for writing task 1.
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Pepe says
July 19, 2023 at
The line graph illustrates the amount of
consumed margarine, low fat & reduced spreads, and
butter between 1981 and 2007 in grams.
Overall, the amount of butter and margarine showed a
downward trend over the given period whilst low fat
& reduced spreads experienced an upward trend
despite its late entrance to the market.
When the line graph is examined in detail, the amount
of consumed butter was just over 140 gr in 1981. In the
following five years, it peaked at 160 gr and then
significantly decreased by 100 gr. Subsequently, it
slightly fell to 50 gr. A similar trend was seen including
a fluctuation in margarine which was eaten at
approximately 90 gr at the beginning then modestly
declined to 80 gr and recovered quickly to 100 gr in a
decade in which the butter had the same amount in
1991. Till 1996, the figure levelled off and then dropped
gently to the same amount as in 1986. Afterwards, it
was almost halved at the end of the given time frame.
The use of low fat & reduced spreads started in 1996 at
almost 10 gr. It reached a peak of 80 gr in which
margarine had the same amount in 2001. In the
following five years, it gently dropped by
approximately 10 gr.
Hi Liz, could you please mark my answer.
July 13, 2023 at
The line graph indicates how the number of
three spreads which was consumed over a 26-year
period, starting in 1981.
Overall, it can be seen that three spreads consumed
where Margarine and Butter reduced whereas Low fat
& reduced spreads escalated. Furthermore,
consumption of Low fat & reduced spreads was
consistently higher over the period.
Looking at the chart in more detail it is evident that the
amount of butter was used, it began at around 140
Grams(gm) in 1981. By 2007, it had decreased to
approximately 65 gm, which was the greatest drop of
all the categories. Similarly, the consumption of
Margarine was around 90 gm in 1981. After that it was
slightly increased in 1991 and remained constant to
1996, it fell to around 40 gm in 2007, respectively.
Turning to the remaining amount of consumption of
low fat & reduced spread in beginning almost it was 10
gm in 1996. This number climbed to 85 gm in 2001,
which has taken only 5 years. However, in 2007 it
reduced approximately 70 gm.
nuha says
May 30, 2023 at
The above given line graph depicts the
utilisation of margarine, low fat and reduced spreads
and butter spreads between 1981 to 2007.
Overall, the consumption of margarine, low fat and
reduced spreads and butter has declined throughout a
twenty six years period. Utilisation of margarine over
the years shows significant fluctuations while butter
shows a general decline and low fat and reduced
spread consumption shows a drastic increment with a
steady downturn. During the beginning of the period
consumption of butter had been the highest and utility
of low fat and reduced spread was the lowest while in
contrary during the end of the period low fat and
reduced spread consumption had been consumed
enormously out of all and margarine consumption had
hit rock bottom.
In 1981 approximately 140 g of butter had been
consumed which illustrates a gradual downward trend
in the years 1986 to 1991 and the consumption load
drops down to 100g. During the entire period from
1986 to 2007 the consumption of butter depicts a
negative gradient showing a gradual drop in the utility
reaching almost 40g of consumption amount by 2007.
While on the other hand, the consumption of
margarine in 1981 was almost 90g which dropped
down to 80g during 1986. Then it attained a gradual
resurgence to 100g surpassing the consumption
amount of butter and reached a constant plateau from
1991 to 1996. Then the amount gradually dropped
down in the next consecutive years and reached 40g by
While the consumption of margarine was less than 20g
during 1996 and the amount skyrocketed making the
utility congruent to the amount of margarine
consumption during 2001 and eventually dropping
down with a steady amount to approximately 60g by
Wai Lin Htay says
May 24, 2023 at
Thank you so much Liz. I have learned a lot
on your website and I did well in my exam. Thanks
again from the bottom of my heart.
Liz says
June 7, 2023 at
Glad to hear you did well 
you all the best for your future 
Sardor says
July 8, 2023 at
thank you Liz.I have learned a lot on
your website.
Javlon says
May 3, 2023 at
The information regarding the amount of
three different spreads in terms of grams (margarine,
low-fat and reduced-fat spreads, and butter) consumed
between 1981 and 2007 is shown in the line graph.
Overall, it is clear that the consumption of low-fat and
reduced-fat spreads and butter experienced both
decline and rise, while margarine’s rate fluctuated over
the period given. Interestingly, the number of
consumers of margarine and low-fat and reduced-fat
spreads was equal at the end of the final third of the
whole time frame.
From 1981 to 1986, there was a rise of nearly 20 grams,
from 140 to 160 grams, in butter consumption. Low-fat
and reduced-fat spreads’ average usage, however,
reached a peak of 85 grams in 2001. Although both
numbers initially showed an upward trend, they then
began to fall steadily.
Between 1981 and 1996, the quantity of margarine
production faced many fluctuations. By 1996, its rate
had dropped constantly from 85 to 40 grams.
Margarine and “low-fat and reduced-fat spreads” were
used equally in 2001 in terms of product consumption.
Chris says
May 3, 2023 at
This line graph illustrates the amount of
consumption of 3 spreads (margarine, low fat and
reduced spreads and buffer) in 26 years from 1981 to
2007. The unit are measured in grams.
Overall, the consumption of margarine and buffer
decreased over the period given, while for low fat and
reduced spreads, it rose. The popular spread was
butter between 1981 and 1991 ,and which was replaced
by margarine until 2001, and followed by low fat and
reduced spreads in the last year in 2007.
Butter began at about 140 and rose slightly to reach a
peak of approximately 160 in 1986, after which it fell
dramatically at almost 50 in the end of the period.
Likewise, margarine was about 90 in the first year and
it experienced a fluctuation from 1986 to 2001 before
declined steadily to exactly 40 in the last year.
On the other hand, for the amounts of low fat and
reduced spreads was started at almost 10 in 1996 and
climbed sharply to just over 80 in 2001, after which it
decreased to about 70 in the end of the period.
Waqas says
April 17, 2023 at
The line graph illustrates the usage of three
kinds of spreads(butter, low fat and reduced spread
and margarine) from 1981 to 2007.The units are
measured in grams.
Overall, the consumption of margarine and butter was
reduced over the following period while for low fat
and reduced spread it rose, before falling. Butter was
increased upto 160g in 1960 and the decreased below
50 gram in the final year. The consumption of low fat
and butter was very low, below 20 gram, in 1996 then
increased upto 80 gram in 2001.
In the beginning, the consumption of butter was 140
gram then it gradually increased to 160 gram in 1986.
After that it fell dramatically to 60 gram, between 1986
and 2001, and hit a low of 50 gram in 2007. With
regards to the amount of low fat and reduced spreads,
it’s consumption started from 10gram in 2001 then rose
dramatically and reached above 81 gram in 2007 before
fell down to 70 gram at the end of the period.
On the other hand, the consumption of butter was
started from 90 gram and decreased to 80 gram at the
start of period. After that, it went up to 100 gram and
then remain same until the year 1996 before hit the low
of 40 gram in 2007.
Beez says
December 10, 2022 at
The line graph below illustrates the amount
of various spreads consumed (margarine, low fat and
reduced spreads, butter) from 1981 to 2007.
Overall, it can be seen that there were considerable
downwards trend in the consumption of both butter
and margarine, with the exception of low fat and
reduced spreads. It is also clear that Butter was the
most common product in 1981, but in 2007 Low fat and
reduced spreads registered the highest figure.
Starting at about 140 grams units in 1981, the
consumption of Butter gradually reached a peak of 160
grams in 1986, at which point this figure started to
drop dramatically to only 50 grams. Likewise, the
figure for margarine witnessed the same pattern in
which their consumption rose from 1986 to 1996 before
declining to just 40 grams at the end of the period.
Moving on, in 1996, although the comsumption of Low
fat and reduced spreads appered later than others 15
years and was the lowest point at that time; however,
this figure shot up swiftly hitting a peak of over 80
grams and finally remained the highest amount
comsumed in 2007.
Sayed says
October 16, 2022 at
The line chart illustrates the amount of
three different types of spreads (margarine, lowfat &
reduced spreads and butter) that were consumed, over
a period of three decades, from 1981 to 2007. Overall, it
can be clearly seen that while the butter consumption
began with a higher value rather than the two items, it
hit a low by the end of the given period. Low fat &
reduced type did not appear in the consumption map
till 1991.
Butter consumption stood at slightly over 140 grames
at the beginning of the period before rising gradually
to reach a peak of almost 160 gms and then decreased
steadily to reach its minimum value of about 50 gms in
2007. Whereas there was a major difference between
margarine and butter consumption at the start of the
given period, this difference decreased dramatically to
become less than 20 gms in 2007. Margarine
consumption fluctuated around 90 gms from 1981 till
2001 after it fell smoothly to approximately 70 gms in
1991 witnessed the appearance of Low fat & reduced
spread type with a value of about 10 gms. This figure,
which increased gradually to its peak of about 80 gms
in 2001, experienced a slight decline to about 70 gms in
the last year.
tiennguyen says
December 4, 2022 at
The line graph demonstrates how three
kinds of spreads (margarine, low-fat & reduced
spreads and butter) were consumed between 1981
and 2007. Units are measured in grams.
Overall, the amount of consumed spread witnessed
(experienced) a downward trend with a plunge in
using margarine and butter than the others over the
period given.
At the beginning of the period, there was only two
spreads including margarine and butter used, with
the consumption of butter was roughly 140 grams
which was almost 50 grams higher than margarine.
From 1981 to 1996, while the consumption of butter
increased steadily and then reached a peak of
around 160 grams in 1986 before decreasing
dramatically to around 70 grams in 1996, the
amount of consumed margarine dipped between
1986 and 1991 and remained flat until 1996.
From 1996 to 2007, the low-fat & reduced spreads
was used for the first time in the start of the period
and then increased rapidly to hit a high of around 85
grams in 2001 before dropping to 40 grams in the
final year. Likewise, both of the consumption of
margarine and butter witnessed a downward trend
in this period. There was a steady fall and followed
by a sharp decrease in the consumption of
margarine. Similarly, the butter declined modestly
from around 70 grams in 1996 to about 50 grams in
2007. In addition to that, the low-fat became more
popular at the end of period from 1981 to 2007.
unknown says
October 7, 2022 at
The line graph consumed three spreads
(margarine, low fat& reduced spreads, and butter)
from 1981 to 2007.
Overall, the consumption of margarine and butter
reduced in almost all years. In contrast, low fat and
reduced spreads had the lowest amount in the whole
chart, but it rapidly increased in six years. In the last
years, we also saw some reduction in it.
However, in the beginning, the butter had the highest
ratio (up to 160 grams) in 1996. with time, we could see
dramatical fall in the whole years. At the same time,
margarine had fluctuated ratio in 1 decade. After that,
it remained the same for six years and had fallen
proportion in remained years.
Moreover, low-fat &reduced spreads had the lowest
amount in the graph but dramatically increased (1996 8
grams but reached 80grams in only six years). It also
had slightly dropped 70 grams.
Mamun says
October 5, 2022 at
The line graph illustrates the amount of
consumption of three different types of spreads
(margarine, lowfat and reduced spreads and butter)
from the period between 1981 to 2007. Units are
measured in grams.
Overall, the consumption of margarine and butter
showed a downward trend over the whole period,
while the lowfat and reduced spreads consumption
rose dramatically from 1996 to 2007. At the early stage
of the period, the butter spreads dominated, whereas
the contribution for lowfat and reduced spreads
peakeda t the end of the period.
The butter spreads showed a dramatic increase from
140 to 160 grams in 1986 and declined sharply to50
grams at last in 2007. Similarly, the margarine eaten by
consumers fall to 40 grams in 2007 which fluctuated
before 2001 that is started from the beginning at 90
However, The whole period of 26 years had shown a
significant change for lowfat and reduced spreads
from 1996 to 2007. The consumption rate of that stood
at a peak above 80 grams which started from 10 grams
and later declined to 70 grams in 2007. But the rate of
consumption remained at the top among all three
spreads at the end of the period.
Akhila says
September 4, 2022 at
The Graph illustrates the intake of different
type of spreads (margarine, butter and low fat &
reduced spread) between the years 1981 to 2007. Units
are measured in grams
Overall, the butter and margarine consumption has
drastically decreased over a period of time. Low-fat &
reduced spreads shows an upward trend in the years
1996 to 2001 and accounted to be the highest
consumed spread in the year 2007. The spread
consumption was reduced in 26 years.
In the year 1981, butter was used by around 140%
which rose to around 160 % in the year 1986 before
falling to 50% in the last year. Whereas the margarine
started around 90% and there was slight reduction in
margarine consumption the year 1986 which
eventually increased to 100% in the years 1991 to 1996
before showing downward trend and accounted to be
least consumed spreads in the year 2007
On the other hand, Low fat & reduced spreads came
into the picture in the year 1996 with 10% which
drastically kept growing to 80% in the year 2001 and
75% use low fat & reduced spreads in the year 2007.
Taqi adeel
May 10, 2022 at
The below graphs illustrate the expenditure
of Margarine, Low fat & reduced spreads and Butter
into different six years (1981 to 2007).
Overal, most of people spent Butter which is increased
from up to 160 gr at he other hand Margarine
drawdown into 80 gr while the people firstly never use
Low fat& reduced spreads till to 1990.
From the green graph inferred spending Butter after
peak point drastically declined less then 60 gr in 2007
and also the blue graph shown , the people started
eating Margarine in 1981 and a little bit decreased to 80
gr and contrast to increase up to 100 gr and steable to
When the people consuming Low fat & reduced
spread using margarine declined and raised using
butter at the peak of 82 gr
Macarone says
April 21, 2022 at
The line graph sheds light on the
consumption trend of 3 spreads categories (margarine
in blue line, low fat & reduced spreads in red line,
butter in green line) from year 1981 to year2007. Unit is
measured in grams.
Overall, butter had the most total consumption over
these 26 years which kept a higher consumption
amount until margarine, its substitute, reached the
same consumption level. Comparatively, low fat and
reduced spreads appeared with its dramatic increase
among 3 categories in spite of an inched downward
In 1986, the consumption on butter (160gram) is twice
higher than margarine (80grams). However, the
situation had changed since 1991. Although margarine
made a platform from 1991 to 1996 by having the same
number at 100grams, the difference between these 2
items was bigger and bigger.
In 1996, low fat and reduced spreads started being
consumed and made a dramatic increase from less
than 20grams to 80grams. Indeed, it is a critical year
for margarine which was the main category from 1991
to 2001, but dropped further to 40grams, the least
number in 2007.
Alejandra Triana says
January 24, 2022 at
The graph shows the consumption of
Margarine, low fat and reduced spreads and butter
during the years 1981 to 2007 showing different
behaviors, units are measured in Grams.
Overall, Butter and low fat and reduced spreads had
the bigger changes during these years from these 3
spreads, butter dropped from 160 grams in 1986 to
about 45 grams in 2007 and fat increased the
consumption from 1996 with 10 grams approximately
to about 82 grams in 2001. However, this behavior was
different from that year since it started to reduced
In terms of Margarine, the ingest of this spread has
been affected by fluctuation, this conduct is different
from the other products. Initially, from 1981 to 1986 it
is reduced, and then, in 1991 it was increased until 100
grams, this behavior continued to 1996 when began to
drop to 2001 and from this point, the same conduct is
showed until 2007.
Mostafa says
January 7, 2022 at
The line chart illustrates the changes in
using 3 types of fats between 1981 to 2007.
As we can see, there are not any tracks of low fat &
reduced spreads up to 1996 and that time it stood at
around 10 grams but significantly increased and
reached a peak of more than 80 grams in 2001. It was
confronted to slight decline and reached to 70 grams
Butter was most favorite fat in 1981. The rate of
popularity was just more than 140 grams and
continued climbing at the end of 1986. It was sharply
slipped back to 70 grams stage between 1986 and 1996.
Eventually, the consumption of butter plunged to less
than 60 grams during 11 years from 1996 to 2007.
Margarine was started from 90 grams in 1981 but
plummeted to 80 grams just in 5 years. The next round
was the opposite and this fat could rocket to 100 grams
in the next 5 years. It leveled off at this score between
1991 and 1996. From 1996 a smooth falling was started
and it came back to just more than 80 grams in 2001.
Margarine was dramatically declined to 40 grams in 6
years from 2001 to 2007.
Ankith says
November 25, 2021 at
The graph illustrates the usage pattern of
three types of spreads for a period of 26 years from
1981 to 2007. The units are shown in gms.
Overall, the consumption of butter decreased given
time while that of fat & reduced spreads followed the
opposite trend.
Shantanu says
November 5, 2021 at
The line graph Describes the consumption
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