This will make it easier for
the reader to understand the
information presented in our report.
Now write paragraph 3 in your own words;
Sample Main Body Paragraph 3:
According to what is shown, overgrazing is the most significant
reason for agricultural land degradation with a value of 32%. The other
two categories have similar values with 30% for deforestation and 28%
for over-cultivation. The category for other causes is the lowest at 10%.
Now write paragraph 4 in your own words;
Sample Main Body Paragraph 4:
In 2002-2012, Italy had by far the greatest percentage of land
degradation at 23%, and the main cause for this was deforestation at 9.8%
followed closely by over-cultivation at 7.7%. Additionally, Russia had a
total of 13% of its agricultural land rendered unusable, and the main
reason for this was over-grazing at 11.3%. In comparison, Germany had
the lowest levels of degradation at 5%, mostly caused by over-cultivation