nutqda fe'l keyin eng yaqin mavzuga mos keladi. Ushbu misollarni ko'rib chiqing:
• Tashqarida bir qiz va ikki o‘g‘il bor.
• Tashqarida ikkita o‘g‘il va bir qiz bor.
• Stolda sharob va ikkita olma bor.
• Stolda ikkita olma va bir oz vino bor.
E'tibor bering, bu faqat norasmiy nutqda keng tarqalgan. Imtihonda insho yozish kabi
rasmiy ingliz tili uchun tavsiya etilmaydi.
bor/bor + koʻp
Biz there is dan foydalanamizmi yoki there are with lots yoki ko'pmi? Bu otga bog'liq:
birlik bo'lsa, there is dan foydalaning; agar u ko'p bo'lsa, there are dan foydalaning:
• Ko‘chada itlar ko‘p.
• Tashqarida qor ko‘p.
Task 2. Speak about your home town or village after reading the given sample.
I live in Tashkent and it‘s my native town. It‘s the capital of independent Uzbekistan. Tashkent,
which has new avenues, squares and high buildings has become the most modern city in
Uzbekistan. City is flourishing as never before. Tashkent is a beautiful city and it‘s great for
walking around. There are lots of narrow streets, theatres, museums and squares. There is
Independence square, where there are lots of outdoor bars and restaurants. People go there at
weekends to sit in the sun, eat ice creams, drink coffee and watch the nature. Most visitors are
attracted by the city‘s history and monuments. There are several statues and historical buildings
such as Kukaldosh madarasah and the Barakhan mosque which were built in 16-th century. A
must for all visitors is the spectacular Amir Temur museum. It gives us lively information about
Amir Temur‘s life and his kingdom. Particularly, I think the bests things about Tashkent are the
people and its climate. The weather is wonderful. People are very friendly and kind. It‘s a
working city with a real sense of history. That‘s why I love my native town.
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