Index and Concordance to Alexander Vassiliev’s Notebooks and Soviet Cables Deciphered by the National Security Agency’s Venona Project

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White Notebook #1, 59; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 18.

Poretsky, Nathan: Senior KGB officer, defected in Western Europe in 1937 and murdered by KGB 

operatives on 4 September 1937 in Switzerland.  Also known as Ignace Reiss.  Cover name in 

Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Raymond”.  As Poretsky: Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 58.  As 

“Raymond”: Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 58–59, 61; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 10–11, 17–

19, 24, 33.

Porfir, Walter: Described as the pseudonym used by Walter Krivitsky in 1940.  Porfiryev was the family 

name of Krivitsky’s wife.  Krivitsky’s chief biographer, Gary Kern, states that Krivitsky used the 

pseudonym Walter Poref in the U.S. in 1940.


  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 164.

“Portable Radio Set” (Ratsiya): See “Radio Station”.

“Portable Radio Transmitter” (Ratsiya): See “Radio Station”.

“Portable Two-Way Radio” (Ratsiya): See “Radio Station”.







 116. Elisabeth K. Poretsky, Our Own People: A Memoir of  ‘Ignace Reiss’ and His Friends 

(Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1970).

 117. Kern, Death in Washington, 300.

Porter, Paul: OPA administrator.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 246.

Portland, Oregon: Location of SGPC offices on the West Coast and other Soviet offices dealing with 

Soviet shipping traffic to the West Coast in WWII.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 257; Venona 

New York KGB 1944, 176, 202, 232–33, 276, 297, 360–61, 394, 410, 415, 442, 659; Venona San 

Francisco KGB, 2–4, 17, 28, 51, 54, 60–61, 75, 77, 93, 97–98, 100, 104–5, 110–11, 113, 121, 

129, 134–35, 147, 163, 168, 174–75, 179–80, 186–87, 191, 198, 200, 202, 210, 213, 216, 219–

20, 243, 246, 254, 256, 271, 274, 278, 294–97, 299, 306; 5–6, 125, 135, 149, 151, 180, 182, 196–

97, 226, 234, 265, 272, 304; Venona USA Trade, 16–17, 27, 29–30;  Venona USA Diplomatic


Portnoff, Alexander: Russian sculptor who lives in Philadelphia.  Cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks: 

“Ali”.  As Portnoff: Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 28, 33, 41–42.  As “Ali”: Vassiliev White 

Notebook #3, 41.

Portugal and the Portuguese: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 168; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 38; Vassiliev 

Yellow Notebook #4, 147; Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 39, 55; Venona New York KGB 

1943, 21, 125, 239; Venona New York KGB 1944, 267, 388, 428–29, 685; Venona New York 

KGB 1945, 170; Venona Washington KGB, 38; Venona USA GRU, 35; Venona Secret Writings 

New York/Buenos Aires, 2–3.

Porubov, Roman Sergeevich: Soviet ship internal security source and deserter.  Cover name in Venona: 

ZUEV.  As Porubov: Venona San Francisco KGB, 217, 230–31; Venona Special Studies, 102.  

As ZUEV: Venona San Francisco KGB, 217–18; Venona Special Studies, 102.

PORYADCHIK: Appears to be a misspelling or misstyping of PODRYADCHIK.  See PODRYACCHIK.  

Venona New York KGB 1945, 14.

“Posrednik” (Russian original of a cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): See “Intermediary”.

Post, ?; Member of the law firm of Corwin, Cohen and Post. Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 86.

Post, Richard: State Department offcial. Described as a contact of Harold Glasser in 1945. Vassiliev 

White Notebook #3, 60.

Postman [Pochtar'] and Postmen [Pochtari] (cover names in Venona): Appears to be a reference to 

couriers.  Venona San Francisco KGB, 190.

Postoev, ?: Unidentified.  Venona USA Diplomatic, 63.

Poteshkin, ?: Soviet ambassador in Rome, 1930.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 139.

Potrubach, ?: Name in the Whalen documents, 1930.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 75.

Potsdam Conference: Meeting of the leaders of the USA, USSR, and U.K. in Potsdam, Germany, July-

August 1945.  Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 45, 94–96; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 37; 

Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 79; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 123, 126.

Potsrnich, Pave: Venona analysts thought this a reference to ? Pocrnić, secretary to Ivan  Subasić . 

Venona New York KGB 1944, 56.

POV: Abbreviation for “point of view” in Alexander Vassiliev’s notebooks.

Povalishin, Anatolij Nikolayevich: Chief cipher clerk of the Portland office of the SGPC.  Venona USA 

Trade, 27.

Poverman, ?: Name in the Whalen documents, 1930.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 75.

Poyntz, Juliet Stuart: Founding member of the CPUSA, directed its women's department and the New 

York Workers School in the 1920s, and on the staff of the Friends of the Soviet Union and 

International Labor Defense. In 1934 she dropped out of open party activities and into Soviet 

intelligence work.  She disappeared from her New York City residence in 1937 and a police 

investigation turned up no clues to her fate.  Associates believed that she had been considering 






defection and had been murdered.


  Married name Juliet Glazer.  As Poyntz and Glazer: 

Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 13–14.

Pozner, Elena: Sister of Vladimir Pozner.  See Ellen Kagan.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 261.

Pozner, Vladimir: Soviet intelligence source/agent.  Cover name in Venona: PLATO [PLATON].  

Russian born, his family fled the Bolshevik seizure of power.  Pozner grew up in Germany and 

France and by 1938 had become the chief sound engineer of the European branch of MGM. He 

also became a Communist sympathizer.  He served in the French Army in 1939–1940, then fled 

France after its surrender.  He came to the United States and applied for citizenship.  In 1943 he 

headed the Russian Section of the film department of the U.S. War Department.  After World 

War II he left the United States and became active in the film industry in Communist East 

Germany and the USSR.  As Pozner: Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 106–07; Venona New York 

KGB 1943, 259, 261, 271, 273, 356; Venona Special Studies, 57, 72.  As PLATO [PLATON]: 

Venona New York KGB 1943, 259–61, 271, 273, 355–56; Venona Special Studies, 57.

Pozner-Spiri, Viktoriya (Toto): A reference to Victoria Mercanton-Spiri, a sister of Vladimir Pozner. 

Venona New York KGB 1943, 271, 173; Venona Special Studies, 72.

PP: Unknown Soviet entity. Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 135.

PPS and P.P.S.: POLSKA PARTIA SOCIALISTYCZNA – Polish Socialist Party.  Venona New York 

KGB 1943, 78–79, 88–89.

Pragier, Adam: Polish Socialist and member of the Polish National Council in London in 1942. Venona 

New York KGB 1943, 88–89.

Prague, Czechoslovakia: Venona New York KGB 1943, 79, 228, 234; Venona New York KGB 1944, 108–

9, 514.

PRAJS [PRICE] (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence officer/agent.  Venona USA 

GRU, 165.

Prake, C.B.P.: See C.B.P. Prakr.

Prakr, C.B.P.: British official at SHAEF in 1944.  Surname is difficult to read.  (May be Prake, Frake, or 

Frake.) Venona New York KGB 1944, 718.

Praštaio, Branco: A Yugoslav associated with Project Kay.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 80.

Prater, J. E.: Described as a FBI agent, 1942.  Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 156.

Prato, Carlo A. (or E.): Described as OSS staff.  Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 110; Venona New York 

KGB 1944, 525-26, 779.

Pratt, ?: American military officer associated with the Venona project.  Venona Special Studies, 156.

Pratt and Whitney Company: Maker of aircraft engines.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 5; Venona New York 

KGB 1944, 645.

Pratt, Gertrude, and Elliot Pratt: Gertrude Pratt is described as a Soviet sympathizer friendly with Eleanor 

Roosevelt.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 46.

Pravda: Leading Soviet newspaper.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 143; Vassiliev Odd Pages, 3; Vassiliev 

White Notebook #3, 41; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 16; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 60; 

Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 85; Venona USA Diplomatic, 14, 61.

“Pravda”: Soviet ship. 26, 57, 82.

Pravdin, Vladimir Sergeevich: Soviet intelligence officer operating under TASS cover from 1941 to 1946 

in the U.S.  Assisted in the assassination of Nathan Poretsky/Reiss.  Birth name Roland Abbiate.  

Cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Sergey”.  Cover name in Venona: SERGEJ, SERGEI, and 







 118. Bentley, “Deposition 1945,” 3–4;  Dorothy Gallagher, All the Right Enemies: The Life 

and Murder of Carlo Tresca (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1988), 170–76; 

Bentley and Peake, Out of Bondage, 108, 176–77; Chambers, Witness, 36; The FBI conducted an 

extensive and fruitless investigation into Poyntz's disappearance: FBI Poyntz file 100-206603.

SERGEY [SERGIUS]. As Pravdin: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 79; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4

116; Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 66; Venona New York KGB 1943, 26, 242, 269, 303, 305; 

Venona New York KGB 1944, 28, 52, 79, 112, 115–16, 118, 127, 146, 217, 244, 257, 302–3, 309, 

326, 329, 355, 386, 443, 461, 477, 488, 501, 505, 559, 562, 565, 571, 599, 602–3, 609, 619, 684, 

713, 719, 749, 753; Venona New York KGB 1945, 13, 18, 23, 36, 42, 94, 109, 120, 124, 149–50, 

166, 169–71, 175, 178, 186, 195, 197, 200–201, 203, 210; Venona San Francisco KGB, 213–14, 

228, 247, 272; Venona Special Studies, 65, 113, 116, 160.  As “Sergey”: Vassiliev Black 

Notebook, 51–54, 58, 67, 79, 87, 181; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 44, 56–57, 59–61, 64, 66, 

69, 71–74, 77–79; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 1, 26, 30–31, 38–40, 58; Vassiliev White 

Notebook #3, 20, 27, 29, 33, 36–38, 41–42; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 6, 24; Vassiliev 

Yellow Notebook #2, 80, 84–85; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 20; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook 

#4, 116.  As SERGEJ, SERGEI, SERGEY and SERGIUS: Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 66; 

Venona New York KGB 1943, 26, 28 (sole appearance as SERGEI), 240–42, 268–69, 302–5; 

Venona New York KGB 1944, 44, 52, 79, 111–12, 114–18, 127, 146, 215, 217, 244, 256–57, 

301–3, 308–9, 324–26, 328–29, 354–55, 385–86, 430, 443, 461, 476–77, 488, 500–501, 504–5, 

558–59, 561–65, 570–71, 599, 601–3, 608–9, 619, 681, 684, 712–13, 719, 748–49, 752–53; 

Venona New York KGB 1945, 12–13, 17–18, 23, 35–36, 42, 93–94, 109, 119–20, 123, 124 

(mistyped as SEREJ), 149–50, 166, 169–72, 174–75, 177–78, 185–86, 194–97, 200–201, 203, 

209–10; Venona San Francisco KGB, 227–28, 247; Venona Special Studies, 65–66, 91, 160, 167 

(sole appearance as SERGEY).

Pravdina, Olga Borisovna: Wife of KGB officer Vladimir Sergeevich Pravdin.  Also known as Olga 

Pravdin.  Cover names in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Lucy” and “Shura”.  Cover name in Venona: 

SERGEJ's wife.  As Pravdina: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 79; Venona New York KGB 1944, 309.  

As “Lucy”: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 79.  As “Shura”: Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 44; 

Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 1.  As SERGEJ's wife: Venona New York KGB 1944, 308–9.

Pravdyuk, Vasilij Vasilievich: Soviet intelligence officer/agent.  Secretary to the Soviet Naval Attaché in 

Washington after May 1943.  Cover name in Venona: TWIST.  As Pravdyuk: Venona USA Naval 

GRU, 87–88, 172, 207, 234, 349.  As TWIST: Venona USA Naval GRU, 250, 279, 348.

Pravo Lidu: Czechoslovak Social Democratic Party newspaper.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 79.

“Prepodavatelnitsa” (Russian original of a cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): See “Female Teacher”.

“Preserve” [Zapovednik]  (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Los Alamos Manhattan atomic project 

facility in February 1945. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 115, 123–25, 133, 136–37; Vassiliev White 

Notebook #1, 116; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 18, 25–26, 40, 44–45, 72, 74–75.

PRESERVE [ZAPOVEDNIK]: Los Alamos Manhattan atomic project facility.  Venona New York KGB 

1945, 72–73.

“President” [Prezident] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): William Dodd, Jr., 1939–1948.  Vassiliev 

Black Notebook, 24, 46, 53, 86, 154, 158, 160, 163, 170, 172–75, 179; Vassiliev White Notebook 

#1, 23, 27, 33, 44, 51, 76, 125; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 58, 77, 98.

PRESS (cover name in Venona): Unidentified, likely not a Soviet.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 75.

PRESS (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence officer/agent.  (A mechanical press.)  

Venona New York KGB 1944, 227, 508–09.

Pressman, Lee: Soviet intelligence contact/agent.  Government attorney in the mid-1930s, then chief 

legal advisor to the CIO.


  Cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Vig”.  As Pressman: 







 119.  Identified by Chambers as a member of the original “Ware group” covert CPUSA unit.  

Gilbert J. Gall, Pursuing Justice: Lee Pressman, the New Deal, and the CIO (Albany: State 

University of New York Press, 1999); Earl Latham, The Communist Controversy in Washington: 

From the New Deal to McCarthy. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1966), 107–9; 

Joseph P. Lash, Dealers and Dreamers: A New Look at the New Deal (New York: Doubleday, 

Vassiliev Black Notebook, 77; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 60, 90, 96, 99, 101; Venona 

Washington KGB,  60–61.  As “Vig”: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 77, 80, 96–97; Vassiliev White 

Notebook #3, 65, 84.

Prestes, Luís Carlos: Brazilian Communist leader.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 3; Venona New York 

KGB 1943, 274–75.

Presto K-8 Sound RecorderL Venona New York KGB 1944, 49–50, 754.

“Prezident” (Russian original of a cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): See “President”.

Price Administration, Office of:  See Office of Price Administration.

Price Board: Reference to the Office of Price Administration.  Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 89.

Price, Mary Wolfe: Soviet intelligence source/agent.


  Cover names in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Kid” 

(early 1941), then “Dir” (late 1941 to August 1944), “Cat” (August 1944), and “Zone” (starting 

in September 1944).  Cover names in Venona: DIR, CAT, and ZONE [ZONA].  As Price: 

Vassiliev Black Notebook, 79; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 33; Venona New York KGB 1943

98; Venona New York KGB 1944, 33, 174, 345; Venona Special Studies, 8, 24.  As “Kid”: 

Vassiliev Black Notebook, 174–76; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 20.  As “Dir”: Vassiliev Black 

Notebook, 46, 79, 174–76, 189; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 28, 30, 36, 38, 48–50, 52–53, 55; 

Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 2–3, 5, 8–9, 18, 33; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 71, 102–6, 108.  

As DIR: Venona New York KGB 1943, 98; Venona New York KGB 1944,344–45; Venona Special 

Studies, 24.  As “Cat”: Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 55.  As CAT (only partially deciphered as 

...T): Venona New York KGB 1944, 462–63.  As “Zone”: Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 55.  As 

ZONE [ZONA]:Venona New York KGB 1944, 500; Venona Special Studies, 29.

Price, Mildred: Soviet intelligence source/agent.  Secret Communist and sister of Mary Price.



Married name: Mildred Coy.  Cover names in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Cio” (1944) and 

“Dorothy” (1944).  As Price: Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 9, 33; Vassiliev White Notebook #3

105.  As Coy: Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 9.  As “Cio”: Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 9, 33; 

Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 105–6.  As “Dorothy”: Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 9.

PRICE [PRAJS ] (cover name in Venona):Unidentified Soviet intelligence officer/agent.  Venona USA 

GRU, 112, 165–66.

Price, W. Z.: FBI agent, 1941–42. Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 156.

Price, Wright Moore: Brother of Mary Wolfe Price.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 98.

Prieto, Luis Beltram: Likely a reference to the Venezuelan political figure Luis Beltran Prieto.  Venona 

New York KGB 1941–42, 51.

Prigarin, Alexis V.: Chairman of Amtrog, 1926.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 83–84.

Prince, Frank: Investigator employed by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League to research and expose anti-

Semitic, Nazi, and Fascist organizations.  Also worked for the U.S. House’s McCormack-

Dickstein Committee (Special Committee on Un-American Activities).  Vassiliev Black 

Notebook, 14–15, 17, 20, 23; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 85, 90–91; Vassiliev Yellow 

Notebook #4, 97–98.

“Prince” [Knyaz'] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Laurence Duggan, after September 1944.  

Vassiliev Black Notebook, 72, 78, 88; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 55; Vassiliev Yellow 

Notebook #2, 1, 34, 36.







1988), 218, 326, 434–37.

 120. Identified by Elizabeth Bentley as one of her singleton espionage sources.  Bentley, 

“Deposition 1945,” 15–17, 33–35, 39, 43–44, 53–54, 71, 74, 77, 80, 91, 94–95.

 121. Identified by Elizabeth Bentley as a talent spotter and source for the Golos/Bentley 

apparatus.  Bentley, “Deposition 1945,” 34, 43–44, 80.

PRINCE [KNYAZ'] (cover name in Venona): Laurence Duggan.  Venona New York KGB 1944, 463, 

649, 668; Venona Special Studies, 36.

Pritomanov, Leonid G.: Soviet intelligence officer.  Cover name in Venona: PHOTON [FOTON].  (In 

Alexander Vassiliev’s notebooks, “Photon” is identified as the cover name of KGB officer Ivan 

Kamenev.  Likely Pritonamov was Kamenev’s diplomatic pseudonym.).  As Pritomanov: Venona 

New York KGB 1944, 628, Venona New York KGB 1945, 84, Venona Special Studies, 75.  As 

PHOTON [FOTON]: Venona New York KGB 1944, 628, 746–47; Venona New York KGB 1945

11, 84; Venona Special Studies, 75.  As “Photon”/Kamenev: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 68, 114, 

119, 127–28, 133, 135; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 85, 106–7, 109.

Pritt, D. N.: Left Socialist British politician. As a Labour Party member of Parliament he urged an 

alliance with USSR.  Expelled from the Labour Party in 1940 due to his support for the Soviet 

invasion of Finland.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 78, 92–93.

Privalov, Evgenij Mikhajlovich: Soviet internal security source.  With the SGPC staff.  Venona San 

Francisco KGB, 2–3.

“Priyatel'” (Russian original of a cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): See “Buddy”/Unidentified 


PRIYATEL’ [FRIEND] (cover name in Venona): Oscar Lange.  Venona New York KGB 1944, 385, 453; 

Venona Special Studies, 58.

“Priyut” (Russian original of a cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): See “Shelter”.

PRIYUT [SHELTER] (cover name in Venona): United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration 

(UNRRA).  Venona New York KGB 1944, 306–7, 371, 386–87, 414, 517, 519, 615–16, 625.

“Probationer” [Stazher] and “Probationers” [Stazhery]: KGB tradecraft term and cover name used for 

sources and agents in the 1930s and early 1940s.  A “Probationer” was someone who was not a 

professional KGB officer but who was knowingly undertaking some task for the KGB.

PROBKA [CORK] (cover name in Venona): William Pinsly.  Venona New York KGB 1944, 269, 273, 

275; Venona Special Studies, 51, 58.

Processing [Oformleniye] and to process: KGB tradecraft term covering gathering background 

information, cultivating, vetting, and, if indicated, eventually preparing for recruitment a person 

of interest.

Procope, Hjalmar: Finnish Minister in Washnigton.  Venona New York KGB 1944, 94–95.

“Prodavets” (Russian original of a cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): See “Vendor”.

PRODAVETS [SALESMAN] (cover name in Venona): Likely Harry Kagan.  Unidentified by Venona 

analysts but identified in Vassiliev’s notebooks as likely Harry Kagan.  “Prodavets” translated as 

“Vendor” was described in Vassiliev’s notebooks as an American Communist, former agent 

handler for Jacob Golos, and employee of the Soviet Government Purchasing Commission used 

to “cover” employees of the SGPC.  Elizabeth Bentley identified Kagan, an employee of the 

SGPC, as an agent of Jacob Golos used to watch and report on any suspect activities of SGPC 



   Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 74; Venona Special Studies, 58.

Prodesco: Product Exchange Corporation, predecessor to Amtorg. Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 81.

Production Management, Office of: See Office of Production Management.

Professor ?: A candidate for recruitment described as rich, active in political and public life, associated 

with medical circles, and Jewish.  Identified by Venona analysts but the name was redacted in the 

version released by NSA.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 255.

Professor ?: Described as “progressive” and a director of the University of California Radiation 

Laboratory.  Identified by Venona analysts but the name was redacted in the version released by 

NSA.  Possibly Ernest Lawrence, director of the Radiation Laboratory.  The redacted space on 

the released cable would fit Lawrence.  Lawrence, however, was apolitical and not regarded as a 

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