Инглиз тили назарияси ва укитиш методикаси кафдрасининг доценти Алимова Мухаррам Хаятовнанинг Чет тил назарий аспектлари ( 2-модул-Назарий грамматика) фанидан тузган тестлар мажмуи
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Инглиз тили назарияси ва укитиш методикаси кафдрасининг доценти Алимова Мухаррам Хаятовнанинг Чет тил назарий аспектлари ( 2-модул-Назарий грамматика) фанидан тузган тестлар мажмуи 1.The classical scientific theory appeared during… * a. the first half of the 20th b. the first half of the 19th c. the 19th d. the 18th 2. Another name of classical scientific theory school… a. the American school * b. the traditional school of grammar c. Transformational school of grammar d. structural linguistic school 3. The founder of classical scientific theory was… a. Bloomfield b. Chomsky * c. H. Sweet d. O. Jesperson 4. The American school of structural linguistics pays special attention to … a. the structure of different linguistic units b. different grammatical phenomena relied on meaning c. to meaning and form of different linguistic units *d. to form of linguistic units 5. The representatives of American school are: a. O.Jesperson, Cruisinga, Zandvoort b. Smirnitsky, Vorontsova, Ilyish *c. Bloomfield, Fries, Robins, Francis d. Cruisinga, Fries, Robins 6. Who is the most proponent of transformational grammar school ? a. Harris * b. Chomsky c. H.Sweet d. O. Jesperson 7. What does the transformational grammar pay attention to? a. meaning b. form *c. meaning and form d. structure 8. Basic notions of grammatical theory … a. grammatical structure b. grammatical form and meaning c. grammatical categories *d. Phoneme, morpheme, lexeme 9. The main grammatical signals (markers) are: a. word order b. inflexions c. functional words *d. all of them 10.Grammar is subdivided into: a. morphology and lexicology b. phonetics and phonology *c. morphology and syntax d. lexicology and syntax 11. Morphology deals with : *a. structure of words b. structure of sentences c. word groups d. word formation 12. Syntax deals with: a. structure of words * b. structure of sentences c. word- modification d. combination of words 13. The grammatical meaning of the words: window, girl, tree. a. plurality *b. singularity c. gender d. case 14. How do we call the combination of the stem of the word with some inflexional signs (or signals)? a. form- class b. word- building *c. word form d. meaning 15.How do we call set of word forms having different roots but one and the same grammatical meaning? a. form-class b. word form * c. grammatical form d. grammatical meaning 16. How do we call an opposition between mutually excluding form classes. a. grammatical form * b. grammatical category c. grammatical meaning d. grammatical structure 17. Which of them are types of grammar in Modern linguistics? a. philosophical, historical b. general, theoretical c. comparative, normative *d. all of them 18. What does theoretical grammar study? *a. the general theory and gives the analysis of the grammatical structure. b. the art of correct writing, speaking c. the development of grammatical structure of the language in the course of time. d. compares the structure of several languages 19. Synthetic grammatical means are: *a. affixations, sound -interchange, supplitive forms b. supplitive forms, auxiliary words c. word order, affixation d. supplitive forms, word order 20. Analytic grammatical means are: a. supplitive forms b. sound interchange *c. auxiliary words+notional words, word order d. affixation 21. Show the examples in synthetic means. a. will read b. was reading *c. read[red] , reads d. reading, will read 22. Form-building means are divided into two and they are: a. agglutinative, flective * b. synthetic and analytic forms c. affixation, inflexion d. supplitive, agglutinative 23. What grammatical meanings may be expressed by sound-interchange? a. degrees of comparison, present action *b. plurality in nouns, past action, case forms in pronouns c. future action, case forms in nouns d. case and plurality in nouns 24. Supplitive means is… a. adding affixes to the root of the word b. changing a sound inside the root of the word *c. the complete change of the phonetic shape of the root d. adding prefixes 25.What is the smallest meaningful unit of the language? a. Phoneme * b. morpheme c. word d. sentence 26.What is the smallest unit of the language? *a. Phoneme b. morpheme c. word d. sentence 27.What is the smallest communicative unit of the language? a. Phoneme b. morpheme * c. word d. sentence 28.From the point of view of structure morphemes can be divided into: * a. segmental, super-segmental b. root, affixal c. derivational, inflexional d. affixal, prefixes 29. According to the traditional classification and their function morphemes are divided into: a. segmental, super-segmental * b. root, affixal c. derivational, inflexional d. affixal, prefixes 30. Affixal morphemes are divided into: a. segmental, super-segmental b. root, affixal * c. derivational, inflexional d. affixal, prefixes 31. Show the examples of inflexional morphemes. * a. reads, cats, risen b. reader, worker, kindness c. reads, reader d. reading, reader 32. What are derivational morphemes? *a. they serve to build one part of speech from another b. they form another grammatical category c. they change the grammatical form d. they form another grammatical structure 33. What principles of singling out classes of words do you know? a. semantic b. morphological c. syntactic *d. all of them 34. What are the criteria of Sherba and Ilyish suggested according the classification of parts of speech? *a. meaning, form, function b. combinability, stem- building elements c. combinability, function d. stem- building elements, . meaning, form 35. By the term “meaning” of the word Sherba means: a. grammatical category of the word *b. lexico- grammatical meaning c. pure grammatical meaning d. lexical meaning 36. By the term “form” of the word Sherba means: *a. grammatical category of the word b. lexico- grammatical meaning c. pure grammatical meaning d. lexical meaning 37. By the term “function” Sherba means: *a. syntactic phenomenon b. lexico- grammatical meaning c. grammatical categories of parts of speech d. lexical meaning 38.What are two more criteria which are suggested by Khaimovich and Rogovskaya for distinguishing parts of speech? a. form, meaning b. function, combinability *c. combinability, stem- building elements d. form, function 39. What types of combinability do you know? a. meaning and form b. synthetic and analytic *c. left hand and right hand d. structural, formal 40. What is the lexico- grammatical meaning of the noun? * a. meaning of substance or thingness b. quality of substance c. action d. number 41. What grammatical categories does the noun have in English? * a. number, case b. number, tense c. person, number d. gender, case 42. What are the main functions of the noun in the sentence? a. subject, attribute * b. subject, object, predicative c. subject, adverbial modifier d. subject, predicate 43. What combinability does the noun have with adjective and articles? *a. left b.right c.left/right d.right/left 44. Stem-building elements of the nouns are: a. –s, -ren, -en * b. –ment, -er, -ist, -ship c. –ly, -ful,-ous d. ing, -ed 45. According to lexical meaning what types of nouns do you know? a. concrete, mass b. abstract, collective c. proper, concrete * d. a,b,c 46. What allomorphs of plurality do you know? a. –s,-ren,-en b. vowel alternation c. zero morpheme and vowel alternation *d. –s,-ren,-en, vowel alternation, zero morpheme 47. What nouns are included into singularia tantum nouns? *a. nouns which have only singular forms b. nouns which have only plural forms c. nouns which have neither singular, nor plural forms d. nouns which have both singular and plural 48. What nouns are included into pluralia tantum nouns? a. nouns which have only singular forms *b. nouns which have only plural forms c. nouns which have neither singular, nor plural forms d. nouns which have both singular and plural 49. What is the opinion of linguist Vorontsova according to the category of case? *a. nouns have lost the category of case b. nouns have more than two cases c. nouns have only two case forms d. nouns have only one case 50. The category of gender in English is… *a. lexical category b. grammatical category c. lexico- grammatical category d. it is not a category 51. What is the lexico-grammatical meaning of the verb? a. substance b. quality of action *c. action and state d. quality of substance 52. What grammatical categories of the verb do you know? a. tense, voice, gender b. aspect, mood, case c. person, number, case *d. aspect, tense, voice, mood 53. What is the function of the verb? *a. predicate b. subject, object c. adv. modifier d. attribute 54. What combinability does the verb have with adverbs? *a. right b. left c. there is no combinability d. right and left 55. Stem-building elements of the verbs are: a. –ize,-fy,-er b. re-, dis-, un- c. –er, -ment,-est *d. –ize, -en, -fy, dis- 56. According to the structure the types of verbs are: a. simple, derived b. compound, composite c. modal, link, auxilary *d. simple, derived, compound, composite 57. According to the function verbs are divided into: * a. notional, functional b. link, auxiliary c. modal, notional d. auxiliary, functional 58. Functional verbs are divided into: a. notional, functional *b. modal, link, auxiliary c. link, notional d. auxiliary, functional 59. What other forms of voices did Ilyish and Rogovskaya suggest in Modern English? a. reflexive, reciprocal b. middle, reflexive c. reciprocal, middle *d. reflexive, reciprocal, middle 60. What does the non-continuous aspect denote? a. progressive action *b. repeated, everlasting action c. prior action d. everlasting 61. What does the continuous aspect denote? *a. progressive action b. repeated, everlasting action c. prior action d. everlasting 62. What forms of the category of mood are there in the English language? a. indicative, subjunctive, reflexive b. imperative, subjunctive, middle *c. indicative, imperative, subjunctive d. subjunctive, reflexive, reciprocal 63. What grammatical categories do verbals have? * a. aspect, voice, tense b. order, aspect, voice c. voice, tense, mood d. mood, voice 64. What features does Participle I have? a. verbal, adverbial b. verbal, adjectival, adverbial *c. adjectival, adverbial d. nominal, verbal 65. What is the lexico-grammatical meaning of the adjectives? *a. the quality of substance b. the state of an action c. the substance d. the action 66. What grammatical category does the adjective have in English? a. number, case b. gender, degrees of comparison *c. degrees of comparison d. tense 67. What is the function of the adjective in the sentence? a. adv. modifier, predicative *b. predicative, attribute c. attribute, adv. modifier d. subject, object 68. What are the stem-building elements of the adjectives? a. –er,-ment,-ness,re- b. –en,-ize,-ous,dis- *c. –ous,-ful,-less,un-,in-,ir- d. –ly,-ing,-er 69. What are the semi- notional parts of speech? a. preposition, conjunction b. article, particle, link verbs c. interjections, prepositions, postposition *d. article, particle, preposition, conjunction 70. What are the types of syntactic relations? *a. coordination, subordination, predication b. coordination, adjoining, government c. adjoining, government d. predication, adjoining, government 71.What type does English belong to? a. agglutinated b. inflected *c. inflected, inclined to be analytical d. isolated 72. What type does Uzbek belong to? a. inflected *b. agglutinated c. isolated d. analytical 73. What is the function of the numeral? a. subject b. attribute c. predicative * d. a,b,c 74. What does syntax deal with? a. morpheme b. word *c. sentence d. phrase 75. How many criteria are there to classify words into parts of speech? * a. 5 b. 3 c. 2 d. 6 76.State the compound prepositions in the following. a. by, with b. below, beside c. instead of , owing to *d. inside, within 77. Find the word in the following examples referring to the class of verbs. a. aloud b. asleep c. abroad *d. appreciate 78. Which of the following words have a simple stem? *a. write b. transport c. brother-in-law d. give up 79. Which of the following words have a derivative stem? *a. boyhood b. in spite of c. day d. motor-car 80. Which of the following words have a compound stem? a. books b. translated *c. pickpocket d. at last 81. What is the main purpose of the theoretical course in English grammar? a. learning patterns b. learning morphemes c. learning basic patterns *d. learning grammatical structures 82.Which of the given oppositions indicate aspect? *a. write – be writing b. wrote – had written c. write – be written d. should write – would write 83. What category do the personal pronouns have? a. mood *b. case c. tense d. aspect 84.What does the term “grammar” mean? *a. art of writing b. art of speaking correctly c. art of writing and speaking correctly d. art of speaking 85. What are the main types of grammar? a. Grammar may be prescriptive and descriptive *b. Grammar may be practical and theoretical c. Grammar may be synthetical and analytical d. Grammar may be segmental and supra segmental 86. The aim of practical grammar is ...... a. to offer explanation for the rules b. dealing with the language as a functional system *c. the description of grammar rules that are necessary to understand and formulate sentences d. to embrace the whole study of language 87. The aim of theoretical grammar is ...... *a. to offer explanation for the rules b. dealing with the language as a functional system c. the description of grammar rules that are necessary to understand and formulate sentences d. to embrace the whole study of language 88. The models of linguistic description are: *a. semantic, syntactic, pragmatic b. phonetic, lexical, grammatical c. synthetical and analytical d. morphology and syntax 89. What relation is studied by semantics? *a.The relation between a unit and an object in the world around us (objective reality). b. The relation between a unit and other units (inner relations between units) c. The relation between a unit and a person who uses it. d. The relation between a unit and a meaning. 90. What relation is studied by syntax? a.The relation between a unit and an object in the world around us (objective reality). *b. The relation between a unit and other units (inner relations between units) c. The relation between a unit and a person who uses it. d. The relation between a unit and a meaning. 91. What relation is studied by pragmatics? a.The relation between a unit and an object in the world around us (objective reality). b. The relation between a unit and other units (inner relations between units) *c. The relation between a unit and a person who uses it. d. The relation between a unit and a meaning. 92. What are the levels in the structure of language? a. synthetic and analytic b. phonological, morphological, syntactical c. phonetic, lexical, grammatical *d. phonological, morphological, syntactical, supersyntactical,lexical 95. How is similarity of organization of linguistic units called? *a.isomorphism b. content side c. expression side d. suppletivity 96. What is the level unit of the supersyntactical level? *a. text b. word group c. sentence d. word 97. What is the level unit of the syntactical level? a. text *b. word group c. phoneme d. word 98. What is the level unit of the morphological level? a. text b. word group c. sentence *d. word and word formation 99. What is the level unit of the phonological level? *a. phoneme b. word group c. sentence d. word 100. According to different principles of similarity paradigmatic relations can be ........ a. synthetic and analytic b. expressive and nominative *c. semantic, formal and functional d. coordinate, subordinate and predicative 101. According to different principles of similarity syntagmatic relations can be ........ a. synthetic and analytic b. expressive and nominative c. semantic, formal and functional *d. coordinate, subordinate and predicative 102. Semantic PR are based on .......... *a. the similarity of meaning b. the similarity of form c. the similarity of function d. the homogeneous linguistic units 103.Formal PR are based on .......... a. the similarity of meaning *b. the similarity of form c. the similarity of function d. the homogeneous linguistic units 104. Functional PR are based on .......... a. the similarity of meaning b. the similarity of form *c. the similarity of function d. the homogeneous linguistic units 105. Coordinate SR are the relations of...... *a. independence, which exists between the homogeneous linguistic units that are equal in rank b. dependence when one linguistic unit depends on the other c. interdependence: primary and secondary predication d. the similarity of the meaning, form and function 106. Subordinate SR are the relations of....... a. independence, which exist between the homogeneous linguistic units that are equal in rank *b. dependence when one linguistic unit depends on the other c. interdependence: primary and secondary predication d. the similarity of the meaning, form and function 107. Predicative SR are the relations of....... a. independence, which exist between the homogeneous linguistic units that are equal in rank b. dependence when one linguistic unit depends on the other *c. interdependence: primary and secondary predication d. the similarity of the meaning, form and function 108. Indo-European languages are classified into two structural types.... *a. synthetic and analytic b. expressive and nominative c. semantic, formal and functional d. coordinate, subordinate and predicative 109. How are synthetic languages defined? *a. as ones of ‘internal’ grammar of the word – most of grammatical meanings and grammatical relations of words are expressed with the help of inflexions b. those of ‘external’ grammar because most grammatical meanings and grammatical forms are expressed with the help of words (will do) c. language which ensures the thought-forming function of the language d. language with the help of which the naming function of language is realized 110. How are analytic languages defined? a. as ones of ‘internal’ grammar of the word – most of grammatical meanings and grammatical relations of words are expressed with the help of inflexions *b. those of ‘external’ grammar, because most grammatical meanings and grammatical forms are expressed with the help of the comdination of the auxiliary and notional words and word order in the sentence c. language which ensures the thought-forming function of the language d. language with the help of which the naming function of language is realized 111. What is lexical meaning? *a. the individual meaning of the word b. the meaning of the whole class or a subclass c. meaning, which is not expressed formally d. meaning, which is always marked morphologically 112. What is grammatical meaning? a. the individual meaning of the word *b. the meaning of the whole class or a subclass c. meaning, which is not expressed formally d. meaning, which is always marked morphologically 113. What classes of words are devoid of the concrete lexical meaning and possess the grammatical meaning only? a. nouns and pronouns b. adjectives and adverbs c. verbids *d. articles, particles, prepositions 114. What types of grammatical meaning do you know? a. synthetic and analytic b. expressive and nominative *c. implicit and explicit d. general and dependent 115. What are types of implicit meaning? a. synthetic and analytic b. expressive and nominative c. implicit and explicit *d. grammatical meaning expressed by the zero morpheme 116. What is implicit grammatical meaning? a. the individual meaning of the word b. the meaning of the whole class or a subclass *c. meaning, which is not expressed formally d. meaning, which is always marked morphologically 117. What is explicit grammatical meaning? a. the individual meaning of the word b. the meaning of the whole class or a subclass c. meaning, which is expressed formally *d. meaning, which is marked morphologically 118. What is general grammatical meaning? *a. meaning of the whole word-class concerning the definite part of speech b. the meaning of a subclass within the same part of speech c. meaning, which is not expressed formally d. meaning, which is always marked morphologically 119. Due to dialectal unity of language and thought, grammatical categories correlate with... *a. conceptual categories and objective reality b. meaning and form c. lexical and grammatical meanings d. conceptual reality and objective reality 120. How do we call the grammatical categories that have references in the objective reality? a. significational categories *b. referential grammatical categories c. oppositional categories d. transpositional categories 121. How do we call the grammatical categories that correlate only with conceptual matters? *a. significational categories b. referential grammatical categories c. oppositional categories d. transpositional categories 122. What grammatical categories can we include into referential grammatical categories? a. degree and number b. mood and tense *c. tense and number d. mood and degree 123. What grammatical categories can we include into significational grammatical categories? a. degree and number b. mood and tense c. tense and number *d. mood and degree 124. How do we call the relation between two grammatical forms differing in meaning and external signs? a. transposition b. neutralization *c. opposition d. means of realization 125. How can we define the grammatical category? *a. the opposition between two or more mutually exclusive form-classes b. the use of a linguistic unit in an unusual environment c. the reduction of the opposition to one of its members d. the means of realization 126. What is a set of words with the same explicit grammatical meaning? *a. form-class b. word-group c.word-class d. word-form 127. What is transposition? a. the opposition between two mutually exclusive form-classes *b. the use of a linguistic unit in an unusual environment c. the reduction of the opposition to one of its members d. the means of realization 128. What is neutralization? a. the opposition between two mutually exclusive form-classes b. the use of a linguistic unit in an unusual environment *c. the reduction of the opposition to one of its members d. the means of realization 129. How many approaches exist in classifying words into parts of speech? a. 3 b. 4 * c.5 d.2 130. What are the criteria to distinguishing parts of speech? a. classical, functional, distributional, complex *b. meaning, form, function,combineability,stem building elements c. traditional, structural, transformational d. transposition and neutralization 131. Сlassical approach distinguishes parts of speech into…… a. functional and nominative *b. declinable and indeclinable c. four major classes of words and 15 form-classes d. semantic, formal, functional 132. Who is the founder of functional approach in distinguishing parts of speech? a. Charles Fries b. Blokh *c. Henry Sweet d. Naom Chomsky 133. Distributional approach distinguishes parts of speech into…… a. nominative and particles b. declinable and indeclinable *c. four major classes of words and 15 form-classes d. semantic, formal, functional 134. Who is the founder of distributional approach? *a. Charles Fries b. Blokh c. Henry sweet d. Naom Chomsky 135. What criteria are used in distinguishing parts of speech in modern linguistics? a. nominative and particles b. declinable and indeclinable c. four major classes of words and 15 form-classes *d. semantic, formal, functional,comdineabiliy and stem building elements 136. What does semantic criterion presuppose? *a. the grammatical meaning of the whole class of words b. paradigmatic properties: relevant grammatical categories, the form of the words, their specific inflectional and derivational features c. syntactic function of words in the sentence and their combinability d. having no references of their own in the objective reality 137. What does formal criterion reveal? a. the grammatical meaning of the whole class of words *b. paradigmatic properties: relevant grammatical categories, the form of the words, their specific inflectional and derivational features c. syntactic function of words in the sentence and their combinability d. having no references of their own in the objective reality 138. What does functional criterion concern? a. the grammatical meaning of the whole class of words b. paradigmatic properties: relevant grammatical categories, the form of the words, their specific inflectional and derivational features *c. syntactic function of words in the sentence and their combinability d. having no references of their own in the objective reality 139. How can we define notional words? a. those having no references of their own in the objective reality; most of them are used only as grammatical means to form up and frame utterances b. paradigmatic properties: relevant grammatical categories, the form of the words, their specific inflectional and derivational features c. syntactic function of words in the sentence and their combinability *d. those denoting things, objects, notions, qualities, etc. – words with the corresponding references in the objective reality 140. How can we define function words? *a. those having no references of their own in the objective reality; most of them are used only as grammatical means to form up and frame utterances b. paradigmatic properties: relevant grammatical categories, the form of the words, their specific inflectional and derivational features c. syntactic function of words in the sentence and their combinability d. those denoting things, objects, notions, qualities, etc. – words with the corresponding references in the objective reality 141. What does the noun possess? *a. substance b. verbiality c. substantival property d. property of process 142. According to the type of nomination nouns may be...... a. countable and uncountable b. human and non-human c. animate and inanimate *d. proper and common 143. According to the form of existence nouns may be...... a. countable and uncountable b. human and non-human *c. animate and inanimate d. proper and common 144. According to the quantitative structure nouns may be...... a. countable and uncountable b. human and non-human c. animate and inanimate *d. countable and uncountable 145. What is the classification of nouns according to their structure? a. simple and derived b. simple, derived, compound *c. simple, derived, compound, composite d. compound and composite 146. What are the most common noun determiners? a. articles and pronouns b. adjectives and numerals c. nouns themselves in the common and genitive case *d. All above mentioned 147. What doesn’t the plural form of the noun denote? a. the existence of several objects *b.generalization c. pluralia tantum d. the inner discreteness 148.What are subdivisions of all nouns? a. The nouns in which the opposition of explicit discreteness/indiscreteness is expressed b. The nouns in which this opposition is not expressed explicitly but is revealed by syntactical and lexical correlation in the context c. The nouns with homogenous number forms. The number opposition here is not expressed formally but is revealed only lexically and syntactically in the context *d. All above mentioned 149. What does the grammatical category of case express? *a. the relation of a word to another word in the word-group or sentence b. the linguistic representation of the objective category of quantity c. homogenous number forms d. syntactical and lexical correlation in the context 150. What point do you admit concerning grammatical case category? *a. there are two case forms b. there are no cases at all, the form `s is optional because the same relations may be expressed by the ‘of-phrase’ c. there are 6 cases d. there is only one case form 151. Ch.Fillmore introduced syntactic-semantic classification of cases. They show relations in the so-called deep structure of the sentence. According to him how many cases exist in English grammar? a. there are two cases b. there are three cases *c. there are 6 cases d. there is only one case form 152. What does M. Blokh state according the category of gender? *a. the existence of the category of gender in Modern English can be proved by the correlation of nouns with personal pronouns of the third person (he, she, it). b. nouns have no category of gender in Modern English c. not a single word in Modern English shows any peculiarities in its morphology due to its denoting male or female being d. the category of gender should not be confused with the category of sex, because sex is an objective biological category 153. What does Ilyish state according the category of gender? a. the existence of the category of gender in Modern English can be proved by the correlation of nouns with personal pronouns of the third person (he, she, it). *b. nouns do not have the grammatical category of gender in Modern English c. not a single word in Modern English shows any peculiarities in its morphology due to its denoting male or female being d. the category of gender should not be confused with the category of sex, because sex is an objective biological category 154. What does the adjective possess? a. substantiality b. verbiality * c. substantival property d. property of process 155. What does the adjective have combinability with? *a. nouns, link-verbs, adverbs b. nouns and verbs c. verbs and adverbs d. nouns, pronouns, link verbs 156. What is the classification of adjectives according to their structure? a. simple and derived *b. simple, derived, compound c. simple, derived, compound, composite d. compound and composite 157. What is the semantical classification of adjectives? a. animate and inanimate b. human and non-human *c. relative and qualitative d. proper and common 158. What do the statives denote? *a. different states, mostly of temporary duration b. substantival property c. secondary property d. substantiality 159. Who was the first to identify statives as a separate part of speech in English? a. B.Khaimovich b. L.Scherba *c. B. Ilyish d. M. Blokh 160. How did B.Khaimovich and B.Rogovskaya call the statives? a. stative words b. words of category of state c. predicative adjectives *d. adlinks 161. How do statives differ from adjectives? *a. they can be built up by the prefix a-, do not have the category of comparison and are not used as pre-posed attributes b. they can be used as post-posed attributes c. they can be homogeneous parts of a word-group d. though the prefix a- is viewed as the formal mark of the statives there are words expressing state which are devoid of this mark 162. What are similarities of the statives and adjectives? a. they are built up by the prefix a- b. have the category of comparison c. used as pre-posed attributes *d. they can be used as post-posed attributes 163. Which statives can not be separated into the prefix and the root? a. alike, alive *b. aware, afraid c. afire, afoot d. astir, asleep 164. What do the adverbs denote? a. different states, mostly of temporary duration b. substantival property *c. secondary property d. substantiality 165. What are typical suffixes of adverbs? a. –ful, - ous b. –er, -est c. -en, - ify, - ize *d. – wards, -wise, -ly 166. What combinabilities do the adverbs have? *a. verbs, adjectives b. verbs, nouns c. adjectives, nouns d. predicatives 167. What are subdivisions of adverbs semantically? a. qualitative and relative *b. qualitative, quantitative, and circumstantial c. proper and common d. qualitative and quantitative 168. What do qualitative adverbs denote? a. the degree or the quantity of an action or a property b. various circumstances attending an action such as time, place, manner, cause, consequence *c. properties of actions d. properties of substance 169. What do quantitative adverbs denote? *a. the degree or the quantity of an action or a property b. various circumstances attending an action such as time, place, manner, cause, consequence c. properties of actions d. properties of substance 170. What do circumstantial adverbs denote? a. the degree or the quantity of an action or a property *b. various circumstances attending an action such as time, place, manner, cause, consequence c. properties of actions d. properties of substance 171. Choose examples to quantitative adverbs? a. fast, loudly, slowly *b. hardly, scarcely, nearly c. near, far late,soon d. now , here, there 172. Choose examples to circumstantial adverbs? a. fast, loudly, slowly b. hardly, scarcely, nearly *c. near, far, late, soon d. almost, enough, quite 173. Who proposes to treat words of the type quick –quickly, loud –loudly as belonging to the same part of speech but having different combinability? *a. A. Smirnitsky b. M. Blokh c. B.Khaimovich and B.Rogovskaya d. L.Scherba 174. What does the verb denote? a. different states, mostly of temporary duration b. substantival property c. secondary property *d. verbiality - the ability to denote a process developing in time 175. What are common categories for finite and non-finite forms? a. tense, aspect b. voice, mood *c. voice, aspect d. person, number 176. What categories of the verb have only synthetical forms? a. tense, aspect b. voice, mood c. voice, aspect *d. person, number 177. What categories of the verb have only analytical forms? a. tense *b. voice c. aspect d. Mood 178. What categories of the verb have both synthetical and analytical forms? a. tense, aspect, voice b. voice, mood, aspect *c. mood, tense, aspect d. person, number, tense 179. What principles of classifications of the verbs do you know? *a. morphological, lexical-morphological, syntactical and functional. b. functional and notional c. stative and dynamic d. terminative and durative 180. According to what classification do all verbs fall into: simple, sound-replacive, stress-replacive, expanded (with the help of suffixes and prefixes), composite, phrasal *a. Morphological b. lexical-morphological c. syntactic d. functional 181. According to what classification do all verbs fall into: transitive and intransitive, stative and dynamic, terminative and durative. a. morphological *b. lexical,morphological, syntactical c. syntactic d. functional 182. According to what classification do all verbs fall into: directed (to see, to take, etc.) and non-directed action (to arrive, to drizzle, etc.) a. morphological b. lexical-morphological *c. syntactic d. functional 183. According to what classification do all verbs fall into: notional (with the full lexical meaning), semi-notional (modal verbs, link-verbs), auxiliaries. a. morphological b. lexical-morphological c. syntactic *d. Functional 184. What does the grammatical category of voice express? *a. objective subjective relation to the action performed in the sentence b. relates the time of the action, event or state of affairs referred to in the sentence to the time of the utterance c. linguistic representation of the objective category of Manner of Action d. expresses the relation of the action to reality from the speaker's viewpoint 185. Which voice is expressed in the sentence : The door opened a. active *b. middle c. reflexive d. reciprocal 186. Which voice is expressed in the sentence : He dressed; He washed a. active b. middle *c. reflexive meaning is expressed lexically d. reciprocal 187. Which voice is expressed in the sentences : They met; They kissed each other a. active b. middle c. reflexive *d. reciprocal meaning is expressed lexically 188. What does the grammatical category of tense express? a. the objective relations between the action and the subject or object of the action find their expression in language *b. relates the time of the action, event or state of affairs referred to in the sentence to the time of the utterance c. linguistic representation of the objective category of Manner of Action d. expresses the relation of the action to reality from the speaker's viewpoint 189. What does the grammatical category of aspect express? a. the objective relations between the action and the subject or object of the action find their expression in language *b. relates the time of the action, event or state of affairs referred to in the sentence to the time of the utterance:beginning,continuation and completion of the acion c. linguistic representation of the objective category of manner of action d. expresses the relation of the action to reality from the speaker's viewpoint 190. What are semantic features of continuous form? *a. duration – definiteness b. transitivity - intransitivity c. stative - dynamic d. definite – indefinite 191. How do we call the following words: think, understand, know, hate, love, see, taste, feel, possess, own a. progressive *b. non-progressive c. standard d. non-standard 192. What term is used to define non finite forms in more recent studies? *a. verbals b. aspect c. phase d. verbid 193. What is the lexico-grammatical meaning of verbals? a. a substance b. a quality or a property c. a secondary property *d. action presented as a substance or a qualifying action 194. It originated from the noun and at present combines nominal and verbal features: *a. infinitive b. gerund c. participle I d. participle II 195. How do we call infinitival to ? *a. particle b auxiliary word c. preposition d. link word 196. What is the only non finite form of the verb that combines with the modal verb to form a compound modal verbal predicate? *a. infinitive b. gerund c. participle I d. participle II 197. It has more of the nominal peculiarities a. infinitive *b. gerund c. participle I d. participle II 198. What forms do infinitive and gerund comprise? *a. perfect/indefinite and active/passive b.active/passive and present/past c. indicative/imperative and perfect/indefinite d. present/past and perfect/indefinite 199. Which of verbals mosly denotes an imperfective action ? a. infinitive *b. gerund c. participle I d. participle II 200. Which of verbals mosly serves to convey a perfective action? *a. infinitive b. gerund c. participle I d. participle II 201. What follows such verbs as to hope, to promise, to refuse, to offer, etc? *a. infinitive b. gerund c. participle I d. participle II 202. What follows after to avoid, to delay, to deny, to enjoy, to excuse, to keep on, to suggest, etc? a. infinitive *b. gerund c. participle I d. participle II 203. Which of the verbals combines the features of the finite verb with those of the adjective and the adverb? a. infinitive b. gerund *c. participle d. bare infinitive 204. Which of the verbals morphologically coincides with the gerund? a. infinitive b. gerund *c. participle I d. participle II 205. What qualities does participle combine? a. verbal and nounal b. verbal and adverbial c. verbal and adjectival *d. verbal, adjectival, and adverbial 206. What is the form of the underlined word, e.g. The writing of the diploma turned out to be more timeconsuming than she had expected. a. gerund *b.participial adjective c. continuous form of the verb d.participle 1 207. The use of Participle II outside analytical formations (like has done or will be done) is comparatively limited. In such cases it is used as..... a. perfect form *b. predicative or as an attribute in preposition to the word it modifires c. a verbal noun d. separate participle 208. Where can such forms as been, laughed, written, etc. can appear? *a. within a perfect form b. post posed attribute c. pre posed attribute d. separate participle 209. Which of the verbals has no category of aspect? a. infinitive b. gerund c. participle I *d. participle II 210. What combinability do articles and particles have? *a. unilateral b. bilateral c. right hand d. left hand 211. What combinability do prepositions and conjunctions have? a. Unilateral *b. bilateral c. right hand d. left hand 212. What is the function of articles and particles? a. substituting b. generalizing c. linking *d. specifying 213. What is the function of prepositions and conjunctions? a. substituting b. generalizing *c. linking d. specifying 214. What features do not exist in classifying semi notional parts of speech? a. lexico grammatical meaning b. combinability and function *c. stem building elements d. combinability and stem building elements 215. What do prepositions express? *a. show the relation of one noun to another, which reflects the relations of the corresponding substances in the word of reality b. used to denote kinds or varieties of some abstract concept, state, quality c. general meaning, the object in this case is considered as substance in general d. expresses the attitude of the speaker towards the utterance 216. What is the function of in and up in the following sentences: He was in the room, He walked up the hill? a. notional function *b. auxiliary function c. homonyms d. phonetic coincidence 217. What is the function of in and up in the following sentences: He came in , He walked up? *a. notional function b. auxiliary function c. homonyms d. phonetic coincidence 218. The nature of the relation of conjunctions is usually divided into:…… a. notional and functional b. bilateral and unilateral c. compound and composite *d. coordinating and subordinating 219. What do coordinating conjunctions connect? *a. homogenous elements and clauses in compound sentences b. clauses c. words d. clauses in complex sentences 220. What do subordinating conjunctions connect? a. homogenous elements *b. clauses in complex sentences c. words d. clauses in compound sentences 221. Coordinating conjunctions arc used to connect both words and clauses in……. a. composite sentences *b. compound sentences c. complex sentences d. simple sentences 222. Subordinating conjunctions arc used to connect both words and clauses in……. a. composite sentences b. compound sentences *c. complex sentences d. simple sentences 223. how many cases of using articles do we have in modern English and what are they? a. two: definite and indefinite b. only definite c. only indefinite *d. three: definite, indefinite and zero[ the absence of the article] 224. When is indefinite article used? *a. to denote the object which is considered as one of the representatives of the called class of objects and therefore it is a classifying article b. with proper nouns c. to denote the definite semantical meaning d. to denote the attitude of the speaker towards the utterance 225. When can abstract uncountable nouns occur with indefinite article? *a. to denote kinds or varieties of some abstract concept, state, quality b. with proper nouns c. to denote the definite semantical meaning d. to denote the attitude of the speaker towards the utterance 226. What does zero article express? a. to denote kinds or varieties of some abstract concept, state, quality b. proper nouns *c. to denote the definite semantical meaning d. to denote the attitude of the speaker towards the utterance 227. What do particles express? 228. What does morphology deal with? *a. the internal structure of words and their relationship to other words and word forms within the paradigm b. the external functions of words and their relationship to other words within the linearly ordered units – word-groups, sentences and texts c. paradigmatic and syntagmatic properties of phonological units d. lexical categories and their realization 229. What does syntax deal with? a. the internal structure of words and their relationship to other words and word forms within the paradigm *b. the external functions of words and their relationship to other words within the lineary ordered units – word-groups, sentences and texts c. paradigmatic and syntagmatic properties of phonological units d. lexical categories and their realization 230. What is the main point of the Transformational-Generative Grammar concerning syntactic units? a. the analysis of utterances from the point of their communicative value and informative structure. It deals with the actual division of the utterance – the theme and rheme analysis b. the constructional significance/insignificance of a part of the sentence for the whole syntactic unit. The theory is based on the obligatory or optional environment of syntactic elements *c. the endless variety of sentences in a language can be reduced to a finite number of kernels by means of transformations and these kernels serve the basis for generating sentences by means of syntactic processes. d. the study of the way language is used in particular contexts to achieve particular goals 231. What is the main point of the Constructional Syntax concerning syntactic units? a. the analysis of utterances from the point of their communicative value and informative structure. It deals with the actual division of the utterance – the theme and rheme analysis *b. the constructional significance/insignificance of a part of the sentence for the whole syntactic unit. The theory is based on the obligatory or optional environment of syntactic elements c. the endless variety of sentences in a language can be reduced to a finite number of kernels by means of transformations and these kernels serve the basis for generating sentences by means of syntactic processes. d. the study of the way language is used in particular contexts to achieve particular goals 232. What is constructionally significant element in the following sentence according to Constructional Syntax: I saw him there yesterday? *a. him b. there c. yesterday d. him and there 233. What are constructionally insignificant elements in the following sentence according to Constructional Syntax: I saw him there yesterday? a. him and there *b. there and yesterday c. yesterday d. saw and him 234. What is the main point of the Communicative Syntax concerning syntactic units? *a. the analysis of utterances from the point of their communicative value and informative structure. It deals with the actual division of the utterance – the theme and rheme analysis b. the constructional significance/insignificance of a part of the sentence for the whole syntactic unit. The theory is based on the obligatory or optional environment of syntactic elements c. the endless variety of sentences in a language can be reduced to a finite number of kernels by means of transformations and these kernels serve the basis for generating sentences by means of syntactic processes. d. the study of the way language is used in particular contexts to achieve particular goals 235. What is theme in the sentence according to communicative syntax? a. speech act b. different intention *c. something that is known already d. some new information 236. What is rheme in the sentence according to communicative syntax? a. speech act b. different intention c. something that is known already *d. some new information 237. What is the main point of the Pragmatic Approach concerning syntactic units? a. the analysis of utterances from the point of their communicative value and informative structure. It deals with the actual division of the utterance – the theme and rheme analysis b. the constructional significance/insignificance of a part of the sentence for the whole syntactic unit. The theory is based on the obligatory or optional environment of syntactic elements c. the endless variety of sentences in a language can be reduced to a finite number of kernels by means of transformations and these kernels serve the basis for generating sentences by means of syntactic processes. *d. the study of the way language is used in particular contexts to achieve particular goals 238. Who was the first to introduce Speech Act Theory? a. Noam Chomsky b. Mark Blokh *c. John Austin d. Bloomfield 239. How is syntactic unit defined? *a. combination of at least two constituents b. separate word meanings are combined to produce meaningful word-groups and sentences c. distributional formula of the unit (pattern) d. a unit on the basis of which it is included to a larger unit 240. What is syntactic meaning? a. combination of at least two constituents *b. separate word meanings are combined to produce meaningful word-groups and sentences c. distributional formula of the unit (pattern) d. a unit on the basis of which it is included to a larger unit 241. What is syntactic form? a. combination of at least two constituents b. separate word meanings are combined to produce meaningful word-groups and sentences *c. distributional formula of the unit (pattern) d. a unit on the basis of which it is included to a larger unit 242. What is syntactic function? a. combination of at least two constituents b. separate word meanings are combined to produce meaningful word-groups and sentences c. distributional formula of the unit (pattern) *d. function of a unit on the basis of which it is included to a larger unit 243. What is syntactic position? *a. the position of an element b. separate word meanings are combined to produce meaningful word-groups and sentences c. distributional formula of the unit (pattern) d. a unit on the basis of which it is included to a larger unit 244. What are syntactic relations? *a. syntagmatic relations observed between syntactic units b. syntagmatic relations of independence c. syntagmatic relations of dependence d. syntagmatic relations of interdependence 245. What is coordination? a. syntagmatic relations observed between syntactic units *b. syntagmatic relations of independence c. syntagmatic relations of dependence d. syntagmatic relations of interdependence 246. What are forms of connection within coordination? a. primary (sentence level) and secondary (phrase level) b. gerundial, infinitive and participial c. agreement, government , adjournment and enclosure *d. copulative, disjunctive, adversative and causative-consecutive. 247. What types of coordination exist in English? *a. symmetric and asymmetric b. adverbial, objective and attributive c. primary (sentence level) and secondary (phrase level) d. gerundial, infinitive and participial 248. What is subordination? a. syntagmatic relations observed between syntactic units b. syntagmatic relations of independence *c. syntagmatic relations of dependence d. syntagmatic relations of interdependence 249. What are forms of connection within subordination? a. primary (sentence level) and secondary (phrase level) b. gerundial, infinitive and participial *c. agreement, government , adjoining and enclosure d. copulative, disjunctive, adversative and causative-consecutive. 250. What kinds of subordination exist in English? a. symmetric and asymmetric *b. adverbial, objective and attributive c. primary (sentence level) and secondary (phrase level) d. gerundial, infinitive and participial 251. What is predication? a. syntagmatic relations observed between syntactic units b. syntagmatic relations of independence c. syntagmatic relations of dependence *d. syntagmatic relations of interdependence 252. What kinds of predication exist in English? a. symmetric and asymmetric b. adverbial, objective and attributive *c. primary (sentence level) and secondary (phrase level) d. gerundial, infinitive and participial 253. The most adequate definition to the word-group.... *a combination of at least two notional words which do not constitute the sentence but are syntactically connected b. separate word meanings are combined to produce meaningful word-groups and sentences c. distributional formula of the unit (pattern) d. a unit on the basis of which it is included to a larger unit 254. What are classifications of word-group according to the type of syntagmatic relations? a. noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, adverbial phrase, pronoun phrase b. the head and the adjunct c. simple, expanded, extended *d. coordinate, subordinate, predicative 255. What are classifications of word-group according to the structure? a. noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, adverbial phrase, pronoun phrase b. the head and the adjunct *c. simple, extended d. coordinate, subordinate, predicative 256. According to the nature of their heads, subordinate word-groups fall into...... *a. noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, adverbial phrase, pronoun phrase b. the head and the adjunct c. simple, expanded, extended d. coordinate, subordinate, predicative 257. What is the widely spread word group in English? *a. noun phrase b. adjective phrase c. adverbial phrase d. pronoun phrase 258. To what modification of noun phrase can we include the following example: Download 82,38 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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