O’qish qoidasi: oa harf birikmasi.
So’z yasalishi: -ous, -ary, -ery, -ory suffikslari; inter-, sub-prefikslari.
Grammatika: Past Participle funksiyalari; one – ones, that – those otlarning o’rnida qo’llanishi.
oa harf birikmasi [зΩ] bo’lib o’qiladi: coat[kзΩt] – parda;
–ous suffiksi otdan va fe’llardan sifat yasayd: fame [feim] – shuhrat, shon;
–ary, (-ery, - ory) suffikslari ot va sifat hosil qilishida ishlatiladi: surgery [`sз:dзəri] – xirurgiya, pulmonary [`pΛlmənəri] – o’pkaga oid;
Inter – prefiksi (old qo’shimchasi) orasi, o’rtasi, o/zaro, orasida, o’rtasida deb tarjima qilinadi: interaction [,Inte`ræk∫ən] o’zaro, birgalikda; intercostal [Intə`kostl] qovurg’a oralig’idagi; interspace [‘Intə’speIs] oraliq, bo’shliq; international [‘Intə`speIs] oraliq; international [`Intə`næ∫nəl] xalqaro;
–sub prefiksi rus tilidagi “под” ya’ni tagida ma’nodagi prefiksiga mos keladi: to devide [dI’vaId] bo’lmoq, ajratmoq; to subdivide [`s/\bdI`vaId] qismlarga ajratmoq, taqsimlamoq.
Road, moan, soap, load, foam, soak, throat
O’qing va tarjima qiling:
fibrous, numerous, continuous, venous, nervous;
ordinary, alimentary, primary, secondary, respiratory;
subdivision, subacute, subtropical, subcostal, subcutaneous, subclass, subserous;
III. Quyidagi gaplarni “one- ones” “that - those” so’zlariga e’tibor bergan holda tarjima qiling:
I don’t like this book, give me another one. 2. The bones of the extremities are longer than those of the spine. 3. The bones of the scull are those which compose the head and the face. 4. This lecture is more interesting than the one I attended last week. 5. The weight of the lungs is less than that of the heart.
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