VII. Quyidagi so’z va so’z birikmalarini yodlang:
care [kεә] n g’amxo’rlik, kuzatish (vrach tomondan), ximat ko’rsatish; v g’amxo’rlik qilmoq, qaramoq (for); biror narsaga qiziqmoq; to take care of smb. kimgadir g’amxo’rlik qilmoq; under the care of smb. kimningdir nazorati ostida;
subject ['sΛbjәkt] n fan, mavzu;
increase [in'kri:z] v kattalashmoq, ko’tarilmoq, kuchaymoq, kuchayish;
as [æz] adv singari, kabi;
attention [ә'ten∫n] n diqqat; pay attention to smth. Nimagadir e’tiborni qaratmoq;
enter ['entә] v kirmoq;
entrance ['entrәns] n kirish;
mean [mi:n] (meant, meant) [ment, ment] v bildirmoq, nazarda tutmoq;
become [bi 'kΛm] (became, become) v bo’lmoq, bo’lib qolmoq;
article ['a:tikl] n maqola;
adult [ә 'dΛlt] a, n voyaga yetgan, yoshi ulug’ inson;
join [dзoin] v bog’lamoq, biriktirmoq, a,zo bo’lmoq;
before [bi'fo:] prep oldin;
scientific ['saiәntifik] a ilmiy, o’qimishli;
hostel ['hastәl] n yotoqxona;
heart [ha:t] n yurak;
relative ['relәtiv] n qarindosh;
disease [di'si:z] n kasalik;
get [get] (got, got) v olmoq.
VIII. Quyidagi so’z va so’z birikmalarini o’qing, tarjima qiling:
adult [ә 'dΛlt]: my sister is an adults, we are adults, children are not adults;
increase[in'kri:z]:increases, increased, the temperature may increase, the increase of temperature;
become [bi 'kΛm]: became, he became interested in Anatomy, she became pale;
join [dзoin]: to join smth. Together, to join the army, to join the party, to join the society.
care [kεә]:under the doctor’s care, to take care of the children, he takes care of his old parents, to care for medicine.
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