Issn 2181-1296 ilmiy axborotnoma научный вестник scientific journal
Базарбаев Н.Н., Бахтиёров М., Мавлонов Т., Нурмурадов Л.Т., Тухтаев У.У
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SamDU (axborotnoma), 2021 yil, 1-son(II)
Базарбаев Н.Н., Бахтиёров М., Мавлонов Т., Нурмурадов Л.Т., Тухтаев У.У.,
Химматов И. Ф. Корреляции между активностями ^ e в нижних слоях атмосфери и выпадении мокрых осадок 2019 года в Самарканде 4 11 16 21 29 34 39 48 59 65 71 75 83 89 94 100 108 2 ILMIY AXBOROTNOM A M EXANIKA 2021-yil, 1-son 11. Ерофеев В., Орехова О. Нелинейные крутильные и изгибно-крутильные волны в стержнях. LAP. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012. 136 c. 12. Каудерер Г. Нелинейная механика. - М., Иност. литер. 1961. 780.с 13. Ерофеев В.И., Лампси Б.Б. Нелинейная математическая модель упругого стержня, совершающего крутильные колебания, учитывающая депланацию поперечного сечения.// Вестник научно-технического развития. №4 (80), 2014. С. 12-15. 14. Абдураззаков Ж., Холиков Д., Худойназаров Х. Задачи осесимметричных нелинейных колебаний круговых цилиндрических оболочек и стержней // Проблемы архитектуры и строительства (научно-технический журнал), 2019, № 4. С.134-136 15. Kh.Khudoynazarov and Sh.R.Yaxshiboyev (2020) The Mathematical Model of Transverse Vibrations of the Three-Layer Plate. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 614 012062 doi:10.1088/1755- 1315/614/1/012062. 16. Kh.Khudoynazarov and Z.B.Khudoyberdiyev (2020) Unsteady vibrations of a three-layer plate with an asymmetric structure. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 614. 012061 doi:10.1088/1755- 1315/614/1/012061. 17. Khudoynazarov K., Khudoyberdiyev Z., Khudoyberdiyeva, S. Symmetrical Vibrations of a Three- Layer, Longitudinally Covered Plate. Int. J. o f Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 5(10). pp. 7117-21. 18. Khudoynazarov Kh.Kh., Khalmuradov R.I., Yalgashev B.F. (2021) Longitudinal-radial vibrations of a elastic cylindrical shell filled with a viscous compressible liquid //Tomsk state university. Journal o f Mathematics and Mechanics. 69. 139-154. doi 10.17223/19988621/69/11. 19. R.I.Khalmuradov and B.F.Yalgashev (2020) Frequency analysis of longitudinal-radial vibrations of a cylindrical shell. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 614 012087 doi:10.1088/1755- 1315/614/1/012087. UDK: 539.3 FREE TORSIONAL VIBRATIONS OF A ROUND ELASTIC CONE-SHAPED ROD D.Sh.Xoliqov1, J.N.A bdurazzaqov2, D.X.Xudoynazarova3 12Samarkand State Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute, 3Tashkent University o f Information Technologies,, A bstract. The article deals with the problem of torsional vibrations of circular elastic conical rods in the system of cylindrical coordinates. It is believed that vibrations of the rod are caused by external dynamic loads applied to its surface. The cross-sectional radius is taken as a linear function of the longitudinal coordinates. On the basis of the equation of motion of the theory of elasticity for torsional vibrations, the equation of torsional vibrations of a conical rod with a circular cross-section is derived using the Fouret and Laplace integral substitutions. On the basis o f the obtained equation, the problem of harmonic torsional vibrations of a rod is solved. The frequency equation and the relationship between frequency and number of waves are given. Based on the obtained numerical results, appropriate conclusions were drawn. Keywords: conical rod, approximate equation, torsional vibrations, move, stress, frequency Doiraviy elastik konussimon sterjenning erkin buralm a tebranishi Annotatsiya. Maqolada doiraviy elastik konussimon sterjenlarning buralma tebranishlari haqidagi masala silindrik koordinatalar sistemasida qaralgan. Sterjenning tebranishlari uning sirtiga qo’yilgan tashqi dinamik yuklar ta’siri ostida vujudga keladi deb hisoblanadi. Ko’ndalang kesimning radiusi bo'ylama koordinataning chiziqli funksiyasi sifatida qabul qilingan. Buralma tebranishlar uchun elastiklik nazariyasining harakat tenglamasi asosida Fure va Laplas integral almashtirishlarini qo’llab doiraviy ko’ndalang kesimli konussimon sterjenning buralma tebranish tenglamasi keltirib chiqarilgan. Olingan tenglama asosida sterjenning garmonik buralma tebranishlari haqidagi masala yechilgan. Chastota tenglamasi hamda chastota va to’lqin soni orasidagi bog’lanish keltirilgan. Olingan sonli natijalar asosida tegishli xulosalar chiqarilgan. K alit so’zlar: konussimon sterjen, taqribiy tenglama, buralma tebranishlar, ko’chish, kuchlanish, chastota. Download 202,73 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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