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Scale-up of fluid-bed granulation of paracetamol
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Zgolemuvawe na procesot na vrtlo`na granulacija na paracetamol
- Optimization of Metronidazole Tablet formulation using Response Surface Experimental Design
- Formulacija na Metronidazol tableti so brzo osloboduvawe
- Enteric coated chitosan-Ca-alginate microparticles for colon drug delivery
- Enterosolventni citozan-Ca-alginatni mikroestiki za nasoeno i kontrolirano osloboduvawe na lekovita supstancija vo kolon
- Experimental design of cetirizine dihidrochloride chewable tablets formulation
Scale-up of fluid-bed granulation of paracetamol Natasa Anevska-Stojanovska 1 , Katerina Goracinova 2 1 Research and Development Department, Alkaloid, Aleksandar Makedonski 12, Skopje, Macedonia 2 Faculty of Pharmacy, Vodnjanska 17, Skopje, Macedonia The correlation among the critical fluid bed process parameters and properties of paracetamol granulates prepared using pilot equipment Aeromatic-Fielder TSG 2 was used as a guide during the theoretical and experimen- tal scaling up studies on industrial equipment Aeromatic-Fielder TSG 4. In the present study the batch size is increased by a factor of 10. The equipment factor (air distributor area) and process factors (spray rate, atomizing air pressure and binder droplet size) were used as main scale-up factors..To maintain the same fluidization velocity, the air flow rate is increased by the equipment factor of 4.56. The calculated starting process parameters using scale-up factors were little adjusted to achieve the desired results (Table 1./TSG 4 (Gr 2)). The inlet air temperature and air flow during spraying were increased. In order to keep the same relative droplet size, correction was made to the ratio of binder spray rate and atomizing air consumption. Table 1. Scale-up of process parameters Granulate size distribution, geometric mean diameter and standard deviation, bulk and tap density (Carr's index and Hausner ratio), flow rate (angle of repose) and loss on drying were evaluated through the different scale- up stages. Statistical evaluation of granule size distribution did not showed statistically significant differences between the granulates prepared on pilot equipment and industrial equipment. Good flowability and compressibility of gran- ulates prepared at industrial scale have indicated properties optimal for tableting. The granulation process was suc- cessfully scaled up by the air distributor area and relative droplet size. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 51-52 (2007) PP - 7 51 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION TSG 2 TSG 4 (Gr 1) TSG 4 (Gr 2) Batch size (kg) 8,449 84,49 84,49 Area of air distributor (m 2 ) 0,057 0,26 0,26 Mixing: Mixing/air flow rate (m 3 /h) 200 910 910 Mixing/inlet air temperature ( °C) 50 50 60 Mixing/time (min) 1 2 2 Spraying: Spraying, phase 1/air flow rate (m 3 /h) 200 910 1200 Spraying, phase2/air flow rate (m 3 /h) 300 1400 1600 Spraying/inlet air temperature ( °C) 50 50 60 Spray rate (kg/min) 0,6 0,8 0,7 Atomizing air pressure (Pa) 2 . 10 5 1,5 . 10 5 1,5 . 10 5 Relative droplet size 0,35 0,46 0,40 Drying: Drying phase 1/air flow rate (m 3 /h) 350 1600 1600 Drying phase 2 air flow rate (m 3 /h) 100 500 500 Drying/ inlet air temperature ( °C) 60 60 70 Zgolemuvawe na procesot na vrtlo`na granulacija na paracetamol Nata{a Anevska-Stojanovska 1 , Katerina Gora~inova 2 1 Istra`uvawe i razvoj, Alkaloid, Bul. Aleksandar Makedonski 12, Skopje, Makedonija 2 Farmacevtski fakultet, Vodwanska 17, Skopje, Makedonija Korelacijata pome|u kriti~nite procesni parametri i svojstvata na paracetamol granulatite izraboteni na pilot opremata Aeromatic-Fielder TSG 2 be{e iskoristena kako vodi~ pri studijata na teo- retsko i eksperimentalno zgolemuvawe na procesot na industriskata odrema Aeromatic-Fielder TSG 4. Vo studijata, goleminata na serijata e zgolemena so faktorot deset. Faktorot na opremata (popre~na povr{ina na prenosnikot na vozduh) i procesnite parametri (brzina na nanesuvawe na rastvorot za granulacija, pritisok na atomizacija i golemina na kapkata na rastvorot) bea iskoristeni kako glavni faktori vo tekot na studijata na zgolemuvawe. So cel vospostavuvawe na ednakva brzina na fluidizaci- ja, protokot na vozduhot be{e zgolemen so faktorot na opremata 4.56. Presmetanite procesni parametri, so koristewe na faktorite na zgolemuvawe bea prilagodeni zaradi pouspe{na izvedba na procesot (Tabela 1./TSG 4 (gr 2)). Temperaturata i protokot na vlezniot voz- duh bea zgolemeni . Zaradi obezbeduvawe na ednakva relativna golemina na kapkata, korekcii bea napraveni na odnosot brzina na nanesuvawe na rastvorot za granulirawe i protokot na vozduhot niz diznata. Tabela 1. Zgolemuvawe na procesnite parametri Distribucijata na ~esti~kite spored goleminata, sredniot geometriski dijametar i standardnata devijacija, prividnata gustina pred i po tapkawe (Karov indeks i Hausnerov indeks), brzinata na proteku- vawe (nasipen agol) i sodr`inata na vlagata bea sledeni pri razli~nite stepeni na zgolemuvawe na pro- cesot. Statisti~kata analiza na distribucijata na ~esti~kite ne poka`a prisustvo na statisti~ki zna~ajni razliki pome|u granulatite proizvedeni na pilot opremata i industriskata oprema. Vrednostite na proto~nite i kompresibilnite karakteristiki na granulatite proizvedeni na industriskata oprema se vo granici optimalni za izvedba na procesot na tabletirawe. Procesot na granulacija be{e uspe{no zgole- men so koristewe na popre~nata povr{ina na prenosnikot na vozduh i relativnata golemina na kapkata. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 51-52 (2007) PP - 7 52 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION TSG 2 TSG 4(Gr 1) TSG 4(Gr 2) Golemina na serija (kg) 8,449 84,49 84,49 Popre~na povr{ina na prenosnikot na vozduh (m 2 ) 0,057 0,26 0,26 Me{awe: Me{awe /protok na vlezen vozduh (m 3 /h) 200 910 910 Me{awe /temperatura na vlezen vozduh ( °C) 50 50 60 Me{awe /vreme (min) 1 2 2 Granulacija: Granulacija, faza 1/protok na vlezen vozduh (m 3 /h) 200 910 1200 Granulacija, faza 2/protok na vlezen vozduh (m 3 /h) 300 1400 1600 Granulacija /temperatura na vlezen vozduh ( °C) 50 50 60 Brzina na nanesuvawe na rastvorot (kg/min) 0,6 0,8 0,7 Pritisok na atomizacija (Pa) 2 . 10 5 1,5 . 10 5 1,5 . 10 5 Relativna golemina na kapkata 0,35 0,46 0,40 Su{ewe: Su{ewe, faza 1/protok na vlezen vozduh (m 3 /h) 350 1600 1600 Su{ewe, faza 2/protok na vlezen vozduh (m 3 /h) 100 500 500 Su{ewe/temperatura na vlezen vozduh ( °C) 60 60 70 Optimization of Metronidazole Tablet formulation using Response Surface Experimental Design Meri Davceva, M. Simonoska Crcarevska, N. Geskovski, Katerina Goracinova Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University "Ss Cyril and Methodious", Vodnjanska 17, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia The aim of the study was to evaluate individual and the effects of the binder (B) and disintegrant (D) on the properties of Metronidazole tablets (hardness, friability, disintegration and dissolution) using Response Surface exper- imental design. Methods: Polyvinylpyrrolidone (Kollidon K-25) was used as a binding agent at concentrations 1-4%, and cross-linked polyvinylpyrrolidone (Kollidon CL) as disintegrant at concentration 0,2-1,2% in a metronidazole tablet formulation. During the preformulation studies both methods, wet granulation and direct compression were evalu- ated and compared. Direct compression method was used in further formulation and optimization studies as the pro- duced by direct compression methods showed better mechanical and dissolution properties. Formulation optimiza- tion was performed using Response Surface design, with three levels and two variable factors, which resulted in nine complete formulations that were studied. Results: The amounts of binder and disintegrant have significant effect on the tablet's hardness. The tablet hardness increases when the amount of disintegrant was decreased and the amount of binder increased. Tablets' fri- ability also depends on the presence of binder and disintegrant. Reduction in tablets friability was noticed when the binder amount was increased and the disintegrant amount was decreased. The amount of binder and disintegrant in the tablets has the most significant effect over tablet disintegration. However, the interaction between these two components also plays a significant role. The dissolution at acidic pH depends on the amount of disintegrant. With the increase of the pH value, the binder, apart from the disintegrant, plays an important role. The ranking of the individual and interaction coefficient values for the formulations was D > B for hardness, D >but ≅ B for friability, B >> B-D > D for disintegration. Conclusion: The optimal formulation should take into consideration the mechanical properties of the tablet as well as the disintegration and dissolution of metronidazole. The minimum concentration of disintegrant required in order to provide appropriate disintegration rate and to decrease the effect of the binder was confirmed during the optimization studies. Also the amount of binder needed to provide certain mechanical tablet properties and mutual interaction among the binder and disintegrant concentration and influence on the tablet properties were established and discussed. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 53-54 (2007) PP - 8 53 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Formulacija na Metronidazol tableti so brzo osloboduvawe Meri Dav~eva, M. Simonoska Crcarevska, N. Ge{kovski, Katerina Gora~inova Institut za farmacevstka tehnologija, Farmacevtski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij, Vodwanska 17,Skopje,Makedonija Cel: Da se formulira i optimizira tabletna formulacija so brzo osloboduvawe, so model lekovi- ta supstancia-metronidazol. Vo tekot na preformulaciskite ispituvawa be{e izbrana formulacija koja ponatamu }e se optimizira. Vo tekot na optimizacijata bea ispituvani vlijanijata na nezavisnite promen- livi, koncentracijata na vrzuva~ot i dezintegransot vrz farmacevtsko-tehnolo{kite i biofarmacevt- skite osobini na tabletnata formulacija. Metodi: Dvata proizvodni procesi vla`na granulacija (VG) i direktna kompresija (DC) bea primeneti vo preformulaciskite ispituvawa. VG be{e izveduvana so rastvor na vrzivno sredstvo, no i samo so vehikulum. Vo site formulacii bea vklu~eni Kollidon K-25, kako vrzuva~ vo koncentracija od 5%, kalcium stearat i natrium lauril sulfat kako lubrikanti podednakvo zastapeni so 0,5% poedine~no. So cel da se sogleda ulogata na polnitelot, bea upotrebeni tri naj~esto koristeni polniteli vo prvite 4 formulacii: laktoza, mikrokristalna celuloza (MCC) i dikalcium fosfat vo koncentracija od 34%, vo procesot vla`na granulacija, so rastvor na vrzivno sredstvo. Za da se prou~i ulogata na dezintegransot- krospovidon (Kollidon CL) go vklu~ivme vo slednite 4 formulacii vo koncentracija od 3%, za smetka na polnitelot. MCC i dikalcium fosfat kako polniteli bea vklu~eni vo formulaciite pripremeni so VG so vehikulum. MCC kako polnitel be{e vklu~en i vo formulaciite pripremeni so direktna kompresija. Site pripremeni granulati i suvi smesi bea ispituvani na nasipen agol, brzina na protekuvawe, nasipna gustina, gustina po tapkawe, indeks na kompresibilnost i vlaga. Podgotvenite tableti bea ispituvani vo pogled na cvrstinata, frijabilnosta, mehani~kata jakost, vremeto na dezintegracija i disolucija na aktiv- nata supstancija. Rezultati: So primena na VG dobieni bea izvonredno dobro proto~ni granulati, sporedeno so suvite smesi za DC, koi imaa zadovolitelni vrednosti. Tabletite dobieni so VG - so rastvor na vrzivno sredstvo, poka`uvaat nezadovolitelna mehani~ka jakost, so pojava na listawe pri odreduvawe na frija- bilnosta i nezadovolitelna cvrstina, {to najverojatno se dol`i na nevoedna~ena distribucija na vrzivno- to sredstvo. Povoedna~ena raspredelba na vrzuva~ot e dobiena kaj formulaciite so VG-so vehikulum, {to rezultira{e so pogolema mehani~ka jakost, cvrstina i odli~ni vrednosti na frijabilnost na tabletite. Site formulacii dobieni so DC, imaa zadovolitelna mehani~ka jakost, cvrstina i frijabilnost. Jasno se zabele`uva ulogata na dezintegransot kaj site formulacii kade e vklu~en, namaluvawe na vremeto na raspa|awe od minuti do sekundi, no i negovoto vlijanie vrz cvrstinata i frijabilnosta na tabletite. Prirodata na polnitelot ima vlijanie vrz dezintegracijata i disolucijata, no e nezna~itelno vo odnos na vlijanieto na dezintegransot, so isklu~ok na MCC, koja pokraj uloga na polnitel ima svojstvo i na vrzu- va~ i dezintegrans. Zaklu~ok: Rezultatite uka`uvaat deka DC mo`e da se primeni kako metod za podotovka na ispitu- vanata formulacija na metronidazol tableti. MCC e superioren polnitel vo odnos na mehani~kite svo- jstva, no i vo odnos na dezintegracijata i disolucijata na tabletite. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 53-54 (2007) PP - 8 54 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Enteric coated chitosan-Ca-alginate microparticles for colon drug delivery M. Simonoska Crcarevska, M. Glavas Dodov, K. Goracinova Institute of Pharmaceutical technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Vodnjanska 17, 1000, Skopje, Macedonia Budesonide, a highly hydrophobic drug, is one of the most used in the treatment of active colon diseases. A novel formulation that will offer efficient treatment of colon diseases should combine biopolymer colloidal drug car- riers that offer prolonged residence time and controlled release at the site of action. By modifying drug residence time and drug release rate, increased therapeutic concentration at the site of inflammation and increased therapeutic activity might be achieved. Having in mind bio/mucoadhesive properties of natural biopolymers, chitosan-alginate microparticulated systems should have potential for colon targeting. Coating the MP`s by polymer with pH depend- ent properties such as eudragit might obtain direct targeting of the microparticles to the colon region whereby increased drug control release will be present. Using a novel one step spray-drying procedure [1] chitosan-Ca-alginate micropar- ticles (sample 1) budesonide loaded, were prepared. MP`s were further coated using Eudragit ® S 100 (sample 2), by the same procedure. Eudragit:MP`s mass ratio was 2:1. Microparticles were spherical with mean particle size of 4.454±9*10 -3 µm (sample 1), and 4.261±0.03µm (sample 2), narrow unimodal distribution and positive surface charge which favours expected mucoadhesivness of MP`s. The in vitro release of budesonide from uncoated and coated MP`s was carried out at 37 0 C for 24h in acidic buffer (pH 2.0) and phospate buffer (pH 7.4). Eudragit coat- ing has sustained release of budesonide in acidic media. In pH 7.4 budesonide was released faster from coated than the uncoated beads, one might be suspected that redistribution of budesonide in the hydrophilic matrix will be trig- gered by eudragit solvent (acetone) and hence influenced the release rate at pH 7.4. In vivo experiments on male Wistar rats followed. Coated MP`s significantly improved efficacy of budes- onide in the healing of TNBS induced colitis in rats. Moreover, the sustained drug release allows pharmacological effects to be extended due to the prolonged residence time of the carrier system at the targeted inflamed area. In this way, IBD could be treated locally, opening a new therapeutic use for this drug in inflammatory diseases. Acknowlwdgements: The authors would like to acknowledge the support of NATO SfP: 978023 Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 55-56 (2007) PP - 9 55 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Enterosolventni citozan-Ca-alginatni mikro~esti~ki za naso~eno i kontrolirano osloboduvawe na lekovita supstancija vo kolon M. Simonoska Crcarevska, M. Glava{ Dodov, K. Gora~inova Institut za Farmacevtska tehnologija, Farmacevtski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij, Vodwanska 17, Skopje 1000, Makedonija Sovremenite trendovi pri tretman na bolesti na debeloto crevo (ulcerativen kolit, Kronovo zaboluvawe) se naso~eni kon formulirawe na dozirani formi so naso~eno i kontrolirano osloboduvawe na lekovitata supstancija lokalno vo debeloto crevo. Od ovie sistemi se o~ekuva zna~ajno da vlijaat na namaluvawe na intenzitetot i za~estenosta na potencijalnite nesakani efekti, karakteristi~ni za kon- vencionalnite dozirani formi, kako i na pogolemata efikasnost, vo terapijata na inflamatornite crevni zaboluvawa kako rezultat na zgolemenata koncentracija na lekovitata supstancija i nivniot prodol`en period na prestoj na mestoto na aplikacija. Imaj}i gi vo predvid bio/mukoadhezivnite osobini na prirod- nite biopolimeri, mikropartikuliranite sistemi bazirani na citozan i alginat pretstavuvaat vetuva~ki sistemi za specifi~no naso~uvawe na lekoviti supstancii vo kolonot. So oblo`uvawe na mikro~esti~kite so enterosolventen polimer kako {to e eudra`itot se o~ekuva da se postigne naso~uvawe, efikasna kon- trola na osloboduvaweto na budezonidot i lokalizirawe na negovoto dejstvo vo kolonot. Citozan-Ca-alginatnite mikro~esti~ki so enkapsuliran budezonid (primerok 1) se izraboteni so ednostepena postapka na rasprsnuvawe so su{ewe [1]. Mikro~esti~kite se oblo`ni so Eudragit ® S 100 (primerok 2) so primena na istata postapka. Eudra`it:MP maseniot odnos e 2:1. Mikro~esti~kite se sfer- ni so sreden dijametar od 4.454±9*10 -3 µm (primerok 1) i 4.261±0.03µm (primerok 2), tesna unimodalna dis- tribucija i pozitivni vrednosti za povr{inskata naelektriziranost, {to e vo prilog na nivnata o~eku- vana mukoadhezivnost. In vitro testovite za disolucija od neoblo`enite i oblo`nite MP se izvedeni na 37 0 C vo tek na 24h vo kisel (pH 2.0) i fosfaten pufer (pH 7.4). Od dobienite rezultati jasno se gleda poten- cijalot na oblo`enite so eudra`it mikro~esti~ki uspe{no da ja suprimiraat brzinata na osloboduvawe na budezonidot vo kisel medium. Pobrzoto osloboduvawe na budezonidot od oblo`enite so eudra`it vo odnos na neoblo`enite mikro~esti~ki vo pH 7.4 najverojatno se dol`i na preraspredelbata na budezonidot vo hidrofilniot matriks predizvikana od vehikulumot za enterosolventniot polimer (aceton). Napraveni se i in vivo eksperimenti na ma{ki Wistar staorci. Dobienite rezultati se vo prilog na efikasnosta na oblo`enite so eudra`it citozan-Ca-alginatni mikro~esti~ki so budezonid vo tretman- ot na TNBS induciraniot kolit kaj staorci. Naso~enoto deluvawe i lokaliziranoto i kontrolirano oslo- boduvawe na budezonid od mikro~esti~kite oblo`eni so eudra`it rezultiraat so zna~ajno namaluvawe na parametrite na o{tetuvawe na debeloto crevo i inflamacijata kaj eksperimentalniot `ivotinski model na inflamacija vo sporedba so kontrolnite formulacii i nelekuvanite `ivotni. Site prethodno izneseni rezultati uka`uvaat deka posle per oralna aplikacija oblo`enite so eudra`it citozan-Ca-alginatni mikro~esti~ki so budezonid, kako rezultat na nivnite osobini za naso~eno i kontrolirano osloboduvawe, odnosno obezbeduvawe na lokalno dejstvo na budezonidot vo GIT, imaat potencijal za efikasnost vo terapijata na humanite inflamatorni crevni zaboluvawa. Blagodarnost: Avtorite se zablagodaruvaat na podr{kata na NATO SfP: 978023 Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 55-56 (2007) PP - 9 56 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Experimental design of cetirizine dihidrochloride chewable tablets formulation Suncica Jordanoska, Marija Glavas Dodov, Katerina Goracinova 1 Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University "Ss Cyril and Methodious", Vodnjanska 17, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia The purpose of the present study was to formulate a chewable tablet containing cetirizine dihidrochloride, includ- ing correction of taste of the active substance by coating it with polymer, without harming the dissolution profile. A granulate containing cetirizine was coated with polymer of 5%, 10% and 20% weight gain, which is resist- ant in neutral pH and is instantly dissolved in the acidic pH in the stomach. The effect of the polymer weight gain on the physical, technological and the biopharmaceutical characteris- tics of the granules was examined. Also, the consequences of the polymer weight gain on the improvement of the taste, on the physical, technological and biopharmaceutical characteristics of the tablets were examined. The effect of the independent variables was analyzed applying a "screening" experimental design. During the analysis of the granules, the percentage of the coating material and the size of the granules were cho- sen as independent variables. The effect of these factors on the flowability and the compressibility of the granules, was examined through the following measured variables: Carr's index and angle of repose. Also, the effect of the independ- ent variables on the dissolution rate of the active substance in different pH was analyzed.(pH 1.2, pH 4.6 and pH 6.8) From the physical and the biopharmaceutical aspects of the granules, the following conclusions could be made: The physical characteristics of the granules (flowability and compressibility) depend on the coating percentage (polymer weight gain), the particle size and on the mutual effect of the both factors. According to the obtained mathe- matical dependence, the flowability and the compressibility of the granules is improving by increasing the polymer weight. It was concluded that in the acidic pH, the particle size has the greatest effect on the dissolution rate. Despite this, the percentage of the polymer coating in acidic pH has no effect on the dissolution rate because of the rapid dis- solution of the coating material in the acidic environment. In the neutral pH, which simulates the pH environment of the saliva, the greatest effect on the dissolution rate belongs to the particle size and the mutual effect between the size of the particles and the percentage of the poly- mer coating. During the analysis of the tablets, the percentage of the granule coating and the presence of the excipients /disintegrant were taken as independent variables. The effect of the independent variables on the disintegration time, taste improvement and the dissolution rate in different pH environments was examined. From the aspect of the physical and the biopharmaceutical characteristics of the chewable tablets, as we expect- ed, the disintegration time depends on the quantity of the incorporated disintegrant. The dissolution rate depends on the presence of the disintegrant and the percentage of the coating material in all the pH environments. The contact of the active substance during the presence in the mouth is avoided by the coating process. Because of the insolubility of the coating material - Eudragit E in the neutral pH, which corresponds to the pH in the mouth, the contact of cetirizine is avoided and the dissolution in the salivary liquids is disabled, which also prevents the contact with the taste receptors. Still, the excipients play a very important role in taste masking, and they give the chewable tablets a much more pleasant taste. The excellent dissolution characteristics of cetirizine dihidrochloride is not compromised by increasing the polymer percentage, although the taste is improved. A formulation of a palatable chewable tablet was achieved completely by incorporating a granulate with 20% polymer weight gain. Formulations of chewable tablets which have an excellent taste and a dissolution rate which exceeds 90% in the 30-th minute in all the three pH media were achieved. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 57-58 (2007) PP - 10 57 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION |
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