Kohtpakt 211224 contract 201224
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- 7. Приемка и инспекция
- 7. Acceptance
7. Приемка и инспекция7.1 Качество товаров должно соответствовать тре бованиям страны происхождения. 7.2 Упаковка, маркировка и отгрузка осуществляю тся в соответствии с таможенными правилами и п равилами перевозки страны продавца. 7.3 Установка оборудования и эксплуатационные испытания на холостом ходу должны проводиться на месте продавца.Стандарты приемки оборудова ния должны соответствовать производственному процессу продавца. Эксперты покупателя или аре ндатора должны осмотреть товар на заводе продав ца. Если эксперты не могут присутствовать по осо бым причинам, продавец должен отправить видео теста покупателю или арендатору для проверки. П осле прохождения проверки продавец, покупатель и арендатор должны подписать ”согласие на прие мку оборудования“ 7.4 Продавец обязан предоставить техническое ру ководство, относящееся к приобретаемому оборуд ованию, т.е. схему, емкость, модель, параметры и т.д. 8. ШТРАФНЫЕ САНКЦИИ ЗА and the Seller 7. Acceptance7.1. The quality of goods must meet the requirements ofthe country of origin. 72. Packaging, marking and shipping shall be carried out in accordance with the usual customs regulations and the transportation rules of the Seller's country for such goods. 7.3 Equipment installation and empty running testing shall be carried out at the Seller's site. The equipment acceptance standard shall be in accordance with the Seller's production process. Experts from the Buyer or the Lessee shall inspect the goods in the Seller's factory. If the experts cannot arrive due to special reasons, the Seller shall send the testing video to the Buyer от the Lessee for inspection. After passing the inspection, the Seller, the Buyer and the Lessee shall sign ап ”Equipment Acceptance Consent”.
12 MeC¶1-ueB C naTb1 BblnycKa. OrpaHHLIHBaeTcq 3aMeH yacTeñ, KOTOPb1e He 6b1JIH 110Bpe)KAeHb1 geJIOBeKO M HerlPaBHJ1bHO 3KCnnyaTHPOBaJIHCb H KOTOPb1e 6b1JIH 6eC11JfflTHO 110ATBeP)KneHb1 nponaBuoM, ecJIH H Hoe He rupenycrv10TpeH0 B noroBope. 9.3 rapaHTH¶ He pacnpocTpaH¶eTcq Ha cKoponopT¶111 necq H pacx0AHb1e MaTepuaJTb1. Oopc - MUKop 10.1. CTOPOHb1 (T.e. 110KynaTeJ1b, npožuaBe1-1 H apeHna TOP) 0T OTBeTCTBeHHOCTH, ecJIH yacT HLIHOe 110JIHoe Hencr10JIHeHHe HMM CBOHX 06¶3aT eJ1bCTB 110 HacT0¶111ervry KOHTPaKTY Bb13BaHO - M 06CTO¶TeJ1bCTBaMH, a HMeHHO 110>KapaMH, HaBOAHeHH¶MH, 3eMJueTPHceHH¶MH, BOVIHaMH, 3a6acT OBKaMH, BOeHHb1MH neï1CTBH¶MH, rpa)KnaHcKHMH 6ec nop¶AKaMH, BMemaTeJ1bCTBOM BJuaCTeï1 H T.n. ECJIH 3T months from the date of delivery from the factory. It is only limited to the replacement of the parts that are not damaged by human or caused by improper operation and confirmed by the Seller free of charge, except as specified in the Contract. 9.3. The warranty does not include wearing parts and consumables. 10. Force Majeure 10. l . If the failure of both parties (i.e. the Buyer, the Seller and the Lessee) to perform their obligations under this Contract in part or in whole is caused by force majeure, namely, fire, flood, earthquake, war, strike, hostile action, civil disturbance, intervention of the authorities, etc., they shall be exempted from 06CTO¶TeJ1bCTBa HenocpeACTBeHH0 BJIH¶OT Ha ucno liability. If these circumstances directly affect the JIHeHHe HacT0¶1-uero KOHTPaKTa. Oopc - MUKOP TaK)Ke performance of this contract. Force majeure also 03Haqaerr 3aKOHb1, 11paBHJ1a H Apyrue AOKYMeHTb1, KOT refers to the laws, regulations and other documents OPb1e BcTyna10T B 110CJ1e 110211THcaHH¶ HacT0¶1ue that come into force after the signing of this contract ro KOHTPaKTa H nper1¶TcTBY10T ero MCITOJIHeHHIO. and hinder its performance. CTOPOHa, KOTopa¶ He B COCTO¶HHH HC110JIHHTb c 10.2. The party unable to perform its obligations BOH 06¶3arreJ1bCTBa no HacT0¶1-ueMY A0F0Bopy (T.e. no under this Contract (i.e. the Buyer, the Seller and the KY11aTeJ1b, lipožuaBeu H apeHAaTop), 06513aHa YBeA0MH Lessee) is obliged to notify the other party within Tb npyryo cmpoHY B TeqeHHe Tpex (3) AHeV1 nocne B three (3) days after the occurrence and termination of TOHTeJ1bCTB. ECJIH 110KynaTeJ1b no Pa3JIHHHb1M to perform the Contract due to various reasons (BKJ1kOt1a¶ 110A11YHKT 10.1) He MO)KeT 11POAOJ1)KaT (including Item 10. l), 50% of the deposit will not be b MCFIOJIHeHHe noroBopa, 50% 3anaTKa He 6yneT B03B returned. parueH0. 10.3. If one party is unable to perform all or part of its ECJIH KaKaq - JIH60 CTOPOHa He B COCTO¶HHH non obligations under the Contract as described in Article HOCTb}O qaCTHHHO Bb1110JIHHTb CBOH 06¶3arreJ1bCT 10.1 of the Contract, the performance period will be Ba no noroBopy B COOTBeTCTBHH co CTaTbeñ 10.1 noro postponed in proportion to the effective time of such Bopa, CPOK HC110JIHeHHS1 lipoAJueBaerrc51 lip0110pLIH0Ha obligations. This situation will be resolved by both JibHO naTe BCTY11JueHH¶ B cmy TaKHx 06¶3aRJ1bCTB. 9 parties through consultation Ta cpnyaul'l¶ 6yneT yperyJTHpoBaHa 11YTeM neper0Bop 0B Me)KAY CTOPOHaMH. l . Ap6HTpa)K 11.1 Bce JTh06b1e cnopbl no HacT0¶1ueMY Aor0B0 py pa3pe111aK)Tcq Me;KAY IlponaBu0M H 110KynaTeJTeM provisions of the Contract. no B3aHMHOMY cornacmo. 1 1.3 If both parties fail to settle all disputes and I I .2 CTOPOHb1 neï1CTBYff0T B COOTBeTCTBHH C YCJIOBH¶ differences amicably, they shall submit to the MH K0H'rpaK'1a. arbitration center in the Seller's location for 1 1.3 ECJIH CTOPOHb1 He CMOFJIH yperynnpoBaTb BCe CB arbitration. OH cnopbl H pa3Hornacnq MHPHb1M nyTeM, OHM nepen 11.4. The decision of the Arbitration Center shall be uX Ha ap6HTpa)KHoe pa36npaTeJ1bCTB0 B ap6HTpa final and binding on both parties (i.e. the Buyer, the ueHTP no MecTY np0AaBua. Seller and the Lessee). 1 1.4 PemeHHe ap6HTpævKHoro ueHTpa OKOH 11.5. The provisions of this article do not limit the yaTeJTbHb1M H 06¶3aTeJ1bHb1M 06eux CTOPOH (T.e. right of the parties to apply to the courts of the 110KynaTeJ1¶, nponaBua H apeHnaTopa). defendant's country. The decision made by the court I I .5. HacT0¶1ueìí CTaTbH He orpaHHLIHBa or arbitration center of the defendant's country in 10T lipaBa CTOPOH 06paruaTbc51 B rocynapcTBaoTBe accordance with Article I I .3. Unless otherwise TLIHKa. Pemerme cyna ap6HTpa>KHoro ueHTpa roc decided by the Court or the arbitration, the provisions ynapcTBa, B KOTOPOM HaXOAHTC¶ OTBeTLIHK, B COOTBeT of a given contract at the time of commencement of CTBHH co cmTbeìí I I .3. HacT0¶111Hï1 HYHKT He orpaHH proceedings shall exclude the ability to apply to other I-IHBaeT npaB0 HCT1-ua 06)KaJIOBaTb pemeHHe cyžua rocy courts. This paragraph shall not limit the plaintiffs napcTBa, B KOTOPOM HaXOAHTC¶ OTBeTHHK, B cnyqae a right to appeal against the decision of the court of the neJIJMUHH Kaccauun. defendant's country in the case of appeal and reversal. 3aKmOHHTeJ1bHb1e 110JIO)KeHHH 12. FINAL PROVISIONS KOHTPaKT BcTynaeT B cuny c naTb1 e ro nonnucaHH¶. 12. l . The Contract shall come into force from the date CPOK AeÜCTBH¶ HacT0¶11Åero KOHTPaKTa ucTeKae of signature. T nocjue Bb1110JIHeHH51 CTOPOHaMH CBOHX 06513arreJ1bCTB 12.2. The term of this Contract shall terminate after both parties have fulfilled their obligations and Bcex H3rvreHeHHÜ H 210110 settled. JIHeHHï1 K HacT0¶1-ueMY KOHTPaKTY OHU AOJDKHb1 6b1Tb 12.3. All changes and supplements to the Contract CAeJuaHb1 B ITHCbMeHHOÜ d)0PMe H 110211THcaHb1 YIIOJIHO shall be valid only after they are made in writing and MOHeHHb1MH 11PeACTaBHTeJHMH CTOPOH. signed by authorized representatives of both parties. 12.4 HacToqruHï1 KOHTPaKT 3aKmOqeH Ha pyccKOM a 12.4. This contract is made in Russian and English in HEJIHìíCKOM 513b1KaX B Tpex (3) 3K3eM11J1¶pax, awJIHìíc three (3) copies, and the English version has the final BapnaHT HMeeT npaB0 OKOHqaTeJ1bHOFO TOJIKOBaH interpretation right IIp0AaBeu: SELLER: "LAIZHOU CITY XUSHI PLASTIC MACHINERY "LAIZHOU CITY XUSHI PLASTIC MACHINERY CO.,LTD' CO.,LTD." Address: Xujia Village, Shahe Town, Yantai, Shandong, Anpec:Xujia Village, Shahe Town, Yantai, Shandong, China China Bank: BANK OF CHINA LTD LAIZHOU bal--IK - 110J1yqaTeJTb:BANK OF CHINA LTD LAIZHOU SUB-BRANCH SUB-BRANCH SWIFT: BKCHCNBJ51A SWIFT:BKCHCNBJ51A name: LAIZHOU CITY XUSHI PLASTIC 1--1amvreH0BaHHe ruonyqaTeJIÆ LAIZHOU CITY XUSHI MACHINERY CO.,LTD. PLASTIC MACHINERY CO.,LTD. Acc.Ny.242946090647 H0Mep cyeTa :242946090647
D irector: XU TAO ITOKY11ATEJ1b: cn AO (UZBEK LEASING INTERNATIONAL A.O.» Pecny6JIHKa Y36eKHcTaH, 100084, r. Ta111KeHT, YJI. AMHP Terwyp, 88-A, 5-3TthK. Tel.: +998 78 140-77-47 Fax: +998 78 140-37-74 PeKBH3HTb1 baHKa: rnaBHOe Onepa11H0HHoe HauHOHaJ1bHoro bamca B9A Pecny6JIHKH Y36eKHCTaH SWIFT: NBFAUZ2X BamOTHb1ìí cqeT NY 20216840800430715001 BamOTHb1Ï1 cqeT NY 20216978300430715001 cneuuaJ1bHb1ï1 cqeT Ng 22614840100430715004 cneuuaJ1bHb1ï1 cqeT Ng 20216840900430715013 00407 HHH: 201719671 Acc. No. 20216840300430715008 JSC "KDB Bank Uzbekistan", Bank code 00842 SWIFT: KODBUZ22 F-H 3ad)ap MycTacþaeB reHepaJ1bHb1ìí AupeKTop 110NTHCb: IleqaTb JIH3HHFOFIOJIY¼ATEJ1b: 000 «ODIL RAYIMQULOV KOMILOVICH» Pecny6JIHKa Y36eKHcTaH, 06J1. KalliKanapbHHcKaq, p-H. My60paK, r. My60paK, paü0H MaxaJIJ1¶ Y36eKUCTOH AupeKTop IlOA11HCb: IleqaTb BUYER: JV JSC LEASING INTERNATIONAL A.O.» Republic of Uzbekistan, 100084, Tashkent city, Amir Temur street, 88-A, 5th Floor Tel.: +998 78 140-77-47 Fax: +998 78 140-37-74 Bank Details: Main Operational Branch of National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan SWIFT: NBFAUZ2X Acc. No. 20216840800430715001 Acc. No. 20216978300430715001 spec. Acc. No. 22614840100430715004 spec. Acc. No. 20216840900430715013 BANK CODE: 00407 TIN: 201719671 Acc. No. 20216840300430715008 JSC "KDB Bank Uzbekistan", Bank code 00842 SWIFT: KODBUZ22 Mr. Zafar B. Mustafaev Chief Executive Officer Signature: Company seal LESSEE: "ODIL RAYIMQULOV KOMILOVICH" LLC Uzbekistan street, Muborak district, Muborak city, Qashqadaryo region, Republic of Uzbekistan Director Signature: Company seal Specification .N21 to the Contract 241222 dated on December24, 2022 Ng I K KOHTPaKTY .N2 241222 0T 24 AeKa6pq 2022 roAa Download 0.96 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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