1969 yil 29 avgustda ARPANET dastlabgi ma’lumot uzatish jarayoni tarmoq kommutatori (switch) va IMP (Interface Message Processor) orqali UCLAga xabar jo’natgan va bu tarixda birinchi ma'lumot uzatishi bo’lgan. Internet rasmiy ravishda birinchi ma'lumotlar uzatilishi 1969 yil 29 oktyabrda soat 22:30 da UCLA va SRI o'rtasida amalga oshirildi. 1970 yil fayl almashish protokoli, 1971 yil e-mail va hozirgi WiFi texnologiyasining birinchi avlodi, 1973 yil Ethernet, va VoIP, 1974 yil birinchi router, 1976 yil shlyuz (gateway), 1978 yil TCP/IP protokoli, 1981 yil IPv4, 1983 yil DNS, 1988 yil T1 transport tarmog’i, LAN, WLAN va Firewall, 1990 yil birinch tarmoq qurilmalarini ishlab chiqaruvchi tashkilotga asos solindi, 1996 yil IPv6, 1997 yil 802.11 (2Mb/s), 1999 yil axborotlarni shifrlash WEB protokoli va shu tariqa kompyuter tarmoqlari taraqqiy etdi. History of computer networks On August 29, 1969, ARPANET sent the first data transfer process to UCLA via a network switch and IMP (Interface Message Processor), which was the first data transfer in history. The first official data transmission to the Internet took place on October 29, 1969 at 22:30 between UCLA and SRI. 1970 file sharing protocol, 1971 first generation of e-mail and current WiFi technology, 1973 Ethernet, and VoIP, 1974 first router, 1976 gateway, 1978 TCP / IP protocol, 1981 IPv4, 1983 DNS, 1988 T1 transport network, LAN, WLAN and Firewall, 1990 Founded the first network device manufacturer, 1996 IPv6, 1997 802.11 (2Mb / s), 1999 data encryption WEB protocol and thus computer developed networks. Kompyuter tarmoqlarining tarixi History of computer networks Kompyuter - raqamli qurilma bo’lib, u axborotni bir turdan ikkinchi turga o’zgartirish uchun dasturlanadi.
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