Kompyuter texnologiyasi deganda bir yoki bir nechta amalni bajarish uchun usullar, tizimlar va qurilmalar majmuasini nazarda tutiladi. Kompyuter tarmoqlarining texnologiyalari – ikki qurilma o’rtasida ma’lumot almashish uchun ishlatiladigan barcha fizik va virtual ob’ektlarning majmuasi. A computer is a digital device that is programmed to change information from one type to another. Computer technology refers to a set of methods, systems, and devices that perform one or more operations. Computer networking technology is a set of all physical and virtual objects used to exchange information between two devices. Kompyuter texnologiyasi Algoritm – yuklangan vazifani qanday bajarishni ifodalovchi qoidalar to’plami. Dastur – algoritmni aks ettiradi. Dasturlash – dasturni ishlab chiqish jarayoni. Dasturiy ta’minoti – dasturlar va algoritmlar to’plami. Qurilma ta’minoti – axborotni kiritish va dasturlar/algoritmlarning natijasini ekranga chiqarish uchun foydalaniladigan qurilamalar Computer technology An algorithm is a set of rules that describe how a task is performed. The program reflects the algorithm. Programming is the process of program development. Software is a set of programs and algorithms. Device support is the device used to enter information and display the results of programs / algorithms Kompyuter turlari - Super computers
- Mainframe computers
- Server computers
- Working computers
- Personal computers
- Computers based on microcontrollers
- Smartphone computers.
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