Unit 7: Journey into Space
School: Stavropolka Secondary School
Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 4
Number present:
Number absent:
Theme of the lesson:
Planets 1
Learning objectives
4L6 understand some specific information and detail of short,
supported talk on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics
4.R1 recognise, identify and sound with support a growing range of language at text level
4.R4 find with support books, worksheets and other print materials in a class or school library according to classification
4.W4 write with support short basic sentences with appropriate spaces between words
4.UE2 use cardinal numbers 1 -100 to count and ordinal numbers 1 -100
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
recognise and use some target language correctly and show comprehension of some written and spoken familiar words in simple sentences To develop listening and reading comprehension skills through a story; to practise talking about holidays ;
Most learners will be able to:
recognise and use most target language correctly and show comprehension of most written and spoken familiar words in simple sentences To develop listening and reading comprehension skills through a story; to practise talking about holidays ;