Lesson three Oral topic: in the chemical laboratory Grammar

names of chemical substances and reagents

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3LESSON THREE In the chemical laboratory

names of chemical substances and reagents:

liquid [lıkwıd] n. жидкость,
а. – жидкий;

reagent [ri:'eɪʤənt] n. – реактив, реагент;

potassium [pə'tæsɪəm] n. – калий;

ammonium [ə'məunɪəm] n. – аммоний;

sodium ['səudɪəm] n. – натрий;

alkali ['ælk(ə)laɪ] n. – щёлочь;

nitric ['naɪtrɪk] acid – азотная кислота;

sulphuric [sʌl'fjuərɪk] acid – серная кислота;

hydrochloric ['haɪdrə'klɒrɪk] acid – соляная кислота, хлористоводородная кислота;

methylene green ['mɛθɪli:n 'gri:n] – метиленовый зелёный;

methylene blue ['mɛθɪli:n ' blu:] – метиленовый синий;

phenolphthalein [,fi:nɒl '(f)θali:n, - '(f)θeɪl-] – фенолфталеин;

mercury ['mɜ:kjərɪ] n. – ртуть; ртутный столб, температура или давление.

  1. names of glassware and vessels:

test-tube [´test´tju:b] n. – пробирка;

flask [flα:sk] n .– колба;
volumetric [,vɔlju´metrık] flask – мерная колба;

glass [glʌ:s] n. – стакан;
measuring glass [´meʒərıŋ´glα:s] – мензурка;
glass cap [´glα:s´kæp] – стеклянная крышка;

pipette [pı´pet] n. – пипетка;

funnel [´fʌnl] n. – воронка;

glassware [´glα:swεə] n .– стеклянная посуда;

retort [rı´tɔ:t] n .– реторта;

graduated cylinder [´grædjueıtıd ´sılındə] – мерный цилиндр;

burette [bjuə´ret] n. – бюретка;

beaker ['bi:kə] n. лабораторный стакан, мензурка.

  1. names of laboratory materials, instruments and equipment:

separation [,sep(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n] n. – отделение, разложение на части;

rack [ræk] n. – полка (узкая);

shelf [ʃelf] n. – полка,
pullout ~ выдвижная полка,
lipped ~ выступающая полка;

water supply [´wɔ :təsə´plaı] n. – водопровод;

running water – проточная вода;

instrument [´ınstrumənt] n. – прибор;

tool [tu:l] n. – инструмент;

stand [´stænd] n. – штатив;

balance [´bæləns] n. – весы;

steam [sti:m] n. – пар;

burner [´bə:nə] n. – горелка;

scale [skeır] n. – шкала;

device [dɪ'vaɪs] n. – приспособление;

stopcock ['stɔpkɔk] n.– запорный кран, пробка;

stopper ['stɔpə] n. – пробка, затычка.

  1. names of processes and actions dealing with the work in the laboratory:

wastes n. – отходы,
industrial a. – промышленный;

steam [sti:m] n. – пар, дым;

accessory [ək'ses(ə)rɪ] a. – вспомогательный;

weigh [weı] v. – взвешивать;

weight [weıt] n. – вес;

record [rı´kɔ:d] v. регистрировать;

obtain [əb´teın] v. – получать;

supply [sə´plaı] v. – снабжать;

clamp [klæmp] v. – скреплять;

melting-point [´meltıŋ´pɔınt] n. – точка плавления;

boiling-point [´bɔılıŋ´pɔınt] n. – точка кипения;

amount [ə´maunt] n. – количество;

dissolve [dı´zɔlv] v. – растворять (ся);

findings [´faıdıŋz] n. – данные;

require [rı´kwaıə] v. – требовать;

measure [´meʒə] v. – измерять;

accurate ['ækjərət] a .– точный;

contamination [kən:tæmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] n. – загрязнение;

under the supervision – под руководством;

safety ['seɪftɪ] n. – безопасность, сохранность;

datum ['deɪtəm] (pl. data) – данная величина, данное; элемент данных; исходный факт; исходный уровень; характеристика;

calculation [,kælkju'leɪʃ(ə)n] n. – вычисление; подсчёт, расчёт;

complete [kəm'pli:t] v. – заканчивать, завершать, комплектовать, укомплектовывать.

Exercise 2. Read the words of Latin and Greek origin and translate them.
Special ['speʃ(ə)l], laboratory [lə'bɔrət(ə)rɪ], ventilate ['ventɪleɪt], group [gru:p], analysis [ə'næləsɪs], cylinder ['sɪlɪndə], pipet [pɪ'pet], accurate ['ækjərət], experiment [ɪk'sperɪmənt], apparatus [,æp(ə)'reɪtəs], instrument ['ɪn(t)strəmənt], thermometer [θə'mɔmɪtə], accessory [ək'ses(ə)rɪ], material [mə'tɪərɪəl], reaction [rɪ'ækʃ(ə)n], separation [,sep(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n], basic ['beɪsɪk], function ['fʌŋkʃ(ə)n], category ['kætəg(ə)rɪ], concept ['kɔnsept], component [kəm'pəunənt], procedure [prə'si:ʤə].
Exercise 3. Form the derivatives from the next words:


measure, measurment, measuring.

Measure, volume, pharmacy, practice, chemist, equip, find, contaminate, boil, melt, determine, react, separate, clean, heat, adjust, work, harm, tube, glass, flask, burn, observe, generate.

Exercise 4. Make up word combinations and translate them into Russian.

to make

observations discoveries
experiments tests


research achievements breakthrough

to do

one’s work
smb. good



to perform




to take

exams (credit-tests)
for granted

Exercise 5. Make up the word combinations:
Practical, chemical, harmful, unpleasant, analytical, general, special, molecular, quantitative, greatest, essential, digital, graduated, accurate, efficient, basic, laboratory, working.
Conditions, classes, reaction, substances, accessories, odor, materials, work, thermometer, pipet, equipment, measurement, apparatus, accuracy, use, weight, analysis, glassware.
Exercise 6. Translate the next word combinations:
Different reactions; chemical substances; a room for carrying out experiments; a room for weighing; a room for storing substances; to ventilate a room; equipment of a laboratory; to carry out volumetric analyses; to measure a volume; accurate measuring; greatest accuracy; a specific volume; essential equipment; heating equipment; basic materials; laboratory accessories; non-essential things; steam-heated devices; to improve working conditions; to avoid injuries; the laboratory safety equipment; to influence the research work; melting-point; boiling-point; solidifying-point, quantitative analysis digital instruments.
Exercise 7. Answer the questions using the suitable alternatives.

  1. Which of these instruments (apparatuses) are used for measuring?

    a) a pipette; b) a thermometer; c) a test-tube; d) a volumetric flask.

  2. Which of these glassware are most widely used by pharmaceutical students during experiments?

    1. a) test-tubes; b) retorts; c) funnels; d) flasks; e) burettes; f) pipettes; g) graduated cylinders.

  3. Which of these are generally available for the students in the chemical laboratory?

a) slides; b) buffer solutions; c) alkali; d) scales; e) scissors; f) litmus; g) microscope; h) distillators.

Exercise 8. State what part of speech the underlined words belong to and translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Oxygen is a light gas. 2. Nuclear energy may be used to heat and light our homes. 3. Oxygen may support combustion. 4. I hope to have your support. 5. Oxygen can be found in the free state as well as in the combined form. 6. He could state the facts very clearly. 7. The word “law” means закон. 8. There are no means retarding this process. 9. We were making the experiment by means of chemical substances. 10. What is your mark in English? 11. What are the qualities that mark an atom? 12. Pure sulphuric acid is the only liquid without odor at common temperature and of a very acid taste 11. We may prepare ammonia in the laboratory. 13. In their laboratory work students used test-tubes, graduated glasses and other glassware. 14. Nitrogen forms several compounds with hydrogen the most important of which is ammonia. 15. There are other forms of sulphuric acid, one of which is known under the name of fumic acid. 16. Liquid air can be kept for a long time in glass vessels. 17. Don’t use this glass, it will break easily.

Part Iv

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