What is your hobby?
Hobbiyingiz nima?
not / watching / she / is / TV.
She isn’t watching TV
U (qiz) televizor ko’rmayapti
where / you / from / are?
Where are you from?
Siz qayerdan kelgansiz?
Can / speak / you / English?
Can you speak English?
Siz ingliz tilida gapira olasizmi?
My / is / hobby / playing / tennis.
My hobby is playing tennis
Mening hobbyim tennis o’ynash
Reading. Put necessary form of “to be”.
I am sure that everyone should do his work
Some of them are sure that such kinds of sport as racing, skating and cycling will help them to keep fit.
But some of my classmates are not fit enough.
Basketball is among my favorite games.
Zabolotniy is considered to be the best Nikolaev team’s player and that day he proved his worth.
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