Purchasing Mapping
One of the main features of the BIMSupport application is the mapping functionality. This
functionality allows the user to change the internal IFC object names to more appropriate naming
schemes for traditional applications. For example, a user might want to order doors for a
construction project. Door objects in
IFC are classified as IFCDoors, but the purchasing portal may
know them as just Doors. Therefore, a mapping is made between IFCDoor and Door, from which
point BIMSupport always sends IFCDoor objects as Door to the purchasing portal, and as IFCDoor to
BIMServer (which only knows IFCDoor objects, and not Door objects).
The page used to create this mappings first allows the user to select a project. After making a
selection, a list of IFC objects that exist in the BIM model of said object. Per IFCobject a choice can
then be made to include objects of said class
in the purchasing process, and what name they should
be mapped to.
Figure 20. The mapping screen of BIMSupport
Figure 19. BIMSupport Object in relation to Purchasing Object