Ayollarga erkaklarga qaraganda yaxshiroq munosabatda bo'lish kerakmi?
Yo'q, faqat jismoniy, aqliy va hissiy jihatdan teng munosabatda bo'lmang.
Because we live under dictatorship, where nobody can be equal.
Equality requires that the people consent to their government.
Chunki biz diktatura sharoitida yashayapmiz, u erda hech kim teng bo'lolmaydi.
Tenglik xalqning o'z hukumatiga roziligini talab qiladi.
Do men often don't see women as their equal?
Equal how? Men and women equally valuable, equally important and equally necessary. However not equal in the same ways. I think the issue arises when society tries to say we are the same. We are not the same nor would we want to be. We are meant to compliment each other. Women generally speaking are strong in areas where men are weak and vis a versa. Together we make a very effective and efficient unit/team. Different should have never been associated with ‘less'.
Erkaklar ko'pincha ayollarni o'zlariga teng deb bilishmaydimi?
Qanday qilib teng? Erkaklar va ayollar bir xil darajada qimmatli, bir xil darajada muhim va bir xil darajada zarur. Biroq, bir xil yo'llar bilan teng emas. Menimcha, jamiyat biz bir xilmiz demoqchi bo'lganida muammo tug'iladi. Biz bir xil emasmiz va bo'lishni ham xohlamaymiz. Biz bir-birimizni maqtash uchun yaratilganmiz. Umuman olganda, erkaklar zaif bo'lgan joylarda ayollar kuchli va aksincha. Birgalikda biz juda samarali va samarali birlik/jamoa yaratamiz. Turli xil hech qachon "kamroq" bilan bog'lanmasligi kerak edi.
Why are all men not created equal?
The phrase “all men are created equal” was put in the Declaration of Independence as an attack on legally-enforced systems of nobility. Jefferson was rebutting the theory of the divine right of kings and the forcible division of people into superior and inferior social classes (lords, commoners, and slaves, for example).
A lot of people today aren’t aware of how important this British system was in Jefferson’s day, and what a big deal it was to flat-out deny its legitimacy. Jefferson gave a smack in the face to every monarch in Europe, and every duke, marquess, earl, viscount, baron and so on as well.
More recently the phrase has been confused by other issues having to do with different kinds of equality. We don’t worry much about nobility any more. It’s a dead issue.
However, all men and women are not born equally rich, equally talented, equally respected, with equal rights, and a long (long) list of other things you can measure their status by.
Some of this stuff, like inequality before the law, is intolerable and must be corrected. Other stuff, like unequal talent at playing the violin, just has to be lived with.
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