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particular language media.
Another problem of literary translation - the problem of accuracy and 
fidelity, especially noticeable in poetry. When translating prose before the 
translator faces the problem of a mismatch in semantic meaning and stylistic 
expression of words and phrases of different languages. But in prose word has 
primarily semantic meaning and is an expression of stylistic tone, but in poetry the 
Chukovsky K. High art. – M., 1961. 
Catford J. C. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. – London: Oxford UP, 1965. 

word is in rhythmic series of poetic works, and this leads to some changes in his 
qualities. Trying to play in the poetic work of all elements will lead to the loss of 
harmony work, so you need to determine which elements in this work are the main 
and display them with the possible precision, not paying or paying negligible 
attention to others. According to the researchers, the translation should sound like 
the original verses and is one of the elements of accuracy or fidelity. But through 
the prism of the host language must clearly felt the national spirit and national 
original form and individual style of the poet. Translator of the poetry must offer to 
its readers new images, new shapes, new styles with each new translation, his 
personal style should be discernible. 
Literary translation is bilateral in nature: on the one hand it is a product of 
interliteral communication, while it largely determines and defines it. Traditionally 
it was believed that the main function of translation - informative, since the theory 
of literary translation fits into the national literary process, or understand it too 
one-sided. But now the translation has two main functions: informative and 
creative. Thus, literary translation means playing native language features 
outlandish literary text in inseparable dialectical unity of content and form. And 
one of the important elements of perception literature in a foreign language. In 
certain situations, active creative literary translations function. This is in close 
literary community, which forms two or more literatures, and within which 
operates a partial or full bilingualism. Thus there is a stirring partnership attitude 
interpreter to the original, due to the desire to update the original artistic values in 
historical and literary host system literature. Information function recedes into the 
background, and the first place is two-dimensional, double, that is higher enriched 
reception original. Original work and its translation are treated as two different 
works. The result is a perception bilingual edition, giving readers the opportunity 
to more fully compare the original and the translation, trace, and possibly analyze 
job interpreter evaluate this work from the standpoint of accuracy and fidelity, the 
use of artistic techniques and tools, similarities and differences between the 
original and the translation. These publications are usually designed for bilingual 

readers and offer him to take a partner or even somewhat creative position on the 
original and its author. 
Thus, the translator must not only be knowledgeable and to have sufficient, 
at least for translation knowledge, but intuitively feel the text and the best 
translation words, phrases or sentences. Necessary for him is the ability to 
determine what elements in his work are the main and try to display them with the 
possible accuracy while retaining the individual style of the author and in some 
situations, activating the creative literary translation function.
Conclusions and recommendations for further research. Artistic text is a 
means of communication, the basis intra social dialogue between different 
generations of a linguistic community, because accumulates the knowledge that 
determine heredity of its cultural heritage. Changes in the structure of social 
knowledge is also recorded in the texts and are in communication that promotes the 
preservation of linguistic and cultural traditions of native speakers. The problem of 
adequate understanding of the text content by reader of any generation is relevant 
and important that speakers perceive and interpret not only modern but also created 
in the distant past with texts encoded in their language and aesthetic information. 
They can be regarded as elements of another, earlier, culture, considering the 
authors of these works of other members of society, which proceeded the current 
generation of native speakers. Communication, which involved these texts - is a 
special case of intercultural and simultaneously intra social dialogue. Penetration 
depth in historical literary processes enables to rethink the classic works of world 
and Ukrainian literature. The art of translation has been and remains an important 
mediator in the interaction of cultures. Literary translation extends mutual contact 
of Ukrainian literature and other literatures of the world. Consequently, the more 
the original translated into Ukrainian, the richer it becomes our culture.
Derrida J. "Des Tours Des Babel". In Difference in Translation, edited by J. F. Graham. – Ithaca: 
Cornell UP, 1985. 
Haque Z. "Translating Literary Prose: Problems and Solutions". – London: International Journal of 
English and Linguistics, 2012. 97-111 pp. 

As it is well-known fact, comprehensive playback of all verbal wealth of 
original text with direct lexical equivalents language of the recipient - is 
unattainable for translation purpose. But it can and must achieve adequate transfer 
content embodied in images, and proper preservation of genre and stylistic and 
structural and compositional features of the original. 
As artistically translated text is primarily semantic stylistic parallel first-
work, then it follows that the scientific study of the translation is not purely literary 
or linguistic. It is closely related to comparative stylistics two languages and 
involves actually translation analysis, which is largely based on the theoretical 
basis of modern communicative linguistics. Each ethno-linguistic community 
traced special treatment for various stages of diachronic self and world literature 
are certain relations with other nations, but because the history of translation in 
each of them. However, the common point lead role of translation as an effective 
means of cross-language and cross-cultural communication, which not only 
promotes the progressive flowering of national languages and cultures, but also the 
overall development of human civilization. 
Literary translation plays an integral role in helping authors reach their 
audiences from different parts of the world. It is, unfortunately, regarded as one of 
the most challenging translation tasks. Even the most experienced linguists make 
mistakes when translating books sometimes. 
So, below, let us find out what other challenges translators face when 
translating a book and what you can do to avoid or solve these issues.
Translating without changing the original tones of the author. While 
business translation requires high accuracy and some changes in layout, formats, 
colors, etc., literary translation takes it a step further. To have a great translated 
book, translators need excellent insights into literature and subject-matter expertise 
to guarantee the accuracy of the knowledge that the writers want to share. 
But that’s not everything. Book translators must make sure that the literary 
translation process does not affect the authors’ expression and their unique writing 
Jakobson R. "On Linguistic Aspects of Translation." – Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1959. 113-118 pp. 

styles. That means the word choices should not be too literal or too exaggerating 
compared to the original. They should be “perfect” words to evoke the same 
understanding and feelings from the readers as the original. Trust us, it’s no easy 
Culturally-Specific Expressions. Sometimes, the name of a famous person or 
character in novels or poems is used as a personality adjective. Don Juan, for 
instance, is an infamous fictional character in Tirso de Molina’s play in 1630. Don 
Juan is a wealthy libertine who devotes his life to seducing women. As the 
popularity of the character grows, Don Juan becomes a generic expression for a 
womanizer. The question is when performing a literary translation referring to this 
character, should translators keep the name as the original and add a footnote or 
should they find an equivalent fictional character in the target language’s culture? 
Play-on-words and tongue twisters. Wordplay or tongue twisters are no 
doubt a real headache for any translators while working on a literary 
translation task. It requires more time to translate than anything else. “She sells 
seashells by the seashore” or, “You know New York, you need New York, you 
know you need unique New York” to name a few. Translators do not stop at 
finding an equivalent expression for the sentences, but they also find words that 
carry the same pronunciation challenges for the readers.
Dialects and slang. The use of slang or dialects in novels or poems is no 
stranger to readers, but it’s also a challenge for translators when dealing with 
a literary translation project.
To solve these problems, translators use special procedures namely 
borrowing, transposition, literal translation, modulation, calque, equivalence, and 
adaptation. Dealing with the particular problem as cultural divergence, translators 
apply such techniques as borrowing, adaptation, and compensation, most 
frequently used in literary translation. Using the literary adaptation technique, the 
translator has to take into consideration the cultural divergence while translating a 
piece of literature from one language system into a foreign one.
Lahiri J. The Namesake. – New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003. 

According to Lucía Molina and Amparo Hurtado Albir, due to adaptation we 
can replace the elements of one culture by other ones, more typical for the 
receiving culture. In their opinion, the focus on the maintenance of meaning of the 
translated text is a key advantage of this technique. Nevertheless, there are lots of 
other opportunities that this method can give us. According to Jean-Claude Margot, 
adaptation could be used not only for items unknown by the other culture, but for 
describing the situation uncommon to the target audience
. Applying adaptation, 
the translator substitutes some cultural realities, for which there are no references 
in the language chosen for translation, and creates recognized equivalent between 
two situations. It could be described as an extreme limit of translation that creates a 
new equivalent.
As Lauro Maia Amorim admits, adaptation recreates «new wordplay and 
situations» that restore «parallel, reciprocal meaning effects». The technique could 
be particularly useful in case of translating the pieces of children literature, when 
translators try to adapt the text avoiding inappropriate language, or to prepare a 
censored adaptation. For instance, adaptation will help to eliminate those words 
that are too difficult for a child. Another prominent technique is borrowing. 
Generally borrowing is a significant method appropriate for dealing with the 
cultural concept of words, since this technique helps solving the cultural gap 
between original language and target language. However, there is always a 
possibility of misunderstanding, so translators frequently provide footnotes in 
order to deliver the correct message to the foreign reader. The key problem of 
translation based on borrowing comes up due to a variety of meanings that occur 
during the translation process.
As Basil Hatim and Jeremy Munday admit, the problem lays in difficulty to 
determine was the original text meaning transferred into the new version of the text 
accurately or not. As it mentioned above, some words and expressions do not 
always have exact equivalents in the particular language, therefore not all of the 
source language terms can be translated literary or be adapted. As a method, 
Spivak G. C. The Politics of Translation. – New York and London: Routledge 1993, 179-200 pp. 

borrowing involves using a word or an expression from the original text without 
modifying it. For instance, it could be an untranslatable expression, or an 
expression taken from a third language, mainly used by translators to preserve the 
tone of the source language color. It is, first of all, a matter of style, but it could 
also have a significant effect on the message contained. For example, according to 
Shana Poplack, the term «borrowing» refers to the lexical level of languages. She 
emphasizes that the words and the phrases could be adapted (morphologically, 
syntactically, and phonologically) to the recipient language.
There are two kinds of borrowing: pure borrowing and naturalized one. The 
first way means that something is taken from the original text and used without any 
adjustment. The second way implies that it is used in naturalized form that is 
adjusted with the rules of the target language. Sometimes such methods as 
borrowing or adaptation could be ineffective in dealing with some cultural 
differences. When it happens, the production of the translated version of the text 
requires some other compromises that might be reached with a use of 
compensation. Compensation is a technique that is intended to compensate for the 
loss of meaning of the text when it is translated. With a use of compensation the 
elements lost from the original text will be recreated in the new version of the 
piece in a similar way, making up the semantic losses.
As some theorists inferred, this technique «involves making up for the loss 
of a source text effect by creating a similar effect in the target text» through the 
specific means of the chosen language (or the text). This method is usually used 
when a word or a phrase can actually be translated, but its dictionary equivalent 
sounds unnatural in the particular situation depicted in the text. In that case 
translator must withdraw from using dictionary correspondences. With a use of this 
technique, we could also compensate the loss of metaphor (or sound effect) 
occurred in one part of a sentence by placing it in another location, situated in the 
text or in the sentence. In situations like these, the stylistic device (or some other 
elements) moves to another place in the text, because it will not have the same 
effect if it stays where it was placed in the original text.

As some scholars admit, compensation is a stylistic translation technique 
that implies that a word or a phrase is put at another point of the sentence, thereby 
keeping the overall tone [14, p. 341]. Generally this method allows the translator 
not only to find the appropriate ways to make up for the inevitable losses – it also 
helps to make the language of the translated text as colorful as the original source. 
Like adaptation, this technique is incredibly useful for wordplay. For instance, 
when the translator cannot directly adapt a pun, then he or she can create another 
play on words in another place of the text. However, this technique implies that the 
translator doesn’t use conventional phrases – he or she looks for the new, non-
standard ways of expression. The feature of this method is that a translator's task 
primarily involves seeking a solution to the problem from the position of the 
whole: the content, the idea and the style of the source text. Using compensation, 
the translator continually subtracts some elements from one part of the text and 
adds the other ones in the other place of a translated piece. Thus, compensation 
could be described as the ongoing process of weighing and choosing that allows 
keeping a balance between gains and losses declared in the whole text, which turns 
translating into a creative activity. 
A variety of grammatical, syntactic, and lexical means of any language, 
individual artistic manner of writers are the characteristics that complicate the 
process of literary translation. Today we know different kinds of translation 
techniques. The application of such techniques as borrowing, adaptation, or 
compensation is warranted while dealing with such elements as dialectal 
expressions, colloquial speech, jargon and slang, parlance, puns, and other 
elements of language that do not have regular equivalents in chosen language. 
Every method fulfills the particular task: adaptation can help with some cultural 
references that should be adapted for foreign audiences while borrowing might 
diversify the vocabulary of a foreign speaker, and compensation is focused on 
extracting the meaning of words in a particular situation according to the cultural 
context. Despite severe difficulties that translators face recreating the originality of 

the particular text, the goals of translation could be contributed by using the 
combination of different techniques. 

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