Stimulate (discussion)
To encourage students to talk about something. This can be done in different ways such as through a text or a picture.
When the students are at the centre of the activities and have the chance to work together and think for themselves. See teacher-centred.
Subsidiary aim: see aim.
This describes the language and skills to be covered on a course, and the order in which they will be taught.
Teacher talking time
The total time in a lesson that a teacher speaks, compared with the total time the students speak.
When the teacher is at the centre of most stages of the lesson, controlling the lesson from the front of the classroom. See student-centred.
The likely time which different activities or stages in a lesson plan should take. When teachers plan lessons, they think about how long each activity will take and they usually write this on their plan.
Variety noun, vary verb
To introduce different things such as different types of activities or tasks, language skills, interaction patterns, pacing or timing into a lesson. Good teachers try to include variety in their lesson, so that students stay interested.
Reference resources