Muhammad solih hayotidan soniyalar seconds from the life of
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- First, the name of Muhammad Salih referred to the leader of the fight for na- tional independence of the Uzbek people in the imagination of teenagers who were
- Muhammed Salih’s poetry. This indicates that the knowledge and world view of the youth of that time directly formed under the influence of the poetry of Muhammed
SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 1 Muhammad Solih hayotidan soniyalar Seconds from the life of Muhammed Salih SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 2 MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 2 MUNDARIJA SO’Z BOSHI .........................................................................................................................4 MUHAMMAD SOLIHNING BOLALIK VA YOSHLIK YILLARI ...............................10 SHE’RIYAT .............................................................................................................................21 SIYOSIY FAOLIYAT .............................................................................................................33 MUHOJIRLIK VA MUHOLIFAT .......................................................................................45 JUDOLIK................................................................................................................................104 MUHAMMAD SOLIH OLGAN RASMLAR ...............................................................111 OMMAVIY AXBOROT VOSITALARI MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAQIDA..................122 (nashrlardan ba’zilari misolida) MUHAMMAD SOLIHNING TURK DUNYOSIDAGI O’RNI ..................................129 INTERNETDAGI IJTIMOIY TARMOQLARDA MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAQIDA BILDIRILGAN FIKRLAR .....................................138 MUHAMMAD SOLIH QALAMIGA MANSUB VA MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAQIDA YOZILGAN KITOBLAR ......................................142 IZOHLAR..........................................................................................................................151 SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 3 CONTENTS PREFACE...............................................................................................................................7 CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH OF MUHAMMED SALIH ..............................................6 POETRY ..................................................................................................................................21 POLITICAL ACTIVITY .......................................................................................................33 IMMIGRATION AND OPPOSITION ...............................................................................45 SEPARATION.........................................................................................................................104 PHOTOS TAKEN BY MUHAMMED SALIH ..............................................................111 MASS MEDIA ABOUT MUHAMMED SALIH................................................................122 (some examples of editions) MUHAMMED SALIH’S PLACE IN THE TURKIC WORLD ....................................129 WORDS ABOUT MUHAMMED SALIH IN SOCIAL NETWORKS .........................138 BOOKS BY MUHAMMED SALIH AND BOOKS WRITTEN ABOUT MUHAMMED SALIH ..................................................142 NOTES ..............................................................................................................................151 MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 4 SO’Z BOSHI Albatta biz demokratik rejimlar ideal rejimdir degan fikrdan yiroqmiz. Ammo, de- mokratiyaning keng qabul qilingan tamoyillardan biri – jamiyatning fikrlar xilma-xilligi asosida rivojlanishidir. Buning mohiyatini anglash uchun istagan demokratik jamiyat tartibotiga bir nazar tashlashning o‘z kifoya qiladi. Bunday jamiyatlarda, har qanday so- hada bo‘lgani kabi, fikrlar va g‘oyalar orasida ham kuchli raqobat mavjud. Shu ma’noda, demokratik rejimlar kuchli shaxslar va haqiqiy liderlarining yetishib chiqishida avtoritar rejimlarga nisbatan kengroq imkon beradi. Shunga qaramasdan, har qanday jamiyatda oqni qoradan ajrata oladigan va o‘zining haqiqiy yetakchisini o‘zi belgilay oladigan, zamon bilan hamnafas bir qatlam bo‘ladi. Mazkur qatlam nazarida yetakchi sifatida tanlangan shaxs oradan necha o‘n yil- lar o‘tsa ham hech qachon unitilmaydi, balki uni g‘oyaviy rahnamo sifatida biladiganlar safi yanada kengayib boraveradi. Mana shunday yetakchilardan biri shubhasiz – Muhammad Solihdir. Vaqtida kim- dir uni shoir, yana kimdir siyosatchi sifatida tanigan, bilgan. Ammo bugungi kunda bu insonni kim sifatidan tanishning ahamiyati yo‘q, zero endilikda u yetakchi, lider sifatida tan olingan. Nafaqat ma’lum bir guruh yoki biror qatlam yetakchisi, balki butun boshli bir xalq va hatto butun turk dunyosida tan olingan sanoqli liderlardan biridir. Bu inson O‘zbekistondan badarg‘a qilingan 1993 yilda, kamina mansub bo‘lgan avlod vakillari maktab o‘quvchilari edi. O‘tgan yigirma yildan ortiq davr mobaynida joriy hukumat Muhammad Solihni yosh avlod ongidan butkul o‘chirib tashlashga hara- kat qildi va bu boradagi samarasiz harakatlari bilan hozirgacha o‘zlarini-o‘zlari aldashda davom etib kelmoqda. Kamina ham bugungi O‘zbekiston hukumatining “Muhammad Solihni yoshlar tanimaydi” qabilidagi tashviqotida tilga olingan “avlod” vakili sifatida aytishim mum- kinki, hukumatning bu kabi urinishi nafaqat samarasiz bo‘ldi, balki mutlaqo teskari nati- ja berdi. Endilikda o‘zbek jamiyatining eng faol qatlamiga aylangan bugungi yosh va o‘rta avlod vakillari yuragida Muhammad Solihni o‘z yo‘lboshchilari sifatida ko‘rishga bo‘lgan ishtiyoq o‘ti qayta yona boshladi. Bu o‘z navbatida, O‘zbekiston ichkarisida yirik bir kuchni shakllantirish salohiyatiga ega bo‘lgan Muhammad Solih izdoshlari – “Solihchilar”ning paydo bo‘lishiga olib keldi. (“Solihchilar” iborasini M.Solihning du- shmanlari kinoya bilan aytishadi, ammo uning izdoshlari bu so‘zga aloqador ekanligi- dan g‘ururlanishadi, desak mubolog‘a bo‘lmaydi). Buning sababi esa, Muhammad Solih shaxsi xarakterida, dunyoqarashida va g‘oyalarida boshqalarda uchramaydigan o‘ziga hos jihatlarning mavjudligi va ularning bugungi avlod qalbidagi orzu-umidlari bilan hamohangligidadir. Xususan, Muhammad Solih she’riyati bilan esini tanigan va kamolotga yetgan o‘rta avlod zehniyatida bu insonni yagona lider o‘laroq mustahkamlaydigan jihat – Mu- hammad Solihda boshqa siyosatchilardagi singari chuchmal populizmning yo‘qligidir. Bundan tashqari, Muhammad Solihning ko‘pgina taniqli insonlar tarafidan e’tirof SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 5 etilgan to‘g‘riso‘zligi, ba’zan esa boshqalar nazarida qo‘pollikdek tuyuladigan dangal- ligi, haqiqatni ochiq aytishi undagi bu musbat xislatlarga taqlid qiluvchi izdoshlari safini yanada kengaytiradi. Bugun “yurtboshichilik” siyosati oqibatida deyarli barcha sohada tilyog‘lamachilik, ikkiyuzlamachilik va laganbardorlik ildiz otgan o‘zbek jamiyatida har qanday lider uc- hun dag‘al bo‘lsa ham to‘g‘riso‘zlik juda muhim va hatto nodir bir xislatga aylanib ulgurdi. Shu sababli, mazkur holatdan chiqish uchun ham o‘zbek jamiyati, qolaversa o‘zbek xalqining Muhammad Solih kabi to‘g‘riso‘z va haqiqatgo‘y insonlarga bo‘lgan ehtiyoji yaqqol namoyon bo‘lib bormoqda. O‘zbekistonda Muhammad Solihga qarshi olib borilgan turli targ‘ibot va tash- viqotlarga qaramasdan bugungi avlodni yana bu inson ortidan ergashishiga sabab – bu uning har qanday mukofotlardan, moddiy manfaatlardan ko‘ra insoniy qadriyatlarni us- tun qo‘yishidir. O‘zbekistondagi og‘ir iqtisodiy sharoit tufayli arzimagan boylik yoki bi- ror lavozim uchun o‘zining insoniy qiyofasini yo‘qotganlar va hatto o‘z g‘ururini mod- diy manfaatga almashib yuborganlar har qadamda uchraydigan bir vaqtda Muhammad Solih kabi “g‘oya insonlari”ning borligi yetishib kelayotgan avlod qalbida kelajakka ishonch uyg‘otadi. Zero bu insonning o‘z g‘oyasi yo‘lida O‘zbekiston davlati rahbari tomonidan taklif etilgan eng yuksak lavozimlardan yuz o‘girgani hech kimga sir emas. Bugungi avlodning Muhammad Solihga ergashishi va bu insonni g‘oyaviy rahbar o‘laroq tan olishiga yana bir sabab uning bir siyosatchi sifatida turk dunyosining bir- lashuvi (integratsiyasi) g‘oyasiga sodiqligidir. Ma’lumki, sobiq Ittifoq parchalanib rus mustamlakachiligidan ozod bo‘lgan xalqimiz boshqa turkiy jumhuriyatlar bilan yaqin aloqalar yo‘lga qo‘yilishiga, O‘zbekistonning turk dunyosining ajralmas bo‘lagiga ayl- anishiga umid qilgandi. Biroq, o‘tgan yigirma yildan ortiq vaqt mobaynida qardosh turk jumhuriyatlarga nisbatan olib borilgan noto‘g‘ri tashqi siyosat, ayniqsa shaxsiy muno- sabatlar va shaxsiy kayfiyatning xalq irodasidan ustun qo‘yilishi bizni turk dunyosidan, to‘g‘rirog‘i o‘zligimizdan yanada uzoqlashtirdi. O‘zbekiston davlati rahbari talqinidagi turkiy xalqlarga aloqasi bo‘lmagan “o‘ziga bek” o‘zbek millatini yaratish g‘oyasi esa o‘zini o‘zbek hisoblagan insonlarning yak- kalanib qolishiga, o‘zga yurtlarda, xususan 30% aholisini turkiy xalqlar tashkil qilu- vchi Rossiyada o‘zbek muhojirlarining tahqirlanishiga va ularga nisbatan past nazar bilan qaralishiga olib keldi. Shu sababli, “mustaqil O‘zbekiston” deb ataluvchi yurtda kamol topgan bugungi avlodning tilda aytolmagan dilidagi eng buyuk orzularidan biri – O‘zbekistonni turk dunyosining yuragi sifatida ko‘rishdir. Tilga olganimiz avlod nazdida ushbu orzuni siyosiy bir g‘oya, dastur sifatida taqdim qila olish salohiyatiga ega bo‘lgan yagona shaxs esa - Muhammad Solihdir. Bugungi kunda O‘zbekistondagi boshqaruv elitasi ichida ham, adabiyot vakillari orasida ham Muhammad Solih kabi butun turk dunyosida hurmat va e’tibor qozongan shaxsning yo‘qligi ushbu tanlovning nechog‘lik to‘g‘ri ekanligidan dalolat beradi. O‘zbekistondagi joriy hukumat Muhammad Solihga qarshi turli bo‘htonlardan iborat tashviqotlarni amalga oshirar ekan, quyidagi juda muhim omillarni e’tiborga ol- madi: Birinchidan, O‘zbekistonda 90-yillarning boshida o‘smir yoshida bo‘lgan va atrofidagi har qanday o‘zgarishga nisbatan juda ta’sirchan bo‘lgan yoshlar ongida MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 6 va tasavvurida Muhammad Solih nomi o‘zbek xalqining milliy ozodlik kurashi bilan bog‘liq harakatga boshchilik qilgan shaxs sifatida muhrlangan. Oradan yillar o‘tib O‘zbekistonda o‘rnatilgan totalitar tuzum va diktatorlik boshqaruvi ostida mamlakat ichkarisida yuzaga kelgan erksizlik hamda huquqsizlik esa ushbu avlod ongidagi Mu- hammad Solih shaxsiyati borasidagi tasavvurlarni yanada mustahkamladi. Ikkinchidan, O‘zbekistonda muqobillik asosidagi birinchi prezidentlik saylov- lari bo‘lib o‘tgan 1991 yilda poytaxtdan o‘z viloyatlariga haydalgan talaba yoshlar birinchi navbatda, Muhammad Solih she’riyatining ashaddiy muxlislari edi. Bu esa, mazkur davr yoshlarining tafakkuri va dunyoqarashi bevosita Muhammad Solih ijodi ta’sirida shakllanganligidan dalolat beradi. Mazkur omil esa o‘zbek jamiyatining turli sohalarida yuzaga kelgan tanazzulga guvoh bo‘lgan ushbu avlod vakillari shuurida joriy hukumatga nisbatan ishonchsizlikni kuchaytirib, Muhammad Solih siymosiga bo‘lgan hurmatni yanada oshirdi. Bugun biz yashayotgan davr O‘zbekistonda yirik o‘zgarishlar ibtidosi sifatida ba- holanmoqda. Zero aynan yuqorida tilga olingan ikkita avlod vakillari bo‘lgan yoshlar bugungi kunda O‘zbekistondagi iqtidorning tayanch nuqtalarida va davlat boshqaruvin- ing turli sohalarida o‘z o‘rnini mustahkam egallashgan. Endilikda, ushbu avlod vakillarining yillar mobaynida yuragining bir chekkasida saqlab kelingan haqiqat - g‘oyaviy rahnamo va yo‘lboshchi sifatida Muhammad Solih nomini baralla aytish vaqti keldi. O‘zbek xalqining yetakchisi va turk dunyosi siyosiy figuralaridan biri Muhammad Solihning bu yil dekabr oyida 65 yoshga to‘layotgani munosabati bilan tayyorlangan bu majmua aynan o‘sha yosh va o‘rta avlod vakillarining – bizning Muhammad Solihga bo‘lgan hurmatimiz ramzidir. Majmua bir nechta bo‘limlarga ajratilgan holda Muhammad Solihning yoshlik yillaridan tortib, she’riyat dunyosiga kirib kelishi, siyosiy faoliyati, mamlakat mustaqil- ligini qo‘lga kiritishdagi roli, hukumat tomonidan qilingan ta’ziyqlar va muhojirot kabi bir nechta bo‘limlarda joy olgan rasmlardan iborat. Bundan tashqari, majmuaga Mu- hammad Solihning turk dunyosidagi o‘rni, turk dunyosining ko‘zga ko‘ringan vakillari tomonidan Muhammad Solih shaxsiga bildirilgan fikrlardan iborat maxsus bo‘lim ham kiritilgan. Majmuani tayyorlashda birinchi navbatda Muhammad Solih haqida turli omma- viy axborot vositalarida va internet nashrlarda chop qilingan rasmlar, bu insonni yaqin- dan taniydigan va bilgan safdoshlari tomonidan taqdim qilingan uning shaxsiy arxiviga tegishli rasmlardan foydalanildi. Shu fursatdan foydalanib, majmuani tayyorlashda o‘z hissasini qo‘shgan bar- cha insonlarga o‘z minnaddorchiligimizni bildirgan holda, O‘zbekiston ichkarisidagi turli sohalarda faoliyat olib borayotgan Muhammad Solihning g‘oyaviy izdoshlari bo‘lgan avlod vakillari nomidan bu matonatli insonni joriy yilda tabarruk 65 yoshga to‘layotganligi munosabati bilan yana bir bor qutlaymiz va Allohdan sihat salomatlik, uzoq umr tilab qolamiz. Zamir Malik SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 7 PREFACE We are far from the opinion that democratic regimes are ideal of course. But one of the commonly accepted principles of democracy – is the development of society in accordance with the freedom of different thoughts. Enough to look at any of the demo- cratic order of society to understand this fact. As in any other fields there is a keen com- petition among the opinions and ideas in these societies. In this view, democratic regimes give more opportunity than authoritarian regimes to bring up the strong personalities and leaders. Nevertheless there is a layer in the society that are able to distinguish the white from black and determine its own veritable leader. For this layer the selected person as a leader shall never be forgotten even decades have passed, but contrarily the circle of people accepting him as a leader expands. One of these leaders is undoubtedly – Muhammed Salih. Several years ago he was known as a poet for someone and as a politician for another. But today it doesn’t matter as whom we know him because he is currently recognized as a leader. Not only the leader of a certain group or layer, but he is even one of the few rec- ognized leaders in the Turkic world. A generation which I belong was schoolchildren in 1993, when this man was ex- pelled from Uzbekistan. During this time for more than twenty years Uzbek government tried to erase Muhammed Salih from the memory of young generation and continues to deceive themselves with their ineffective actions. As a representative of a generation that is mentioned in the promotion of the cur- rent government of Uzbekistan that “youth do not know Muhammed Salih”, I can say that the government’s desire was not only ineffective, but ended with completely oppo- site result. Today the desire of the generation of youth and middle-aged individuals to see Muhammed Salih as a leader awakened again. This in turn led to come in sight the fol- lowers of Muhammed Salih – “Salihists” who can form a great power in Uzbekistan. (The word of “Salihists” is used in allusion by the opponents of Muhammed Salih, at the same time his followers are proud to be in relation to this word). The reason is that the nature and world outlook of Muhammad Salih have distinc- tive merits that are not observed in his opponents and their harmonism of these merits with the hopes of today’s generation. Particularly, the absence of indefinite populism in Muhammed Salih’s views un- like other politicians is the merit that strengthens him as the only leader in the mentality of middle-aged individuals grown up under the influence of his poetry. Due to the veracity of Muhammad Salih, recognized by many of the reputed peo- ple, his directness that sometimes seen by others as roughness and his openly telling the truth widened the circle of his followers to emulate these positive virtues. Today the truthfulness despite it is seen as a roughness became a very important and even rare merit for any leader in the Uzbek society where has taken root the mush, hypocrisy and subservience. Therefore, to get out of this situation the demand of the MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 8 Uzbek society, especially the Uzbek people to the truthful personalities like Muhammed Salih is becoming more clear. Despite campaigning against Muhammad Salih in Uzbekistan, another reason for which the current generation to follow him - is his giving more importance to the human qualities rather than any awards, material or financial benefits. Today, as we often see a lot of people who refuse to self-esteem for indecent material wealth because of the dif- ficult economic situation in Uzbekistan, the existence of “idea people,” like Muhammad Salih inspires confidence of today’s generation for the future. It is not a secret that he has refused from the high posts offered by the President of Uzbekistan for the sake of his beliefs. Another reason for what today’s generation follow Muhammed Salih and accept him as an ideological leader is, as a politician, his devotion to the idea of the integration of the Turkic world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, our people hoped to the establishment of close relations with the other brother Turkic countries and to see the Uzbekistan as an in- separable part of the Turkic world. But during the passed more than twenty years, wrong foreign policy of Uzbek authorities in relation to other Turkic republics, especially giv- ing the higher priority to the personal relations rather than the people’s will distanced us from the Turkic world, precisely from our national identity. The idea of the President of Uzbekistan creating the Uzbek nation which is not related to the Turkic nation led the isolation of the Uzbek people, and the humiliation and indignity of Uzbek migrants in foreign countries, particularly in Russia where 30% of the total population composed of Turkic people. Thus one of the sacred dreams of today’s generation grown up in the country called “the independent Uzbekistan” is - to see Uzbekistan as the heart of the Turkic world. For this generation Muhammed Salih is the only person who is capable to put forward this dream as a political idea and pro- gram. The absence of anyone among the ruling elite of Uzbekistan or among the literary figures who is such respectful as Muhammed Salih indicates that the rightness of this choice. Making propaganda against Muhammed Salih, the Uzbek government didn’t take into account the following important factors: First, the name of Muhammad Salih referred to the leader of the fight for na- tional independence of the Uzbek people in the imagination of teenagers who were very sensitive to any changes around in the early 90s in Uzbekistan. The establish- ment of totalitarian regime in Uzbekistan after years and the lawlessness and lack of freedom only strengthened the imagination of this generation about Muhammed Salih. Second, the students expelled from the capital to their regions in 1991 during the first presidential elections on an alternative basis in Uzbekistan were the fans of Muhammed Salih’s poetry. This indicates that the knowledge and world view of the youth of that time directly formed under the influence of the poetry of Muhammed Salih. Since this factor increased the distrust of government, of generation who wit- nessed the crisis in various areas of the Uzbek society and further increased the re- spect for Muhammed Salih’s personality. SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 9 This period is estimated of the beginning of the great changes in Uzbekistan. Be- cause, representatives of the above mentioned two generations firmly took their places in key positions of the authority in Uzbekistan and various spheres of the governance. Now the time has come to openly utter the truth, during the years kept in the hearts of the representatives of these generations - name of Muhammed Salih, as a leader. This compilation is prepared for the birthday of the leader of the Uzbek people and one of the political figures of the Turkic world Muhammed Salih, as in December of this year he will be 65 years old and at the same time, this compilation is our - young and middle-aged generation’s sign of respect to Muhammad Salih. The compilation is composed of photos divided into several parts including from the youth of Muhammed Salih to entering the poetry, political activity, the role in gain- ing the independence, persecution by the government and migration. In addition, the compilation includes a special part dedicated to the place of Muhammed Salih in the Turkic world and the words of the famous representatives of the Turkic world about Muhammad Salih. In preparing the compilation, primarily used photos published in various media and the internet and the photos belonging to his personal archive represented by the people who know him closely. We express our gratitude for all people for their kind help in preparing this com- pilation and we are pleased to congratulate him again on his 65th birthday this year on behalf of the followers of Muhammed Salih in Uzbekistan. May Allah give him good health and long years of life. Download 0.51 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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