Muhammad solih hayotidan soniyalar seconds from the life of
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 131
- Turkish Prime Minister Nacmettin Erbakan
- Turkiya Jumhuriyatining Bosh vaziri Najmettin Erbakan
- Rauf Parfi (O’zturk), o’zbek she’riyatining yirik namoyondalaridan biri
- Rauf Parfi (Öztürk) one of the main fig- ures of the uzbek poetry
- Timur Xo’ja (Kocaoğlu), Koç Universitetu professori
- Timur Khoja (Kocaoğlu) Professor of the Koç University
- Abdulhamid Ismoil, shoir va yozuvchi
- Atilla Qoya, 1997-2003 yillardagi Ulku O‘choqlari maorif-madaniyat jamiyati raisi
- Atila Kaya, chairman of the “Ülkü Ocakları” Society of education and culture in 1997-2003
- Hodi ULUENGIN Turkiyada chiqadigan “Hurriyat” gazetasi muhbiri
- Hadi ULUENGIN The correspondent of the newspaper of “Hurriyet”
- Doktor Shu’ayb Qoraqosh Istanbul Oydin Universiteti Professori
- Dr. Şuayip Karakaş, Prof. of the Istanbul Aydin University
- TC Yusuf Tuncyürek
- Khan Nasreddinov
- Altan Al Tun-Tash Kurt-ini: Devler geçti bu yollardan
- Altan Al Tun-Tash Kurt-ini: Giants passed from these ways
Turkiya Jumhuriyatining Bosh vaziri Buland Ejevit “There are very few poets among politicians in the West. But in the East, in Turkic states particularly, a big number of poets served as politicians, statesmen and rulers. Muhammad Salih is one of the brightest examples of modern Turkic poet-politicians. He is a notable poet of Uzbek Turks and the leader of the Erk party of Uzbekistan. He wrote his poems even during harshest repression times. Although the Soviet Union had collapsed and Uzbekistan was declared indepen- dent, repressions still rage on. Only true masters are able to keep the torch of freedom up high in such times. Muhammad Salih continues to keep the torch up even facing pressure from one of the most repres- sive regimes. He and his supporters are still “smashed against the ground” by the regime’s propaganda ma- chines. And Salih responds with a poem: ‘If no one had smashed me against the ground, How could I have jumped to skies?!.’ “As a poet, Muhammad Salih jumped to skies long time ago, and I believe that Erk party under his ruling will soon be victorious too.” Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 131 “We had many conversations with Muham- mad Salih during international meetings and dis- cussed global issues. As one concerned with the national idea, Muhammad Salih is our brother who is fighting for independence and a prosper- ous Uzbekistan. I hope this fighter’s activities progress. I also hope the Muslim world will embrace a fraternal country – Uzbekistan – with his assistance. Uzbekistan is a country with a greatest cul- ture which was home to our pride – globally re- nowned Muslim scholars. We are very proud of Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan is a country that deserves a good leader both from historical and strategic aspects. The issue of Uzbekistan is the issue of saving the whole humankind. For reaching this goal, it is necessary for Muhammad Salih and his support- ers to come to power in Uzbekistan. Muhammad Salih is a politician who had reached great achievements in Uzbekistan. He is our brother who is just the right person to help Uzbekistan, the country with a great history. We always remember Muhammad Salih with respect and wish him success in his work.” Turkish Prime Minister Nacmettin Erbakan “Biz birodarimiz Muhammad Solih bilan ko‘p xalqaro islomiy anjumanlarda ko‘rishganmiz va dunyo masalalarini muhokama etganmiz. Milliy shuur sohibi Muhammad Solih O‘zbekistonning mustaqil bo‘lishi va taraqqiy topishini istagan kurashchi birodarimizdir. Bu kurashchi birodarimizning faoliyati rivoj topishidan umidvormanki, Muhammad Solih vositasida butun Islom olami O‘zbekistonday bir birodar o‘lkani bag‘riga bossin. O‘zbekiston bu - faxrimiz bo‘lgan Islom olim- larini yetishtirib bergan bir muazzam madaniyat markazidir. Biz O‘zbekiston bilan faxrlanamiz. O‘zbekiston ham tarixiy, ham strategik jihatdan yetakchilik qilishga loyiq bir o‘lkadir. O‘zbekiston masalasi bu - butun dunyoning najot masalasidir. Bunga erishmoq uchun esa O‘zbekistonda Muhammad Solih va uning kabi fikrlovchi insonlar hokimi- yat ta’sis etmoqlari lozim. Muhammad Solih bugunga qadar O‘zbekistonda siyosiy jihatdan katta muvaffaqiyatga erishgan insondir. O‘zbekistonning o‘z tarixiy o‘rnini egallashi uchun eng munosib tarzda voyaga yetgan biro- darimizdir. Biz doim Muhammad Solih haqida sevib eslay- miz va faoliyatida muvaffaqiyatlar tilaymiz”. Turkiya Jumhuriyatining Bosh vaziri Najmettin Erbakan SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 132 “Muhammad Solihning birinchi kuchli tebra- nishi - uning Turkiston g‘oyasini anglashi edi, Turkiston ruxini bilishi, unıng she’riyatidagi butun istioralar, sheriy san’atlar Turkistonni an- glash san’ati edi. Muhammad Solih 60, 70-yillarda o‘zbek she’riyatida mutlaqo bir yangi to‘lqinning ustida turdi. 50 yillar unutilib ketgan merosimiz juda uzoq qarovsiz qoldi. Abdurauf fitrat, Cho‘lpon, Kodiriy va boshqa juda ko‘p shoirlarimizning asosiy g‘oyasi Turkiston g‘oyasi edi. Turkiston g‘oyasi bosqinchilar uchun, mustamlakachilar uchun juda qo‘rqinchli bir dushmanlari edi. Ana shu ruhimizdan yulib olingan g‘oyani o‘zbek she’riyatida birinchi bo‘lib Cho‘lponlardan key- in, Fitratlardan keyin o‘zbek she’riyatida aytgan shoir Muhammad Solih bo‘ladi”. Rauf Parfi (O’zturk), o’zbek she’riyatining yirik namoyondalaridan biri “The first strong shock Muhammad Salih inflicted was his poetry which praised the idea of Turkistan, reviving Turkistan; the poetical art in his poetry is the art of feeling Turkistan. Muhammad Salih started leading a new generation in Uzbek literature in 1960s-70s. Our literary heritage was neglected for half a century. The primary goal Fitrat, Chulpan, Kadyri and many other poets pursued was Turkistan. And the very idea of Turkistan seemed hostile to the colonizers. Muham- mad Salih was able to revive this idea after Chulpan and Fitrat, which was literally torn away from our souls.” Rauf Parfi (Öztürk) one of the main fig- ures of the uzbek poetry MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 133 “Uning she’rlarini men katta hayajon bilan o‘qiganman. Chunki u o‘zbek she’riyatida meta- forani juda kuchli ishlatgan bir kishi. Metaforani eng ko‘p Cho‘lpon ishlatgan. Cho‘lponning meta- foralari judayam kuchli, ammo keyingi davrda boshqalarda ham o‘sha metafora bor, ammo Mu- hammad Solihning she’rlarida metafora juda ham kuchli”. “Cho‘lpon bir she’rida degan: Yig‘lama, yurtim, agarchi bu kuningda yo‘q ba- hor, Kelgusi kunlarda yulduzing porlab qolar” deb aytgan. Muhammad Solih bunday yulduzlardan”. Timur Xo’ja (Kocaoğlu), Koç Universitetu professori “I was always excited to read his poems. His metaphors are among strongest metaphors used in Uzbek literature. Cholpan used metaphor more than anyone else. Others also resorted to it, but the metaphor in Muhammad Salih’s poems is the strongest among all. Cholpan writes in one of his poems: “Don’t cry my country, if you have no spring in this day Your star will shine in ensuing days” Muhammad Salih is one of such stars.” Timur Khoja (Kocaoğlu) Professor of the Koç University SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 134 “Muhammad Solih, hali ham esimda, 70-yillarning ox- irida, 80-yillarning boshida o‘z g‘oyasini tanib bo‘lgan shoir edi. Turkiston g‘oyasini, O‘zbekiston g‘oyasini, millat g‘oyasini tanib bo‘lgan shoir edi, qo‘rqinchli tarzda tanib bo‘lgan shoir edi”. Abdulhamid Ismoil, shoir va yozuvchi “Muhammad Salih was a poet who fully realized his ideals, the idea of his people, the idea of Uzbekistan and the idea of Turkistan already in late 1970s and ear- ly 1980s.” Abdulkhamid Ismail, a poet and writer MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 135 “Men bechora, kichik odamlar bilan emas, O‘zbekistondagi diktatorlik re- jimi bilan kurashyapman”, deya kurash mezonini belgilagan Solih uchun Turk davlati o‘laroq Chex jumhuriyati naz- dida jamoatchilik fikrini uyg‘otishga urinmoqdamiz. Muhammad Solihning hayoti bizning hayotimizdir, O‘zbekistondagi de- mokratiya va mustaqillik mujodalasida butun Turk milliyatchilari Muhammad Solihning yonidadir. Yashasin, demokratik O‘zbekiston! Yashasin, Muhammad Solih! Yashasin mustaqil, demokratik O‘zbekiston! 2001 yil O‘zbekistonning talabi bilan Chexiya politsiyasi tarafidan Muham- mad Solih hibsga olinishiga qarshi An- qaradagi Chexiya elchixonasi oldida Ulku O‘choqlari tarafidan uyushtiril- gan norozilik namoyishi paytida Atilla Qoya, 1997-2003 yillardagi Ulku O‘choqlari maorif-madaniyat jamiyati raisi (Hozirda Milliyatchi harakat partiya- sidan millat vakili, Turkiy tilli davlatlar parlament assambleyasi (TürkPA) turk guruhi a’zosi) “I am not with weak and helpless people, but as a Turk State for Salih who is the one defines the criteria of the fight saying that “I am fighting against dictator regime in Uzbekistan” trying to awaken the the mind of the public before the Czech Republic”. Muhammed Salih’s life is our life, and all Turk nationalist are with Muhammed Salih in his fight for the democracy and independence of Uzbekistan. Viva democratic Uzbekistan! Long life to Mu- hammed Salih! Viva independent and democrat- ic Uzbekistan! During the demonstrations organized by “Ülkü Ocakları” in front of the Embassy of Czech Republic in Ankara against the arrest of Mu- hammed Salih by Czech police at the request of Uzbekistan government in 2001. Atila Kaya, chairman of the “Ülkü Ocakları” Society of education and culture in 1997-2003 (Now he is a Parliament deputy from the Nation- alist movement party, a member of the Turkish group of The Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic- speaking countries (TURKPA) ) SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 136 Qarshimdagi odam shoir. Mukammal shoirlar kabi shoir. “Agar meni yerga urma- salardi, ko‘kka qanday sakray olardim?” de- gan mag‘rur shoir. Keyin... qarshimdagi odam ziyoli. Mu- kammal ziyolilar kabi ziyoli. Pragadagi “Pankrats” qamoqxonasidan o‘zi bilan “ayni matodan to‘qilgan” boshqa bir intellektual - Chexoslovakiya Prezidenti Vatslav Xavelga 2001 yil 5 dekabr sanasida yo‘llagan “Mah- kumning chehrasi bilan ayrilig‘i” sarlavhali maktubida: “Qamoqqa olinib kameraga qam- ab qo‘yilganlarga sud mahkamasiga chiqqun- ga qadar oyna bermaydilar. Va shunday qilib kamina o‘z chehramdan ayrildim”, deb yoza- digan saviyada ziyoli. Buning ustiga qarshimdagi odam siyo- satchi. Yerga urmoqchi bo‘lganlari uchun ham ko‘kka sakragan – cho‘qqiga yuksalgan qa- notlari ila; va oynaga xiyonat qilmagani uc- hun ham chehrasidan ayrilgan va “siyosat” so‘ziga sharaf qozontirgan bir siyosatchi. Qarshimdagi odam - O‘zbekiston muxolifat lideri Muhammad Solih. Hodi ULUENGIN Turkiyada chiqadigan “Hurriyat” gazetasi muhbiri The man in front of me is a poet. He is a poet like perfective poets. A proud-spirited poet who said – “If no one had smashed me against the ground, How could I have jumped to skies?!”. Then…the man in front of me is a literate. He is a literate like perfective literates. He is so literate that writes: “Prisoners in prison are not given a mirror till the trial. And so, I lost my face” in his letter sent from the Pancrac prison in Prague to another intelligent like himself, the Czech president Václav Havel. In addition, the man in front of me is a politician. A politician who has jumped to the skies as they had tried to smash him against the ground, has risen to the top with his wings; and lost his face for not betraying the mirror and a politician that the word “politics” has gained glory by him. The man in front of me is the leader of the opposition of Uzbekistan – Muhammed Salih. Hadi ULUENGIN The correspondent of the newspaper of “Hurriyet” MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 137 Muhammad Solih shoir, yozuvchi, muta- fakkir va siyosatchi o‘laroq O‘zbekistonda g‘oyat muhim shaxsiyatlardan biridir. U 1970-yillarda avval shoir sifatida tanil- gandi. Milliyatchilik fikrining ochiqlik qozongani 1985 yildan keyin Sovet Itti- foqining tarqalishi bilan tugagan “qayta qurish” yillarida butun qalamkashlar kabi u ham siyosiy va ijtimoiy mavzular bilan qiziqa boshlagan va har xil gazeta jurnal- larda sovet rejimini so‘roqqa tutgan jasur yozuvlar yozgan... U butun Turk dunyosining irq, til, din va hotira mushtarakligidan bahs etib, Xi- toy ishg‘oli ostidagi Sharqiy Turkistondan tortib, Turkiyani va bugungi Rusiya hudu- di ichidagi Shimoliy turklar sohasini ham ihtivo etgan “Turk belbog‘i” haqida fikr yuritmoqdadir. Shoir sifatida esa Muhammad Solih zamonaviy o‘zbek she’riyatining muhim tamsilchilaridandir. She’rlarida shaxsiy tuyg‘ulari bilan birga Turkiston turklarin- ing hayotini ham butun jabhalari ila taran- num etgandir. Doktor Shu’ayb Qoraqosh Istanbul Oydin Universiteti Professori Muhammed Salih as a poet, writer, phi- losopher and politician is one of the most significant personalities in Uzbekistan. He became known as a poet in 1970s. After 1985, when the nationalist idea was al- lowed and the years of restructuring which was ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union, like all other writers he also became interested in political and social issues and wrote critical materials questioning the soviet regime in various newspapers and journals. Discussing the commonality of race, language, religion and history of the whole Turkic world he dares to talk about “the Turkic belt” including from the Eastern Turkistan which is under the occupation of China to Northern Turks who are in the territory of Russia today. As a poet, Muhammed Salih is one of the significant representatives of the mod- ern Uzbek poetry. With his personal feelings he glorifies the life of the Turks of Turkistan with its comprehensiveness. Dr. Şuayip Karakaş, Prof. of the Istanbul Aydin University SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 138 INTERNETDAGI IJTIMOIY TARMOQLARDA MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAQIDA BILDIRILGAN FIKRLAR WORDS ABOUT MUHAMMED SALIH IN SOCIAL NETWORKS Abidin Gel: BİR ABİDE ŞAHSİYET, ÖZBEKİSTAN’IN YİĞİT EVLADI, MUHAMMED SALİH. Türk birliği davasının yılmaz savunucusu Özbekistan Halk hareketi lideri, sürgündeki derviş Muhammed Salih’i saygıyla selamlıyorum. (A monument personality, a valiant son of Uzbekistan, Muhammad Salih. An outspoken defender of the Turkish Union, the leader of People’s Movement of Uzbekistan, I respectfully greet Muhammad Salih, a dervish in exile.) Ismail Kalay: Özbekistan’ın Türklük ve Turan abidesi Salih Muhammed’e Selam olsun! (Greetings to Muhammed Salih, the Monument of Turkism and Turan of Uzbekistan!) TC Yusuf Tuncyürek: ALLAH güc afiyet versin büyük lidere! (Let Allah give health to the great Lider!) Hosiyat Bekmirzayeva: G’iloniydek dengizlar ustidan yurdi, Faqat Allohga qullik qildi. “Oqni oq dediyu qorani qora”. Oson sotdilar-jimgina kuldi. Lekin aytgan so’ziga xiyonat etmadi. Yuragidan Vatan ketmadi. (He walked on the seas like Gilaniy, Prayed just to Allah, “Said white is white and black is black”, He was easily betrayed, silently smiled, But didn’t dissuade his word, Homeland has never been deleted from his Heart) Muhammad Kamron: Sizdek vatanparvar insonlarni xalq intizorlik bilan kutmoqda! (Our nation is looking forward to the people like you!) MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 139 INTERNETDAGI IJTIMOIY TARMOQLARDA MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAQIDA BILDIRILGAN FIKRLAR WORDS ABOUT MUHAMMED SALIH IN SOCIAL NETWORKS Salim Zelimhan Gökgöz: 21.yüzyılın en soylu devlet adamları... (The most noble statesmen of 21st Century) Abidin Gel: Mustafa Cemiloğlu ve Muhammed Salih, Türklüğün iki çilekeş lideri ve iftihar kaynağıdır. Turan çağının bu yiğit TÜRK liderlerine, selam olsun. (Mustafa Dzhemil and Muhammed Salih, Two long-suffering leaders of Turks, and are the source of pride. Hail to the valiant Turk leaders of the Turan era) Hikmet Koraş: Iki dağ birbirini kucaklamış, iki okyanusun suları birbirine kavuşmuş. Hep görmek istediğimiz tablo. (Two mountains hug each other, waters of two oceans are gained. The scene we always wanted to see) Abidin Gel: Türk Dünyasının, çilekeş liderleri. Tarihe siz büyük kahramanlar olarak geçeceksiniz. (Long-suffering liders of the Turkic World. History will write you as great heroes.) Pınar Aki: Allah uzun ömür versin. Tüm dualarimiz sizinle. Turk dunyasinin hayatta kalmış liderleri... Tutundu- gumuz umudumuzsunuz.. Saygi ve hurmetlerimizle… (Let Allah give you long life. All our prayers are with you. The survived leaders of the Turkic World ... You are our hope.. Regards and respect ...) Khan Nasreddinov: Патриоты. У них надо поучиться как родину любить (Patriots. We should learn from them how to love homeland) Ekaterina Drobyazko: Великие силой духа: Мустафа Джемиль и Мухаммад Салих. Мухаммад Салих помимо главного – борьбы с тираном Узбекистана и правозащитной деятельностью, еще и потрясающий поэт. Есть в переводах Алексея Парщикова. (Great strength of mind Mustafa Cemil and Muhammad Salih. Muhammad Salih, in addition to the main - the struggle with the tyrant of Uzbekistan and human rights activities, and even a terrific poet. There are translations of Alexei Parschikov.) Altan Al Tun-Tash Kurt-ini: Devler geçti bu yollardan Tulgalı başbuğlar Ve rüzgârda Bayraklar, uğultular, tuğlar... Sarsarak köprüleri Devler geçti bu yollardan; Dudaklarında Hun türküleri. Fırtınalara armağan olsun Göğüsler dolusu Hun Türküleri! Altan Al Tun-Tash Kurt-ini: Giants passed from these ways The chieftains with helmets And the wind Flags, buzzing, brigadiers ... Shaking bridges Giants passed from these ways; Hun ballads on their lips. Let be a gift to the Storm Let the breasts get full Hun ballads! SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 140 INTERNETDAGI IJTIMOIY TARMOQLARDA MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAQIDA BILDIRILGAN FIKRLAR WORDS ABOUT MUHAMMED SALIH IN SOCIAL NETWORKS Freedom Tajikistan: Желаю удачи вам! (Good luck to you!) Bruno J. De Cordier : Два великих личностей вместе в городе большое историческое значение! (Two great personalities together in the city of great historical importance!) Khan Nasreddinov: Мудрые люди за хорошим дастарханом обязательно найдут решение проблемы (Wise people over good dastarkhan definitely find solution) MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 141 Muhammad Solih Mustafo Jamil Qirimog’li va Turkiya Milliyetchi harakat partiyasi rahbari Devlet Bahçeli bilan Muhammed Salih with Mustafa Dzhemil Kirimoglu and Devlet Bahçeli, the Chairman of the Nationalist movement party of Turkey MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 142 MUHAMMAD SOLIH QALAMIGA MANSUB VA MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAQIDA YOZILGAN KITOBLAR BOOKS BY MUHAMMED SALIH AND BOOKS WRITTEN ABOUT MUHAMMED SALIH SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 143 MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 144 SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 145 MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 146 SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 147 MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 148 MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 149 TURKIYA TURKCHASIDA - IN TURKISH SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 150 2010 yilda Muhammad Solih uzoq yillardan beri tarjima qilgan va tuzgan to’rt jildlik “Payg’ambarlar tarixi” kitobi nashr etildi. Solih bu majmuani o’z umrida qilgan eng muhim ish sifatida baholaydi. In 2010, “The History of the Prophets”, four-volume book was published that Muhammed Salih translated and amounted over the years. Salih appreciates this collection as the most important work that has been done in his life. MUHAMMAD SOLIH HAYOTIDAN SONIYALAR 151 IZOHLAR / NOTES SECONDS FROM THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED SALIH 152 IZOHLAR / NOTES Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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