Gapning ikkinchi darajali bo'laklari (The secondary Parts of the Sentence) To’ldiruvchi (The Object)
Gapning kesimida ifodalangan ish-harakat, yo’nalgan belgi yoki shu ish- harakatga bog'langan predmet ob'yektini ko'rsatadigan, ikkinchi bo'lak to’ldiruvchi deyiladi. To'ldiruvchi kesimni to'ldirib keladi.
Masalan: I had read and absorbed Washington lrving's “Alhambra”.
The dostor put on his hat. I have seen big ones.
To'ldiruvchining ifodalanish yo'llari (The ways of Expressing the object)
To'diruvchi predmet ma'nosini bildirib, quyidagilar bilan ifodalanadi.
1. Bosh kelishikdagi ot bilan:
Masalan: I shrugged my shoulders.
We liked the place very much.
2. Kishilik, egalik, belgilash, o'zlik ko'rsatish gumon olmoshlari bilan.
Masalan: Niether Gregory not his wife could help liking her a little.
For a moment her glance head rested on me.
You should see them on a Saturday night.
You get your true perspective I got mine.
Masalan: I cannot help feeling that
I heard everything.
A litte rain never hurt anything.
I tried to defend myself but could do nothing.
He recollected himself.
I tramped all through the United States.
3. Otlashgan sifat, sifatdosh bilan
Masalan: June Forsite always championed the unfortunate.
In old times nomadic tribes, where moving to another place, left the dying behind.
4. Infinitiv, infinitivli birikma yoki konstruksiya bilan.
Masalan: He ordered me to come.
Don't forget to post the letter.
5. Gerundiy, gerundiyli birikma yoki konstruksiya bilan.
Masalan: Could they prevent flying in war time.
I remember seeing you.
I don't like him going a way with Lord Illingwarth.
Otlashgan har qanday nutq elementi bilan.
Masalan: He called ’’ Hsst’’ several times.
Ergash gap bilan.
Masalan: He said he would come
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