meal –
to consist of – iborat
porridge – bo’tqa
to boil – qaynatmoq
to fry – qovurmoq
to prefer – afzal ko’rmoq
instead of – o’rniga
to have smth. for… - …ga biror nima yemoq
usual – odatdagi
to follow –
poultry – parranda go’shti
beans – dukkaklilar
pudding – pudding (inglizlar deserti)
between – o’rtasida
the so-called – nomlanadigan
to invite – taklif qilmoq
among – orasida
Exercise 2. Translate the following word combinations:
Bir kunda to’rt mahal ovqat;
birinchi ovqatlanish; iborat bo’lmoq; sutli bo’tqa; qovurilgan yoki qaynatilgan tuxum; saryog’li non; avzal ko’rmoq; tushlik uchun odatiy vaqt; go’sht yoki parranda go’shti bilan kuzatilmoq; pudding o’rniga; deb ataladigan; mehmonlar va do’stlar; choyga taklif qilmoq;
birgalikda; mevali salat; suhbatdan keyin kofe ichmoq; ovqatlanish tartibi; ko’p ingliz oilalarida; shaharliklarning ko’pchiligi; deyarli barcha qishloqliklar; kun o’rtasida;
biroz keyinroq; uhlashdan oldin.
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:
What are the four meals a day at an English home?
What do English people usually have for breakfast?
What is the usual time for lunch?
What do English people usually have for lunch?
What is the third meal of the day?
When are friends and visitors usually invited?
What does English dinner usually consist of?
Can you prepare some English food?
Exercise 4. Speak on the topic using the following words and word combinations:
four meals a day; in an English home; the first meal of the day; consists of porridge; boiled or fried eggs;
to drink tea; instead of porridge; have fruit juice; prefer biscuits; the usual time for lunch; starts with soup or fruit juice; followed
by some meat or poultry; boiled or fried potatoes; instead of the pudding; prefer cheese and biscuits; drink something with lunch; between 4 and 5 o’clock; friends and visitors;
often invited for tea; the usual time for dinner; all the members of the family; dinner usually consists of; after a talk; have coffee;
the order of meals; among many English families; people in towns; nearly all country people; in the middle of the day; instead of lunch; a little later; before going to bed.
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