seaport –
dengiz porti
to play a part – rol o’ynamoq
climate – iqlim
as a rule – qoida bo’yicha
ice – muz
ground – yer
outside – tashqarida
inhabitant –
yashovchi, aholi
incorrect – noto’g’ri
at least – kamida
mainly –
industrial – sanoat
coal-mining – ko’mir qazib olish
to develop –
polite manners – hushmuomilalik
delicate – nozik
humour – xazil, yumor
Exercise 2. Translate the following word combinations:
Britaniya orollari; butun Buyuk Britaniya; Evropa kontinentidan ajralib turmoq;
ayniqsa Shotlandiyada; e’tiborini jalb qilmoq; afsonaviy lohnes mahluqi;
juda muhim; rol o’ynamoq; iqlim; odatda; ko’p yomg’ir yog’moq; boshqa davlat odamlari; yashovchi, aholi; kamida; to’rtta
asosiy millat; o’z tili va madaniyati; 60 millonga yaqin; asosan; ko’mir
qazib olish; hushmuomilalik; elektron jihozlarini ishlab chiqarish;
kemasozlik; nozik ingliz yumori; dunyo bo’ylab keng tarqalgan.
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:
What is the official name of the UK?
Where is the UK situated?
What are the mountains and rivers of the UK?
What is the climate of the British Isles like?
How do we usualy call the inhabitants of the United Kingdom?
How many people live in the UK?
What large cities of the UK do you know?
What makes the UK one of the highly-developed industrial countries of the world?
9. What is England widely spoken about all over the world?
10. Who is the head of the state?
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