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And then she decided to go
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- Then she quit boxing. She Keyin u boksni tashladi. started eating green vegetables. U yashil sabzavotlarni yeyishni boshladi.
- She became fat in a month. She U bir oyda semirib ketdi. was really fat. She got obese in U rostan ham semiz edi. U two months.
- She was getting obese because U semirayotgan edi. Chunki she was not doing anything. She u biron nima qilmayotgan was doing nothing. She was only edi. U hech nima
- Yes, she ran all the time. She ran Ha, u har doim yugurgan- twenty-four/seven. di. U haftada 7 kun 24 soat
- First, she was paid very little Dastlab unga judayam kam money. Then she started to run pul to‘lashgandi. So‘ngra her own business.
- Yes, she sold internationally. Ha u xalqaro miqyosda She sold the bananas to sotgandi. U bananlarni Japanese monkeys.
- She got into a peak emotional U o‘ta kuchli hayajonda edi. state. She was so happy. And U juda xursand edi. Va u
- LESSON 1.2 1.2-DARS Mini Story
- Mini story darslarida men 3 ishni qilaman.
And then she decided to go So‘ngra u boksga borishga boxing. She went boxing every qaror qildi. U boksga har day. But she was knocked down kuni bordi. Lekin u ko‘p by many box masters. She was boks ustalari tomonidan not content. She was nakautga uchradi. U xursand dissatisfied. She was very, very bo‘lmadi. U tushkunlikka depressed. tushdi. U juda-juda tushkunlikka tushgandi. Who was depressed? Kim tushkunlikka tushdi? Jane was depressed. She had a Jeyn tushkunlikka tushdi. depression. Unda tushkunlik belgisi bor edi. Was she happy? U xursand edimi? No, she was not happy, because Yo‘q, u xursand emas edi, she could not become the best. chunki u eng zo‘r bo‘lolmagandi. Then she quit boxing. She Keyin u boksni tashladi. started eating green vegetables. U yashil sabzavotlarni yeyishni boshladi. Did she eat green vegetables? U yashil sabzavotlarni yeganmidi? Yeah, she ate green vegetables. Ha, u yashil sabzavotlarni yegan edi. Did she like eating, consuming U lavash yeyishni lavash? yoqtirarmidi? 139 Jumanazar Khushbakov No, she did not like fast food. She Yo‘q, u tezpishar taomlarni really liked green vegetables. yoqtirmas edi. U chindan ham yashil sabzavotlarni yoqtirardi. She became fat in a month. She U bir oyda semirib ketdi. was really fat. She got obese in U rostan ham semiz edi. U two months. ikki oyda juda semirgandi. Did she like being fat? Unga semiz bo‘lish yoqqanmidi? Yes, she liked being fat. Ha, unga semiz bo‘lish yoqqandi. Why was she getting obese? Nimaga u semirayotgan edi? She was getting obese because U semirayotgan edi. Chunki she was not doing anything. She u biron nima qilmayotgan was doing nothing. She was only edi. U hech nima sleeping. That’s because, she was qilmayotgan edi. U faqat getting overweight. Then, she uxlayotgandi. Shuning decided to change herself. uchun u semirib ketayotgan edi. Keyin u o‘zgarishga qaror qildi. She ran in the mornings, in the U ertalab, tushdan keyin, afternoons, in the evenings, at kechqurun, saharda, yarim down, at midnight, at midday. tunda, kunduzi yugurar edi. Did she run in the morning? U ertalab yugurganmidi? Yes, she ran in the mornings. Ha, u ertalab yugurardi. Did she run in the afternoon? U tushdan keyinlari yugurganmidi? Yes, she ran all the time. She ran Ha, u har doim yugurgan- twenty-four/seven. di. U haftada 7 kun 24 soat yugurgandi. After some time, she started to Bir qancha vaqtdan so‘ng make money. u pul topishni boshladi. 140 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically First, she was paid very little Dastlab unga judayam kam money. Then she started to run pul to‘lashgandi. So‘ngra her own business. u o‘zining shaxsiy biznesini She set up her own enterprise. yuritishni boshladi. She started to sell bananas. U o‘zining tadbirkorligini boshladi. U banan sotishni boshlagandi. Did she start to sell cars? U mashinalar sotishni boshlaganmidi? No, she did not start selling cars. Yo‘q, u mashinalar sotishni boshlamagandi. Did she start selling tasty bananas? U mazali bananlarni sotishni boshlaganmidi? Yes, she began selling very Ha, u judayam mazali palatable bananas. bananlarni sotishni boshlagandi. Did she sell carrots? U sabzi sotgandimi? No, she did not sell carrots. Yo‘q, u sabzilar sotmagandi. What did she sell, in that case? Shunday ekan, u nima sotgandi? She sold a lot of bananas. U bananlar sotgandi. U Did she purchase bananas? bananlar xarid qilganmidi? No, she did not buy, she sold the Yo‘q, u xarid qilmagandi, bananas. u bananlar sotgandi. She grew bananas in Japan. U bananlarni Yaponiyada o‘stirgandi. Where did she grow the bananas? U bananlarni qayerda o‘stirgandi? She grew the bananas in Japan. U bananlarni Yaponiyada o‘stirgandi. Did she grow bananas in U bananlarni Tailandda Thailand? o‘stirganmidi? 141 Jumanazar Khushbakov No, she did not grow bananas in Yo‘q, u bananlarni Thailand. Tailandda o‘stirmagandi. She grew them in Japan. U ularni Yaponiyada o‘stirgandi. She sold the bananas all around U bananlarni butun dunyo the world. bo‘ylab sotgandi. Did she sell the bananas all U bananlarni butun dunyo around the world? bo‘ylab sotganmidi? Yes, she sold internationally. Ha u xalqaro miqyosda She sold the bananas to sotgandi. U bananlarni Japanese monkeys. yapon maymunlariga sotgandi. She sold the bananas to U bananlarni Amerika, American, Australian, Spanish Avstraliya, Ispaniya monkeys. She sold the bananas maymunlariga sotgandi. U to everybody. bananlarni hammaga sotgandi. All the monkeys bought the Barcha maymunlar bananas. bananlarni sotib olgandi. Did all the monkeys like Jane’s Hamma maymunlar bananas? Jeynning bananlarini yoqtirganmidi? Yes, they all loved Jane’s bananas Ha, ularning bari Jeynning because the bananas were very bananlarini yoqtirishgandi, tasty. chunki bananlar judayam mazali edi. Then she became the richest Keyin u dunyodagi eng monkey in the world. She was the boy maymunga aylandi. U most affluent monkey in the butun dunyodagi eng boy entire world. She did not have a maymun edi. Uning boss. She was a boss. She was xo‘jayini yo‘q edi. U 142 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically the owner of the company xo‘jayin edi. U “Dunyodagi named “bananas out of the world” shirin bananlar” nomli kompaniyaning xo‘jayini edi. Did she become successful? U omadli edimi? Yes, she became very successful. Ha, u judayam omadli edi. Did she succeed in her job? U ishida muvaffaqiyatga erishganmidi? Yes, she succeeded. She was the Ha, u muvaffaqiyatga most successful entrepreneur erishgandi. U yilning the year. eng omadli tadbirkori edi. She got into a peak emotional U o‘ta kuchli hayajonda edi. state. She was so happy. And U juda xursand edi. Va u she forgot that she was ill. She kasalligini unutgandi. U became very elated. juda yuqori kayfiyatda edi. Did she have a boss? Uning xo‘jayini bormidi? No, she didn’t have a boss. She Yo‘q, uning xo‘jayini yo‘q was a boss. edi. U xo‘jayin edi. Did she hate her job? U ishini yomon ko‘rarmidi? No, she did not hate the job. She Yo‘q, u ishini yomon loved the job. She loved her ko‘rmasdi. U ishini sevardi. company. U kompaniyasini sevardi. Was she the richest monkey in U Yaponiyadagi eng boy the world? maymun edimi? Yes, she was the richest monkey Ha, u Yaponiyadagi eng in Japan and she was the richest boy maymun edi va u monkey in the world. dunyodagi eng boy maymun edi. She became very happy and she U juda xursand bo‘lgandi va became very healthy. She had a u juda sog‘lom edi. Uning lot of money. ko‘p puli bor edi. Was she happy? U xursand edimi? Was she healthy? U sog‘lom edimi? Yes, she was healthy. Ha, u sog‘lom edi. Was she ailing? U kasalmidi? 143 Jumanazar Khushbakov No, she was not ill. She was Yo‘q, u kasal emas edi. U very healthy, because she ran juda sog‘lom edi, chunki u every day in the morning, in the har ertalab, tushdan so‘ng, afternoon, in the evening and at kechqurun va tunda night. yugurardi. So that’s all for the mini story. But I want you to listen to the mini story a few more times today. So make sure you are listening to these lessons, one hour every day at least, but more than 20 times a week. I want you to listen to the mini story. While listening, have a strong posture, smile, breathe deeply, move your body, so that’s all for the mini story. Bye bye. POV Hi, this is Jumanazar KhB. Welcome to the POV lesson. In the POV lesson, you are going to get the same story in different tenses. So are you ready? In that case, let’s start with the past form of the story. There was a monkey. Her name was Jane. She was a student. She was very poor. She was very impoverished. She did not have a lot of money. And she had a problem. Her problem was she was so ugly. Jane was a poor student. She lived in Japan. Jane lived in Japan and she was Japanese. She had a problem. In fact she had two problems. Yes, her first problem was she was poor. Her second concern was she was ill. She did not have enough money to go to hospital. However, she wanted to be healthy. She needed a doctor because she yearned to be healthy. She met a lot of people. And they said “if you want to be healthy you have to work out”. She encountered a host of people. They said to her “if you want to be fit, you should go to the gym” And then she decided to go boxing. She went boxing every day. But she was knocked down by many box masters. She was not content. She was dissatisfied. She was very, very depressed. Jane was depressed. She had a depression. Then she quit boxing. She decided to change herself. 144 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically She started eating green vegetables. She became fat in a month. She was really fat. She got obese in two months. She was not doing anything. She was doing nothing. She was only sleeping. That’s because, she was getting overweight. Then, she decided to change herself. She ran in the mornings. She ran in the afternoons. She ran in the evenings. After some time, she started to make money. At first, she was paid very little money. Then she started to run her own business. She set up her own enterprise. She started to sell bananas. She grew bananas in Japan. She sold the bananas all around the world. She sold the bananas to Japanese monkeys. She sold the bananas to American monkeys. She sold the bananas to Italian monkeys. She sold internationally. She sold the bananas to everybody. All the monkeys bought the bananas. They all loved Jane’s bananas because the bananas were very palatable. Then she became the richest monkey in the world. She was the most affluent monkey in the entire world. She did not have a boss. She was a boss. She was the owner of the company named “bananas out of the world”. She became very successful. She succeeded. She was the most successful entrepreneur of the year. He got into a peak emotional state. She was so happy. And she forgot that she was ill. She became very happy. She loved the job. She loved her company. She became very happy and she became very healthy. She had a lot of money. She was not ill. She was very healthy because she ran every day in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night. That was all for the past. And now you are going to listen to the same story in the present. Are you ready? Let’s start. There is a monkey. Her name is Jane. She is a student. She is very poor. She is impoverished. She does not have a lot of money. But she has a problem. She is ugly. Jane is a poor student. She lives in Japan. Jane lives in Japan because she is Japanese. She has a problem. In fact she has two problems. Her first problem is she is poor. And her second concern is she is ill. She does not have any money to go to hospital. She wants to be healthy. She needs a 145 Jumanazar Khushbakov doctor because she wants to be healthy, because she yearns to be healthy. She meets a lot of people. And a lot of people say to her “if you want to be healthy you should work out”. She encounters a host of people. They say to her “if you want to be fit you have to go to the gym” And then she decides to go boxing. She goes boxing every day. But she is knocked down by many box masters. She is not content. She is dissatisfied. She is very, very depressed. Jane is depressed. She has a depression. Then she quits boxing. She decides to change herself. She starts eating green vegetables. She becomes very fat in a month. She is really fat. She gets obese in two months because she is not doing anything. She is doing nothing. She is only sleeping. That’s because, she is getting overweight. Then she decides to change herself again. She runs in the mornings, in the afternoons, in the evenings. Then she starts to make money. First, she is paid very little money. Then she starts to run her own business. She sets up her own enterprise. She starts to sell bananas. She grows bananas in Japan. She sells the bananas all around the world. She sells internationally. She sells the bananas to Japanese monkeys. She sells the bananas to American monkeys. She sells the bananas to everybody. All the monkeys buy the bananas. They all love Jane’s bananas because the bananas are very tasty. Then she becomes the richest monkey in the world. She is the most affluent monkey in the entire world. She does not have a boss. She is a boss. She is the owner of the company named “bananas out of the world”. She becomes very successful. She succeeds. She is the most successful entrepreneur of the year. She gets into a peak emotional state. She is so happy. And she forgets that she is ill. She becomes very happy. She loves her job. She loves her company. She becomes very happy and she becomes very healthy. She has a lot of money. She is not ill. She is very healthy because she runs every day in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and at midnight and dawn. So you just listened to the same story in the present. Right now we are going to listen to the story in the future. Let’s go. 146 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically There will be a monkey. Her name will be Jane. She will be a student. She will be very poor. She is going to be impoverished. She will not have a lot of money. But she will have a problem. She will be ugly. She will not be a beautiful girl. Jane will be a poor student. She will live in Japan. Jane will live in Japan. She will be Japanese. She will have a problem. In fact she will have two problems. Yes, her first problem will be she will be poor. And her second concern will be she will be ill. She will not have money to go to hospital. She will want to be healthy. She will need a doctor because she will want to be healthy. She will meet a lot of people. And they will say “if you want to be healthy you should work out”. She will encounter a host of people. They will say to her “if you want to be fit you have to go to the gym” And then she is going to decide to go boxing. She will go boxing every day. But she will be knocked down by many box masters. She will not be content. She will be dissatisfied. She will be very, very depressed. Jane will be depressed. She will have a depression. Then she will quit boxing. She will decide to change She will start eating green vegetables. She will become fat in a month. She will really fat. She will get obese in two months. She will not be doing anything. She will be doing nothing. She will only be sleeping. That’s because, she will get overweight. Then, she will decide to change herself. She will run in the mornings. She will run in the afternoons. She will run in the evenings. Then she will start to make money. First, she will be paid very little money. Then she will start to run her own business. She will set up her own enterprise. She will start to sell bananas. She will grow bananas in Japan. She will sell the bananas all around the world. She will sell internationally. She is going to sell the bananas to Japanese monkeys. She sold the bananas to American monkeys. She sold the bananas to everybody. All the monkeys bought the bananas. They all loved Jane’s bananas because the bananas were very tasty. Then she 147 Jumanazar Khushbakov became the richest monkey in the world. She was the most affluent monkey in the entire world. She did not have a boss. She was a boss. She was the owner of the company named “bananas out of the world”. She became very successful. She succeeded. She was the most successful entrepreneur of the year. He got into a speak emotional state. She was so happy. And she forgot that she was ill. She became very happy. She loved the job. She loved her company. She became very happy and she became very healthy. She had a lot of money. She was not ill. She was very healthy because she ran every day in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night. Sharh Assalomu alaykum, mening qadrdonim! Kayfiyatlar qanday? Darslarimizni qomatingizni qanday tutib eshitdingiz? Kun davomida ishdan yoki o‘qishdan charchagan bo‘lsangiz, darhol o‘rningizdan turing, harakatlaning, chuqur nafas oling, qomatlaringizni rostlang va savollarga javob berib, darsni o‘rganing. Darsimizni bugun kamida bir soat, hafta davomida esa 20 martadan ko‘proq eshiting. Eshitayotganda savollarimizga javob berib boring! ***** Bu darsimizda sizga bir muvaffaqiyat sabog‘ini berib ketmoqchiman. Agar butun kitobimiz bo‘yicha hech narsa qilmasangiz ham, faqat mana shu narsani amalda qo‘llasangiz, har qanday muvaffaqiyatga erisha olishingiz mumkin. Buni men milliarderlardan o‘rganganman, o‘z hayotimda doim qo‘llayman. Agar siz ham bilib olsangiz, tezda muvvaffaqiyatga erishishingiz mumkin! Tayyormisiz? Unda eshiting: hamma odamlar nima qilayotgan bo‘lsa, siz teskarisini qiling. Nega? Butun dunyoda 7 milliarddan ko‘proq inson bor, lekin ularning faqat 4 foizigina badavlat, o‘z maqsadlariga erishib, mazza qilib yashab o‘tyaptilar. Qolgan 96 foiz pul topish, tirikchilik dardida umrini o‘tkazyapti, 148 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically ular hayotlarini o‘zlari boshqarmaydilar, vaziyatlar ularni boshqaradi. Demak, siz ham o‘sha 96 foizga o‘xshab emas, narigi kamdan kam odamlardek o‘ylashni boshlang, ulardek harakat qiling. Ko‘pchilik faqat dam olishni o‘ylaydi, maqsadlar qo‘yadi, lekin hech narsa qilmaydi. Siz esa hammaga o‘xshamay harakatni kuchaytiring, rejalar tuzing va ish boshlang! Jim turmang! Doim maqsadlaringiz sari intiling! Hamma odamlar qilayotganning teskarisini qiling! Boshqalarga o‘xshashga urinmang! Maqsadim shu retseptni qo‘llab muvaffaqiyatga erishganingizdan so‘ng bir kun ko‘rishganimizda menga o‘sha maslahatingiz yordam berdi deganingizni eshitishdir. Keyingi darslarda ko‘rishguncha salomat bo‘ling! 149 Jumanazar Khushbakov LESSON 1.2 1.2-DARS Mini Story Assalomu alaykum! Ikkinchi darsimizga xush kelibsiz. Uni boshlashdan avval qomatlarni rostlab, chuqur-chuqur nafas olamiz, tabassum qilamiz hamda mavzuni eshitayotib bir joyda turib qolmaymiz. Bir yaxshi musiqa qo‘yib, raqsga tushib olsangiz ham bo‘ladi. Kayfiyatlar ko‘tarilgach, quyidagi tartibda darslarimizni boshlaymiz. «Main audio» qismlarini shunchaki tinglang. Eshitayotganda tarjimasiga qarab turing. Maqsad – kitobga qaramay ham eshitib tushuna olish. Kitobsiz tushina olishni boshlashingiz bilan matndan voz keching va eshitib tushunishga harakat qiling! Savol-javob (Mini Story) qismlarida savollarga javob berishni boshlang. Kerak bo‘lsa, kompyuterdagi «pause» tugmasidan foydalaning. Boshida sekin-sekin javob bersangiz ham bo‘ladi. Savol-javob shaklidagi darslarimizga tezroq javob bering. Darslarni har kuni kamida 1 soatdan 7 kun yoki undan ko‘proq vaqt davomida tinglang. Har bir o‘quvchining o‘rganish tezligi turlicha bo‘ladi. Ushbu sistemamiz orqali siz o‘zingizning tezligingizga mos ravishda tilni o‘rganish imkoniyatiga egasiz. Mini story darslarida men 3 ishni qilaman. 1. Gaplar aytaman. Har bir gapdan keyin siz tushunganingizni bildirish uchun «Ahhhh» yo «Ohhhh» deysiz. Bu tushunganligingizni anglatadi. 2. Siz javobini biladigan oson savollarni so‘rayman. Ularga shunchaki javob bering. Xatolar haqida o‘ylamang. Asosiy maqsad – tezlik. Qisqa (1-2 ta so‘zdan iborat) javob bo‘lsa ham mayli. To‘liq javoblar shart emas. 150 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically 3. Men siz javobini bilmaydigan savol beraman. Shunda javobni shunchaki taxmin qilasiz. Aniq javob bo‘lishi shart emas. Faqat javobingizni tez ayting. 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