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Jumanazar Khushbekov 0-2 (1)
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- Main part 6 Questions Answers I am going to be very happy. Men juda baxtli bo‘laman.
- I am going to be clever. Men aqlli bo‘lmoqchiman.
- I am going to be rich next year. Men keyingi yil boy bo‘laman.
- I will be hot. Men isib ketaman.
- I will be energetic. Men harakatchan bo‘laman.
- I will be extremely Men nihoyatda mehnatkash hardworking. bo‘laman.
- I am going to be hungry. Men och bo‘laman.
- I will be young. Men yosh bo‘laman.
- Main part 6 Questions Answers
- I will learn English eagerly. Men ingliz tilini ishtiyoq bilan o‘rganaman.
Main part 4 You will be very happy. Siz juda baxtli bo‘lasiz. You are not going to be sad Siz umuman xafa at all. bo‘lmaysiz. You will be clever. Siz aqlli bo‘lasiz. You are not going to be stupid. Siz ahmoq bo‘lmaysiz. You are going to be very rich. Siz juda boy bo‘lasiz. 85 Jumanazar Khushbakov You will not be poor. Siz kambag‘al bo‘lmaysiz. You will be popular in the future. Siz kelajakda mashhur bo‘lasiz. You will be pretty famous. Siz ancha mashhur bo‘lasiz. You will not be cold. Siz sovqotmaysiz. You are going to be hot. Siz isib ketasiz. You will be energetic. Siz harakatchan bo‘lasiz. You will be so hardworking. Siz juda mehnatkash bo‘lasizki. You will be very lazy. Siz juda dangasa bo‘lasiz. You will not be full. Siz to‘q bo‘lmaysiz. You will be very hungry. Siz juda och bo‘lasiz. You will be good. Siz yaxshi bo‘lasiz. You will be bad. Siz yomon bo‘lasiz. You will be young. Siz yosh bo‘lasiz. You will not be old. Siz qari bo‘lmaysiz. You will be very handsome. Siz juda kelishgan bo‘lasiz. You will be grossly beautiful. Siz nihoyatda chiroyli bo‘lasiz. You will not be ugly. Siz xunuk bo‘lmaysiz. You will be intelligent Siz aqlli bo‘lasiz. You will not be crazy. Siz ahmoq bo‘lmaysiz. Main part 5 They are going to be really Ular ertaga rostan ham happy tomorrow. xursand bo‘lishadi. They will not be sad. Ular xafa bo‘lishmaydi. They will be clever. Ular aqlli bo‘lishadi. They will not be stupid. Ular ahmoq bo‘lishmaydi. They are going to be Ular nihoyatda boy extremely rich. bo‘lishadi. They are not going to be poor. Ular kambag‘al bo‘lishmaydi. They are not going to be Ular mashhur bo‘lishmoqchi popular. emas. 86 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically They are not going to be Ular taniqli bo‘lishmoqchi famous. emas. They will not be cold. Ular sovqotishmaydi. They will be hot. Ular isib ketishadi. They will be so energetic. Ular judayam harakatchan bo‘lishadi. They will be hardworking. Ular mehnatkash bo‘lishadi. They will not be lazy. Ular dangasa bo‘lishmaydi. They will be full. Ular to‘q bo‘lishadi. They will not be hungry. Ular och bo‘lishmaydi. They will be good enough. Ular yetarlicha to‘q bo‘lishadi. They will not be bad. Ular yomon bo‘lishmaydi. They will be extremely young. Ular nihoyatda yosh bo‘lishadi. They will not be old at all. Ular umuman qari bo‘lishmaydi. They will be really handsome. Ular chindan kelishgan bo‘lishadi. They will be so beautiful. Ular juda chiroyli bo‘lishadi. They will not be ugly. Ular xunuk bo‘lishmaydi. They will be intelligent. Ular aqlli bo‘lishadi. They will not be crazy Ular ahmoq bo‘lishmaydi. Main part 6 Questions & Answers I am going to be very happy. Men juda baxtli bo‘laman. Are you going to be very happy? Siz juda baxtli bo‘lasizmi? Yes, I will be very happy. Ha, men juda baxtli bo‘laman. Will you be sad? Siz xafa bo‘lasizmi? No, I am not going to be sad. Yo‘q, men xafa bo‘lmayman. 87 Jumanazar Khushbakov Will you be ok tomorrow? Siz ertaga tuzuk bo‘lasizmi? Yes, I will be ok tomorrow! Ha, men ertaga tuzuk bo‘laman. Will you be fine? Siz yaxshi bo‘lasizmi? Yes, I will be great. Ha, men juda yaxshi bo‘laman. Will you be so wonderful? Siz juda ajoyib bo‘lasizmi? Yes, I will be so wonderful. Ha, men juda ajoyib bo‘laman. Will you be good? Siz yaxshi bo‘lasizmi? Yes, I will be good. Ha, men yaxshi bo‘laman. Will she be rather bad? U ancha yomon bo‘ladimi? No, she will not be bad, she will Yo‘q, u yomon bo‘lmaydi, be quite good. u ancha yaxshi bo‘ladi. Will he be bad or good? U yomon bo‘ladimi yoki yaxshi? He will be bad, he will not U yomon bo‘ladi, u be good. yaxshi bo‘lmaydi. How are you going to be? Siz qanday bo‘lasiz? I am going to be great. Men juda yaxshi bo‘laman. I am going to be clever. Men aqlli bo‘lmoqchiman. Are you going to be clever? Siz aqlli bo‘lmoqchimisiz? Yes, I am going to be clever. Ha, men aqlli bo‘laman. Will you be stupid? Siz ahmoq bo‘lasizmi? No, I will not be stupid. Yo‘q, men ahmoq bo‘lmayman. Will you be intelligent? Siz aqlli bo‘lasizmi? Of course, I will be intelligent. Albatta, men aqlli bo‘laman. Will you be crazy? Siz ahmoq bo‘lasizmi? No, I will not be crazy. Yo‘q, men ahmoq bo‘lmayman. Will you be clever? Siz aqlli bo‘lasizmi? Yes, I will be very clever. Ha, men juda aqlli bo‘laman. I am going to be rich next year. Men keyingi yil boy bo‘laman. 88 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically Are you going to be rich next Siz keyingi yil boy year? bo‘lasizmi? Yes, I am going to be rich Ha, men keyingi yili boy next year. bo‘laman. Will you be poor? Siz kambag‘al bo‘lasizmi? No, I will not be poor. Yo‘q, men kambag‘al bo‘lmayman. Will he be rich? U boy bo‘ladimi? Yes, he is going to be very rich. Ha, u juda boy bo‘lmoqchi. Will he be poor? U kambag‘al bo‘ladimi? No, he will not be poor. Yo‘q, u kambag‘al bo‘lmaydi. I will be popular all around the Men butun dunyoga whole world. mashhur bo‘laman. Will you be famous? Siz taniqli bo‘lasizmi? Certainly, I am going to be Albatta, men taniqli famous. bo‘laman. Will you be popular? Siz mashhur bo‘lasizmi? Without doubt, I will be popular. Shubhasiz, men mashhur bo‘laman. Will you be popular? Sizlar mashhur bo‘lasizlarmi? Yes, I will be popular. Ha, men mashhur bo‘laman. Will they also be popular? Ular ham mashhur bo‘lishadimi? No, they will not be popular. Yo‘q, ular mashhur bo‘lishmaydi. Will he be famous? U taniqli bo‘ladimi? No, he will not be famous. Yo‘q, u taniqli bo‘lmaydi. Will you be famous? Siz taniqli bo‘lasizmi? Yes, I will be famous. Ha, men taniqli bo‘laman. I will be hot. Men isib ketaman. Will you be hot? Siz isib ketasizmi? Yes, I will be hot. Ha, men isib ketaman. Will you be cold? Siz sovqotasizmi? No, I will not be cold. Yo‘q, men sovqotmayman. Will he be hot? U isib ketadimi? 89 Jumanazar Khushbakov No, he will not be hot. Yo‘q, u isib ketmaydi. Will he be cold? U sovqotadimi? Yes, he will be cold. Ha, u sovqotadi. Will we be cold? Biz sovqotamizmi? No, we will not be cold. Yo‘q, biz sovqotmaymiz. Will she be hot or cold? U isib ketadimi yoki sovqotadimi? She will be cold, she will U sovqotadi, isib ketmaydi. not be hot. I will be energetic. Men harakatchan bo‘laman. Will you be so energetic? Siz judayam harakatchan bo‘lasizmi? Yes, I will be very energetic. Ha, men juda harakatchan bo‘laman. Will she be so energetic? U judayam harakatchan bo‘ladimi? Yes, she will be very energetic. Ha, u juda harakatchan bo‘ladi. Will he be energetic? U harakatchan bo‘ladimi? Yes, he will also be energetic. Ha, u ham harakatchan bo‘ladi. Will they be energetic? Ular harakatchan bo‘lishadimi? No, they will not be energetic. Yo‘q, ular harakatchan bo‘lishmaydi. I will be extremely Men nihoyatda mehnatkash hardworking. bo‘laman. Will you be extremely Siz nihoyatda mehnatkash hardworking? bo‘lasizmi? Yes, I will be extremely Ha, men nihoyatda hardworking. mehnatkash bo‘laman. Will you be lazy? Siz dangasa bo‘lasizmi? No, I will not be lazy. Yo‘q, men dangasa bo‘lmayman. Will they be lazy? Ular dangasa bo‘lishadimi? 90 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically No, they will not be very lazy. Yo‘q, ular juda dangasa bo‘lishmaydi. Will he be lazy? U dangasa bo‘ladimi? No, he will not be lazy at all. Yo‘q, u umuman dangasa bo‘lmaydi. Will she be lazy? U dangasa bo‘ladimi? Yes, she is going to be lazy. Ha, u dangasa bo‘ladi. I am going to be hungry. Men och bo‘laman. Will you be full? Siz to‘q bo‘lasizmi? No, I will not be full. Yo‘q, men to‘q bo‘lmayman. Will you be hungry? Siz och bo‘lasizmi? Yes, we will be hungry. Ha, biz och bo‘lamiz. Will he be hungry? U och bo‘ladimi? Yes, he will be too hungry. Ha, u juda och bo‘ladi. Will she be hungry? U och bo‘ladimi? No, she will not be hungry. Yo‘q, u och bo‘lmaydi. I will be young. Men yosh bo‘laman. Will you be young? Siz yosh bo‘lasizmi? Yes, I will be young. Ha, men yosh bo‘laman. Will he be young? U yosh bo‘ladimi? Unfortunately, he will Afsuski, u yosh bo‘lmaydi. not be young. Will she be old? U qari bo‘ladimi? No, she will not be old. Yo‘q, u qari bo‘lmaydi. She will still be young. U haliyam yosh bo‘ladi. Will we be old? Biz qari bo‘lamizmi? No, we will not be old. Yo‘q, biz qari bo‘lmaymiz. We will be young. Biz yosh bo‘lamiz. I will be pretty handsome. Men ancha kelishgan bo‘laman. Will you be handsome? Siz kelishgan bo‘lasizmi? Yes, I will be handsome. Ha, men kelishgan bo‘laman. Will he be handsome? U kelishgan bo‘ladimi? Yes, he is going to be handsome. Ha, u kelishgan bo‘ladi. 91 Jumanazar Khushbakov He will not be ugly. U xunuk bo‘lmaydi. Will she be so beautiful? U juda chiroyli bo‘ladimi? Yes, she will be so beautiful. Ha, u juda chiroyli bo‘ladi. She will not be ugly. U xunuk bo‘lmaydi. B Main part 1 I will live in Tashkent next year. Men keyingi yil Toshkentda yashayman. I am going to learn English Men ingliz tilini mukammal perfectly. o‘rganmoqchiman. I will exactly speak English. Men ingliz tilida aniq gapiraman. I am going to cook food Men ertaga ovqat tomorrow. pishirmoqchiman. I will like shashlik. Menga shashlik yoqadi. I am going to eat shashlik with Men do‘stlarim bilan my friends. shashlik yemoqchiman. I will drink green tea. Men ko‘k choy ichaman. I am going to have a new car in Menda yaqin kelajakda the future. yangi mashina bo‘ladi. I will work at hospital soon. Men tez orada kasalxonada ishlayman. I will read a lot of books Men kutubxonada ko‘p in the library tomorrow. kitoblar o‘qiyman. I will listen to music Men telefonimda musiqa on my phone. eshitaman. I will go to Termiz next week. Men keyingi hafta Termizga boraman. I will wash my teeth tomorrow Men ertaga ertalab in the morning. tishlarimni yuvaman. I am going to play football Men maydonda futbol in the stadium. o‘ynayman. 92 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically I will wake up in the morning. Men ertalab uyg‘onaman. I will sleep at night. Men tunda uxlayman. I will watch TV tomorrow Men ertaga televizor at night. ko‘raman. I will ask a question. Men savol so‘rayman. I will answer the questions. Men savollarga javob beraman. I will buy a pen/pencil Men do‘kondan in the store. ruchka/qalam sotib olaman. I will drive the car fast. Men mashinani tez haydayman. I will explain the rules. Men qoidalarni tushuntiraman. I will understand you well. Men sizni yaxshi tushunaman. I will start the lesson on time. Men darsni vaqtida boshlayman. I will finish the lesson earlier. Men darsni ertaroq tugataman. Main part 2 He is going to live in Tashkent. U Toshkentda yashamoqchi. He will learn English. U ingliz tilini o‘rganadi. He will speak English U ingliz tilida a’lo excellently. darajada gapiradi. He is going to cook food U uyda ovqat pishirmoqchi. at home. He will like shashlik. U shashlikni yoqtiradi. He will eat shashlik. U shashlik yeydi. He is going to drink tea. U choy ichadi. He will have a new car Unda ertaga yangi tomorrow. mashina bo‘ladi. He will work at hospital. U kasalxonada ishlaydi. He will read a lot of books. U ko‘p kitoblar o‘qiydi. He will listen to music U ishtiyoq bilan musiqa passionately. eshitadi. 93 Jumanazar Khushbakov He will go to Termiz next year. U keyingi yili Termizga boradi. He is going to wash their teeth. U tishlarini yuvmoqchi. He is going to play football with U do‘stlari bilan futbol his friends. o‘ynamoqchi. He will wake up in the U ertalab uyg‘onadi. morning. He will sleep at night. U tunda uxlaydi. He will watch TV. U televizor ko‘radi. He is going to ask a question. U savol so‘ramoqchi. He will answer the questions. U savollarga javob beradi. He will buy a pen/pencil. U ruchka/qalam sotib oladi. He is going to drive the car U mashinani juda sekin very slowly. haydamoqchi. He will explain the rules. U qoidalarni tushuntiradi. He will understand you. U sizni tushunadi. He will start the lesson earlier. U darsni ertaroq boshlaydi. He will finish the lesson late. U darsni kech tugatadi. Main part 3 We will live in Tashkent. Biz Toshkentda yashaymiz. We are going to learn English Biz ingliz tilini tez fast. o‘rganmoqchimiz. We are going to speak Biz ingliz tilida ravon English fluently. gaplashmoqchi. We will cook food deliciously. Biz ovqatni shirin qilib tayyorlaymiz. We will like shashlik. Biz shashlikni yoqtiramiz. We are going to eat shashlik Biz restoranda shashlik at the restaurant. yemoqchimiz. We are going to drink much tea. Biz ko‘p choy ichmoqchimiz. We are going to have a new car Bizda keyingi yili next year. yangi mashina bo‘ladi. 94 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically We are going to work at hospital. Biz kasalxonada ishlamoqchimiz. We are going to read a lot Biz ko‘p kitoblar of books. o‘qimoqchimiz. We are going to listen to music. Biz musiqa eshitmoqchimiz. We will go to Termiz next Biz keyingi oy Termizga month. boramiz. We will wash our teeth. Biz tishlarimizni yuvamiz. We will play football with Biz do‘stlarimiz bilan our friends. futbol o‘ynaymiz. We will wake up in the morning. Biz ertalab uyg‘onamiz. We will sleep at night. Biz tunda uxlaymiz. We are going to watch TV. Biz televizor ko‘rmoqchimiz. We will ask a lot of question. Biz ko‘p savol so‘raymiz. We will answer the questions. Biz savollarga javob beramiz. We will buy a pen/pencil in Biz bozorda ruchka/qalam the market. sotib olamiz. We will drive the car. Biz mashina haydaymiz. We will explain the rules. Biz qoidalarni tushuntiramiz. We will understand you. Biz sizni tushunamiz. We will start the lesson earlier. Biz darsni ertaroq boshlaymiz. We will finish the lesson Biz darsni hoziroq right now. tugatamiz. Main part 4 You will live in Tashkent next Siz keyingi yil Toshkentda year. yashaysiz. You are going to learn English Siz ingliz tilini tez o‘rganasiz. quickly. You will speak English fluently. Siz ingliz tilida ravon gapirasiz. You are going to cook food Siz ertaga ovqat tomorrow. pishirmoqchisiz. 95 Jumanazar Khushbakov You will like shashlik. Siz shashlikni yaxshi ko‘rasiz. You will eat shashlik. Siz shashlik yeysiz. You will drink tea. Siz choy ichasiz. You will have a new car. Sizda yangi mashina bo‘ladi. You will work at hospital. Siz kasalxonada ishlaysiz. You will read a lot of books. Siz ko‘p kitob o‘qiysiz. You are going to listen to music. Siz musiqa eshitmoqchisiz. You will go to Termiz next year. Siz keyingi yil Termizga borasiz. You will wash your teeth. Siz tishlaringizni yuvasiz. You will play football in Siz maydonda futbol the stadium. o‘ynaysiz. You are going to wake up in Siz ertalab uyg‘onasiz. the morning. You are going to sleep at night. Siz tunda uxlamoqchisiz. You are going to watch TV. Siz televizor ko‘rmoqchisiz. You are going to ask a question. Siz savol so‘ramoqchisiz. You will answer the questions. Siz savollarga javob berasiz. You will buy a pen/pencil Siz do‘kondan ruchka/qalam in the store. sotib olasiz. You will drive the car carefully. Siz mashinani ehtiyot bo‘lib haydaysiz. You will explain the rules. Siz qoidalarni tushuntirasiz. You understand me. Siz meni tushunasiz. You will start the lesson earlier. Siz darsni ertaroq boshlaysiz. You are going to finish the Siz darsni tugatasiz. lesson. Main part 5 They are going to live Ular Toshkentda in Tashkent. yashashmoqchi. They will learn English. Ular ingliz tilini o‘rganishadi. They are going to speak English Ular ingliz tilida a’lo excellently. darajada gapirishmoqchi. 96 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically They are going to cook food Ular uyda ovqat pishirishadi. at home. They will like shashlik. Ular shashlikni yoqtirishadi. They are going to eat shashlik. Ular shashlik yeyishadi. They are going to drink tea. Ular choy ichishadi. They will have a new Ularda ertaga yangi car tomorrow. mashina bo‘ladi. They will work at hospital. Ular kasalxonada ishlashadi. They are going to read Ular ko‘p kitoblar o‘qishadi. a lot of books. They will listen to music Ular ishtiyoq bilan passionately. musiqa eshitishadi. They will go to Termiz next year. Ular keyingi yil Termizga borishadi. They will wash their teeth. Ular tishlarini yuvishadi. They are going to play football Ular do‘stlari bilan futbol with their friends. o‘ynashadi. They are going to wake up Ular ertalab uyg‘onmoqchi. in the morning. They are going to sleep at night. Ular tunda uxlamoqchi. They are going to watch TV. Ular televizor ko‘rishadi. They are going to ask a question. Ular savol so‘rashadi. They are going to answer the Ular savollarga javob questions. berishadi. They will buy a pen/pencil. Ular ruchka/qalam sotib olishadi. They are going to drive the car Ular mashinani juda very slowly. sekin haydashadi. They will explain the rules. Ular qoidalarni tushuntirishadi. They will understand you. Ular sizni tushunishadi. They will start the lesson earlier. Ular darsni ertaroq boshlashadi. They will finish the lesson late. Ular darsni kech tugatishadi. 97 Jumanazar Khushbakov Main part 6 Questions & Answers I will live in Tashkent next year. Men keyingi yil Toshkentda yashayman. Will you live in Tashkent next Siz keyingi yil Toshkentda year? yashaysizmi? Yes, I will live in Tashkent Ha, men keyingi yili next year. Toshkentda yashayman. Are you going to live in Spain? Siz Ispaniyada yashamoqchizmi? No, I am not going to live Yo‘q, men Ispaniyada in Spain. yashamoqchi emasman. Will you live in Tashkent? Siz Toshkentda yashaysizmi? Yes, we will live in Tashkent. Ha, biz Toshkentda yashaymiz. Are they going to live Ular Angliyada in England? yashamoqchimi? No, they are not going to live Yo‘q, ular Angliyada in England. yashamoqchi emas. Where are you going to live? Siz qayerda yashamoqchisiz? I am going to live in Tashkent. Men Toshkentda yashamoqchiman. I will learn English eagerly. Men ingliz tilini ishtiyoq bilan o‘rganaman. Will you learn English eagerly? Siz ingliz tilini ishtiyoq bilan o‘rganasizmi? Yes, I will learn English eagerly. Ha, men ingliz tilini ishtiyoq bilan o‘rganaman. Will they learn English? Ular ingliz tilini o‘rganishadimi? Yes, they are going to learn Ha, ular ingliz tilini English. o‘rganishmoqchi. Are you going to learn Spanish? Siz ispan tilini o‘rganmoqchimisiz? 98 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically No, we are not going to Yo‘q, biz ispan tilini learn Spanish. o‘rganmoqchi emasmiz. Are you going to learn Korean? Siz koreys tilini o‘rganmoqchisiz? Yes, I am going to learn Korean. Ha, men koreys tilini o‘rganmoqchiman. What language are you Siz qaysi tilni going to learn? o‘rganmoqchisiz? I am going to learn English. Men ingliz tilini o‘rganmoqchiman. Download 1,62 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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