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Jumanazar Khushbekov 0-2 (1)
Uning ismi Martin edi. He lived in Thailand. U Tailandda yashardi. He was very tiny. U jajjigina edi. U kichina, He was very small, but he was lekin juda ajoyib a very nice monkey. maymun edi. Was it a dog? U kuchuk edimi? No, it wasn’t a dog. Yo‘q, u kuchuk emasdi. Was there an owl? Boyqush bor edimi? No, there wasn’t an owl. Yo‘q, boyqush yo‘q edi. Was there a squirrel? Olmaxon bor edimi? No, there wasn’t a squirrel. Yo‘q, olmaxon yo‘q edi. What was there? Nima bor edi? There was a monkey. Maymun bor edi. What was the monkey’s name? Maymunning ismi nima edi? The monkey’s name was Martin. Maymunning ismi Martin edi. 252 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically Did he live in Spain? U Ispaniyada yashardimi? No, he didn’t live in Spain. Yo‘q, u Ispaniyada yashamasdi. Was he a huge monkey? U juda katta maymun edimi? No, he wasn’t a huge monkey. Yo‘q, u juda katta maymun emasdi. Was he a tiny-tiny ant? U juda juda kichkina chumoli edimi? No, he wasn’t a tiny-tiny ant. Yo‘q, u juda-juda kichkina chumoli emasdi. Was he an enormous elephant? U ulkan fil edimi? No, he wasn’t an enormous Yo‘q, u ulkan fil emasdi. elephant. Was he a big rooster? U katta xo‘roz edimi? No, he wasn’t a big rooster. Yo‘q, u katta xo‘roz emasdi. Was he a nice cat? U ajoyib mushuk edimi? No, he wasn’t a nice cat. Yo‘q, u ajoyib mushuk emasdi. Who was a nice monkey? Kim ajoyib maymun edi? Martin was a very nice monkey. Martin juda ajoyib maymun edi. He had a lot of friends. Uning do‘stlari ko‘p edi. His friends and he loved Uning do‘stlari va u volleyball. But he had voleybol o‘ynashni a problem. He was short yoqtirishardi. Lekin and very tiny. So he wanted uning muammosi bor edi. to be strong and whopping. Uning bo‘yi juda past edi. Shuning uchun u kuchli va katta bo‘lishni xohlardi. Did he have a lot of enemies? Uning ko‘p dushmanlari bor edimi? No, he didn’t have lots Yo‘q, uning dushmanlari of enemies. ko‘p emas edi. 253 Jumanazar Khushbakov Did he have a bank of siblings? Uning aka-ukalari ko‘pmidi? No, he didn’t have a bank Yo‘q, uning aka-ukalari of siblings. ko‘pmas edi. Who had a lot of fans? Kimning muxlislari ko‘p edi? Nobody had a lot of fans. Hech kimning muxlislari ko‘p emas edi. He and his friends loved U va uning do‘stlari cricket, didn’t they? kriketni sevishardi, shunday emasmi? No, they didn’t love cricket, Yo‘q, ular kriketni but they loved volleyball. sevishmasdi, lekin ular voleybolni sevishardi. Did they love surfing Ular sorfing yoki konkida or skating? uchishni yoqtirarmidi? Neither, they loved neither Hech biri, na sorfing na surfing nor skating. konkida uchishni yoqtirardi. What were they crazy about? Ular nimaning ishqibozi edilar? They were crazy about Ular voleybol ishqibozi volleyball. edilar. Were they a big fan of playing Ular pianino va gitara the piano and guitar? chalishning ishqibozi edilarmi? No, they weren’t a big fan Yo‘q, ular pianina va gitara of playing the piano and guitar. chalishning ishqibozi emasdilar. Was his problem that he Uning muammosi semiz was fat and obese? va juda to‘laligidamidi? No, his problem wasn’t that Yo‘q, uning muammosi he was fat and obese. semiz va juda to‘laligida emas edi. 254 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically So, who desired to be Shuday qilib, kim kuchli powerful and whopping? va katta bo‘lishni xohlardi? Of course, Martin, Martin Albatta Martin, Martin yearned to be powerful kuchli va katta bo‘lishni and whopping xohlardi. All the friends wanted Hamma do‘stlari unga to assist him. They all gave yordam berishni xohlardi. different ideas. He had his Hammasi har xil fikrlar parents. His parents were berishdi. Uning ota-onasi also very tiny. The parents bor edi. Uning ota-onasi said: “It’s impossible for you ham juda kichkina edilar. to be whopping and strong. Ota-onalari dediki: You have to give up your “Seni kuchli va katta this dream”. bo‘lishing mumkin emas. Sen bu orzuyingdan voz kechishing kerak”. Who yearned to give Kim unga yordam berishni a hand to him? xohlardi? All the friends yearned Hamma do‘stlari unga to give a hand to him. yordam berishni xohlardi. Did they want to help him? Ular unga yordam berishni xohlarmidilar? Yeap, they desired to help him. Ha, ular unga yordam berishni juda xohlashardi. Did they give the same ideas? Ular bir xil fikr bildirishdimi? No, they didn’t give the Yo‘q, ular bir xil fikr same ideas. bildirishmadi. Did he have his siblings? Uning aka-ukalari bor edimi? I have no idea about his Menda uning aka-ukalari siblings, but he has his parents. haqida hech qanday ma’lumot yo‘q, lekin uning ota-onasi bor edi. 255 Jumanazar Khushbakov Were his parents also Uning ota-onasi ham juda tiny-tiny monkeys? kichkina maymunlar edilarmi? Absolutely, they were tiny-tiny Shubhasiz, ular ham monkeys like their son. bolasidek juda kichkina maymunlar edilar. Did they say “It’s impossible Ular sening ulkan va for you to be whopping kuchli bo‘lishingning iloji and strong”? yo‘q deb aytishdimi? Yes, they said: “It’s impossible Ha, ular sening ulkan va for you to be whopping katta bo‘lishning iloji yo‘q and strong”. deb aytishdi. Did they say “You’ve to Ular sen orzuingdan voz give up your dream”? kechishing kerak deb aytishdimi? Yes, his parents said: “you’ve Ha, uning ota-onasi sen bu to give up this dream”. orzuingdan voz kechishing kerak deb aytishdi. He got upset, but his friends U xafa bo‘ldi, lekin uning encouraged and inspired him. do‘stlari uni qo‘llab They said: “there’s no such quvvatlashdi. Deyishdiki: thing possible”. He was in “Imkoni yo‘q narsaning a dilemma. He had a dilemma. o‘zi yo‘q”. U chorasiz He’s in a difficult situation qolgan edi. U qiyin where he didn’t know what vaziyatda qolgan edi, to choose. He felt confused. chunki u nimani tanlashni He needed self-confidence. bilmasdi. U sarosimada edi. Unga o‘ziga ishonch kerak edi. Did he get bored or did he U zerikkanmidi yoki get excited? xursandmidi? Neither. He got upset. Hech qaysisi. U xafa edi. 256 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically Whose friends encouraged Kimning do‘stlari uni and inspired him? ruhlantirishdi? His friends empowered, Uning do‘stlari uni encouraged and inspired him. ruhlantirishdi. What did they say? Ular nima deyishdi? They said: “there’s no Ular imkonsiz narsaning such thing called impossible” o‘zi yo‘q deyishdi. Was he in a dilemma? U chorasiz qolganmidi? Yes, he was in a dilemma. Ha, u ikkilanayotgan edi. Was he in a good situation? U yaxshi vaziyatda edimi? No, vice versa, he was in Yo‘q, aksincha, u yomon a bad and difficult situation va qiyin vaziyatda edi. Did he know what to choose U qiyin vaziyatda nimani in a difficult situation? tanlashni bilardimi? No, he didn’t know what Yo‘q, u qiyin vaziyatda to choose in a difficult situation. nimani tanlashni bilmasdi. Who felt confused? Kim dovdirab qoldi? Martin felt confused. Martin dovdirab qoldi. Did he need self-confidence? Unga o‘ziga ishonch kerak edimi? Yes, he needed self-confidence. Ha, unga o‘ziga ishonch kerak edi. Was it important for him O‘ziga ishonch u uchun to feel confident? muhim edimi? Yes, it was necessary for Ha, o‘ziga isonch u uchun him to feel confident. muhim edi. Anyway, he decided to go Baribir, u gimnastika zaliga to the gym. At the gym he borishga qaror qildi. worked out. He ate meal. U yerda tinmay mashq qildi. He consumed dairy products. U turli xil taomlar iste’mol He ate a lot. He exercised qildi. U sutli mahsulotlar at the same time. After one iste’mol qildi. U ko‘p ovqat year nothing changed. yedi. U bir vaqtda mashq 257 Jumanazar Khushbakov He said: “Hm… it seems qildi. Bir yildan keyin impossible”. And he became hech narsa o‘zgarmadi. very depressed. U dedi: “Buning iloji He had a depression. yo‘q ko‘rinadi“. Va u juda tushkunlikka tushdi. Unda depressiya holati bor edi. Did he commit to go U gimnastika zaliga to the gym? borishga qaror qildimi? Yes, he decided to go to the gym. Ha, u gimnastika zaliga borishga qaror qildi. Where did he work out? U qayerda shug‘ullandi? At the stadium? Right? Maydonda, to‘g‘rimi? No, he worked out at the gym. Yo‘q, u gimnastika zalida shug‘ullandi. Did he eat vegetables U sabzavot va mevalar and fruits? yedimi? No, he ate neither of them, Yo‘q, u ularning hech instead, he ate meat and birini yemadi. O‘rniga consumed diary products. u go‘sht va sutli mahsulotlar iste’mol qildi. Did he eat a little? U ozgina yedimi? No, he ate a lot Yo‘q, u ko‘p yedi. Did he exercise simultaneously? U bir xil paytda mashq qildimi? Yes, he exercised simultaneously. Ha, u bir paytda mashq qildi. Did anything change Bir yildan keyin biror after one year? narsa o‘zgardimi? Unfortunately, nothing Afsuski, bir yildan keyin changed after one year. ham hech narsa o‘zgarmadi. Did he say: U buning imkoni bor “Hm… it is possible”? ko‘rinadi dedimi? 258 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically No, he said: Yo‘q, u imkonsiz tuyuldi “Hm… it seems impossible”. deb aytdi. Who became stressed out? Kim asabiylashdi? Martin became stressed out. Martin asabiylashdi. Did he have a depression? Unda depressiya holati bor edimi? Yes, he had a depression. Ha, unda depressiya holati bor edi. He wanted to visit his friends. U do‘stlarinikiga tashrif He was going to end the buyurishni xohladi. friendship with all of his U barcha do‘stlari bilan friends. On the way to his do‘stlik rishtalarini friends’ houses, he saw uzmoqchi edi. Yo‘l-yo‘lakay a beautiful girl. She was u bir chiroyli qizni ko‘rdi. very whopping. She was U juda ham katta edi. so beautiful. He stared at her. U juda chiroyli edi. However, she didn’t look at all. U unga tikilib qaradi. Lekin u unga umuman qaramadi. Did he desire to visit U qo‘shnilarini ko‘rishni his neighbours? xohladimi? No, he didn’t visit his Yo‘q, u qo‘shnilarini neighbours. ko‘rishni xohlamadi. Was he going to finish the U hamma do‘stlari bilan friendship with all of do‘stligini tugatmoqchi his friends? edimi? He was going to finish the U hamma do‘stlari bilan friendship with all do‘stligini tugatmoqchi of his friends. edi. Where did he see an U qayerda maftunkor qizni attractive girl? ko‘rdi? On the way his friends’ Do‘stlarining uyiga houses, he saw a beautiful girl ketayotganida u chiroyli qizni ko‘rdi. 259 Jumanazar Khushbakov Was she big, huge, whopping U katta, juda katta, ulkan and enormous? edimi? Yes, she was big, huge, Ha, u katta, ulkan va whopping and enormous. haybatli edi. Did he look at her? U unga qaradimi? Yes, he stared at her Ha, u unga tikilib qaradi. Did she stare too? U ham unga qaradimi? No, she didn’t look at all Yo‘q, u unga umuman qaramadi. He said: “I love this girl, U aytdi: “Men bu qizni but now I can’t go to her”. sevaman, lekin uni oldiga He said to himself: bora olmayman. “I do nothing but achieve U o‘ziga o‘zi aytdi: the desired body”. This time “Men hech nima he went to the best gym, qilmayman, lekin orzu because he really had qilgan qomatga a burning desire. He enjoyed erishaman”. Bu safar while eating meat. u eng zo‘r gimnastika After 2 months he was zaliga bordi. U go‘sht also whopping. yeyayotganida rohatlandi. 2 oydan keyin u ham haybatli bo‘ldi. Did he say “I hate this girl”? U men bu qizni yomon ko‘raman dedimi? No, he didn’t say like that. Yo‘q, u unday demadi. Did he dislike her? U uni yomon ko‘rarmidi? No, he loved that girl. Yo‘q, u o‘sha qizni sevardi. What did he say to himself? U o‘ziga o‘zi nima dedi? He said to himself: U o‘ziga o‘zi dedi: “Men “I do nothing but achieve hech narsa qilmayman, the desired body”. lekin orzu qilgan qomatga erishaman”. Did he go to the worst theatre? U eng yomon teatrga bordimi? 260 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically Oh no, he didn’t go to the Yo‘q, u eng yomon teatrga worst theatre but he went bormadi, lekin eng yaxshi to the best gym sport zaliga bordi. Why did he go to the best gym? U nima uchun eng yaxshi sport zaliga bordi? Because he really had Chunki unda haqiqatdanda a burning desire to be whopping. kuchli xohish bor edi. Did he enjoy while eating U murabbo va banan jam and banana? yeyayotgan paytida rohatlandimi? No, he didn’t enjoy while Yo‘q, u murabbo va banan eating jam and banana. yeyayotgan paytida rohatlanmadi. When did he become U qachon katta va kuchli whopping and strong? bo‘ldi? After 2 months, he became 2 oydan keyin u ulkan va huge and powerful. kuchli bo‘ldi. He met that girl again. U yana o‘sha qizni uchratdi. He said: “I’m a whopping U dedi: “Men bahaybat monkey. I love you”. maymunman. Men seni sevaman”. The girl monkey said: Qiz dedi: “Sen juda “You are so handsome. kelishgansan. Men I also love you”. ham seni sevaman”. He summoned all his friends. U hamma do‘stlarini They had a huge party chaqirdi. Ular birgalikda together. He proved himself katta ziyofat qilishdi. that he could achieve his goal. U o‘ziga-o‘zi maqsadga erishish mumkin ekanligini isbotladi. Did he bump into that U o‘sha qizga yana duch girl again? keldimi? Yes, he met that girl again. Ha, u o‘sha qizga yana duch keldi. 261 Jumanazar Khushbakov Was he a whopping monkey? U katta maymun edimi? Yes, he was a whopping and Ha, u katta va ulkan giant monkey. maymun edi. Did he say: U “Men senga oshiqman” “I’m crazy about you”? deb aytdimi? Yes, he said: “I love you”. Ha, u “Men seni sevaman” deb aytdi. What was the answer? Uning javobi nima edi? The answer was: Javobi esa shunday edi: “I also love you”. “Men ham seni sevaman”. Who said: Kim “Sen juda ajoyibsan” “you are so gorgeous”? dedi? The girl said: Qiz dedi: “Sen juda “you are so handsome”. kelishgansan”. Who summoned all his friends? Kim hamma do‘stlarini chaqirdi? Martin summonded his friends. Martin do‘stlarini chaqirdi. Who had a huge party? Kim katta ziyofat uyushtirdi? They had a huge party. Ular katta ziyofat uyushtirdi. Who proved himself that Kim o‘ziga o‘zi maqsadiga he could gain his goal? erishishi mumkin ekanligini isbotladi? Martin proved himself that Martin o‘ziga-o‘zi maqsadiga he could get his goal. erishishi mumkin ekanligini isbotladi. Did he prove himself that U o‘ziga o‘zi maqsadiga he could reach his goal? erishishi mumkinligini isbotladimi? Yes, he proved himself that Ha, u o‘ziga o‘zi maqsadiga he could achieve his goal. erishishi mumkinligini isbotladi. 262 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically And he was so whopping. And he encountered a very beautiful monkey. They became very happy together. And that’s all for the mini story. And I want you to listen to the mini story many many times today, maybe 5 times, maybe 6 times, answer the questions. Move your body. Have a huge smile. Breathe deeply. Answer the questions. That’s all for the mini story. Bye-bye! POV A monkey wants to be whopping Hi, this is me, Jumanazar KhB. This lesson is going to be a POV lesson. As usual, you are going to listen to the same story in different point of views. During the POV lesson, I want you to move your body, to breathe deeply, grin, have a strong posture. So let’s start with the past story. There was a monkey. His name was Martin. He lived in Thailand. He was very tiny. He was small, but he was a very nice monkey. He had a lot of friends. His friends and he loved volleyball. But he had a problem. He was short and very tiny. So he wanted to be strong and whopping. All the friends wanted to assist him. They all gave different ideas. He had his parents. His parents were also very tiny. The parents said: “It’s impossible for you to be whopping and strong. You have to give up your dream”. He got upset, but his friends encouraged and inspired him. They said: “there’s no such thing called impossible”. He was in a dilemma. He had a dilemma. He’s in a difficult situation where he didn’t know what to choose. He felt confused. He needed self-confidence. Anyway, he decided to go to the gym. At the gym he worked out. He ate meat. He consumed dairy products. He ate a lot. He exercised at the same time. After one year nothing changed. He said: “Hm…it seems impossible”. And he became very depressed. He had a depression. He wanted to visit his friends. He was going 263 Jumanazar Khushbakov to end the friendship with all of his friends. On the way to his friends’ houses, he saw a beautiful girl. She was very whopping. He stared at her. However, she didn’t look at all. He said: “I love this girl, but now I can’t go to her”. He said to himself: “I do nothing but achieve the desired body”. This time he went to the best gym, because he really had a burning desire. He enjoyed while eating meat. After 2 months he was also whopping. He met that beautiful monkey again. He said: “I’m a whopping monkey. I love you”. The monkey said: “You are so handsome. I also love you”. He summoned all his friends. They had a huge party together. He proved himself that he could achieve his goal. He became very happy with that beautiful monkey. So, you just listened to the story imagining that this story already happned. Now turn to the present. There is a monkey. His name is Martin. He lives in Thailand. He is very tiny. He is small, but he is a very nice monkey. He has a lot of friends. He love his friends and volleyball. But he has a problem. He is short and very tiny. So he wants to be strong and whopping. All the friends want to assist him. They all give different ideas. He has his parents. His parents are also very tiny. The parents say: “It’s impossible for you to be whopping and strong. You have to give up your dream”. He gets upset, but his friends encourage and inspire him. They say: “there’s no such thing called impossible”. He is in a dilemma. He has a dilemma. He’s in a difficult situation where he doesn’t know what to choose. He feels confused. He needs self-confidence. Anyway, he decides to go to the gym. At the gym he works out. He eats meat. He consumes dairy products. He eats a lot. He exercises at the same time. After one year nothing changes. He says: “Hm… it seems impossible”. And he becomes very depressed. He has a depression. He wants to visit his friends. He is going to end the friendship with all of his friends. On the way to his friends’ houses, he sees a beautiful girl. She is very whopping. He stares at her. However, she doesn’t look at all. 264 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically He says: “I love this girl, but now I can’t go to her”. He says to himself: “I do nothing but achieve the desired body”. This time he goes to the best gym, because he really has a burning desire. He enjoys while eating meat. After 2 months he is also whopping. He meets that beautiful monkey again. He says: “I’m a whopping monkey. I love you”. The monkey says: “You are so handsome. I also love you”. He summons all his friends. They have a huge party together. He proves himself that he can achieve his goal. He becomes very happy with that beautiful monkey. Ok, we just listened to the story in the present. Now we will listen to listen to the story in the future. We are going to imagine this story will happen some time in the future. There will be a monkey. His name will be Martin. He will live in Thailand. He will be very tiny. He is going to be small, but he will be a very nice monkey. He is going to have a lot of friends. His friends and he will love volleyball. But he will have a problem. He will be short and very tiny. So he will want to be strong and whopping. All the friends will want to assist him. They all are going to give different ideas. He will have his parents. His parents will also be very tiny. The parents will say: “It’s impossible for you to be whopping and strong. You have to give up your this dream”. He is going to get upset, but his friends are going to encourage and inspire him. They are going to say: “there’s no such thing called impossible”. He will be in a dilemma. He will have a dilemma. He will be in a difficult situation where he will not know what to choose. He will feel confused. He is going to need self-confidence. Anyway, he will decide to go to the gym. At the gym he is going to work out. He will eat meat. He is going to consume dairy products. He will eat a lot. He is going to exercise at the same time. After one year nothing will change. He will say: “Hm… it seems impossible”. And he will become very depressed. He will have a depression. He will want to visit his friends. He will go to the end the friendship with all of his friends. On the way to his 265 Jumanazar Khushbakov friends’ houses, he is going to see a beautiful girl. She will be very whopping. He will stare at her. However, she will not look at all. He will say: “I love this girl, but now I can’t go to her”. He is going to say to himself: “I do nothing but achieve the desired body”. This time he will go to the best gym, because he will really have a burning desire. He will enjoy while eating meat. After 2 months, he will also be whopping. He is going to meet that beautiful monkey again. He will say: “I’m a whopping monkey. I love you”. The female monkey will say: “You are so handsome. I also love you”. He will summon all his friends. They are going to have a huge party together. He will prove himself that he can achieve his goal. He is going to become very happy with that beautiful monkey. So we just listened to the POV lesson. Listen to the POV and mini story lessons many times. Remember you have got to listen to each lesson set at least 20 times a week. So listen to the lessons at least for 1 or 2 hours every day for every week or more. That’s all for the POV. Thank you very much. See you next time. Bye-bye! Download 1.62 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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